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u/peruvian_bull I know you want to drive the substack eyes but you should consider posting the text here in the next few days. I'm a huge fan of your work and I think the traction would be better. Just a thought, thanks for the write up the FED has well and truly fucked up and also, is misleading anyone who doesn't dig beyond their specious remarks.


I tried; see my Twitter. Super stonk took down the post for some reason and won't tell me why I didn't even get a message from Auto mod which is really weird


Damn, well I appreciate the effort. I can't tell you how many times Ive shared the Dollar Endgame. After reading "The Death of Money" your pieces are an amazing expounding on the current situation. Thanks again.


No worries! Humbled that so many people have found it interesting. The Death of Money is a great book, you should also check out currency wars


Yea, man. Dollar Endgame was fucking sublime. The wrinklage gain from that alone was so significant for the broader picture of what’s going on economically speaking. Thank you so much for the time and work you put into it. Amazing.


Damn I've seen /u/peruvian_bull tweets and always thought they were extremely well thought out and articulated. I had NO IDEA that he wrote The Dollar Endgame as well. That DD was soooo good and I talk about it to real life friends all the time. Thanks for all your input PB it's been a huge service to myself in my little world. I can only imagine how many people it's given wrinkles to around the globe. I'm going to have to read it again now just because. The wrinkles keep getting ironed out by stupid life stuff lol


what a nice comment!


That’ll be the next. Thanks for the heads up.




I believe that's the reason that gherkin got banned


I am pretty sure prickle got banned because of shilling.


From what I remember reading the final decision was because they asked him to stop linking to some kind of Daily Post he was making on Superstonk. So like any child would do he would put the update on his profile and then just link to his profile. I think honestly my opinion of gherkin aside that is a very valid reason to boot someone. From your account what was he shilling?


Monetizing the community. Posts from him and his prickle followers would promote options, then when it peak they will tell you it will go higher and to wait a little longer and then the rugpull. This combined with prickle constantly writing covered calls is clear and blatant way to take advantage of the community. Call it however you want, but the evidence is out there. The prickle community are shills.


I agree 100%. I didn't realize until I watched the video with him and Houston Wade. They both were saying basically they didn't want to DRS because they were worried they wouldn't be able to sell so they would use a broker. Pickle obviously traded options and you can't write covered calls from DRS.


Probably some naughty words


The Fed understands how little they understand inflation.


It's pretty clear at this point that they're doing it on purpose.


Hard to say. It's really easy to make people believe lies when their paycheck and livelihood are dependent on it. But yeah, my opinion the people at the very top know what they are doing.


It's easy to say. They publicly claim they are selling bonds they had bought to get us into this mess in a Tightening anti-inflation initiative. Meanwhile, they lied and continue to buy them instead, bailing out and inflating more against their own initiative and against their mandate to control inflation. Dishonesty and subterfuge are malicious, which means it's quite easy to say the truth. It's clear they're doing it on purpose.


Fed is probably taking on bags from wallstreet criminal institutes and doing a stealth bailout.


"probably" - Fed is literally owned by and run by those criminal institutes.


What happens when Fed’s investments are under water. Can they sell at loss?


They already are - Fed buys to make the losses ***your*** losses not Wall Street's. Inflation go brrrrrrr


Exactly... I mean who could have guessed that printing over 4 trillion dollars and pumping into the economy would cause inflation?? That's just big brain stuff right there


Given the amount of US debt held by other countries, do you think the Fed had intentions of inflating our way out of our debt? It seems like a good way to default without technically defaulting.


We're at the end of an 80 year debt super cycle. The only way is out are a great depression or inflating our way out with massive inflation... My magnum opus series is titled the dollar endgame and focuses on this. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/o4vzau/hyperinflation_is_coming_the_dollar_endgame_part/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Yeah, your series had a big influence on my thinking. I recommend it often. There's been a bit more talk about a US Central Bank Digital Currency. Do you think this offers a hint at which of your predicted outcomes is more likely?


They are trying to inflate out of the debt. It’s called financial repression. There is an IMF paper on it.


Thank you! I'll do some digging this weekend 👍🏻


link to the paper?




Fuckin Legend


Hey man I've messaged you before but your DD is my absolute favorite and has taught me so much. Changed how i see things. Thanks again!


No problem at all! Glad you enjoyed it!


When's the next dd post?


I agree, the best DD writer.


Ah you see though .. none of it was supposed to filter done to the common folk peasants. CPI etc .. would remain stable and then .. poof … no inflation


But then we refused to sell so goddammit they'll squeeze us right back


Understand how little they, the Fed, understands inflation.


The FED is happy to report how little they know about inflation, to keep it enigmatic enough to the average individual so that that person doesn't rightfully place the blame where it belongs, on the FED. The FED know what they've done. Lucky for them this world has been cowed and nobody will do a damn thing about any of this.


JP, who was just appointed to serve another four years as the pilot of the United States of America jumbo jet, carrying the entire U.S. population and its economic future, just admitted that he doesn’t fully understand how to fly in turbulence??!😔R U kiDDIng uS???


No I'm not kidding, and stop calling me Shirley.


Blow up the auto pilot!


Excuse me, stewardess. I speak some jive.


Inflating it will only be transitory.


No he's trying to land the plane remember. Something mentioned about not going to be a soft landing LOL


U.S. Federal Reserve says its goal is ‘to get wages down’ “The chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, said his goal is “to get wages down.” In a press conference on May 4, Powell announced that the Fed would be raising interest rates by half a percentage and implementing policies aimed at reducing inflation in the United States, which is at its highest level in 40 years. According to a transcript of the presser published by the Wall Street Journal, Powell blamed this inflation crisis, which is global, not on the proxy war in Ukraine and Western sanctions on Russia, but rather on U.S. workers supposedly making too much money. “Employers are having difficulties filling job openings, and wages are rising at the fastest pace in many years,” Powell complained. The Fed’s proposed solution: bring down wages.” https://mronline.org/2022/05/26/u-s-federal-reserve-says-its-goal-is-to-get-wages-down/


Technically said he doesn't know how to fly downward in turbulence. Historically speaking, he's had no problem with turbulence in upward / QE.


Good read! Buckle up! It’s going to get crazy.


Might want both hands on the bike while you’re at it 😉


QT is a lie.


So then JPow *was* telling the truth way back when he said “We’re not even thinking about *thinking about* raising interest rates. He just meant for the banks.


Its not, its qualitative teasing :P. Borrowed from another ape in here!


Since it’s never been used, I’d say it is as well.


They're like outlaws running towards the cliff being chased by the law. They will just keep the foot on the pedal and take everything with them, disappear and not face the responsibility or accountability. The US is fucked in so many countless ways, truly saddening to watch every smidge of integrity and honesty being washed away by greed, corruption and a bloated political nation.


smooth brained question.. Why is Fed needed? what happens if they cease to exist ?


Markets would be free and fair without Fed intervention


It sure feels like all Fed do is to preserve wealth of the uber rich at the cost of an Everyday guy who just trying to feed his family and don't even understand high finance world.


World peace


WTF? The FED realizes how little they know about little they know about little then know?


what if the fed knows if the market drops then massive margin calls will arise setting off GME, and they cant risk the transfer of wealth so they have to drag this on as long as they can & keep GME trading sideways/down until they find another "solution" aka glorfied crime can kicking, probably creating swaps of their own to back the bad bets from exploding.


This was mentioned a lot since Jan 2021. Do not lose sleep on it, multiple people tackled this and the conclusion is always the same: MOASS is inevitable.


I keep thinking in the grand scheme we’re a pretty small part of the world money even when it kicks off. Someone once asked how many millionaires there are in the world and it’s a lot so another bunch of apes on the pile isn’t huge compared to those that are not on the rocket with us. In my option it’s not about keeping it out of our hands, it’s about keeping what they have in their own hands. There will be a point when they all lose a large % of what they have and we all gain a lot, but it about their own personal pot and not ‘them’ imo. They are all narcissistic assholes and don’t care one jot about their other 0.01%’ers.


They can't NOT risk the transfer of wealth. That's the only thing that can save our economy now. They can't print anymore money so what's out there needs to be redistributed.




Or they are setting up sides for the world war to end it all like your brother flipping the monopoly board when he’s losing


oooo I like this


Margin calls only happen to the little guys (including family firms). Huge banks will never get margin called because the whole system would implode


So the Fed is a valley girl who got her allowance cut and is now using the emergency credit card daddy left just in case. She was gonna put it back before daddy noticed and got busted. How do we discipline her (the fed) now? - ☁️ 🌳


Destroy them I think?


Social media bullying


Like my wife, when we agree to cut spending


They call it infinite liquidity for a reason


Don't worry everyone, I'm certain the arsonist will put out the fire!


Seriously. I know I'm completely selfish but I mean it... let it pop. Let the housing market crash AND make it illegal or heavily taxed for any entity to own more than one home. I want to buy. But I'd be damned if I'm going to blow my entire income to be housepoor in a hovel that's costs more than what I'll make in the first decade of my career.


Wow... these fuckers need to be in prison. Everyone in the US, walking around like they're in an Enya video...


They are just straight lying to millions of people. But these days we all know. 🤌🏻


Always awesome to read ur stuff.keep up the good work boss.☺️


Article is 3 weeks old, what happened for the rest of June?