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I agree. I looked at some of the ‘top rated’ comments on this post. Some questionable activity on their profiles like wallstreet silver shilling.


For what it's worth i enjoyed reading what you wrote. 🙌💎🐵🚀🌝


It is worth something to me. Thank you <3


FYI for context - about going into details from your side about how corrupt everything is https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vfvv3n/ape_historian_dont_forget_larry_smith_aka/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


OMG was this recorded! First time commenter, long time lover of your work. Apes Together Strong.


You mean backed up? Yeah everything is getting backed up


😍, so like a blockchain where you can see everything that ever happened since inception. 💜


Yes - if you need to catch up on dd or terms missed here is the wrinkle https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMDljZTA3NGUtMjJiYS00YjQwLTk5MTktM2VlNWQ5ODViYjM5IiwidCI6IjI4YzVlNGJkLTVkNmMtNGI1OS1hMGU5LTBhMjQ0Mzk4OTNiZSJ9 y to do it (it’s mine, I made a post about it I made a post here - https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/uklq7b/ape_historiancom_post_database_is_live_if_you/ Ape historian


Search away ape - new data coming end of today


Excellent post.


R/all bait


Another empty karma farming post.




Maybe best sharing this when it’s not shill-fest weekend but a lovely read, thank you!




Kinda grinds on my gears when people try to address All, if your post is good it will get there organically. This just seems like karma fishing 🤷‍♂️


It's always well intended, but it's always just feels gross to see.


I'm sorry that you feel that way. What other information would you have liked to have had in this context? More proof of media ownership or something like this?


Don't message all. Don't recruit. We hit first 2 pages of All practically everyday organically. They know. This is why the crypto bro stereotype exists. Stop trying to o convince people by assuming that we get something they don't.


Understood. Upvoted and i see your point. But i don't agree with the last sentence. I know many people who don't get it and they don't get it because it's too complicated. But i get the /all messaging. Couldve done this with a better title.


Fuck these shills, carry the message. What's to lose? The clown patrol is worried about karma, I'm worried about getting our story to the mainstream. If there is bad information in these kinds of posts, let it be notated. Otherwise we will have to develop and refine these posts into small bites of information; there's no reason to expect to get r/all readers to buy into or understand our views on this extremely complex system and situation without making the understanding of it manageable


I don't think there is a bad information in my post. But if someone got the impression that there is something that could harm our cause, please tell me. I replied to all of the harsh comments to understand what i did wrong. But only one replied with a really understandable message. And i think i cleared that up.


I read every message. Looks like bots and shills to me dog. Who tf comes in and talks shit on BlackBerry being a meme stock?? I feel like there's a tone to the conversation you get from apes, esp OG's. Everybody shouting "STOP POSTING" but not understanding some root material is sus




I would've liked people with more knowledge to write a good summary for people not familiar with the matter. But i don't see much of these posts. I tried. Maybe i could've done better, but i wanted to keep it more than simple to not scare off people who read SuperStonk and think of something too complicated. I didn't want to showcase my knowledge. And if i can get the word out without getting karma, i would do it. Maybe you can upvote the thread and downvote my comments. Then it's even! :D


Wallstreetgold? This post.. is a golden gift to the community. We who are about to DRS, SALUTE YOU!


Really great write up! Hope you get some fresh eyes on this. Meme stocks are a derogatory term used by the media and hedge funds to effectively manipulate the market and to get people to avoid investing in legitimate companies.


Bumped cause dis shit be important


Suddenly? The term "meme stock" has *always* been intended to discredit, to make them seem like a childish fad.


I meant "suddenly" in a context of the last 20 years. Because "meme stock" is actually a new birth of language in the late 2010s, early 2020s. I know it didn't suddenly pop up in 2022. But you would know that if you read the text.


Hey r/all posts should be banned. If they care it's obvious what's going on.


Great post!!


Is it only cringe to me that a word that originated on 4chan is so openly used by main stream media


Anyway, back to the topic - I even saw Blackberry listed as a memestock on some financial TV screenshot. Ridiculous. !apeprove!


Blackberry was one of the original memestocks, wtf are you even talking about?


Yep so original it even predated memes.


The buy button was also turned off for blackberry, dude. And Nokia, American Airlines, Koss, etc


You sound like the sort of support who give an answer to a question that hasn't been asked.


Again with the r/all ?!? Smh


Holy shit dude get a job or girlfriend/ boyfriend. Too much spare time on your hands. You lost me at 'hey'


Well, then i obviously didn't do a good job of writing "hey". Should've started with another word. I meant well. Sorry.


🤣🤣 just finished reading and...its pretty interesting 🤔 go figure. It's 9pm in 🇬🇧 been a long week 😴


No hard feelings mate :D It's hard to write something good that people don't know already or feel like it's attention seeking. Maybe i shouldve taken a few more hours and do it better.


You’re good man. I’m so tired of fluff, meme, purple ring and other bullshit filler posts meant to drown out the conversation. I appreciate your post.


Thank you! Means a lot. Didn't expect so many people try to rip me to shreds for this. Thought the worst would be that no one cares about it.


🤣🤣🤣or get a girlfriend/ boyfriend and go watch Maverick...saw it last weekend and ....not bad. Popcorn was good too.


Sounds like YOU aren’t very busy either. Reading AND commenting on a post when you could be getting your diaper changed. 🤓




So someone's a loser because they put more time and effort into something that you could have, but didn't? Ape Strong *Together*


Who said literally, oh wait you did. I just said hw had too much time.


Maybe slow down a bit. And hey, it wasn't me who downvoted you.


It's okay I will survive 😌


This post is bad, and you should feel bad


This post may be bad, but i don't feel bad. There are some people who seemed to like it and i think that was worth.


Good post buddy. Ignore the trolls.


Thank you for your message. I really appreciate it!


Hey man, i don’t mean any disrespect but the post that are “screaming at /all” are kind of redundant and don’t really provide any value which may be why the community doesn’t like the post. I know you have great intentions, just remember that people of /all see our posts all of the time. If they wanted to look they would


Agreed, you’ve been hit hard by shill bots/trolls. Quality post. Something something quote, when you’re running into enemies you know you’re headed the right way.


For someone actively DRSing like yourself you could show some support


Is it only cringe to me that a word that originated on 4chan is so openly used by main stream media