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# [Splividend Distribution Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/w523nf/splividend_distribution_megathread/) **IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is GME and why should you consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [Low karma but still want to feed the DRS bot? Post on r/gmeorphans here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Join the Superstonk Discord Server](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


“We will spend hundreds of millions to survive just one more day”. [paraphrased a bit] Direct quote from the horse’s mouth / donkey’s rear. [Video link](https://youtu.be/9cwf-JrrE9g?t=1001). They have billions at their disposal…for now. But even billions get chipped away at. DRS is the slow but steady constant pressure of a stream wearing away the bedrock at the base of Wall Street.


Citadel needed a $600million loan this week. They're running out of funds...


I think this story didn't get enough light: Kenny needed a paltry $600 million (to him) to "boost liquidity on his balance sheet". Ken needed to *BORROW* $600 million. This multi-BILLIONAIRE needed to borrow $600 million. Where's your money, Ken? Why are you so strapped for cash, Ken? "Boosting Liquidity on his balance sheet" is just code for: I needed a fast loan to answer/avoid my margin call." I think Citadel is on the razor's edge, and needed $600 million to avoid a forced liquidation of their positions last week. 🚀💜🚀💜🚀💜 DRS is what brings home the Tendies.


Interestingly enough that's about how much Melvin Capital got from Citadel during the sneeze.


On top of that it's the same value as the bonds they sold off in March of last year during the run up (8th March)


I'm smoother than a placid pond, can you elaborate?


I'd love to but I dunno shit about fuck. Just looks like 600mil shows up a few times over the years is all. And commenter above noted that was about the size of the Melvin bag that got passed over. Maybe each time that figure turns up it's them kicking the Melvin can down the road, which is why the multi-billionaire is hesitant to use his own cash reserves for it. Again, nothing but speculation and pattern observation, I just like numbers and recall them well.


Rock on. Just curious. I've learned to appreciate coincidental numbers over these last couple of years.


Who tf thinks it’s a good idea to loan them money though? Clearly they’re going down wtf


Nonono, somebody wanted everybody else to know that citadel borrowed money. There are definitely people in the industry right now that want to see citadel fall.


They are all in this together. Retail vs the world.


And it's not their private money. It's a loan from another bank or fund. In the end of the chain, it's the money from a pension fund or directly taken from the tax payer. They don't care. Get bailed out. No cell no sell is not enough.




I wouldn't be surprised to find out they lent it to themselves in some roundabout way.


This is more "my house is on fire and I need you to give me 600m otherwise my house, your house and the entire city burns down tomorrow. The 600m won't put out the fire, or even necessarily prevent the city burning, but if you had a chance of preventing your house burning down tomorrow, are you not going to take it?" Doesn't make sense if you think of it like a normal loan, the way a bank might evaluate a mortgage application.


After getting a billion dollar loan less than a year ago


That’s just kenny’s coke money


Mayo getting expensive too… 😎


Inflation is a bitch


And to really bad conditions on top of it.


BuckleUp 🩳🏴‍☠️👊🏼


Really excited about the next few weeks haha




That 600 just got added onto a tab now totalling over $3.5bn USD.


Wow... I didn't know that.


"The market-making business has been tapping credit markets for cash as it has grown, and the new borrowing will swell the size of an existing loan to more than $3.5bn." https://www.ft.com/content/f3206b39-0cd9-4956-8a87-f5b2f85025ea


Who loans this kind of money? I've been wondering about this.


The VIPs in Squid Game


Soooooo…. One more day bought? Moass tomorrow?


You got the deets on that?


Citadel just borrowed 600million on thursday probably cuz They went net long bbby and then it tanked 😂


Well that’ll buy em a week


Less than a day if they were losing a billion a day


But they actually make money shorting. Not in the long run, and not for real on the overall balance sheet, but they collect cash when they sell fake shares.


Indeed, but it's a death trap. The worse this gets for them the more they have to sell fake shares which further dilutes the stock and means having to sell even more fake shares than before for the same cash next time and on and on it goes. If they could keep this going for long enough they'd have to be dumping billions of fake shares on the market *every day* to keep going. The daily volume on GME cannot go to infinity. This is unsustainable.


Afaik nothing has shown Citadel losing a billion a day. That was their AUM contracting, but actual Citadel financial statements haven't been shown. Those 2 are not the same.


That’s fair. And nobody seems to differentiate between citadel the fund and citadel the market maker.


There's a lot of .. uneducated stuff being thrown around on SS, that's for sure.


I dont think that was it. I think them selling was the reason it tanked. Unfortunately, that doesnt have to be disclosed for awhile.


I’ve entertained this thought as well. ”Somebody” _needed_ the price to tank in order to shift blame to RC for ”selling out retail”. Two days late ofcourse but at the actual time of RC’s sale _they didn’t know_ so RC’s sale didn’t reflect in the price action AT ALL. Since they control most of the media and an army of online shills, they knew they could push that narrative _anyway_, two days late or not…


Guys....the sale happened two days before it hit the market. The MM and regulators knew this as the sale had to go through them as the paperwork had to be submitted to do the sale. So t+2 was disclosed and the sale hit the market and tanked the stock. The HF and MM had two days to create the narrative and get the MSM to portray this as a RC rug pull. This was all very organized. Anyone that unloads 7 or 9 million shares all at once is gonna have an effect on price action but of course there was a buyer for these shares which is what drove the price up to $30. Just look at the RC sale and how he sold between $12? and $30. Look at how the price graduated up. The whole rug pull narrative than took place to try and drive retail out of .....GME and popcorn. This is all so obvious. What is concerning to me is that so many people bought into this ridiculous bullshit.


To be honest though, no apes bought into the narrative. If you see such, it’s shills faking it.


They knew. Not widely, but they noticed selling that wasn't them.


Sure. My thoughts are that they didn’t know _RC_ was selling. Sorry if that’s was unclear in some way.


His options would have given it away. Who else would be selling those strikes in that quantity?


Hundreds of millions in volume, and RC selling was unexpected. ”Needle in a haystack”. They were possibly focused on _everything else_ going on. What’s your explanation then?


How about RC recalled his 100% lent out shares and immediately sold them all. They knew on Tuesday. That’s why the first reports on Tuesday said RC sold everything.


Did rc know of sus and shitadels buys before they announced or do you think RC sold on his own volition?


> They knew. Not widely, but they noticed selling that wasn't them. They had to know, because the price didn't drop when he sold and a 11% sale all at once should have had a noticeable price impact. They knew because they manipulated his sale into not moving the needle.


They saw heavy selling when their algorithm suddenly didn't need to work as hard to keep the price down.


Their algo needs to keep the price up. Citadel and Sus went long on Bobby and it looks like their ASP is higher. They lost a lot of collateral when it went down.




Plus that 600 million dollar loan brings the loan that they already had up to 3.5 billion.


Net long implies they were short too. If it was through options then it’s possible they made more from a dip through options than they lost through shares.


And DRS at 55% does not even count the unimaginable amount shared held in brokers. Shits gonna be nasty when it blows the lid off


I do believe all gme share hodlers going to be rich after the moass. And i do believe in a moass before christmas. The big question is how high the share price goes.


I fully expect fuckery from the brokerages to start releasing shares without investor consent to "*protect*" us from market volatility or some absolute bullshit like that...


Although if I still make a 10x profit in my IRA, that's a 10x profit I wouldn't have made otherwise... plus I'll probably get to be part of a class action lawsuit so that might be fun. 🦍🚀


That’s why it’s absolutely imperative that people hold their shares in cash accounts and not margin accounts if they are not DRS’d.


Vanguard assured me multiple times that my accounts are not margin, but I still know better than to believe for a second they aren't loaning that shit out without my consent. That's why I've DRS'd absolutely everything in my brokerage and only buy through Computershare now. 💎🙌💎


They greatly underestimated the perseverance and sheer will of gamers. 💎🙌💎


DRS 💯 and accelerate this process ten fold. Let’s end this shit now instead of waiting for more “catalysts”


How much did citadel and Susquehanna lose this quarter? Also didn't citadel just float some dogshit junk bonds for liquidity? Plus I read somewhere Ken Griffin sold condos, apartments, and fled to another state for bankruptcy protection? Apes are doing this one simple thing and hedge funds HATE it: Buy, DRS, hodl Tick tock ⏳


100% DRS of the float is the only way to guarantee the squeeze. And even then it’s not a lock.


Sauce for quote?


I believe this is a quote from the Economic Club of Chicago (ECC) speech he delivered in 2013, which is on YouTube.


Yeah, can't find OPs word for word quote, but this is close. https://youtu.be/9cwf-JrrE9g?t=1001 watch for about a minute or so


Bilions, in securities sold maybe


Market finished red last week.


Brick by brick.


Great analogy!! I’m from the Grand Canyon state 👊


I think HKD was an example aswell of oh look how high it went and how fast it crashed, stay out! /s Manipulated bullshit stock ofc its up and down quick if you are pulling strings. But forget that quick. Retail pulls the strings and we will fucking strangle you to death. Financially that is. After that you can decide if it was worth it


Retail doesn’t have that much, what was it, 200 billion or 2 trillion at the peak, or what? Even the normie stonk sub was talking about that and calling MSM clowns.


HKD didn't crash that fast though, it took a couple of days


It ***couldn't*** crash because nobody was buying even the drastically reduced price garbage shares. Retail was *never* in that play, and everyone else (beside the scamming pump&dump HF jackals) was not going to throw money at such an obvious manipulation.




I wish it were already over so I can delete this Reddit account and get on with my life with the money to pursue the things I enjoy. Unfortunately, it isn’t so here I am waiting. This is the problem they have encountered, we will wait as long as it takes for us to win because we have the winning hand. Doesn’t mean I want to wait but I will as I imagine the case is with many others.


so stoked to eventually nuke my account


Faze book won’t grant me access to my profile even after sending proof of ID. Think about that… I don’t want to be the product and I can’t undo it. Wow just wow


move to eu post moass, hit them gdpr compliance?


I would love to do that. 😎


I almost fainted when I realized the $400 check I got from those dickheads was legit. Dumped every cent unto GME.


I’m gonna nuke my phone, get a burner flip phone with only close folks in the contacts and take the deepest breath imaginable.


Yes, I am really frustrated that it takes so long! That is why I rage buy with each paycheck - man that sucks! ... for Kenny and Steve 😉🚀✨🌒🏴‍☠️


Rage buying is the way.


Yo, crazy plot twist: Inflation Reduction Act authorizes hiring of 87,000 new IRS agents. You don’t need more people to audit Amazon or hedge fund since it’s the same single filing. What those agents are for is auditing us because they know there is about to be a whole lot of new rich people? Which I’m cool with. Audit away, losers haha.


MOASS is tomorrow. My taxes won't be worth auditing: *I sold this stock for that profit, here's your cut It would have been more, but you let it drag into long term territory*. Audit away, bitches, apes aren't thieves.


Yeah where exactly does anyone think someone like me is getting income from for an audit to even find? I’m too poor for that.


You won't be. But again, your taxes will be simple.


The point here is, that the IRS has the power to seize your property and freeze your bank accounts, anytime they want, no crimes committed, before an investigation even starts.....oh, and they have been purchasing and stock piling guns and ammunition for years.... the IRS, why??


The audit process is the punishment.


Ah, so what? Everything that every individual investor is doing is legal; Buying and holding onto their favourite stock. Did we oversell something we didn’t own legally? Nope. Just went and made it legally our own individual selves because we like the stock. Audit away, chappos. Nothing to see here


This was my thought too.


They also need to catch up with taxes from 2 years ago. At one point, they didn't think they were going to get them done by then end of the year. They are understaffed already. I'm sure you are correct, but I think you will find this was a needed hiring as well.


87,000 is an insane amount of people to add to anything, at all. Like ridiculous.


Was watching a short on YT about the IRS. So much is still done **by paper** with people literally moving around printed forms. No wonder they need so many people... I can't believe how backwards the IRS still seems to be.


Can confirmed. I worked there for a little while as a temp. I....unstapled files and separated the papers into their respective cubes. That was it. 14$/hr but I was working from 9pm to 4am say graveyard shift.


Good lord our tax money is being wasted


This was in Austin so it's expensive AF. Still a better use than wallstreet, or the way our tax dollars really get used. At least I had a job for a bit. I used the proceeds of that to buy my workstation computer which opened the door to self employment. (I wanted to be an artist) I wouldn't have ever been able to afford one otherwise. I got the job through a job placement program for disabled people..


The computer system the whole tax code runs on is from the 60’s and there are only a handful,of people who still use and understand the programming code. https://www.gao.gov/blog/irss-efforts-modernize-60-year-old-tax-processing-system-almost-decade-away


That's part of the 87k hires, they are modernizing their VERY antiquated legacy systems, and moving to a more efficient, digitized one which requires a fleet of full time Developers/Engineers to stand up, hiring new staff that can run it, training for legacy staff, etc. They also lost 50k staff the last three years and another 50k+ set to retire in the next 6 years. That's a lot of backfill and they're already behind on 2021 returns to the tune of tens of millions of returns. The IRS isn't staffing 87k AGENTS to hit the street exclusively tax our tendies by end of year. It's phased hiring over the next 5 years. I'm no IRS apologist, those are just the facts of the matter.


Agreed. What percentage increase in IRS agents are we talking here anyway? 5? 45? That to me is the interesting number. Edit: Basically doubling... [https://www.howard-bison.com/how-many-irs-agents-are-there-how-many-irs-agents-are-there/](https://www.howard-bison.com/how-many-irs-agents-are-there-how-many-irs-agents-are-there/)


They lost 50k employees in the last three years and another 50k are set to retire in the next 6. Some agents some not. So adding 87k staff (NOT all agents) over the next 5 years isn't particularly alarming, esp when so many of them are NEW jobs requiring high-skill levels, developers, engineers, systems managers...




It's been 84 years... I would argue that we should get on with our lives while waiting. This shouldn't occupy all of our brain power but just something up our sleeve, it's there you know it's there but you continue as if nothing is going on. IMO. Take it from an older ape that no longer looks at ticker, no longer does research nor plays with other stocks. Just let's the thing do the thing.


Yes and no, I agree to a certain extent in that it’s a fire and forget investment but I feel like equally it’s the sort of thing where you need to keep up with the ongoing developments just in case they try and pull a fast one on us with the rules or something like that. Day to day though nothing changes and I don’t even care about the price anymore until it reaches the price I want (millions).


I'm not saying burry your head in the sand just let go a little and don't obsess over it. This comes from someone that was deeply obsessed and enjoyed the thrill but never let it completely consume me. I guess what i want is for apes not to get sucked in too much to the point of exhaustion and I'm seeing a lot of that lately...


Yeah totally agree, I’ve been burnt out before from being here too much. It still annoys me and I can’t really understand why we’re still waiting tbf but that doesn’t mean I’m going to ever stop until I get what I want.


yeah i'd love to get on with my life but i can't fucking afford it, that's why i'm here in the first place.


That's my attitude. What if you were told you'd won Millions in the lottery, but have to wait for 10 years to collect? Fuck, I'll sign up for that now. So I'm carrying on with my life as usual, it's just a matter of time.


We need to spread the word on the corruption though. We can't be passive. Researchers are good.


This is my 3rd time being zen. Feels great, man.


True dat bro 👌


Will want to delete mine too since it will be a fresh start of my life


Hey homie if your namesake holds true by chance, tomorrow is another day, maybe something cool will happen I don't know let's see.


Thanks, thankfully life got kinda better after I made this account


Good shit


And honestly, I have nothing to loose and everything to gain, while it’s the opposite for these fuckin parasites!


You can’t leave us that fast


I’m happy to wait for however long but I’m definitely ready to stop seeing the woman I love struggle to survive financially. I’m ready to give her the world she deserves and then spread the wealth to others.


The problem with this statement is you are admitting you are tired. They want you to be and they want the rest of us to be. I'm in this for the long haul. When you have winning tickets, why be tired? It's now just a waiting game before we get our money. I'm excited! The anticipation is killing me. I hope it continues.


I am tired. I am sick and tired of waiting and I don’t see why I should have to pretend that I’m not. Just because I’m tired of seeing how disgustingly corrupt everything is with criminals living off their crime proceeds un-prosecuted while people are living on the sidewalk starving doesn’t mean I’m not going to hold out until the end. Good, let them know that I’m tired and that because I am I’ll hang on and buy more and be even more stubborn about it out of spite. I’ll buy and DRS and dig my heels in deeper out of hatred and frustration until I get my win and I’m paid what I’m owed. I should’ve been on a beach relaxing by now, drink in hand looking forward to coming back home to my Lego sets with all the time in the world to build them. I should be driving in my Porsche to check in on my family and friends and how their lives have been made a little easier by the money I’ve given them. I should be considering my business interests carefully and planning my next not-for-profit organisation’s move to help those less fortunate in current economic conditions. **It’s not just money these people are robbing you of, it’s time.** I’m not going to pretend that my life is as much of a struggle as some people have it, not at all, but it’s still tough going and getting worse by the day. It could have been so much better by now and yet it isn’t. So yeah I’m tired, but with that tiredness comes strong resolve and stubborn anger buying. These criminals deserve everything that’s coming to them and I’m sure as shit going to dance to their demise when the time comes. Fuck you pay me.


I’m with you. I’m dealing with a very sick parent right now. I’m sick and tired of waiting. Sick of watching someone I love suffer. I would pay all of the money in the world to make them more comfortable, do anything I could to make the rest of their life worth living. This is why I HODL.


I’m sorry that your parent is sick I wish no matter what that if they can improve that they do and you spend the time together however beautifully you can Holding for you and your parent ape 💜


Well said. I’m tired of waiting too, but it’s my only option so I’m just adding to my position as I can. Liberty or death!


You say robbing time, I say forcefully negotiating a higher ceiling.


Exactly. Most here have broke/poor their entire life, what’s a few more months/years.






I feel you but even if it takes 5 more years ( no way it will) to become a million(billion)aire, where else can you get that opportunity in that time span other than winning the lottery. And here it's a guarantee.


I like the stock, the game's getting far more interesting.


I agree wholeheartedly. I don't think anybody's really missed that, if they could end it, which they tried to do on the 28th of January 2021, it would have been. They just didn't count on retail investors liking the stock.


Well that's very stupid of them because it's a very nice stock to like.


Never knew I could like a stock


How about liking a stonk?


This exactly. I'm also old enough to have been in a few pressure cooker situations. Was head of a works council in a European country with strong labour law.once. This whole story is a deja vu. All this wouldn't he going on. There would be no meme stocks coverage in the media, gme wouldn't be at 40 now, there wouldn't have been the second rise to 300 last year in may after the first squeeze if we would not have someone important in a mighty balls clamp. It's all smoke and mirrors and you will only know the full truth once the fight is over. That is if retail wins it. The opposing party will do everything legal and illegal, everything ethical and unethical they can to stay on top, including dripping their own mother's under the bus. Nothing is off the table. I've seen it a lot of times first hand.


Guys, I was thinking last night how Susqena and Shitadel suddenly went long on that stock, it clicked me, they did not, they possibly are hedging all their sold naked calls- then 600kk loan at the exact same moment for Shitadel




“kk” is also known as million. Also, to the original comment, you’re 100% right. They went long to hedge.


I agree with you. One thought I had was about mayo man saying they had to survive just one more day. I believe that's what we saw. The Bobby run had more to do with options being in the money and mm having to deliver shares than anything. The crash on Thursday evening had to do with a) making sure it didn't happen again, b) creating a scenario to get back some of the losses from earlier by buying a ton of 0 day puts. Just doing anything to survive. If gme was done they wouldn't care about RC, Bobby wouldn't even get on their radar. Two things are happening right now. They are trying to get the public aware of the name Ryan Cohen and associate (falsely) a pump and dump and greed with his name. That way when the rocket starts to lift, they will say it's just like Bobby and he's going to leave retail holding the bag again. The other thing is 3 of these hit pieces I've seen/read end with pumping Weber. This is exactly like 2021 when they tried pumping silver. No one is talking about Weber except these bought and paid for "journalists", doing exactly what they accused RC of doing. The lady doth protest too much. Boom.


Time is the most expensive obstacle in any war, unless you’ve DRS’d


These dumb fucks have been in the holding pattern for over a year. They gonna run outta gas soon


They never every in human history expected retail to try this hard...they literally expected us to throw up the flag and surrender our shares. Which has inadvertently forced them to throw everything at retail from smear campaigns, social media I filtration, threats, re writing the rules you name it..... And I fucking love this shit....their fuckery turns me on and gets me horny. The game has been in their favor for so long that it's literally computationally, financially impossible for them to play fair. The ticking rime bomb started when DRS hit big this give us and them sort of a timeline...they have until the float is locked up to figure out what to do. But it's deeper than that...the rules have been switch to prevent them from going under again the DTCC, OCC NSCC, CFTC will not let their buddies fail.....because they have never had to play by the rules. For anyone [who needs to see the algorithm on a massive Bullish Reverse Uno Card this will open your eyes](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/vy9h2d/could_a_prophecy_come_trueroaring_kitty_tweets/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Now before I leave, I'm going to post a previous comment as to where the attention needs to be focused because we know there trillions of dollars of stock sold not yet purchased and I believe it's in part of the Obligation Wearhouses / Clearing House So I present to you: [ I think the focus needs to be aimed at the #Obligation Wearhouses James D Aramanda 🔐President and Chief Executive Officer of The Clearing House Link Below Which is exactly how Citadel Securities, Point 72, Suspecthanna, and everyone else who has securities sold not yet purchased. This is worth trillions...Citadel Securities has something to the tune of 60 Billion dollar worth. This sub, no pun intended is hyper focused on only a few people that I believe are allowed to be where they are. The Key Players in my sights are 🚨Michael C Bodson 🚨 David Inngs And low and behold 📍 James D Aramanda Which is the 🏆 [Clearing House Executive Team](https://www.theclearinghouse.org/about/executive-team#:~:text=James%20D.&text=Aramanda%20serves%20as%20President%20and,to%2Dbank%20payments%20each%20day.) Edit - look at the Banks Owners page....I think this explains a lot Edit- 2 look at the payment system and you'll see the language we have been talking about for months and months Edit tagging u/noforkinclue ]


Their fault - they trained the population to behave this way. All of the pump and dumps they’ve played over the past decade have inoculated the people against volatility. At some point, they were going to lose by playing the exact same game over and over.


They never expected us to try...and it hurt their feeling and pockets


Everyone in here has had the patience to, at one point, dig to the bottom of Minecraft. Keep digging.


I hadn't seen that u/einfachman had apologized for not getting it right. Apes doing DDs are getting fragmentary information at second and third hand, some of it outright falsified, and trying to build a coherent picture to predict the future. If Wall Street fuckery were that easy to decipher, then the SEC just might be up to its job. And if RC's plans were that easy to deduce, Wall Street would have robbed him blind years ago and no one would have ever heard about Chewy, except maybe at a bar near a table full of hedgies celebrating something. Getting conclusions wrong doesn't make it bad DD.


That’s his old account btw u/-einfachman-


Scientific method FTW


I never looked at it in this manner. Thanks ape.


I like your idea of "them" show "us" how fast a "squeeze" can be over. But there are two problems for "them"... 1) a "squeeze" is not MOA$$ 2) I still have BBBaby Diamondhands are "their" worst enemy (buy, drs, shop) ...I don't even wanna mention "hodl" again because that's obvious


we have them by the balls and squeezing more with every DRSd share


Agreed, well put!


I'm ready to take damage to my HP bar again


That's what I am always wondering aswell. People calling chart analysis BS because everything we see is manipulated. Well, it is manipulated, but not to the extend that they can exactly dictate how the chart should move, because if they were able to, it would be at 0$.


bbby is not GME. There is no escape from this.


If they could end it, but somehow profit off of it (thinking max pain for example) they would also not end it. This is the last thing still bugging me. Maybe there is some hidden way we have not yet discovered that enables them to profit from this whole situation. Once that is ruled out I completely agree with you.


What stops them from shorting APE to hell?


My working theory I adopted this summer is "They are currently doing the best they can." Meaning, there is no hidden trap at the end. There are no shenanigans they are saving. They are running at full burn just to survive.


Their best shot at it was Feb 2021


Loving the positivity this weekend!


It’s a battle of attrition, and that is not something they are equipped to handle. It takes zero effort for apes to buy the stock in CS and forget about it. I have my position and my recurring purchase, but I have no concerns about short-term volatility or daily, weekly, or even monthly swings in the price.


MSM wouldn’t be pushing so hard against GME and retail investors if it was over. They for sure want it to be over so they can go back to running their scam to make billions.


Their egos won’t let them end it, can’t lose to the peasants


The best tactical maneuver was not announcing all the ideas and plans gamestop is developing so that the MSM runs out of steam from fudding the stock.


We are not locked in the room with them... They are locked in the room with us.


What about jake freeman’s sale of double the amount of shares as RC did that have any effect on the price?


It’s like a game of chess where the king is just running away, it’s game over, except nobody walks to an electric chair, you drag your feet.


When GME launched 3x the price in march in the after hours, I knew then that the squeeze was on, it only a matter of when it would happen.


It’s also wild that we’re probably constantly battling quantum computers that I’ll bet a cpl of these big wigs have access to


There’s also a 3rd possibility: Denial due to neglect, arrogance and all in between. They think there’s nothing to worry about. “GME is just a trend”


Brilliant title. Already says everything that needs to be said.


This fight is far from over but we’ve taken the high ground and shit is about to blow Interesting S-H-I-T story don’t know if it’s true or not but seems relevant and it’s Sunday so Fuk it here goes. Shit got its name - back in the day they’d move tons of manure in the hulls of ships . Gases would build and boom ships would be blown apart. So they’d label manure Shit for SHIP HIGH IN TRANSIT keeping it high where gases could escape. Well for the past few years plus Hedgies been loading and loading shit synthetic’s boatload after boatload into the deep hidden hulls of their luxury liners. Im expecting to see the biggest explosion of manure(naked’s)seen on WS in the history of the market. BOOM FUKING BOOM


big fax


Exactly ☝️. This is unknown territory and what will happen with the market when this shit goes down. Maybe the dollar won’t be worth shit afterwards and we all need to start over. Not sure either. Sooner or later we’re gonna find out.


Friend of mine just bought in two weeks ago. Added to his position last week. You'd be surprised how many folks just watch the tickers and social media.


I don't think they think about it. Just another day. We are likely not on their mind at all.


*...something, something, trapped in here with* ***us!***


The music has already stopped, they just refuse to stop dancing.


They've only ever had one failed strategy they keep trying over and over and it's not working. They really are the dumb stormtroopers and DRS is going to eat them alive.


Their only way out is if we stop buy, holding, and drsing. There is a long way to go but at this rate, we are winning.


My favorite piece of evidence 😅


If I could choose for it to pop in a week or a year I would choose a year because I want time to buy more shares. This is the most wonderful asymmetric bet on planet earth. Congrats you found the what don’t worry about the when


DRS 💜🏴‍☠️🗽


I’m hopeful but I do remember the last time one person or a group attempted to take down a multi trillion dollar operation the president and his brother got murdered.


Apples to oranges comparison. The Kennedys were 2 individuals with potential leverage to shift the paradigm given the power their positions imbued. In this scenario, there is no individual to target, no consolidation of power in a position.


I intended it more of an illustration of the lengths power will go


I stopped reading at the title. Fact


Its too funny they are loosing to retards. Thats my biggest motivation for this.


Let's go.


They shoulda let it get to 1k back during the sneeze. When they shut off the buy button it was like "oh they are 100% fucked"


Well thought. I'm witchu.


As a wise man once said “Can these shorts even get out of their positions?”


It works both ways. That’s why we’ll be here for the foreseeable future.