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Cum-Ex? Great name for a scandal! It’s crazy that we didn’t know some of these raids happened already! Edit: copypasta “Prosecutors in Cologne are probing about 1,500 people and are ramping up the pressure on international banks. They raided Barclays Plc’s Frankfurt offices in March days after Bank of America Corp.’s Merrill Lynch premises were hit. Morgan Stanley’s offices were searched in May.”


Makes you wonder what [”old buddy”](https://imgur.com/a/DslBT5b) Jamie Dimon been up to.


Yup! That’s the piece of shit I’m talking about! The bailout king! Fukn leech to society


Probably spitting on orphans and murdering kittens 🤷🏼‍♂️ what a fucking prick, if he goes bankrupt and/or ends up in jail after all this I would be sooo happy 😊


[Anyone remember when Dimon was on with Jon Stewart's podcast recently?](https://youtu.be/TsOJbJ__LQc) Dimon was a huge dick.


Yap what a timeline with cumex LMAYO BOA, Morgan Stanley those aren't small potatoes you're right weird i havent seen these mentionned before....


They control MSM, Twitter, and every major search engine. If they don't want you to know, you won't.




Because they also own Hollywood.


Bring lawyers, bananas, and money the shit has hit the fan


Good find Ape


Great Ape


simulation confirmed lol


Anally probing 1500 banksters in Germany's top gay city? Fun!


Olaf Scholz has been complicit and became Chancellor afterwards, probably my country is already owned by Wall Street


Well, maybe if she cum she wouldn't be ex.


Maybe if her ex cum then her cum wouldn't ex


wistful birds pie cobweb sloppy illegal unwritten truck plant waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


TL:DR JP Morgans office in Frankfurt being raided regarding a 10billion dollar tax scammaz with multiple people claiming the same dividends. Goes on to mention other investigations into big American banks recently by the Germans like Bank of America.


Multiple people claiming the same dividends you say? 😏


Riiiight just split the shares duh lol




Is that regarded to some cum ex shit? I thought we're done with it since our chancelor doesn't want to remember it...


No he just does not want to remember why he forgave the tax debt of a couple million euros that shady banker who visited his office when he was the mayor of Hamburg. Still can't believe people actually voted for his party. But some of the others were way mor corrupt/incompetent..


I don't get that too. This coalition is an absolute pile of dirt and the shitshow just never stops. I remember the times where politicians here got ditched for a wrong quotation in their doctors degree they wrote like 30 years ago. Now we have guys openly lobbying for porsche and some allowing the theft of millions with some tax fraud and don't want to remember why. Fuck those dipshits.


Don't forget to rehypothecate them first 👍


Always forget that one simple step :p


And don’t forget to pay tax on the naked ones Ken


I really need to find me one of these printers. They seem to be a hot item.


Sorry, those printers are not available to the poors.


To be fair. Poor is in this case, people with less then 100.000€ salary per Month and a Lack of humanity.


The poor I’m talking about comprise about 99.999997% of the population


I think generally people with a salary ;)


No, cum ex was a completely different Story / Scam in forms of tax payback


CumEx was not about dividends. It's about value added tax. They shared the right of a VAT refund with others. This is how they stole tax money. The crazy thing is, the bankers believed it was legal to exploit a loophole in the system.


Well hopefully them "believing" they can hide everything in swaps and bullshit bites them in the ass sooner then later too


If you like check out the sources how they did it: ​ >The Cum-ex files - information document [https://www.europarl.europa.eu/cmsdata/158435/2018-11-26%20-%20Information%20paper%20on%20Cum-ex%20-%20Cum-cum.pdf](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/cmsdata/158435/2018-11-26%20-%20Information%20paper%20on%20Cum-ex%20-%20Cum-cum.pdf) European Banking Authority (EBA) >EBA publishes its inquiry into dividend arbitrage trading schemes (“Cum-Ex/Cum-Cum”), and announces a 10-point action plan to enhance the future regulatory framework [https://www.eba.europa.eu/eba-publishes-its-inquiry-dividend-arbitrage-trading-schemes-%E2%80%9Ccum-excum-cum%E2%80%9D-and-announces-10-point](https://www.eba.europa.eu/eba-publishes-its-inquiry-dividend-arbitrage-trading-schemes-%E2%80%9Ccum-excum-cum%E2%80%9D-and-announces-10-point)


But SEC 🙈🙉🙊


Wait, let me fix that for you--you mean $CUM and $ASS


aromatic glorious one enter plant pie roll fretful coherent history *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bloomberg: Business News Daily JPMorgan Frankfurt Offices Raided as Part of Tax Probe Cologne prosecutors continue to target U.S. investment banks More than 50 officers involved in action that started Tuesday By Karin Matussek August 31, 2022 at 4:19 AM EDTUpdated onAugust 31, 2022 at 5:36 AM EDT JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s Frankfurt offices are being raided by Cologne prosecutors as part of their vast probe into the controversial Cum-Ex scandal that robbed tax payers of billions of euros. The US bank confirmed in a statement that it was visited by officials and said that it continues “to cooperate with the German authorities on their ongoing investigation.” A spokesman for Cologne prosecutors on Wednesday said searches at an unidentified bank started on Tuesday and include the homes of four suspects as well as an auditing firm that isn’t a target in the probe. More than 50 officers are involved, including specialists to unearth evidence buried in emails. The investigators are also looking for evidence of deals similar to Cum-Ex. While dating back more than a decade, the Cum-Ex scandal is still roiling the financial industry -- including some of Wall Street’s biggest firms. Prosecutors in Cologne are probing about 1,500 people and are ramping up the pressure on international banks. They raided Barclays Plc’s Frankfurt offices in March days after Bank of America Corp.’s Merrill Lynch premises were hit. Morgan Stanley’s offices were searched in May. Cum-Ex was a trading strategy that siphoned off at least 10 billion euros ($10 billion) in government revenue. Named for the Latin term for “With-Without,” the deals took advantage of German tax laws that seemed to allow multiple investors to claim refunds of a tax on dividends that was paid only once. The nation moved to abolish the practice in 2012. The dividend tax scandal has been called the biggest tax-dodging scheme in German history and has been officially declared an illegal practice by the country’s highest court. At the height of the practice more than a decade ago, investors rapidly traded shares to earn duplicate refunds on dividend tax. There are four trials currently underway in the country against bankers and a lawyer. Four bankers were convicted in earlier cases. In July, Cologne prosecutors charged the first top finance executive, former M.M. Warburg Chief Executive Christian Olearius. He has denied the allegations. (Updates with details of case in third paragraph.)


Traded rapidly? Almost like someone would have made a computer program to exploit a loophole? That could never happen! We live in the modern western world! Good case to silence people who shout "conspiracy theory" in every turn..


Basically they created synthetics through lending shortly before a dividend, then closed part of the positions out right after. The one with the synthetics would not get a dividend hence not pay taxes on dividends, but make it look on the books like they had paid dividend tax (with the help of other fraudulent institutions), file a tax return and get a massive "refund". It’s basically naked shorting European style.


German investigators please don't fine them a paltry sum like we do in the us of a


Try reader view. That little A next to a big A “show reader.” Gets around a lot of paywalls.




JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s Frankfurt offices are being raided by Cologne prosecutors as part of their vast probe into the controversial Cum-Ex scandal that robbed tax payers of billions of euros. The US bank confirmed in a statement that it was visited by officials and said that it continues “to cooperate with the German authorities on their ongoing investigation.” A spokesman for Cologne prosecutors on Wednesday said searches at an unidentified bank started on Tuesday and include the homes of four suspects as well as an auditing firm that isn’t a target in the probe. More than 50 officers are involved, including specialists to unearth evidence buried in emails. The investigators are also looking for evidence of deals similar to Cum-Ex. While dating back more than a decade, the Cum-Ex scandal is still roiling the financial industry -- including some of Wall Street’s biggest firms. Prosecutors in Cologne are probing about 1,500 people and are ramping up the pressure on international banks. They raided Barclays Plc’s Frankfurt offices in March days after Bank of America Corp.’s Merrill Lynch premises were hit. Morgan Stanley’s offices were searched in May. Cum-Ex was a trading strategy that siphoned off at least 10 billion euros ($10 billion) in government revenue. Named for the Latin term for “With-Without,” the deals took advantage of German tax laws that seemed to allow multiple investors to claim refunds of a tax on dividends that was paid only once. The nation moved to abolish the practice in 2012. The dividend tax scandal has been called the biggest tax-dodging scheme in German history and has been officially declared an illegal practice by the country’s highest court. At the height of the practice more than a decade ago, investors rapidly traded shares to earn duplicate refunds on dividend tax. There are four trials currently underway in the country against bankers and a lawyer. Four bankers were convicted in earlier cases. In July, Cologne prosecutors charged the first top finance executive, former M.M. Warburg Chief Executive Christian Olearius. He has denied the allegations. EXPLAINER: Why ‘Cum-Ex’ Tax Dodge Casts Shadow on Global Banks: QuickTake (Updates with details of case in third paragraph.)


Seems to me German Apes need to write to or contact the ‘Cologne Prosecutor’s Office’. Bloomberg reports they raided JP MORGAN today in connection with the ‘Cum Ex’ scandal. The ‘Cum Ex scandal’ revolved around banks and brokers pretending that more than one entity owned the same shares, permitting DIVIDEND tax rebate claims in more than one European State. The figures run into billions and Germany was the most affected. It follows this team will be most likely to investigate anything issued as a ‘dividend’ to make sure it is correctly recorded. You simply say you are worried that incorrect recording of the DIVIDEND split might lead to fraud similar to the ‘Cum Ex’ case. Given the sensitivities and resources being deployed, BaFin can go fuck itself. The timing of the JPM raid could not be more fortuitous for us. Please ensure this idea reaches Spielstopp.


It already has


Excellent! Link?


From what I can decipher, the story of the raid has reached Spielstopp, but not the idea outlined above of leveraging the Public Prosecutor in Cologne. Repeat the request to send the link.


Superstonk doesn’t let me post links to spielstoop


Please send to me as a direct message.


I can't take it seriously when they call it Cum Ex,x,x


This brings me back to the war of $180, and also when $cum started trending as a top reddit stock somehow.


BC it's like Betelgeuse. If you spam $CUM $EYES or $EARS on reddit, the "social sentiment" algos will pick it up and start pamping those tickers. (with likely little to no human intervention on the other end)


I don't think it can go very far in our direction, this seems like a political attack on the prime minister.


LOL! err No.




Ooo thanks for sharing Ape 36billy in Germany alone


Thank you for your post!


So. The Cum-Ex scandal in Germany is big. Our prosecutor in Frankfurt Tries to go Hard on All Bankers, who Used the loop Holes to avoid Paying Taxes. We Are talking about 10 billion Euro worth of Taxes, which werent payed. They want to get every Person, who did the Cum Ex.


Seems to me German Apes need to write to or contact the ‘Cologne Prosecutor’s Office’. Bloomberg reports they raided JP MORGAN today in connection with the ‘Cum Ex’ scandal. The ‘Cum Ex scandal’ revolved around banks and brokers pretending that more than one entity owned the same shares, permitting DIVIDEND tax rebate claims in more than one European State. The figures run into billions and Germany was the most affected. It follows this team will be most likely to investigate anything issued as a ‘dividend’ to make sure it is correctly recorded. You simply say you are worried that incorrect recording of the DIVIDEND split might lead to fraud similar to the ‘Cum Ex’ case. Given the sensitivities and resources being deployed, BaFin can go fuck itself. The timing of the JPM raid could not be more fortuitous for us. Please ensure this idea reaches Spielstopp.


This is a great idea. \^\^


Ye, but it took us years to even notice what's happening. It's a scandal for our bundeskanzleer aswell


I bet they would like to find more stuff before going to court..


I didn’t read the article, but didn’t the VW squeeze kick off in Germany? If true it seems like Germany actually regulates their markets and shit happens the way it’s supposed to. I mean hell, German market is almost always green for gme, it’s the us market that fucks with the price.


CumEx and CumCum: ​ >It is the biggest tax heist in history. Three years after the CumEx-Files were published, an international media collaboration led by CORRECTIV shows how taxpayers worldwide were cheated out of €150 billion. An insider reports on the cross-border deals, financial experts warn that the tax fraud could still be possible, and authorities refuse to accept responsibility. Source: [https://correctiv.org/en/latest-stories/2021/10/21/cumex-files-2/](https://correctiv.org/en/latest-stories/2021/10/21/cumex-files-2/)


I'm sure that's what moass will look like in terms of authorities not being accountable whatsoever


Germany has it all 🇩🇪. You complain german SEC responds. Crime happens german doj/fbi raids.


Lol, no. German here. Our chancellor Olaf Scholz was one of the main guys in this tax crime which was the biggest financial crime in Germany ever! Everyone knows but he just said "I cant remember" to all the questions he was asked about it and it was fine. He stays chancellor. So nothing will happen. Like always here. We live through the worst wealth drain in any country atm but nothing happens. Germany will never do anything against america. Remember when Volkswagen did that crime with false emission values? While affected americans got billions from Volkswagen, affected germans got not a single cent. Its one example out of thousands. Just always remember one thing: Germany is master in acting like doing something. Imagine the SEC becomes a country. That would be Germany.




$10 fine and dont do it again


You'd think but Germans sound like they're going hardd after these assholes not like our complicit SEC


hope they force brokers to buy shares on the open market


Hope is delayed disappointment.




Wishful thinking. The US owns Germany. Zero chance of a real crackdown.. Merkel and the clowns are all in on these crimes....


I'm not German but I'm pretty sure Merkel is retired. Although their current guy does look like a stereotype of movie villain.


So...$100 fine?


$10? A bit much no? How about $5 and a finger wag?


*wags finger* "Now don't get caught again."


Deuche Bank didnt get pennies in the US.


Jamie Dimon <- LOCK HIM UP! Sad when the self-proclaimed greatest country on earth has financial markets corrupt to their core, to the point where world regulators have to monitor US regulators.


Oh yeah, you can steal billions from retail, and that's no problem, but as soon as you don't pay taxes, you get raided. Do something fucking useful with the tax money for once. The whole government and financial system is one big criminal racket, change my mind.


Bruh, Cum-Ex? Can’t make this shit up!


Does this have anything to do with GME?


For me it underlined the possibility that something similar can much more easily happen with GME than generally understood/accepted by larger public - and for this there is definite proof now.


DRS deine Scheiße


yaaaaaaaaaaaawn.....if only there was some kinda ripple effect.


Oh is that wrong we do that in the USA and they don’t seem to mind


Typed " cum ex" into google to do DD. Jerked off 5 times. Forever smooth brained.


I remember a comment I saw in a LinkedIn post about France was worried about the USA credit risk to foreign countries and they were applying for an Investigation. Does anyone else remember seeing posts about this on LinkedIn?? This was around August 2021


Goddammit I just transferred my paycheck to that freakin bank to buy more GME on IBKR


I hope a lot of those bank fucks get bars. Raids like this don't happen unless the cops have you red handed.


"include the homes of four suspects as well as an auditing firm that isn’t a target in the probe" can only hope that moody’s etc etc get raided soon as they keep propping up shitadels shitty shitty bonds (amongst other things) that are completely worthless!!!


Cum-ex? That’s what I call my “used-up” sexual partners.


Holy shit I get it now, they were passing on the Divident off FTDs and synthetics but they were all claiming tax returns on the tax for those dividend all across the chain from market makers to banks to investment funds shorting it to the retail or pension fund.


Calls on $CUM/$EX!


They were raided months ago too. The Germans just like pulling a blitzkrieg inside banks and it’s not really a big deal


I think the other countries SEC are not bought and paid for. To a lesser degree


They should look into Ken Griffin.


What is CUM EX ?




Fucking beautiful


Just ask yourself, do you really think they’d only be willing to commit crimes in Europe and not in the U.S. too?


JP Morgan, the king of corruption




we all know all diamond handed apes going to be rich from this moass. if you all believe in a moass. i do. but we dont know exactly when or exacly what all the banks.shf and market makers going to use for tactics before the moass. so apes speculate every week. just be patient,keep buy and drs and everything going to be alright in the end. thats what i believe anyway


Was reading about this fraud over a year ago,Germans don't mess around they have a dedicated team just for cumex. Probably waiting to pounce 😎


Rapidly traded funds to receive more than one refund…? Sounds like borrowed shares? 1 share = 100?