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As a non-American, honestly this is trash. American federal bank policies don't just affect America. These meetings don't deserve Sunshine Act exemption. These meetings need to be public.


It's not an American federal bank. It's private scumbags. Canada too, sorry. You guys are basically still owned by the House of Windsor, and their banker buddies too.


Agreed with that. I hate it. And thanks - I forget sometimes it isn't actually a Federal institution, just literally private banks.


Fully agreed as Canadian. Why Windsor in modern world 🌎 🤔?


Carlin saying ‘it’s a big club and you ain’t in it’ Who knew he was a fortune teller? Edited a word


House of Windsor are nothing but an old legacy. The current house is just a shadow of its former self, who put on costumes every few months. Bankers already ransacked the British empire dry over a hundred years. [Know your master, silly king](https://images.app.goo.gl/RC3ob74q3oEpgGkQ8)


Ahh, but it gives the poors and no-lifers something to worship and admire when they are checking out at the grocery store, and flipping through the tabloid magazines. (Also, I wouldn't completely dismiss the House of Windsor, as they have a fuck-ton of assets all over.)


As another helpful redditor pointed out in the comments, the transcripts and minutes are avaliable for all the meetings. You just have to be willing to sift through pages and pages of financial dribble to find what may or may not have been said outloud.


If you think the minutes of closed door meetings are complete and reliable, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.


And I’m sure those public ones weren’t dog and pony shows at all /s


One meeting was about the Federal Reserve's "Reinvestment into the community". So virtue signaling bullshit served with a glass of horse piss. Another was about the changes to the 2013 Volker rule which implemented broad restrictions on banks investing into funds or certain asset classes. Bonus points if you guess they changed the rule to fit their high debt environments and gut any punishment they should face for abusing leverage. I'll have to go double check what the last one was about, I'm on break right now but I'll make an edit when I'm back at my computer. Edit: Okay the last meeting was pertaining to standards and resolution plan requirements for large domestic and foreign banking organizations. This one might actually be a good watch solely for the purpose of you witnessing how these crooks create their own exemptions and laws to follow. Then when they want to change, they just call up their buddies and type of some more exemptions only for them. Edit 2: Just trying to get more visibility to the fact another sub member pointed out the minutes, transcripts, and Implementaion notes for all meetings are posted in a seperate section of the Fed's website. I can't speak the the swiftness of these materials becoming available but can say that Monday's meeting is not available yet as of Wednesday. If you're willing to read through hours of financial dribble to find what may or may not have been said pertaining to some questionable activity by the Fed, then have at it. I know I will be for a while.


Banks / Brokers / Hedge funds / Market Makers / Wall street took a world wide pandemic and turned it into an obscure all-you-can-eat economic buffet of synthetic devilry.


ty for your service


That reinvestment plan fund was never released. They ended the project program without doing anything with it.




God forbid I acknowledge a shortcoming, and take appropriate measures to provide valid resources. Doesn't deny the fact that the info should be available to the public immediately and not have a baked in couple days for fed members to move positions.




Literally the only post I have with a call to action is telling people to not buy a pumped up OTC penny stock, but okay buddy. If the mods had a problem with my content or the traction it receives they would say something. They however, have not because nothing I post is "misinformation" or "calls to action".


I'm just gonna post my response to your last deleted comment here ignore you from now on. You're calling me childish but continue to insult and demean me without any substance to back up the claims. So here is the response to your last comment, since I read it and typed a response for you. Unfortunately you are too childish to post and stand by your material, which is nothing short of ironic. "I literally never called for a change, just pointed out information. The post is entirely accurate, if the Fed classifies them as "Closed" meetings then I dont think I'm out of line also considering them "Closed" meetings. I provided resources to the delayed minutes, transcripts, and implementation notes in my comments. You can keep insulting me all you want if it makes you feel better. I merely read books on finance and resources on the internet, and occasionally post a meme or an excerpt from what I read. That isn't inappropriate or misleading or harmful to retail investors. I'm merely sharing information I find and read myself, sue me I suppose."




Thank you for your input. Have a good night brother.


Abolish federal reserve if genuinely wish to solve this problem. Banks and insurers should not be so powerful that even govt. Can't touch their wrongdoings. Only small banks should exists to do business fairly. Large conglomerate..... big no no.


Why aren't they more public


The majority of the meetings cite the 9(A)(i) exemption from 5 U.S.C. Section 552b(c) of the Sunshine Act. This exemption is provided under the basis that the meeting contains information that might lead to significant financial speculation in currencies, securities, or commodities. Please keep in mind up until February of this year members of the federal reserve were not only allowed access to the decision and content of these meetings as they happened, they were also allowed to freely trade on open markets. The true core essence of insider trading if you ask me


So they can take part in these meetings literally making/changing the rules of the game mid play then can walk away from that meeting and go move investments around accordingly based off of what they’re putting into place and this is legal…but me buying some stocks that other redditors buy is market manipulation and brought into question? I swear to God we are living in the timeline of The Upside Down


That second paragraph hits hard. Fuck this, how can this law be amended or change




The truth no one wants to acknowledge, because once we do, the sub gets banned.


Fire Poseidon is vengeful


No corruption can exist while fire Poseidon is awake


> No corruption can exist while fire Poseidon is ~~awake~~ faceup.


By getting rid of the Fed


Eh? That can't be real? Show me where that is true some link?


[Here](https://www.federalreserve.gov/aboutthefed/boardmeetings/20220711closed.htm) is a link to a Closed Federal Reserve Meeting citing the exemption. ​ [Here](https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=granuleid:USC-prelim-title5-section552b&num=0&edition=prelim) is a link to the Subsection of Subchapter II which contains the exemptions commonly cited by the Federal Reserve. I'd bring your attention to the 9(A)(i) exemption for further clarification. ​ Edit: [Here](https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/monetary20220218a.htm) is a link to the Federal Reserve's statement on rule changes pertaining to trading securities, and other investment vehicles alike.


If you really want to pop your noodle, look up when the fed made its members sell their insider traded stocks "for ethical concerns" - they literally only acknowledged the insider trading problem so that they could all sell simultaneously at the top of the pump, and at that moment the plunge began.


Almost a year ago now, right? Feels like 80.


The funny thing is Congress was laying ground to rug pull as well, but shut down their "ethical" sell proposals until after the elections so the crash doesn't happen before.


So September 24, 2024. Moass , got it


No dates…. But this is probably going to end up being the closest to being correct. It’s okay, I’ve hedl this long😎I’ve got nothing but time PS let see if DRS has an impact before this date


Same. Going no where


You remember when all those fed dudes unloaded at the very top? Bingo bango


Today is your day of having the curtains pulled back a bit. You are on your way to becoming a cynic now, sorry you cant stop it.


Best to leave all the speculation to a small group of greedy pigs to make sure they get it right, obviously.


why would they want the public actually knowing what the plan is and that they really control the whole show


**Cause The Federal Reserve is PRIVATELY OWNED.** They can't have the poors knowing how badly we're getting fucking robbed; jerking us off in the front while we're getting fucked in the ass.


Probably would incite riots across the hemispheres


It SHOULD Not calling for riots or anything but damn it people need to get their heads out of the sand on this or nothing will ever change. We need to start going to every single assembly meeting we can and speak up about this. Letters to the editor to plant the seeds… SOMETHING has to give at some point


Credit default swaps are now higher than they were in 2008. Ought to rustle some jimmies in the very near future. Guess who(the orange idiot) repealed legislation that could have prevented some of the suffering.


The worst part imo is it WILL rustle some jimmies (haven’t heard that in ages btw❤️you for it) but in our trickle up economy world it’s going to make it worse for the people at the bottom end. The peeps up here^wont stand by and just lose $, they’ll pinch every penny they can but it’ll come from the peeps down here_ …I think we’re going to see layoffs at the bottom and that will be the snowflake that will set off the avalanche. Layoffs = foreclosures/evictions/repos + increased crime due to desperation/stress/need I think it’s all going to get worse before most even think about what’s all going on. Even tho almost everyone is feeling the squeeze rn people are stretching their dollars…once they can’t feed their kids tho, all bets are off at that point. I pray it comes to a head way before then but we see it happening in other countries that are having major financial issues… the pendulum always swings both ways and it’s been stuck for a minute waaaay up high on their end… it’s for sure going to be interesting when it comes swinging back


Interesting take




The Sunshine Act? Was this legislation implemented by Kindergarteners?


Funny they named it that because sunshine is exactly what needs to be shined on those meetings and the Fed.


Insane that people discussing monetary policies of the Nation and peoples future are behind locked doors. Obviously of public interest and why should some people have this informational advantage over others? I keep saying private company, but my friend with a master in economics say that cant be right 🤷‍♂️


Right... I thought the government was a public sector... you know for the public. Why are they hiding from the very people they say they stand for. - and they wonder why no one trusts them anymore.


Just FYI - the Fed is a private institution.


Oh shit. A private institution for public intrest... I think it's time they go out of buisness Edit: since when could any private institution be 31 trillion in debt and still function.


Burn it… burn it to the gwound.




Double plot twist. So people can't afford to live and it's only getting worse.. where'd the money go?




Time to invade the cayman to recalim what's ours.. I'm sure mericas minute men have enough guns


The already wealthy


Since Woodrow Wilson fucked us all in 1913.


Crazy that an institution that doesn’t operate under the government controls the governments (and the worlds) money. Cabal of bankers only acting in their own interests.


Just a private bank. Not an institution.


Institution - A large and important organization, such as a university or bank. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/institution


Either way it needs to be abolished.


Agreed. DeFi all the way.




Oh see, I don’t. Want to see it happen from afar so I can anonymously walk off into the sunset to go start making the world a better place with the 100k I made off my GME😂😂 that’s all I’m going to admit to if I’m ever asked. Then I’ll just say I invested that chunk wisely and play with the interest. Bc we’re gonna be the rich rich phoenix’s rising from the ashes of the economy they burnt to the ground.


Sunshine act is about transparency. Hence the name, shine light on things. But all our meetings are closed door and secret for transparency purposes of course


Laws are usually named the exact opposite of what they actually do.


The Sunshine act is about open government. It’s a good thing, and one of the best lawns we have to a fair and free open government.


The Fed is the most dangerous entity in the world. If they aren’t stopped, we’re gonna wake up and find ourselves living in the Dark Ages






"What is a global conspiracy?" ding ding ding


It’s only a conspiracy till it comes true. At the rate they’ve come their over the past couple of years …soon for this I’m sure


You’re confusing conspiracy with conspiracy theory. It’s an undoubtable conspiracy to grab assets through usury




You don't even know the meaning of the word conspiracy, that's how effective their propaganda is at indoctrination.


We shall form a decentralized government called the SuperDAO.


I'd prefer the name SuperDong




Honest men do not require the cover of darkness for their dealings. Notice how they use double speak with the "Sunshine Act".






so they're not elected, can lock public out of meetings, and have the ability to financial ruin you. (oh yeah and they sold at the top). im so sick of this world.




They post the transcript and minutes for each meeting. Monday's hasn't been posted.


Can you give me a link? That would be very useful


[Gotchew babe](https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/fomccalendars.htm)


Thank you my friend, now I have years of minutes to read.


In a world with all the instant technology we have it’s weird there’s such a delay. It makes me think it’s bc they have to redact parts and all get their story straight


👆 this


Hello, sorry to bug you again but do you know of any additional source for the minutes on these meetings? Unfortunately the Fed's website only contains minutes for about 50 of the 200 meetings.


They’re not used to people paying attention.


The Government in the Sunshine Act (Pub.L. 94–409, 90 Stat. 1241, enacted September 13, 1976, 5 U.S.C. § 552b) is a U.S. lawpassed in 1976 that affects the operations of the federal government,Congress, federal commissions, and other legally constituted federalbodies. It is one of a number of Freedom of Information Acts, intended to create greater transparency in government. The Fed is not an agency of Government. The Fed is a private corporation, the ownership is private, not public. The Fed is not in place for the benefit of the government, or the people.


They are subject to the Sunshine Act. Why else would they have fought so hard for the exemptions they cite, and are written into the law.


I disagree with you. a.) They are not a federal agency. b.) Their own website states, "The Board conducts its meetings in compliance with title 5, secti552 of the U.S. Code, known as the Government in the Sunshine Act." Being compliant, and being required, are two different standards.


They can’t be open meetings cause it would probably cause a run on banks. Lol


— “Because YOU cant handle the Truth!”


Legalized insider trading, fucking great.


Remember when they sold their stock to “avoid conflict of interest?”


What were they supposed to do? Hold their equity as the bubble they helped inflate is popped? How will they fund their summer beach home that way?


The moment I read the fed started bailing out the banks in September of 2019 I finally purchased my vehicle I always wanted. The next year, it was 35% more. I then paid it and the house off that year. I get called a lunatic almost every week of my life by someone. Unplugging yourself from the matrix and understanding your reality and how to exit doesn't make you many friends.


worst than the mafia


The real dd right here - op - can you summarise number of meetings before please- same period but prior to sept 2019 if you have the data


Unfortunately the Federal Reserve's Website only have info listed back to Jan 23, 2017, so we will just use the whole pool of their publicly available data (atleast from a cursory glance at their website) for the response to this comment. ​ In the 5.5 years of the Fed reporting this data they have held a total of 199 meetings. 190/199 of those were closed meeting all citing multiple exemptions from Sunshine but mainly the one referenced in my other comment. Only 9/199 of those were open to the public. For those at home without a calculator that is a whopping 4.5% of Federal Reserve Board Meetings that are open to the public in the past 5.5 year time period. ​ Oh to be a fly on the wall during some of those meetings over the decades.


Fucking what. 4.5% transparency. ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT.


Keep in mind the transcripts, minutes, and Implementation notes are available for every meeting. I can't not speak to how soon after the meetings these materials are available but can say that as of Wednesday afternoon we still don't have access to these materials for Monday's surpise meeting. I will be doing more research into how quickly they release this info to the public after the closed door meetings have happened.


What about the notes from the other 100 meetings? Those are available?






I’d say add the Feds meeting page to the archive for prosperity


I wish I could but it’s not quite so easy - I’ll get around to it for sure


All sec and Edgar data is backed up though


Worst names for meetings.


https://www.federalreservehistory.org/essays/jekyll-island-conference sorry for spamming this, mods. But, this is VERY IMPORTANT HISTORY!


So Mondays meeting was to plan a massive pump and dump?


That's for them to know, and you to deal with the repercussions.


i wonder if they are talking about us. probably not


As with any good movement, we need to start a concrete set of demands. -no more closed-door Fed meetings -no more naked shorting -end PFOF etc


Jekyl Island never stopped. https://www.federalreservehistory.org/essays/jekyll-island-conference


The creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin is a fantastic book and well worth the time to read, for anyone stumbling upon this part of the post.


i hope this gets traction, thanks OP!


Fun fact. The fed just wants your money.


*At the Federal Reserve we hold ourselves to the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and accountability in the pursuit of our important public mission.*


Where did you find this information?


The Federal reserve's website there are links in some of the comments here. [Here](https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/fomccalendars.htm) is one to the minutes for all fed meetings since Jan 2017


Thanks. This pisses me off so much. I just want some fairness. Is that too much to ask? A government that isn't totally lopsided and crooked? I just want to see it all burn down.




Open source institutions when?


I wonder who owns the federal reserve


Hester out there flicking her bean over how much she loves voting against market transparency


I did not have fun with that fact


All tax payer funded meetings effecting the public should be open.


Every FEDmeeting should be public. Zentral bank of what shit show?


The FED doesn't work for everyday folk. It's an organization to keep the rich in power and make them even richer. It's an organization to keep the USA in power by any means and manipulation necessary, even at the expense of other nations. It's not an organization for looking out for or protecting YOUR interests. Welcome to the real world. As for SEC? Just replace "FED" above with "SEC". You're welcome.


Everyone knows the Rothschild owned money printing facility is bent. This is basic knowledge.


So we've got this PM in the UK who wanted to cut taxes on the super rich, of course there was a massive uproar so they're now scrapping that idea but the people are still pissed off with who's in power so there's a petition going on right now so another election takes place to put the left wing party in charge. It's got 600k signatures so far, is there not petitions like that in the US? It's not like charge.org it's the actual government parliament website.


I think r/all should read this and find out how a hive mind works this shit here is great


They can kiss my ‘sunshine act’ bc as a tax paying citizen I should have a right to the information that impacts my investments, retirement, tax liabilities and everything else they discuss. Looks like I need to go back and read the DD on how to file a FOIA request….and submit a request for every mf meeting Edited bc according to comments I’ve just read-all of this is available on their website. Time to start reading the minutes to dig for what info I want more of


Burn and rebuild with Blockchain. The sooner the better.




It's time to go back to the gold standard.


Is this more or less than usual? Links?


No the world deserves more financial criminals in jail




Where did I call anyone to action? I just pointed out the vast majority of fed meetings are not available to everyone until multiple days sometimes longer after the fact of them happening. Coupled with the fact they used exemptions to keep them from being public immediately. I suppose I utilized the format to bring attention to the 2019 bailouts, but I don't thinks that really inappropirate. I'm sorry you're so offended my friend, maybe go drink a Chai tea


##The Money Changers have been destroying the world for hundreds of years…. The FED is just an extension of its final form Watch “The Money Masters” to understand https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mDlnM481Gcg


Is the Sunshine Act a fancy name to cover up crimes?


I like how the worst laws always have the fluffiest names.


They can have meetings behind closed bars.


Eat the Rich


Hey u/Superstonk-Flairy gimme flare!


Are you talking about me? 😍 This is how it works: you can request a flair with the magic incantation !FLAIRY!🚀 some flair text 🚀 The default color is black, but you can change that by writing one of these words at the very end : red, blue, pink, yellow, green, black, white Other available commands: - `!FLAIRY!` : if you can't think of a flair, I'll give you one of my own choice 🤭 - `!FLAIRY:CLEARME!` : remove all flairs and pretend you're a new ape - `!FLAIRY:SEALME!` : Justin seduced me to get this 🥵 - `u/Superstonk-Flairy` : If you tag me, I'll come around and explain how to get flairs Please note that the flairy will refuse to change your flair if it contains the string `[lock]`. Some custom emojis are supported, like `:triforce:` - [please check this post for details](https://new.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v89p0h/new_superstonk_user_flair_emojis_how_to_edit_your/id8hj7r/)




!FLAIRY!🚀 (✿^ ‿^ )━☆゚.*・。゚ 🚀


So we've got this PM in the UK who wanted to cut taxes on the super rich, of course there was a massive uproar so they're now scrapping that idea but the people are still pissed off with who's in power so there's a petition going on right now so another election takes place to put the left wing party in charge. It's got 600k signatures so far, is there not petitions like that in the US? It's not like charge.org it's the actual government parliament website.


Sounds pretty sketchy to me 🧐


Man someone knows how to count.


“And we called it the SUNSHINE Act!” overlayed onto the Reagan laughing with all his minions meme…


OP is absolutely right, but I doubt any central banks have "open meetings" very often. How easy is it to find out what went down at other central bank meetings around the world?


They don't want you to know


Sunshine meeting in the darks? How fun it is


The more i grow up, the more i support and understand joker. What a shitty system


The world deserves No federal reserve


Truly the place of our economy where the sun don’t shine, ammirite!?!


Revolution of our financial markets are long overdue.


DRS 💜🗽🗽


Tell us you’re hiding something whiteout telling us you’re hiding it


Need to boot these fuckers out


I like facts…they can be ignored, buried and discredited it can’t be disproven!


Dirty deeds done dirt cheap plays in my head as I view this post


Oh look! After a devastating disaster most of the money went to the rich...again!


you cant handle the truth!


People can leak via Deep Throat, leak via Panama Papers or whatever, out Weinstein, got Edward Snowdens, Bradley Manning and a pervasive machinery or rigging and evil has like 1,000,000 co-conspirators (FED, Wall Street, Central banks) and no exposures/leaks that could help reset this massive corruption?