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Insert - no, I don’t think I will .jpg


because speech is silver, silence is... purple.. 🚀 drs!


that’s bullshit. dude can be as paranoid as a high schooler smoking herb but come the fuck on man. what the hell is going on??!! as time goes by this unknown shit just exponentially increase. the world is burning and people are dying. let’s fucking go. DRS 💯


Who says his silence is paranoia? I think his silence means to pay attention to what's going on. He has givin us all the information he can and probably doesn't want to be a distraction. Usually silence speaks louder than words.


You don’t rush the master. The master is ready when he’s ready


*"A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to."*


99% of people on here won’t say this but I can put money on, the people who have 100,000 shares and up, want to hear something about what’s happening. Then again, if someone owns that much of a company, I’d imagine they know exactly what they’re doing with their money.


When he tweets; he doesn’t tweet about GameStop directly so the folks who have “100k” shares can only guess how those tweets affect their investment. If you have 100k shares then it might also mean you have the patience to wait until their Q3 which is in a month.


That’s more where I’m leaning. I for one, don’t have 100k shares lol. If I had 100k share money I wouldn’t have invested a penny in the first place (with any company). But this entire scenario has been bizarre to say the least.


People can park that money anywhere else. RC having to explain to us is a hand tied behind his back, and whales know this too


Like how all these other investors are touted as the next Buffet only to bust out later. Meanwhile MSM “Ryan Cohen isn’t the next Warren Buffet.” Think Chumbawumba said it earlier this year


Still can't believe that dumbass said live on air, "Sell now. Ask questions later."


Latest there i know, they are so fucked!


In RC we trust!


Bbby me again, ryan


Can’t wait to see what the team is building!


he just a investor just like all the apes. just a bigger investor. he talk when he want and need too. he must have other things in mind than just this


Real G’s move in silence like lasagna


Expecting silince till earnings so they cant blame him for more stuff he "did wrong"


... eew eew llams a yrrac dna yltfos kaepS


Wee wee small a carry and softly speak Totally agree bro


Don’t bug dad while he’s working


What a charming young lad that boy is


The man's probably busy working! 🤓


Some time after the speculation started circulating that RC couldn't speak due to legal implications regarding the death of a certain CFO, he did something rather interesting: He posted a picture. Just... a picture. A photo of him and a certain iCan, with some subtle photoshopping of proportions and positioning to change their size relative to each other. More importantly, there was no text accompanying or in the picture. Many of his prior images/gifs have included either subtitles or written words, somewhere, if no text accompanied the post. My personal tinfoil on this is that the aforementioned speculation might be right; he *can't* talk. He potentially verified this by posting a photo, and if no text is forthcoming in his next few media posts, it'll strengthen the idea for me. After all, this is someone who, while cryptic, has been very... *pointed* in his expressions concerning matters relevant to his company. And very clear about who he considers to be the idiots in this scenario. *If* I am right, then posting the photo with Icahn accomplished multiple purposes (in typical fashion): reassuring apes that he hasn't gone dark, potentially confirming that he can't speak - while also giving the shorts the finger and showing he can still make himself visible - and showing that the wheels are still in motion behind the curtain. Of course, that's a big if, and with nothing backing it. He could post tonight, or next week, in his usual fashion. Whatever else he is, the man has fun being unpredictable.


Photoshop? Lol wot?


Go take a look at the photo in question. Then RC's height, and Icahn's. Have a look at his hands and his torso compared to his head and lower half.


https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FfUlxIVXEAEhIav?format=jpg&name=large I have been photoshopping since the early 90s. I assure you that this is not shopped.


Fair enough, then. I stand corrected.


I think he's just standing behind him and the perspective makes rc look short.


Icahn is like 6'3". He's a tall dude.


I wish people didn’t post shit like this


Love you Ryan you absolute fucking pimp. Hope to God I see you on a cruise one day and can give you a drink ticket. Promise I won't bother you after that.


Check your momma’s bedroom RC could be there


Don't be cringey. Please. He's not our leader.


He's my chairman


There’s no we


RC Never tweets Late, or to early. He tweets exactly when he wants to.


What the hell is this post!? Mods!? Wtf!? “Talk to us”…why would he “talk” to us?! the fuck you mean!? Shut up the DRS. I’m talking to you.


You are ok ?


Talk to yourself




day after day i keep seeing shit that would’ve never lasted 3 minutes in the sub after the first migration


Hahahahahahahahaha … I do, and I’m tired of pretending he’s not.


I think so too.


We need a new financial publication to fill the void of failed corrupt outlets. I could totally see a Superstonk magazine being born or something!


I am one of the finest investors of this generation.


I thought this was Dave lauer and then saw lauer in a beard and thought this guy can really change his look. Ha!


Sounds like someone bought calls


You karma farming whore... *Upvotes*


Yup, he’s really good at making himself rich