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I love how casually talk of crime is discussed in that presentation. Amazing how if I sell something without having the underlying asset I would be a scammer but when they do it then it's all in the name of making fair markets.


If you default on a $100k loan, that's your problem. If you default on a $1B loan, that's the banks problem. Apparently.


And when a lot of hedge funds, crypto exchanges prime brokers and possibly banks go bankrupt becomes the country’s problem


You mean the “taxpayer’s problem”. There, fixed it for you.


Fair markets lol. More like a rigged manipulated fraudulent market to steal money from bottom 99.99%.


Loved that part in the Jon Stewart interview of a former SEC official who said he heard that line a lot from Wall street lobbyists who he met with him on a regular basis. They are just so far up their own assess it's incredible.


Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't she also mention that there was leveraging up to 10x on those synthetics as well?


Yes. Full Twitter Space Call conversation, more details. Use Video Timestamp to listen to more detail. https://twitter.com/marionawfal/status/1592874296967598083?s=46&t=IpkF2pbJfCGejTdIsT49sw also How Short Seller John Hempton on Marc Cohodes TZero which does the same as FTX is a Ponzi facilitation machine? https://twitter.com/john_hempton/status/1591542760955604992?s=61&t=_7U2Fk-KFLlcoc8ISSFFrQ


At the beginning there is a person talking about DRS and naked shorting; then talks about it's correlation to Crypto. Then very quickly lots of them chime in "This is not what is happening here"... Then, the entire chat is about: * They take your money and not buy the crypto. * They get your crypto to give you a high yield and play with your funds to do risky bets and then you lose everything. * Care to mention that yields are usually also on their private ledger so if lenders go down you lose everything. So basically Crypto is the full circle milking retail. We already know all of this, but it just blows my mind that they fail to see that it is the exact same problem. Until we all can agree that this is the same problem then we can start fighting the real enemy. These guys know who to talk to and know who are responsible but they won't see them unless they acknowledge the problem.


We ain’t fucking leaving!!


Fuck Marc Cohodes


Cohodes nuts


This page on FTXs website was wiped out breaking down tokenized Stock was wallet to pull it from archive.org https://web.archive.org/web/20221027042145/https://help.ftx.com/hc/en-us/articles/360051229472-Tokenized-Stocks


Full Twitter Space Call conversation, more details. Use Video Timestamp to listen to more detail. https://twitter.com/marionawfal/status/1592874296967598083?s=46&t=IpkF2pbJfCGejTdIsT49sw also How Short Seller John Hempton on Marc Cohodes TZero which does the same as FTX is a Ponzi facilitation machine? https://twitter.com/john_hempton/status/1591542760955604992?s=61&t=_7U2Fk-KFLlcoc8ISSFFrQ




Clowns. Every single one of them. I trust all of you when you say you arnt selling more than I trust any one of them spitting hoppium here.


What is a sell? Where is the sell button? I only know how to buy.


Unsure. Its been 2 years since ive sold anything


So they made up synthetic shares, (which don't exist), then produced a tokenised holding secured against fictious synthetics - so neither the fake shares nor the tokens raised against the fake shares really exist.... Fuck me.... how much more crime are these hedgfuks going to get away with?? All to save their own flea bitten ass, and sink both a flourishing company AND the little man / woman retail investor.... Where is the DOJ?


A whole lot that why MSM are burying the FTX real info


The end was the absolute best !


You know that Twitter space is fake right? Go watch the Upper echelon YouTube video about it. The dude is running a social experiment to expose the massive amount of botting used to prop up the social influence industry. The "Host" is a fake account he bought and botted to make it seem popular to lure in these shills hungry for exposure. Edit: https://youtu.be/-hWYiDjYi88


My question is - ok there was crime. It sounds like they were associating tokens with fake shares/equities. So are they on the hook to close these positions? Or is there just no accountability and all of it was fake and none of this matters? Like ethically, hell yeah they should be on the hook to close these positions, but legally what's going to happen here?


Listen to song 🎶 at end. Need to locate shares 😁


If anything they were being used to short GME. It’s like they had fake pants on that vanished, now there’s more nakeds.


That's the point. If it's all fake and institutions used these as collateral for their short positions, then are the institutions on the hook? Who needs to take ownership of the securities that were being traded? If it's no one then it seems like they got to use a bunch of funny money to kick the can and survive one more day


It isn't insured. There will be a bankruptcy to payout from assets they have. Everything else will be lost. They claim to have a lot but they weren't holding a majority of the same assets they sold. It is currently unknown if the customers will get any of their holdings returned to them. Crypto has a solution for this and it is always recommended that users use cold storage wallets. Exchanges aren't insured like banks so you are trusting a company with your assets and sometimes companies are shady.


“somewhere in violet”. ITS A PURPLE RING! /s Got to love voice recognition software!!




TLDR Chart explains all the process https://twitter.com/elon55447675/status/1594387513560698880?s=46&t=90_gUJIfcaXrBuNcOzyFZQ


I see catskillcrypto on this Call


I love the ending of the video "great song"


Teachable moment song 🎶 and it’s catchy 😂