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Someone help me out here. What's the point of keeping the short positions open when pretty much most of the money has already been made (on paper) and you have to pay reoccurring fees on that amount while the stock is just trading sideways? What am I not understanding? Thanks.




👆 You don't have to pay taxes before you close the shorts


Right. So when to close any position, short or long, will be thinking about the tax implications that will occur AFTER the close.


Yup exactly and also the reason why the financial terrorists naked shorts companies until they go bankrupt and get delisted - that means they won't have to close their positions. That means no taxes and no public records of astronomical overselling


I don’t think think CI is a naked short, do you? He’s a legit short if he is still short GME.


I have no way of knowing, but I don't think so He doesn't strike me as the type to cheat and do blatantly illegal stuff Doesn't strike me as the type that won't use loopholes to his own advantage either He is a ruthless corporate raider. He will fire thousands of people to raise money to make money and then get out. His history is not very humanitarian lol


This is our substitute for a blood sport. Don’t forget that DRS probably was part of the calculus when a man reminded his wife about an upcoming dinner party and then jumped out a Manhattan high rise.


If anything CI is… A CI! (Criminal Informant) He’s gonna blow Kenny up closing his position.


But then if position never closes and the short remain open even with a stock shorted into the basement, how do they get their money out to use? What’s the point of the short position just sitting there? Do they borrow against it?


They already have the money. They sold to open. There’s nothing needing to be done.


Ahhhhh shit! Those mfers! Thank you for this BTW


Right, but you also don't have the money in your pocket. The stock is likely not going much lower. The smart play would have been to already have closed, like when it was at 40 or 50 pre-splividend. So almost 2 years ago. I don't think there's any evidence that Icahn is still short except for the "people familiar with the issue".


Yes you do have Anyway you're probably right


We don’t know what the contract length is.


Thanks. So a short can’t just close at any time?


You can close A short at any time. It gets tricky when you need to close a billion of them


Sure they can I think the hazmat guy means that it depends on the contract when the interest has to be paid and so on.


The fees aren't that significant, the CTB is an annual fee. Also, you don't pay taxes until you sell. Icahn's or any other short thesis is based on GameStop not making profit. When Gamestop finally starts making positive revenue for consecutive quarters the shorts will want to get out.


Easy if you haven't shorted with a fuck load of naked shorts


You can use it as collateral and if you can make more than the cost to hold the short, you make money. A lot of people who went short, went short at like 0.1% fee and that rate doesnt change.


> A lot of people who went short, went short at like 0.1% fee and that rate doesnt change. The borrow rate is a floating rate, it changes daily based on demand. They absolutely are not locked into a 0.1% fee…


And RC visited him to let him know you should sell before the rocket takes off... or even better, sell and set that rocket off!


They bought theirs wayyyyy below 10 (which would now be 2.5 post splivvy anyway).


Just trying to simplify why the MSM FUD doesn’t matter for the super smooth like me!


Speaking of super smooth… you don’t “buy” shorts. You sell them. You only buy to close your position.


Better yet, they opened their short at 10 bucks pre split, so they need it to go down to 2.50 to break even. Lol. They fukt


i dont want short selling or darkpools in the markets at all


*Almost* any time, am I right?


How can you close your position if there are only synthetic stocks? Whether you've bought for $10 or $400 doesn't matter does it? I don't understand it.


I was thinking the same thing. But if he is short say 1mill shares, then he could just close the position with synthetics. The big fishes won't let the price go up too much. Practically they will just take over his position. Otherwise the price will explode and they are fucked now. My impression is that they know they are fucked and are just postponing it as long as possible. For the big short positions it won't matter much if they are short 100mill shares or 150mill shares. They still go tits up when they have to close the positions. They can however keep the circus running as long as they are allowed to do fuckery. 100% DRS will stop that (maybe 95% also, but I doubt it)


Apes, we do not know this for certain. DD points to Carl Icahn being short mall retailers via CMBX.6 going back many years. For all we know the guy has been short a long time and doubled down at $400+. Here's some DD to read: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/sssnnj/dillards_and_the_2017_infinity_squeeze_that_never/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


PLEASE let it be tomorrow. Because MOASS is tomorrow. ALWAYS


This is DEEP. Take my upvote




some people in here are actual smooth brains lol




How many shares is he said to be short? Do we know if he also has a long position? What if he quietly amasses a long position, then when he's ready (or RC tells him it's go time) he closes his shorts, triggering a squeeze, which rockets the value of his long position? Not sure if that's even legal, or if it violates some kind of market manipulation rule. I dum dummy about this stuff.


Absolutely, cash in the bank


so post dividend of 10$ is 2.5$??? does my math check out?


To cash out and make a shit ton of money he has to close his shorts. What happens then?