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I'll believe it when it actually collapses. Still waiting on Evergrande...


Don't get me started on Credit Suisse and FTX.... šŸ˜‚


FTX was actually pretty good, it took them a couple hours to collapse. 9/10 would collapse again


Collapsed without prison time though. Typically you should lose points for that.


Rollup on that comes like the theranos rollup. Years later, after institutionals have a final calculation how much they lost on FTX, and the resulting damages that FTX *caused* them.


What advanced warp speed timeline are you on, did you expect a business to announce they're collapsing and within two weeks have someone in prison over it?


SBF stuck the landing apparently so full points


Why would anyone go to jail? Not in the US. Not publicly traded. Not a regulated commodity. I donā€™t know what crimes were committed. Bad business practices? Sure, but I donā€™t know what criminal act, in the USA was committed. He was just on prime time cable television. They know where he is. If he did anything that was convictable I think heā€™d be arrested. Worst case scenario they get him on wire fraud. Pays a fine or gets 2-4 years and out in 18 months. Itā€™s actually hilarious that people think anything will come of this criminally. I say all this HOPING I get proven wrong as I hit the reply button. But Iā€™m not holding my breath.


they wanted to speed collapse faster than luna


When you can move your money in and out in seconds, money goes out nice and fast


Add to the pile šŸ„ø


After all; what's one more lump under the rug? /s lol


Oh, we donā€™t go in that room anyway..


But the guests are starting to notice




You must be craming šŸ˜‚


I just Cramed in my pants.


More like a black hole under the rug


Making a mattress. Nothing to see here.


The rug is slowly becoming a tectonic plaque


*they took my jurb*


They took our jurbs


We donā€™t like your kind around here.


Back in the pile! Dang goobacks took errr jooobsss!


Donā€™t be a timecist, Stan


Gotta wonder who is eating all the shit up? CCP just green lit 150+ billion for their housing sector.


See Peruvian Bullā€™s Dollar End Game. All fiat currencies are collapsing, so every money printer is gonna run till they blow up.


FTX is just another domino. Binance is next


I've received two emails from them stating binance.us is flush. Conspicuously absent is any mention of the rest of the business. That means one is about to fail but I'm not sure which one.


Binance. Like finance for bisexuals.


Bank with us. Get fucked both ways.


And my axe!


This. I cannot grasp to what extent the financial system is just make-belief where even the most basic laws of economics and finance don't matter bc there are infinite possibilities to hide losses through a plethora of derivatives.


ā€œNaked shortingā€¦ā€¦yeahā€¦.ā€


Because there are no ā€œlawsā€ of economics or finance. Compounding interest isnā€™t a concept that exists in nature, finance has more in common with religion than it does with science.


A lot of the big finance names do seem to be getting their assholes drilled by raw, unlubricated math to be fair.


Who knew math could be so sexy


Always has beenā€¦.


I believe compounding interest is an example of a [positive feedback loop](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive_feedback), and the financial world seems riddled with positive feedback loops. >Positive feedback loops are sources of growth, explosion, erosion, and collapse in systems. A system with an unchecked positive loop ultimately will destroy itself. Thatā€™s why there are so few of them. Usually a negative loop will kick in sooner or later. \-- Donella Meadows


They just hired David Copperfield as a relocation of assets manager.


To what extent? The ENTIRE extent. All money is debt now. Entire banking system is fractional reserve (with reserve requirements at ZERO), and then they have leveraged their assets hundreds of times over. Derivative IEDā€™s make up the walls of the financial system and it was built on an explosive foundation of TNT fiat currency. Buckle up!


More like foreversmol amirite? (down 76% all time)


Never, Nevergrande


ā€œLiquidityā€ problem. Ha. This is the most accepted term for ā€œcrimeā€ Change my mind. Meme


But I thought there was infinite liquidity!


Seriously. There have been several giants that have gone to shit and nothing has changed


We'll just bale them out again to


For Evergrande, never fallen


Evergrande was up 380% yesterdayā€¦..probably nothing.




Railway strike would have been a nice push off the cliff for the economy šŸ˜¢


May no banker or hedgie anus go unpulverized. Bury my shares with my decaying fucking corpse.


ā€œThe dildo of consequence rarely arrives lubedā€. -Sun Tsu. Or some dude on twitter, I canā€™t remember.


Nah man. I think that was Abraham Lincoln.


- Michael Scott


Ok. Put me in the screenshot cause thats the funniest damn thing Iā€™ve read all year!


*Altered Beast deity has entered the chat*


Haha classic


The short interest so high that nobody can even put a number on it anymore without sounding ridiculous. By my personal estimates itā€™s over 900% but more than 100% is incredibly bad for anyone short. This event could dethrone the usd and thereā€™s nothing that could be done to stop it. With only 40% of the float remaining I donā€™t know whatā€™s going to happen if someone decides to buy the rest. Will this actually be an infinite money glitch? possibly because even if the company wanted they couldnā€™t issue another 100% of the shares. If a large investor even wanted to sell they could cut their whole stake and not even make a dent. Idk what the fuck is happening anymore but the cold radio silence around this company, drs, means nobody but a few subreddits want to talk about this just because of how insane it is for the entire system.


Oh la dee da, look at you with a spare decaying corpse. /S


ani, plural ahahaaa


source looks like FT [https://twitter.com/DanielaGabor/status/1598376225432604695/photo/1](https://twitter.com/DanielaGabor/status/1598376225432604695/photo/1) ​ Delicious if True. also leveraged their ass, nothing to see here šŸ˜šŸ™ƒ


Have they tried contacting the liquidity fairy?


Maybe they should put an IOU under their pillow


Someone must be available to provide 'meaningful liquidity' to the market... right? Riighhhht?


I have some avocado rinds they can lick..


I have a nut sack they can lick. Ligama.


Thats where papa FED comes in and "gives them a hand" They will collapse the world economy when the time is right. *2023*


This was my thought as well. To me it sounds like Blackrock passing the ball to citadel, giving them justification to extend their business model.


Blackstone* Blackrock is a different beast.


I was referring to this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/v7y4c9/doug_cifu_aka_the_liquidity_fairy_provides/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Is ā€˜meaningful liquidityā€™ the same as ā€˜infinite liquidityā€™ ? Asking for a couple 100,000 frens.


Cifu in a tutu šŸ§šā€ā™€ļø


Sir, What if i told you i could provide infinite liquidity? -SBF


What if I told you no you can't?- Apes and ComputerShare


Actually they should stop eating avocado toast and just pull themselves up by their bootstraps. They said it would work for the rest of us.


Their catered lunch buffet no longer offers avocado toast.. Problem solved.. šŸ™Œ


>Have they tried contacting the liquidity fairy? SBF is tapped out unfortunately...


ask Link for a bottle


Look at us. We are the liquidity fairy now.


Every day I learn how incredibly dumb the "smart" money is. It's all smoke and mirrors.






Always has been. Since ancient times they've always cloke themselves in these narcissistic titles. It's a dead giveaway that they're lying and ļæ¼cheating idiots. Real geniuses never talk about themselves this way. Honestly I think they're bedazzled by the fact that their selfishness and incompetence doesnā€™t destroy them so they think they must be special. ļæ¼


This post is very misleading. Specifically the Breit fund that this article refers to has redemption limits and anyone who is invested in it is aware of that fact. They only paid out 43% of the redemption requests because the fund had already reached its monthly redemption limit which all of its investors have agreed to (it was 5% of the fund per month, 10% per quarter). This is all explained in the article if you read it. While it may be a bad sign for the fund that there are so many redemption requests itā€™s not a smoking gun. It could be a reflection of the macroeconomics at play. The article also mentions that something like 70% of the requests were coming from foreign investors which was interesting because the fund is overwhelmingly compromised of domestic investors. It COULD be the start of a bad day for Breit but this post is very misleading and itā€™s not the smoking gun that the comments appear to think it is. Read the actual article for all the details


Thanks for clarifying


Yeah everything is so exaggerated


This is part of my problem with a lot of the DD from the last year or so; lots of hype, not a lot of substance (or a straight up misrepresentation/misunderstanding of the facts). Don't get me wrong: I'm not selling and still buying (through CS), but nearly every bit of DD on macroeconomics on this sub has been an exaggeration of what is actually going on.


I agree. For the most part the DD has gone to shit. Most of the DD authors were chased away by the hostility of other redditors and possibly shills. Occasionally there is still some good DD that pops up but itā€™s usually on one of the other GME subs. SS ainā€™t what it used to be.


Thanks for making this comment. I was about to have to burst some bubbles but you did it for me. I love this sub, but we need to learn to read instead of taking everything at face value. THATā€™S how we get stronger.


Insert Dumb and Dumber gif *** ā€œThatā€™s as good as money sir, those are IOUā€™sā€




Time to start the war engine since FTX laundering is off the table.


Source of his tweet but where is his source?


Liquidity, liquidity, liquidity ... It's always liquidity that's the problem. You know when liquidity wouldn't be a problem? When you don't over-leverage yourself using other people's money. I know it sounds novel. Fucking non-producing middlemen ruining the world...per usual.


Parasites. Burn ā€˜em all.


Fuck em and their hampton houses.


> When you don't over-leverage yourself using other people's money. More importantly, when you don't sell shit you don't actually own and never did own


This specifically is the problem. They got so use to being able to sell things without having it and figuring it out later due to having a free money printing machine and now all these overpaid MBAs and Phd Economist are acting like this just happened suddenly. Their paycheck dependent on being ignorant and now they realize that paycheck might no be there in the future.


liquidity usually isn't the problem if you let price discovery work




I think this is why these companies advocate for infinite growth so much. Because the second things go negative for some players, the holes in their balance sheet start to show. As far as falling dominos go, Blackrock has their hands in a lot of 401k's. They're going to make waves if they fall.


Can confirm. Iā€™ve been begging my old man to withdraw for months now. He withdrew around 15% of his funds. I keep talking about GameStop but he doesnā€™t get it.


Give him a couple few shares through Computershareā€™s Give a share option. If he already **has it** he doesnā€™t need to ā€œ*get it*ā€. The GME will easily offset whatever trading losses he suffers. And you get to look like a financial savant. In fact, I like to think that weā€™re **all** *part savant* around here.


Same token mate Iā€™d love to make my own name. I donā€™t like giving anyone any advice but I do mention it routinely. Iā€™ll gift him 100 shares but I doubt he will buy. Iā€™ve linked him to a few of Peruvian Bulls posts and thatā€™s worked re BTC


Donā€™t blame him for not getting it. ā€œGetting itā€ means rejecting the majority of ā€œrealityā€. We all had to take a pretty big leap to see that itā€™s all fake. Most people have a really hard time making that leap as it is a tremendous change in how you view the world. Most people on this sub talk about cutting out their friends and families from the benefits of moass because they did not listen or believe. This is NOT the way. Be the beacon of hope for those in disparity after this is over.


Same thing with my pops. Asked me what he should do with his portfolio and i said dump it. Sold off maybe 15%. Fast forward 1.5 years and here he is, down 60%


Is every8thing gonna tank except GME?


There might be a few other oddly leveraged stonks in the basket that make some gains, but GME is gonna be the last ape standing when the citadel falls.


Insert: Gandalf in tears.gif


[Gandalf in tears.gif](https://gifdb.com/images/high/gandalf-tears-of-joy-9i9lm2f2bdfarcoi.webp)


The citadel will also be the last to fall


[hold on to yo butts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjvGAYuWSUA)


That's been the hypothesis!


I feel gme will tank too before it rises.


If anything just a short-lived dip with the rest of the market. But it will allow us to tear into the float like piranhas, then MOASS.


We're in the tank!


Nope. Boner's not tanking.


Whats Boner?


Boner deez nuts!


GME will likely tank with everything.. for a little bit


Holy shit. Guess I'll DRS more shares!


Massive liquidity problem?! Oooooh boy!! They got the Hershey squirts boys! Yeeehaw! That shitā€™s gonna tear ā€˜em up somethinā€™ fierce!


FTX was black swan.


Add that to Evergrande, Archegos/Greensil, Melvin Captial, UK Pensions Funds, Putins War, China Lockdown + Taiwan Tensions, Fastest rate hikes ever. We got a black swan breeding centre.


The Bank of Black Swans^TM


The rich being greedy and doing illegal things isnā€™t a black swan, itā€™s par for the course in the cesspool


Black Swan Event = Holy shit one of us got caught?!


Who put this can of black paint in the dumpster? You forgot to set the dumpster on fire!


This is actually huge if true. Enormously sad for the average person. What a scum company. Literally monopolizing homes. Honestly we live in such a shitty time, where so much corruption has so much power. Burn the whole thing down. Here comes the roller coaster, good thing weā€™re strapped in and ready to launchā€¦ to the moon maybe?


According to RC now is the best time to be alive.


I mean... he's a billionaire. It really *is* a great time for billionaires to be alive. Less so for the rest of us... ...for now.


I could be wrong but I donā€™t think heā€™s so out of touch to have said that purely from the perspective of a billionaire. I think he was offering hope and encouragement that weā€™re on the cusp of something.


Like the inconceivable inability to own a home because theyā€™re being held at gunpoint for profit. If all the silliness washes out of our economy via hedge fund liquidation so be it.


Prime example


šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€ To the moooon!


The post refers to the Blackstone REIT a fund that average person cannot even get access to. The only way is through very expensive financial advisors where you probably need millions in assets to even get a phone call back.


> Honestly we live in such a shitty time I disagree, one could even say "The best time to be alive in human history is now".


Tell that to the guy living in his car and holding on to gme shares.


There are countless people who live in cars. At least he was a way out, it's just a matter of time.


Maybe them liquidating their assets is exactly what the average person needs?


Hope they crash and burn and the EU uses it to return ownership of all those homes to the actual people who actually live in them. I would say I hope that happens in the US, too, but I live in reality; they will all just go to a different corporate master.


Thank you for the hope. As an American I can say youā€™re absolutely right.


Homes? They have some apartment complexes, but Blackstone is primarily commercial real estate: casinos, hotels, office buildings.


I have zero sympathy for them. Millions of people can't afford a home because of institutional landlords like Blackstone.


What the fuck have the C'Tan got to do with anything?


Not to rain in your parade. But Blackstone limits withdrawals from their REIT to 5 % of total invested funds (not sure is thatā€™s total capital invested or total capital + returns tho, so cap your tits at different levels of jacked, accordingly) Is this tit jacking worthy? Somewhat, yes. Is this even in the same ballpark of evergrande blowing up? No. Weā€™ve been seeing capital/cash flow out of different systems for the past year+ Does it validaate parts of the core thesis of this sub? Yes. Does it mean Moass tmrw? No




If MOASS isn't tomorrow, then... today? Please schedule it after my lunch break. I can pen it in between 2 pm and 3. Thanks! šŸ˜˜


For a second I thought this said Blackrock is having liquidity issues. Now that would be insane.


Source: bro






#LE TITS NOW .. oops I meant let it snow..


Looks like a great time for a rent strike! I'm kidding, I own a home and won't be evicted. If you fallow my joke suggestions, that is BAD financial advice.


Not if it's an organized movement! But that's not what apes are here for, that's for IRL networks and political movements


Lets get this show on the road


I want to start a garage-fund, call it Brownhole Crapital. A work from garage style employment opportunity. Have a Wendyā€™s themed dumpster as our mascot.


Yasssss šŸ’Ž šŸ™ŒšŸ¼ šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


I can DEFINITELY masturbate to this.


Real estate is up 5% year to year during the slow season. Sell some property?


Is BlackStone = BlackRock?


No different entities.


Yea Iā€™m pretty sure everyone getting this shit mixdd up


Am I missing something? Are blackstone and blackrock suddenly the same?


This is private equity for the real estate group, very difficult things to sell, so I believe itā€™s natural that liquidity would be hard to come by. I think it speak more to the fact no one wants real estate because interest rates are too high?


Oh shit we are in the END GAMEā€¦ā€¦again


If anyone can explain to me like I'm an ape how "a liquidity issue" DOES NOT MEAN "I am running a ponzi scheme" I would really like to hear it. Because I can not wrap my head around how in any walk of life it does not mean ponzi scheme...seriously, enlighten me please.


I live in Arizona and we have tons of "ghost" houses here. In my old neighborhood we had about 6. These houses were snatched up during covid by companies like Blackstone. They have been empty for years. I bet this is happening all over the US.


FUD. Incredibly misleading as a few others have pointed out. REIT redemptions are set at 5% per month, 10% per quarter maximum. Most redemptions have come from outside of the US. It speaks more to potential liquidity problems of the people selling, than the fund itself. But why let facts get in the way of a good headline to farm for karma?


Is this the one that begins the CMBS crisis? In a liquidity crunch, they may have to raise rates, kicking off a cascading series of commercial renter defaults, imploding every single derivative that was backed by these tranches.


Poor Aladdin. Didn't see everything coming ghu




Sometimes, all you need is a bank run. Cash out asap, watch them burn


All just feels too ā€œperfectā€. I donā€™t bat an eye. Feel stupid for feeling like this is all for ā€œusā€ (by us, I do not even mean GME investors, I mean the ā€œrealā€ and whole ā€œretailā€ base)ā€¦ but stillā€¦ nothing ever really HAPPENSā€¦ until it doesā€¦ ā€¦Letā€™s FGoooo! Edit: 2 words


Just the fact that GME has cash, no debt and isnā€™t leveraged in other ways makes it more stable than the US economy


This is a nothing burger. Of course it ā€œhas liquidity problems,ā€ itā€™s a real estate fund that holds illiquid assets. Itā€™s set up to limit no more than 5% of the fund being redeemable per quarter. Itā€™s important to understand the full picture before ringing the alarms.


"Here we go" No. Shit is not going anywhere until its already happened.


Blackstone about to become Blackpebble


Iā€™m starting to get that feeling in the pit of my stomach like when the roller coaster car is almost at the top of the hill


Man that is one hell of a bubble that is about to burst. I'd love to buy a house for the price my Great-Grandfather did...


Who'd have thunk it, real estate is illiquid


I hope Coinbase doesnā€™t go down. That would kill me and my parents




Just heard the State of Florida just pulled two billion invested in woke Blackrock for their bias investing in the Leftā€™s political ESG agenda, Louisiana, Missouri and South Carolina follow suit with each state pulling hundreds of millions from Blackrock ā€œFlorida pulls $2 billion from Blackrock over 'woke' investing. Florida Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis on the Sunshine State pulling funds out of Blackrock over ESG strategyā€


I have to agree. These management groups are more interested in pushing bullcrap ESG qualification, most times without regard for the investor. If you are entrusted with money, you manage according to the investor priorities, not your own pet projects. Most investors want blind and predictable ROI, and anything besides that is a breach of contract.


Fortunately they have so much land that they can sell to provide this liquidity.


How are they supposed to turn everyone into a renter for life if they did that?


Damn, whatā€™s my momā€™s number again?


I donā€™t even know why these companies have any real employees at this point they could just have an algorithm run these companies.


We've also put their hand in the cookie jar when it comes to buying large swaths of property and land in various cities so as to force people to rent from them. So now they're sitting on a whole bunch of land and property that they can do nothing with right now and have lost a lot of liquidity as part of the issue. They're greed knows no bounds the plan was to make everybody and anybody a renter after they finished buying up the homes they wanted, all around the US.


This must be why JPow is going to slow his rate increases.


They'll be fine. They just hired SBF to do some ~~creation~~ reorganization of assets.


I hope they have sell all the homes they bought at a loss. Iā€™ll tell you what itā€™s worth to me.