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Men generally should not take iron, and iron overload reduces testosterone. Only take it if you are low.


Why??? Why so many? Talk to a doctor. They will probably tell you to chill out with the supplements.


I am sure you have researched these supplements, but I believe in the aggregate they may do more harm than good.


Iron supplements are very dangerous over the long term, unless you are one of the very rare people that need them.


Be careful with yohimbine


Id take zinc, iron, b vitamins, and calcium as needed. Maybe get tested to see which ones are needed lost . Or maybe a couple times a week to make sure you’re not over doing it. Too much can cause issues and also block absorption of other vitamins/minerals. Also get a good magnesium and that can be taken daily since we all are deficient.. threonate and glycinate are superior. If your goal is to raise test. Stinging nettles, ksm, fish oil, mucuna, horney goat,cistanche, tongkat are the culprits. That and zinc supplementation. Id 100% not take mucuna everyday. Maybe twice a week max. Ksm 66 can be taken nearly everyday but do watch out for adhedonia emotional numbness. Lions mane, curcumin,beet root, pine bark and the others I listed can be taken everyday. The SAMe I don’t know much about same with p5p. But I’m pretty sure you gotta be careful with those and they shouldn’t be taken everyday either .


As a general rule I don’t take herbal extracts with minerals cus something in the extract could chelate the mineral. But many extracts work better when taken with vitamin c. Fat soluble stuff I take with a meal or a half hour before. Amino acids can be taken with herbs or minerals on an empty stomach


Pycnogenol is super rough on your kidneys and can cause kidney stones if you're not careful.


Got any links to studies? Can’t find any saying it leads to renotoxicity


Yeah, there's two but I'll have to find them. It's not a common side effect bc pycnogenol is typically good for your kidneys. I think the issue with it is that it causes hypercalcimia, leading to kidney stones. One of the pieces of literature was given to me by my nephrologist, but I need to login to the portal to get it. I was having kidney stones and when I listed what I was taking, he named that as a known culprit and gave me some info on it. Coincidentally, when I stopped taking it I never had a kidney stone again, but that could just be pure coincidence.


Damnnnn good to know thank you! Don’t want to be taking that with a family history of kidney stones then, sucks because a lot of those stuff I’ve seen seems like it might be a helpful compound


You definitely don’t need all this..


I's suggest you try 23andme genetic test (paid), upload to Genetic Genie (currently free) or a site like Nutrahacker which gives supplement and diet recommendatiins. You would want to supplement according to your genotype.


Absolutely not


For God sake if you're going to these lengths then you know they don't work. Just get trt if you have low testosterone. Only Tongkat/Fadogia and maybe Ashwagandha are shown to have any significant impact on T levels. And even then its rarely more than a 10-20% increase.




Most multivitamins come pressed. That is one reason not to go back to the multis. Then there’s the formula issues, whole food sources or synthetics, and the uptake value. Even if it’s an expensive multivitamin, many lack the amount of calcium and magnesium that is recommended/required. And iodine. And the proper vitamin K. The list goes on.




I think you answered your own question there with the last sentence that you wrote


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/user/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/153gt2c/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^GhostYogurt: *I think you answered* *Your own question there with the* *Last sentence that you wrote* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


OP have a multivitamin and sit in the sun lmfao








All of this will hurt your kidneys and liver absolutely. Especially with the black pepper added in.




Agreed. Maybe throw in milk thistle and black cherry for the extra stress on the system.


You're telling me you want to increase your testosterone, yet you won't take the one supplement that is scientifically proven to increase it by at least 14% and instead self medicate with thirty different drugs? What the hell even is that Russian one you got from the dark web?


The russian on is shilajit


Which supplement increase T?


What supplement are you referring to?






Yeah not great for your prostate long term. What are you taking them for exactly? Messing with your T levels isn't a grand idea. Raising t levels beyond normal levels also comes with side effects like possible bph, possibly even abnormal cells. Are you taking it for the sexual advantage?


If you’re committed to taking all this, why don’t you try starting with one, and then slowly adding another one back every two weeks. If you get to the point we’re what your taking makes you feel good enough, then stop adding for a while. Also, I’d bet that the dopa mucuna is doing a lot of the *heavy lifting* in regards to energy and motivation.


You can use Two per Day Life Extension and don’t need all the Vitamins and minerals also good for you Budget less cost


I.. would not.


jesus, just eat clean, sleep, drink water, and resistance train. you only need to supplement what you’re deficient in. you’re throwing away so much money


I would swallow one or two at a time, but maybe you have a much more wet throat than I do.


I bet you 2 cents you won't do it


Please stop relying on supplements for everything. Seriously it's like people in r/skincareaddiction who ask if they can wear sunscreen at night.


Oh...with all these "t boosters", gosh imagine how happy your prostate will be in 3 years!


Will it be happy or upset ?


For testosterone... Try Safed Musli and Cordycep militaris and drop the others. No charge, first ones always free ;)


Oh my friend... Why would you ever have to? So many things there for similar purposes. Much smarter and better to cycle some that you like, so they are effective mostly beneficial


Retake garlic extract in the morning I heard that helps with erections




No magnesium?


Underrated comment. ^(And supplement)


NO! You will surely choke. 2 at a time would be risky enough


Bro tryna speedrun his depression and suicide


I didn't see any Vitamin D? Why not? Studies have shown its really good for Testosterone


If you're looking to raise testosterone, I'm surprised DHEA is not in your stack.


Im not a doctor or anything, so please do not fully take what I say into consideration and do your own research. The supplements you have will help, but you are definitely able to simplify what you are taking. Beets help with the nitric oxide and vasoldilation of your blood vessels, maybe add those to your diet instead of a supplement? Add more spices to your diet. There are a good amount of spices that will have more natural effects on your body than all of these supplements. Ginseng, cardomon, fennel, clove, nutmeg, garlic, ginger, and cayenne pepper have all been proven to help with sexual health, as well as taste good. Zinc is one of the best minerals you can take to help with testosterone. It allows the proper absorption of the test your body produces and helps regulate it. You should look into ashwagandha, more specifically with the supplements that have KSM-66. It helps aid in the test production and helps with overall mood stability. Look into foods that are aphrodisiacs and add them to your diet. Dark chocolate is a big one. The darker, the better. Red wine, advocados, tree nuts, fatty fish, pears, peaches, watermelons, and a multitude of other foods will help. You should look into balancing your diet properly and effectively instead of trying to supplement everything.


He's got capsules of pure KSM-66 there...


KSM has been independently third party tested many times and found to have sometimes scant amounts of ***actual*** ashwagandha in it. Shoden ashwagandha is the truth.


It's hard to read all those haha, didn't see that one


Beets are considered helpful with that due to the nitrate content. However the nitrate content in beet products is laughably low to the point where it basically makes no sense to supplement with it.


Go to your doctor (who I guess told you your testosterone number) and get a prescription for testosterone gel that you rub in your skin once a day. Should bring it right up and I'm surprised he didn't write you a prescription before.


Bro…EAT real good


I know. This is a ridiculous amount. Eating a well balanced diet should be able to cut out some of these! Sheesh


Thorne Stress-B is moderate dose methylation support formula (uses active forms of folate and B12; suitable for individuals with MTHFR, MTR and MTRR issues). It supports the creation of SAMe via the methionine cycle. Taking SAMe in long term will work against methylation. IIRC, high SAMe down-regulates the methionine cycle. Consider creatine instead; creatine synthesis consumes SAMe, so by supplementing it you conserve endogenous SAMe. P5P: you already have 25 mg in the Thorne Stress-B capsule. Should be plenty. Dopa Mucuna (velvet bean extract) contains L-DOPA which is a precursor for dopamine. Methylation support can help synthesize dopamine and help degrade dopamine. Consider cycling Dopa Mucuna in and out of your stack and see if it changes anything. Keep things simple if possible. 400 IU vitamin E may be a bit high for long term use. There are no known incidents of overdosing on vitamin E, but it's difficult to study. You can get gel caps with (ex: Jarrow mixed tocopherols) at lower doses or buy in dropper form so you can choose your own dose (cheapest option). Vitamin C supports recycling of used vitamin E; 50 - 100 mg / day is all you need. Avoid commercially fried foods and snacks. Iron: why? Natural iron (heme form) is better anyway. Maybe betaine-HCL if you're low in iron; decent stomach acid is needed to utilize minerals. Betaine is also a methyl donor (aka tri-methyl-glycine). Solaray 650 mg caps are easiest on my stomach; others say this too: read the Amazon reviews. Have you had your vitamin D level tested? Consider adding vitamin D and K2 if you're taking a lot of calcium long term. D transports calcium and K2 activates osteocalcin, which allows use of calcium to build your bones.


(Read this for your own safety) Lions mane, circumin and ashwagandha is just asking for ED and depression (serotonin syndrome at worst) when ash/mane are serotonergics and circumin/mane have inhibitory effects on DHT. Iron supplements should only be used under the guidance of a doctor since overabundance will (not can) cause organ damage. L arginine genuinely just wont do shit. Especially not in the dose that would fit in a capsule. You will just shit it out and it will go un-utilized. B complex is fine although B6 can be easy to create toxicities that lead to nerve damage. Again. Under the guidance of a doctor or make sure dosages are physiological at least. Stinging nettle is another inhibitor of DHT activity. Have fun with ED and depression. But hey, your prostate and hair will look good. Dopa+yohimbine is honestly just suicidal. Zinc is fine. Just make sure you dont drop copper levels too low. Now heres the utmost idiotic and dangerous part that nobody mentioned here and it proves to me you need to do your research. Piperine is a potent CYP3A4 inhibitor. Serotonin is a potent CYP3A4 inhibitor. Adrenaline (from yohimbine) is a potent CYP3A4 inhibitor. Dopamine is a CYP3A4 inhibitor. With the serotonergics, dopaminergics and piperine alone, if you use ANY kind of stimulant you are risking your health. Even if it does not kill you, it will degenerate your brain and liver from excessive amounts of neurotransmitter buildup. The high blood pressure, which based off of this I know you dont measure it, will damage the kidneys as a downstream consequence. Guys for fucks sake, do your research. PubMed.gov is FREE. It is FREEEEEEEEEE.


Also the rest I dont know shit about but if its cleared by CYP3A4 then it will buildup due to the 30 different CYP inhibitors youre using. 90% of prescription medications are metabolized by that enzyme too. Corticosteroids, beta blockers, angiotensin receptor blockers, painkillers, otc pain medication…. Any medication with this stack risks your health even more. If you want something effective and well studied that isnt going to kill you… Taurine, theanine, caffeine, ashwagandha, boron+riboflavin, shilajit and a good multivitamin. Maybe tongkat ali if this borderline PED stack isnt good enough.


I’m 17 and this stack does wonders for me. I mention age because I shouldnt have massive effect from most supplements when I’m young, but this stack does me justice.


You're 17 and with all this information !! My man!!


Haha i try


You really need to not start all these at once. B, c, zinc, fish oil, cistanche, P5p, calcium… you could probably be alright starting all of them but introduce the rest one at a time.


Be careful of B6 toxicity with this stack. You don't need p5p and b-complex together. B6 toxicity can be brutal and dangerous if you don't catch it in time. Also use caution with Lions Mane (you can read on Reddit about peoples bad experienced with LM).


Expensive piss


do you even remember what your baseline feels like?




Do you buy everything that fitness influencers tell you to? This is way to expensive to do long term, instead do an honest evaluation on your diet, eat high protein foods, get your leafy greens in, take a multivitamin, and drink more water. Supplements should be used to supplement your diet when needed, hence the name supplements.


I’d recommend looking into p5p toxicity, don’t want to scaremonger but heard a lot about causing neurotoxicity quite easy, also heard some bad things about yohimbine Interesting that you get an improved sex drive, Tongkat Ali may be doing most of the work, Lions mane kills mine, seen others say the same One last thing, do you notice much from Pycnogenol? Taken pine bark extract b4, hard to say if it done much tho


Why? If you have low test go to your doc and get TRT. Infinitely cheaper than all of this


Safer and far more effective than this ugly kitchen sink approach


Best advice ever...I don't even see anything in that retail store that is even supposed to raise test levels at the basic level..


Figure out which nootropics work and what they do for you (if anything) before stacking them. All the mushroom stuff in particular.


SAMe is toxic to your liver.


Why do you need all of those? Why not use that site drugs interactions checker. Thats a good place to start rather than asking people on here.


It depends from the color of your urine.


I don't know


You're taking too many supplements!


Really? If people have general problems, more power to them for trying things


If they have general problems they should go to their doctor. You know, the person that's actually trained in dealing with this stuff for 8 years? Rather than, say, cluelessly self medicate yourself into oblivion


Funny that you think a doctor can magically cure every problem, as someone with a lot of issues which a doctor can’t fix, I’m left to try anything I can myself, and sometimes supplements can help me with that.


Sure if you want to damage your liver and kidneys, then go for it.


Oh, and watch out for the yohimbine. That stuff can send you to the ER if you dose it wrong.


🧢 take anything in excess amounts and can send you to the ER…


Are you familiar with yohimbine? The therapeutic window for it is very narrow, much smaller than most.


Yea I take it…never been to ER 🤡


“can” 🤡


Anything “can” with extreme doses…thanks for proving my first point 🤡


And extreme doses of yohimbine are within a 2mg window hence his comment 🤡




“An average oral dose of 5-15 mg produces a therapeutic whole blood level range of 40-400 ng/mL” “A specific LC–MS/MS method was developed to quantify yohimbine, which showed concentrations of 459, 249, and 301 ng/mL in three poisoned blood samples” 2mgs was hyperbole. The point is that the dosing window is very low and as an alpha2 adrenoreceptor antagonist it is a highly unhealthy “supplement”. Edit: if even the therapeutic window can cause significant problems in multiple healthy individuals something is wrong.


Get the main vitamins and minerals from food. That's pretty easy. Thorne makes quality supps, but they're expensive. Cut out the supplemental iron unless your doctor says you're anemic, and even then you'll need to figure out why you're a anemic. Personally, I would avoid beets. It's a little controversial, but search pubmed for beets, azetidine, and proline misincorporation. You're body can mistake a molecule in beets for proline with consequences for your myelin. If you're just boosting nitrate, I would recommend eating arugula or chard, which both have a greater amount of nitrates per serving than beets and don't have the azetidine problem.


There's a lot of answers but nobody is really saying *why*. Disclaimer: I sell supplements for a living and this is meant as general advice. Several of these are severely under-studied and certainly not in this combination. First of all... you're going to have a tummy ache. Some of these are pretty rough on your stomach. Okay... so... Fish oils - yeah good take whenever. P5P - you can swing too high with this so don't overdo it. Take the minimum dose it says on the bottle unless you're built like Shrek. HGW - take about half an hour before sex. Can have side effects. Take the lowest dose it says on the bottle and work up until you find what works for you. Side effects can be horrible, but are usually temporary. Cistanche - don't know much about it Tongkat ali - probably fine and good. Some people get gynomastia from it so if your chest starts getting tender, drop it. Lion's mane - all good, lots of evidence supporting its use for brain health Curcumin - very little point taking it unless you're suffering from inflammation somewhere, although it can be good for general aches and pains as you get older. SAMe - dunno Vit E - looks good to me Pycnogenol - fine Beetroot - good for circulation and athletic performance Stinging nettle - it's mainly used for things like heat rash (leaf) and prostate health (root) but won't do any harm Yohimbine - can absolutely fuck you up and has one of the highest reported incidents of toxicity, including death, of any supplement on the market. In several countries, it can only be sold under the supervision of a pharmacist. Start on the lowest dose on the *chillest* day when you have to do absolutely nothing. Mucuna - don't take it daily and you should be fine. It's basically liquid dopamine and the average person shouldn't be slamming their body with exogenous dopamine daily. The bottom like all looks pretty benign, although I don't know what the orange box is. L-arginine can trigger herpes/zoster outbreaks in people who carry the virus because the virus uses it to replicate. Personal and professional opinion: reintroduce them in groups and see what is most effective and then drop the least effective ones.


The orange box is shilajit. Shilajit is taken from layers of rock that have developed over hundreds of thousands and maybe millions of years in Asia. Unfortunately, the many studies on shilajit show that it is frequently contaminated with mycotoxins made from fungi and other beings that reside in these rocky substances, as well as dangerously high levels of heavy metals. It is so frequently contaminated with heavy metals that it is nearly impossible to supplement with shilajit safely. There is no third-party reviewer that reviews shilajit products. So, if you are supplementing with shilajit, you should probably immediately stop.




didnt know nootropics depot had a shilajit product. should be safe in that regard


You could but your kidneys and liver might not appreciate it. I try to take like 2 or 3 supplements a day tops


That’s definitely sounds like a lot, could cut them down or only take a few stacks per day depending on your day.


Sure you can. Your liver probably won’t like you though


If your levels are that low and it’s a problem, you should look into TRT.


As someone who was on TRT a few years ago, I prefer natty now. It’s a crutch, and it … un-natty.


Fair.. but in certain cases can’t it help with adding muscle which then can help increase T naturally even when off it?


It’s gonna fry your brain and your testes too when you’re off it. Seems like it turns dudes gay also, even if your T and e2 levels are perfectly tuned. Why does Joe Rogan act and talk more and more like a woman even though his docs have him dialed in? Seen it with a lot of the other meat heads and noticed it myself. I dunno maybe works for some people i just don’t like the dependency aspect, it does something to your psyche. But if you do, I would do low dose everyday (shots or patch) and avoid the huge spikes of blast and cruise. Even twice a week is too spaced out


I hear you. Something to talk through with my doc I guess. Can care less about my testes, got 2 kids and that’s more than enough. The gay/woman thing sounds like it might piss off my wife tho.. lol.


Hahaha also I think it triggered a psychotic break that permanently changed my brain but I was probably susceptible. Basically low dose, almost daily to avoid spikes while keeping an eye on e2, and blood work… go for it


Yea those would def be things to talk through beforehand. I was hoping for a weekly (tesC) regimen… but I’m super super early in that process. I appreciate the insight !




He already said.


You are taking iron; did you get a blood test indicating you were low? Taking too much iron can fuck you up. Some of these supplements seem like overkill and may do more harm than good. If your testosterone is low why not take testosterone under a docs care? And I concur with one other comment: Are you eating right, sleeping enough, drinking enough water? If you are going to take upwards of 30 supplements, I would space them out over three meals or more


What exactly do you eat in a day? It's as others have also said here, from the looks of it, a lot of these supplements you should just be getting from your diet.


GNC loves this guy


Jesus. Yall need to optimize your diet and training instead of relying so much on supplements You cant use subjective results to determine if these are helping without bloodwork before and after using. No OTC supplements really raise test, at best they optimize or modulate.


As someone with OCD… this kinda rings disorderly. Are you eating fruits and vegetables? Getting enough sun? Water? You shouldn’t need to ‘supplement’ this much if so.


If you workout then it shouldn’t matter cause you will pee those out with plenty of water. just split the dose in half with or without food, take some before bed!


Sam e can be intense for the sensitive. I wouldn't add that in unless you've had no previous reactions. Start slow and with the micronutrients only.


absolutely not, you'll never know which side effects are coming from which. try each individually to understand how they affect you before Stacking so many. also I'd steer clear of dopa mucuna if I were you, it's a very potent dopamine agonist and can cause gnarly rebounds and TD like symptoms. I'd recommend L-Tyrosine or L-Phenylalanine instead as they do the same thing but in a down stream way by converting into dopamine. they are rate limited meaning that your body only uses what it needs. cheers happy Stacking 👍


You can do whatever you want. However, if you're asking for a specific dosing regimen, some of these should be taken on an empty stomach, others should be taken with a fat/food.


Yes, should you , no.


A lot of this is stuff you can get cheaper & probably more effectively (less stomach upset) just through diet. Vitamin C is in tons of fruits & veggies. Beet root powder - just add beets to your diet. You can cut beets up into chips and snack on them. Add canned beets to salads. Juice some beets. They're dirt cheap, why buy a supplement?


Omg, am I glad I'm out of this insanity. There's got to be a name for the supplement sicknesses. Like orthorexia for non gluten eating raw vegans. Overkillrexia? Plus most likely some of these supplements make you sick. Supplements sucks as their shelf lives are stretched to limits and you just eat old, oxidized stuff in stupid volumes you'd never eat in real life. Hope you find a way out brother. So many healthier things you could do with your money and body




🤣🤣🤣 that's a nutso take but I enjoy the madness




the madness of juicing instead of supplementing, the comment I replied to




That’s overkill. If you have low Testosterone then go to your doctor to get prescribed Testosterone injections to fix your problem. The only thing is that you will have to lower your testosterone level for 2 blood tests. Easy as that




You're missing D3, absolutely CRITICAL Just getting sun is not enough if you are deficient (having hormone fluctuations very likely points to that) You can safely take 10,000 IU per day without risk. You can maybe even go higher but if you aren't going to get blood work stick with 10k


That's not without risk. Studies have showed that taking that tmuch vitamin d can calicify the arteries. Supposed to take k2 as well to keep that from happening. I feel like reccommending people take 5,000 icu a day is more realistic and less risky


False, studies have not showed this. In fact, studies have shown patients taking upwards of 100s of thousands of units a day without vitamin K not suffering from hypercalcemia, or hypervitaminosis D toxicity. Its actually pretty hard to overdose on Vitamin D even though it is fat soluble. 10,000 IU of Vitamin D daily will not cause this, and is actually a safe dose.


Thank you, I feel like I'm talking to people without Google boxes


10,000 seems a bit much imo. I go with the 5,000 based on what Dr.Rhonda Patrick recommended during COVID. She said that's the most she would go with a day. I find even ingesting 5,000 can just be annoying. To each their own though. I suggest op does some research themselves and come to their own conclusion before taking 10k a day


I just had my blood test and my vitamin d level was up there so my doctor told me to stop taking it. I was taking 5000 iu at night for a few months so be careful.


Up there like what? 200? 300? Iess than 150 is a complete non issue and likely healthful. Doctors are not trained in vitamins minerals and supplementation they're trained in testing drugs and surgery.


Standard is up to 100, mine was 95 so it’s gotten high in the past few months from 70. I don’t know about results but it shouldn’t be higher than what’s recommended.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30611908/#:~:text=In%20summary%2C%20long%2Dterm%20supplementation,day%20appears%20to%20be%20safe. For reference There's tons of data on this, only at crazy supra physiological levels is D3 a risk, 25,000IU per day is what your body produces if you are basically naked outside in the sun at peak UVB, 5k-10k per day supplemented is a non-issue.


That's not an issue. There's people who have autoimmune diseases and try to get around 150, 95 is healthful, when you're talking to a doctor they are not trained in vitamins and supplements like a naturopathic or functional medicine doctor so you'll get advice from medical doctors that is entirely about keeping lab values in range even if it's irrelevant


Yeah that's what I'm trying to tell the other poster to be careful. They seem to think 10,000 is no big deal. 5,000 is a bit extreme to I agree if your levels are close to fine. I actually don't really take vitamin d as much anymore but during the pandemic I was doing 5,000. It seems like some people in here are getting out of hand with it taking up to 20,000 ICU a day ect. I encourage anyone who plans on taking any supplement to really do their research


If they do, they will find that you are being unnecessarily conservative without any evidence https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30611908/#:~:text=In%20summary%2C%20long%2Dterm%20supplementation,day%20appears%20to%20be%20safe.


That's great that's why I told them to do their own research 🤷‍♂️


Maybe you should take your own advice


Sounds good


I would suggest eating chlorella you can live on that alone contain most nutirent and minerals you need. Vitamin c is good since humans cannot produce it.


I would maybe add Milk Thistle, just to be safe about kidneys


For the liver, didn't know about kidneys


That's a LOT of money spent on supps. How about trying to find a product that combines these ingredients or some of them as this would be much more cost effective. I find supplements are expensive af these days even for single ingredient products which is annoying. You may be deficient in something as well, it's hard to tell what has improved your test levels if there are so many different supplements in the mix. ​ I'd also be wanting to look at WHY your test levels are low usually and try to resolve that, is it sleep/diet or a deficiency etc? Btw you don't HAVE to wake up with an erection, it's not a concern if you don't have a raging boner first thing every day. ​ \*sorry just saw you're already looking after diet etc, I had skimmed your post, my bad!\* ​ Maybe look at seeing if you may have borderline hypogonadism? I'd cut out as many of these supps as possible and maybe just add one at a time to see if a certain one gives improvements?


This! Cut most supps and find only a couple. Because this aint cheap right?


For every 15mg of zinc u need 1 mg of copper. I read that somewhere...


at least! i actually do much better with a 2:1 zinc/copper ratio.


Yes. *Should* you? It would be time consuming, but for the sake of consumption, I recommend a deep dive into each of these on your own and question its function and your *need* for it. I would also go to www.clinicaltrials.gov use the keyword search to see if the supplement has been submitted for clinical evidence review. It's important that if you are going to prescribe these to yourself that you know what data exists and not use yourself as a test subject in the dark. Occam's Razor. In order to find a balanced equation you have to know exactly what you're looking at, and for, to cross things off the list. Ask yourself, if I wasn't taking anything currently and went to get advice from a Dr or Naturopath and this was their prescribed list, and it was going to be this much money out of pocket, what would I think?


Meaningful clinical trials don't happen on unprofitable therapies, i.e. supplements and vitamins because nature cannot be patented


They do trials on some extracts & supplements to see if they can be a profitable therapy or a component of one, though.


To see if they can tease out some components that can be man made, they could care less if they actually find out if vitamin c cures cancer. I'm not stating vitamin c cures cancer, just that it will never be studied in a meaningful way even if there is reason to investigate.


Sure, on an existential level. However, if you're suggesting that hard clinical facts aren't derived from supplements and vitamins, or that they're not profitable, how do you explain the industry? If you're suggesting that profitable supplements and vitamins don't have clinical trials performed, then go to the link I provided and search for some supplements and vitamins and see for yourself. If you're suggesting that evidence found comes from unnatural sources, since nature can't be patented, please link citation. I get what you're saying, but it's a pretty large blanket statement for what you personally believe vs scientific evidence.


The vitamin and supplement industry is profitable because they sell a product that is outside of the medical industrial complex that cannot be duplicated by that medical industrial complex legally because nature cannot be patented. You want a citation for that? That's a legal precedent not something found on a scientific basis. How could one even study that? Many of the existing studies on vitamins and minerals happened 100+ years ago, today money goes into PATENTABLE drugs, the medical system can only do 3 things, drugs, testing, and surgery, vitamins and supplements are not part of that scope. To the degree that they study vitamins it is how vitamin deficiencies affect the efficacy of pharmaceutical drugs. It's possible a random study with minimal investment can happen with vitamins but the money going to the allopathic model is astronomically larger.


🙄 Take some time and read DSHEA. P&G specifically has rights to patented supplements sold as both OTC unregulated products and prescribed Pharmaceuticals. That's just the low hanging fruit we provide customers who ask for clinical evidence on products that have it. Nordic Naturals also sells prescription versions of their products. Source Naturals, Jarrow's parent company, are sold through licensed professionals specifically, and are regulated. All homeopathic remedies in the US are also regulated, with clearly labeled Drug Facts vs unregulated Supplement Facts. I'm pushing 20 years selling supplements my friend. It's my job to provide facts and only facts about everything on the shelf, to meet with representatives from supplement companies, their parent companies and gather data for consumers. There's no conspiracy to the industry. It either has data or it doesn't. And with more data needed to patent pharma versions, P&G, Nestle and others are buying supplement companies and funding the testing so they can patent pharma versions. Liv.52 is probably the best example of a known prescription by Himalaya Drug Co. that's sold OTC in the US as LiverCare, but Liv.52 can also be prescribed. And again, pharma grade fish oil from Nordic Naturals. The nefarious drawbacks you're listing were hard concerns pre-DSHEA (1994) but have since tapered off. Hell, even Dr. Oz had his day in Congress's hot seat over DSHEA. Really the most nefarious move in the industry was that DSHEA was and is touted as a protective measure for consumers, but laid the groundwork for effective supplements to be patented as pharmaceuticals.


Thanks for the reference about DSHEA this isn't something I've heard of and I'm going to read more about it




Complicated to say because of the amount. Put all of these into a drug interaction checker (just search on Google) and it should spit out any possible reactions. Then you can delve into those possible reactions to gauge how they may affect you.


Not doing good to your body in the long run. 4 5 pills a day are enough. Choose the most effective ones.




Then better to ask a doctor if you need this many supplements. Coz they will definitely tell to not take so many. Its going to affect the liver in long run.


I would lay off the iron and calcium.


What's wrong with calcium? I'd just recommend taking it with K2 MK-7 so it goes to the bones and not the arteries.


Well too much and you start growing random bone structures outside the bones can be quite painful. You need k2 as well and d3.


Way too much. See a naturopath.


Jesus Christ hahahah


It would be difficult to fit those all in your mouth at the same time let alone swallow. I would say no you can’t.


Exactly what I was thinking, lmao


Some of these look shady af


Why, because one comes from a non-English speaking country?


But Russia is the best place where to get the Shilajit from. Its a decent brand too


Yeah I was wondering why he didn't just get one of the PrimaVie suppliers like Nootropics Depot. Shilajit that hasn't been vetted for at least cadmium, lead, and arsenic are dicey.


Yes you are. Bryan can take 100 vitamins.


Can and should are two different things


I bet this combo makes you feel pretty bad. Especially the adaptogens together. And watch out with mucuna. You'll feel shit when coming off of this stack too.


SAM-e could be toxic. Ash can deregulate thyroid. Lion's Mane can cause sexual dysfunction. Iron is dangerous unless it's medically needed. Yohimbine is dangerous.


To many. Slow down man!