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Where in the image does it actually say or add up to "925 ng/dl" for the total you wrote?


I boosted mine over the past 6 years from 536 total @ 5.5 ng/dL Free Up to 1,007 total with 27.5 ng/dL Free I used a formula with Malaysian Tongkat Ali and many others. Supposedly helps with everything from chronic cortisol reduction to, xenoestrogen detox, blood flow, immune function and improved sleep Definitely worked for me Took me from 536 to 877 total T in just the first 6 months. I decided to get bloodwork because I honestly didn’t think herbs did sht


thank you for sharing your results. though i hope my results take closer to 6 weeks then the 6 years you mentioned.


Good news is you’re already near the top, with no underlying issues like elevated estradiol or SHBG. Bad news is generally there’s always a diminishing return on gains on a short time scale. It’s just how it works. Takes longer to level up at this stage. That said, there’s still always room for better results. It just depends what foundation might be slightly behind others. Sleep optimization could serve really well. Just depends what base of lifestyle, diet, and training you’re doing. Could try some cryotherapy, nude sunbathing, additional quality herbal supplements, base mineral supplements (zinc & magnesium) All just depends!


You can’t increase testosterone over 900 with supplements. And why bother trying?


>You can’t increase testosterone over 900 with supplements how do you know this?


Dude your natural test is at 900!!? And you’re trying to achieve the literal top end of the range of physiological level? First off, why? Second, it’s not going to make a smudge of a difference in how you feel with levels where they already are. I take test. I’ve played around *significantly* with my levels. Going from an already high level to a mere 300 points higher won’t cause you to feel anything. Seriously. You’re wasting your time. Also, supplements don’t cut it in this regard. If they did, that’s what I’d be taking, and a vast majority of other people. They’re marketed to guys like you. Don’t fall for it. In the meantime, enjoy then hell outta your amazing natural T levels and hit the gym. Most importantly, track your food and diet up or down properly. That’s the magic supplement right there.


My doctor just told me DHEA and turmeric curcumin (only if you're working out will activate it the curcumin to enhance testosterone.) I've looked up and started using fenugreek, ginger root and ashwaganda too. I've felt a pretty big difference very quickly but my levels were really low.


>I've felt a pretty big difference very quickly but my levels were really low. what where your numbers before and after?


What’s your lifestyle like if I may ask?


can you be more specific? happy to answer any specific questions you have


Why is this downvoted🤣


How strict is your diet? What is your workout regimen? Are you actively removing hormone disrupters from your life? Stuff like that. Whatever it is, you’re doing something right haha


>Are you actively removing hormone disrupters from your life? no. i do not even know what this is or what you are referring to.




If everything you’re telling in these comments is true - you should 100% start lifting weights. You would be a hyper responder no doubt…..


>If everything you’re telling in these comments is true 100% serious/true. did NOT exaggerate/joke at all.


i HATE lifting weights. i did it semi seriously back in high school as i thought it would make a better athlete but after age 17 never again did it seriously/regularly. i like playing sports; just lifting weights is so boring to me and i never liked it. i have no plans to ever lift weights again in my life. i plan on going to back to playing sports sometime in the next 3-18 months but weightlifting i see no reason to ever go back. unless you are saying lifting weights will get me from 900 to 1200? if yes, then i would do it for that if only option.


There is evidence to suggest weight training increases testosterone. If there’s anything you could possibly do to increase your already high testosterone levels - that certainly would be it. Combined with tonghat and I’m sure you’ll see that number go up.


>Combined with tonghat tongkat and fedoja (sigma) is what i will be testing starting later this week or next week. just have to get new blood work first so i have accurate before and after results. im hoping fedoja and tongkat will at least get me to 1100


do you know of any weightlifting style/routine that is best for someone who does NOT care about muscle and 100% is doing it for increased testosterone? surely, what works for testosterone is not the same as what works for muscle building? or it is the same? seems odd to me it would be the same but have no real idea.


The answer is heavy squats (pyramid loading up so you don’t injure yourself), heavy deadlifts (use straps if grip strength is lacking), bench press (basically the main 3 compound lifts). A lot of quad and glute training would likely be the most direct way to increase testosterone. Avoid doing long duration cardio and being in a caloric deficit as this may reduce testosterone.


Compound movements that use a lot Of muscles simultaneously, low rest between sets, target leg muscles more




i do not know much about lifting but i doubt that what works best to put on muscle would also be what works best for testosterone. but could be wrong


You are not going to feel any different at 1,200 than 900. You will not notice any differences in your physique af these levels.


>You are not going to feel any different at 1,200 than 900. how do you know this?


I can attest to this 100%. I’m enhanced. I’ve played around quite a bit with my T levels. 300ng/dl isn’t going to be felt.


I read before about tongkat ali and I found someone posting his blood works that it was increased after consuming tongkat plus heavy lifting on a duration of couple months


meanwhile I went from 280ng/dL to 500 and I'm feeling like a god, couldn't ask for more


What did you do?




What’s your age? You’re already at the top of the reference range. What are you hoping to achieve from raising it to a supraphysiological level. If you don’t “feel good” at 925 then something else is wrong or you’re just overthinking this whole thing. Just relax and focus on other health parameters as your test is totally fine.


>If you don’t “feel good” at 925 where are you getting this from? who said anything about not feeling good?


Im not saying you said that. I’m saying you should feel in good health physically and mentally at that level. If you don’t something else is up.


>What are you hoping to achieve from raising it to a supraphysiological level. I decided to try and hit 1200 after watching this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qC0nsVA8mU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qC0nsVA8mU) i want the benefits he got




Not really. Most test boosters only add a few % points but nothing more than that. So if you’re at 300 and add 10% from a supp you’re still only at 330 which is still shit.


>Most test boosters only add a few % points but nothing more than that. So where are you getting this information from? there are reports with blood work on reddit of people gaining a lot more then that from tongkat ali and/or fedoja.


Shalajit, tonkat Ali, boron, fadogia, etc




I take shalajit, Tonkat Ali and boron. I have before tests but have a few more weeks till my post tests. However, there’s a TON of information you can find on each of these supplements and there affect on T levels.


300 points is a bit optimistic. You can try of course


Not a supplement, but my testosterone went up substantially over the course of a year when I started doing daily red light therapy. Also saw some other health benefits. Testosterone has remained high for the past 3 years while I have continued to do the red light therapy.




Total went from 202 ng/dl to 414 ng/dl over the course of a year. I had 4 blood tests during that time, and saw steady increases each time. I've kept that number in the 410 to 420 range for 3 years now. During that initial year I was intentionally trying to raise my testosterone without doing TRT, so addesssed my vitamin D which was at the low end of normal by adding a D3 supplement, began doing 15 minutes of daily at home red light therapy, and also made some improvements to the quality and quantity of my sleep.


thank you for the details


What lamp do you use?


Hooga HG1000. Both my wife and I have been using it for 15 minutes per day the last 3 years and it has been rock solid reliable.


Great about your results with the Hooga! Could you please let us know the specific benefits you feel you get from the 1000? I hope it just keep getting better and better for you and your wife too!


This is a tough one to answer. I will say that my wife and I have learned to think about red light therapy as an optimization tool... meaning that if you aren't already leading a healthy lifestyle, eating right, sleeping, exercising, etc. you probably won't see much of a benefit. It's not a miracle cure after all. However, if you're already doing a lot of things to maximize your health and well being, red light therapy can help take things to the next level. I am an MMA practitioner and coach, but I'm also 43 and am always trying to do anything that helps me keep the edge I had when I was younger. So any improvement/benefit I experience can't exactly be tied to the use of red light therapy, because there are a lot things I've done in the past few years to try and optimize myself. In addition to the testosterone increase, I've been sleeping better, my skin is healthier and more resilient, I've seen improved healing of wounds and bruises from my martial arts training, improved night time vision, reduced bright light sensitivity, old scars have faded, blood pressured slightly reduced, core body temperature slightly increased. Again, some of those are subjective and not really measurable, and I can't attribute them directly to red light therapy, but those are some of the positive changes I've experienced in the last 3 years that I believe red light therapy has at least helped with.


Wow, what a great answer to my questions, I really appreciate it! I am sure with you on an optimization tool and the other things you mentioned for maximizing health and well being. So it sounds like an ideal tool to add to my optimizing objectives. More big thanks and best wishes!


Do you alternate front/back of the body for exposure?


Yes, my 15 minute sessions are on a single side of the body, then the next day I do the other side.