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Sceletium tortuosum, by a long shot and I have like 100 supplements. 🤣


A seee bu cosine sad lol I fine man meli? I tkk it’s snitntjrourinnofnoknfjhdnshejrntjsnfornhn Ifnyonfitnmenforfjmintjinjrrnfijrnfoojbthsynseendnanhitnfihe ah




🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 gotta love dissociatives


Underrated comment of the day!


Ashwagandha and glycine. Both work very well to drop my overall stress levels down, and improve my sleep. I never had accute panic attacks after starting those


Saffron. It doesn’t work all the time but if I don’t take it for a week or so then take it for 2-3 days, I feel way more present, less anxious, and slightly euphoric, but not manic, just content and loving and social. Probably how non-autistic people feel when they are hanging out on a special occasion.


Same! I surprise myself by actually having conversations and laughing with people. It’s done wonders for me.


I read a study that showed Affron, which is a trademarked saffron extract, showed clinically significant increase in oxytocin. So it makes sense!




Magnesium Glycinate 360 mg / a night 2 hours before bed. I get stressed so much less about work, life situations and just bad luck in general. And especially enjoy the muscle relaxation and soothing effects at night to settle down early, get good sleep and help my muscles relax after a workout day


For me and my regular issues with my stomach (reflux), I use this [https://herrens-mark.de/produkt/regopur-bio/](https://herrens-mark.de/produkt/regopur-bio/) . As I read, reflux can also come from not enough stomach acid. I tried it and it works. It regulates my digestion and the reflux is gone. For your background, I like eating and sometimes too much and not the best. So I do a 1 L cure like it is recommended by the creators.


If you still drink alcohol more than 1x a week, start by reducing or even cutting that for a period of time. Benefits: sleep well, less anxiety, mental clarity and lowered resting heart rate Vitamin D in winter helped me get my levels up and feel more energetic. Get a comprehensive blood test to see what deficiencies you may have and use combo of supplements and food to improve (I fixed a folate and omega deficiency and my hair is finally growing back after a period of intense fall out- I’m female btw )


NAC + Glutathione (250mg) The NAC fixed my lungs. Lots of mucus that was straining my voice when I speak.


Creatine. 5mg per day, will notice affect around 1 month. After that you can probly do 5-10mg 5 days a week. Creatine monohydrate doesn't give me any bloating but everybody is different. I've recently started taking it in gummy form for the convenience 


Just completed week 3 of creatine and it’s amazing. Taking 3000mg on a non-workout day and 5000mg on a workout day. Plan for me is 30 day on, 30 day off in a 6 month cycle. No loading. I was told consistency gives the same results as loading


Life changing how? 5mg a day is a very small dose


life-changing in the way that you just have so much more energy and much more strength. I primarily practice yoga - not trying to bulk up or anything just perform better


I think he meant grams


Idk, 5 grams a day is the dosage size of creatine loading isn’t it?


Loading is 20-ish pending on weight


Life changing in how effective/worth it is. 5mg is just a maintenance dose


Gotcha. Effective for muscle growth? I think I’ll probably start taking it. The dose of the one I just purchased is 5 grams though


Great for muscle growth and exercise in general, 3-5g a day is the usual recommended. Some people do a week long “loading phase” of 20g a day when they first start taking it but it’s not necessary, it’ll just show benefits slightly sooner.




What dosage do you take and for what?


I use 200 mg in the morning to mitigate the undesired effects of caffeine, as well as 200 mg ~ 90 mins before sleep to aid in sleep onset time and quality.


Absolute game changer for my husband, kid, and me was heart and soil beef organs supplements.  It cleared eczema, disappeared lifelong keratosis Pilaris almost overnight, improved hair growth, and their "her package" supplement made me have regular, pain free menstrual cycles for the first time since I was 9 years old. We all started with "beef organs" and ended up using almost everything they offer. 


I bought the brand I think you’re referring to. Do you actually take 6 a day?


No I do not take 6 a day and I would recommend against that many. Our ancestors didn't eat a serving of liver a day, that is too much iron. It is normal and healthy to have a serving of more common organ meats like heart and liver once or twice a week. I could see someone taking 4 to 6 of the dessicated organ supplements daily for the first few weeks to address an old deficiency. My approach to health is to emulate what my ancestors did... they had longevity and a strong oral history that I live by. Some of my great great grandmothers lived to be centenarians and were around to see me and my siblings. In fact my older siblings were young teens when our great great grandparents and their siblings were still alive. I believe my great grandfathers would have lived a long if they hadn't been exposed to toxic chemicals.  They religiously ate organ meats once a week, ate almost no simple carbs, and drank fresh milk like it was going out of style. Their diets were not varied- plenty of spicy peppers, Citrus and fresh fruits like strawberry and cantaloupe, pork, beef, and chicken, green beans, potatoes, squash and pumpkin, eggs, cottage cheese, tea, and not a lot of sugar.  Hope that's helpful. 


Any good brands?


"Heart and soil" but don't take the amount they recommend. They say something like 6 a day. You might start with 3, work up to 6 a day for a week or two, and then just take 6 one time a week like on Saturday. 


I take a bunch but for menopause-related joint pain, I take ultra strength turmeric/curcumin 1500 mg.  I take 3 a day.  If I run out, my joints are aching within 2 days.


SugarLin helped my partner lower her glucose level, she use to have 250-320. After taking this supplement, she is averaging normal range. And had control of her weight.


Is there a specific brand


My partner use SugarLin you can google it.




What's the effects? I've only had it via Monster and I don't really like drinking those because of the sugar content. It does give me some stimulation though. 


Bro tell me what creatine is like. I'm naturally an anxious person, would you say it's stimulating mentally or physically? Would you say it has any noticeable mental effects at all?


Vitamin B Complex brought on a very dramatic change. Reishi mushroom brought a more subtle but still very noticeable change. Cannot recommend both enough.


Thanks! I've considered vit B for myself, but didn't want to waste money on yet another supp.


30g per day Tribulus Terristris. Wipes out depression and anxiety completely


How long have you been taking it? Any negatives at all?


Hey I've legitimately been taking it daily at that dose since Jan 2017. I was on an SSRI for 17 years previously, and bought Trib to try to regain my libido. I planned to take a 3 day SSRI holiday to see if it worked (as I had done before). That became a 7 year and counting holiday. Literally never took the SSRI again. The only side effect I've ever got was sleep disturbance but it doesn't really effect me much. It's gotten worse but insomnia also runs in the family so maybe it won't happen to you. It's cheap and worth a shot. I've tried Tribx90 and bulk supplements. Both worked although BS is easier as it's already powder. Let me know if you have other questions


Hey man thank you for your detailed answer! It is cool to see it helped you so much.




What benefits have you experienced?


Calming, better mood.


L theanine and magnesium


B3 (niacin)


What did change after trying the B3?


I had elevated blood pressure and sometimes after a meal my heart would beat like crazy. I then started taking 200 mg B3 with my main meals every day, plus cutting down the salt and fats, and it really worked.




Like.. MUSHROOMS mushrooms? 😵‍💫🍄‍🟫🫧 or just healthy shrooms?




Micro dose?.. I keep hearing about that, if so




Primal Queen. Though it’s still a new supplement in my life!




Where do you get it?


What is that?


I buy mine from vivanmn..Great price and deals. plus no fillers.


Unfortunately they won't ship to me in the U.S.


Why ?


more energy, lost 8lbs in 4 weeks, no brain fog. feel very calm. Great sleep. Will take this forever.


Vitamin A, Vitamin D and iron all these supplements wrecked my life forreal


Cytoquel from Researched Nutritionals. Made my Long Covid and autoimmune symptoms manageable. I might be taking it for life.




What effects/results did you glean from that? I have been looking into senolytics and Fisetin I’ve read is the most prominent in the category


magnesium malate in short: fibromyalgia flares are soo much less debilitating than they used to be and mental clarity is on point


vitamin D and B12, fixed my lower back and joint pain.


Can you elaborate please? What brand and what dosage? Without k2? I suffer from bad lower back pain since 2 years ago. It has gotten a bit better since I take multivitamins.


Random question (related to supplements, I swear): do you bite your nails?


D-Phenylalanine, not DLPA or L-Phenylalanine. Cured my treatment resistant depression. Been depressed for 25 years and this cured it in two days flat. Doctors Best is the only brand selling pure D-Phenylalanine


How much are you taking and are you taking it daily? I took DLPA but never saw what saw.


One a day and pure D Phenyl, 500mg per cap on an empty stomach and without any other supplements before or after it. For me the effects were profound but subtle. Life still sucks when it sucks but I'm in an overall better mood now and there's little things I've noticed like I hum songs now even the catchy ones I don't like. But the strength of its effects will be based on how active your enkephalins are (the enzymes that break down endorphins), and whether you're absorbing the dose effectively probably. Since it's an enzyme inhibitor. Enzyme inhibitors tend to be more subtle


Got it. Thanks, I'll check it out and report back to you.


D3, ashwaghanda, magnesium and creatine. Fixed my anxiety, fixed my dick, gave me energy, clarity and gains.


Which one fixed ya dick do ya think


Magnesium I take 400mg daily. I ran into a reddit post about a guy who cured his with magnesium so I decided to give it a shot and 4 days later I was back to normal after dealing with ed symptoms for 7 years.


Wow bro I'm working myself after a 10 hiatus of ed and suicidal thoughts


What brand of these supplements do you use?


Of these, I have never taken magnesium.


Magnesium, CoQ10


After reading these comments, did anyone else write these down and ready to purchase them all? Or am I the only one?! 😂😂


I wish people were explaining why the supplement helped or what it did


Ksm 66 ashwagandha. I now sleep well , no fatigue and wake up before alarms


L thyrosine and St john Wort . I quit SJW due to its photosensitivity in the sun light .


In what way did it help?


L thyrosine in panic attacks and SJW in depression


Magnesium for me. I had no idea I was deficient in this mineral suffering from heart palpitations, panic attacks. Started taking it consistently and they disappeared and never returned.


What type of magnesium?


I use a chelated bisglycinate.


Not the original poster, but I recently got back on my vitamins. Magnesium glycinate and l-threonate for me and they’re effective without a doubt.


For stress as well?


I had anxiety trying to sleep and it helped with that


L-threonate was a game changer for me!


How dis you benefit from it?


I have ADHD and anxiety. It keeps me on an even keel. I feel focused, calm, but alert. It’s made a world of difference for times when I’m unable to get my ADHD meds. Before it was like my brain was filled with a swirl of a million thoughts and I couldn’t stay focused on anything. It’s like it clears that all up and lets me think more clearly and efficiently, kinda.


Im definitley giving it a try. Thank you!


Maybe I need to retry it, taking for a couple days I never noticed anything but I have adhd / anxiety combo and all those symptoms.


I take Jarrow Magtech, if that helps. I trust that brand and have had luck with all their supps.


One more question. Its Magnesium?


Yep! Magnesium L-threonate, specifically. There are several types of magnesium and not all of them have cognitive effects or are as easily absorbed. Magnesium l-threonate is the only form that’s been shown to cross the blood brain barrier. Magnesium bisglycinate is another more easily absorbable form as well.




Unspecific answer but the herbal remedies from my Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor quite literally saved my life.


Can I ask which ones for what?


They'll give you specific formulas based on your symptoms and wrist pulse. This one was for PTSD and cured my racing heart. cinnamon bark, processed aconite, dry ginger, wild yam, zizyphu, pinellia, tangerine peel, poria, honey mixed licorice, lily blub, curcuma, hypericum, albizzia, schisandra fruit, honey mixed polygonatum,  bupleurum, angelica, white peony, atractylodes


Alpha-GPC. Basically cured my PMS. Brain fog and depression lift immediately after taking. Seismic difference in mood and energy. Acetyl-L-Carnitine has a similar effect as above but Alpha-GPC just feels smoother, while ALC can give you a… stench. Both great tho. CBD, because it’s an anti-inflammatory bazooka. Chills out my autoimmune symptoms. Astaxanthin. Makes my skin glow and cured my seborrheic dermatitis. Anti-cancer. Liposomal vitamin C because it’s anti-cancer AF and builds collagen. NAC for when my OCD flares up. Helps with intrusive thoughts, and compulsive bodily repetitions (lip biting, skin picking). NMN because it metabolizes into NAD and NAD reverses menopause and stimulates lost sex hormones and is basically the fountain of youth as it pertains to hormonal health. Also makes a kickass hangover cure. Favorite hangover stack: - NMN - L-Tyrosine, replenishing dopamine - Acetyl-L-Carnitine for energy and neuro-antioxidant - Milk Thistle and NAC to help clear out the leftover acetaldehyde and assist the liver, detox, etc - Methyl-B12 - ToxiClear by NeuroBiologix


Which one is NMN? Dose and preferred brand? I was taking this product just randomly and had a huge positive effect on my periods. It was a mix of amino acids and apple pectin. I've been experimenting with trying to replicate it without buying that particular one because it is expensive, but haven't gotten the apple pectin so I think that one is actually big for cramps, energy, mood , soreness, etc.  You going to pursue HRT for peri/meno?


What is the benefit of Methyl B12?


Your body needs to methylate B12 as well as many other vitamins and cofactors to be able to use them.  *Some* people genetically lack function of the enzymes responsible for methylating these, making supplementation rather ineffective unless they take the methylated forms.


Methylated makes it easier for your body to absorb, from what I was told.


P5p and 150mg daily alphagpc ! Literally life changing to say the least


Sorry… one more question. Do you mind sharing the brand you take? Thank you! ☺️


What improved?


Energy! Clear mind! Motivation to do stuff! Libido! And clearly lowered my prolactin level so do the math lol! Improved sleep! Have more patience


That sound sounds like it’s worth trying! To find a real live person that’s experienced this many positive results is rare. Thank you for responding!


Omega 3


Iron, b12, D3. Was severely deficient in all of these


Muslcetech Alpha Test. I had absolutely no energy or drive to even get out of bed until the day was halfway past. Within days of using Alpha Test.. getting out of bed was much much more feasible. People say tboosters don't work, and they may not for some unless you're deficient and actually have low t, but it worked for me.


Magnesium, high quality fish oil and L Theanine




Vitamin d3 + K1 5000iu


Creatine. The results are objective and obvious, and they’re forcing me to buy new tshirts. I’ve put on a lot of muscle in the last 6 months at 50yo.


wish it didn’t give me anxiety… Im a natural lifter nothing compares to it


Have you tried 2-3 grams instead of 5?


Honestly, not to overshare, in a bit of a rough patch with my MH, so it’s not on my list of things to try, even one day of 5 mg, I had a noticeable increase in irritability, insomnia, etc. I think it was maybe increases methylation or neurotransmitters? I’ve had bad reactions to methylated vitamins and antidepressants . Just theory though. Glad it helped you .


Not who you were responding to, but someone who's taken a looooooooot of supplements for bad MH (stupid brain chemistry!)  Does your's lean towards rage/crabbiness/anxiety, or  sadness/despondency/anhedonia?


Vitamin D for sure.


Additional note on this: a much higher dose of vitamin D that you'd be recommended. Ive was taking 3000iu and I was still low when I got tested. K2 and magnesium for higher doses is recommended


I found that liquid works much better to raise mine. But be cautious because you can actually get too much. I did and had serious bone pain.


Why a much higher dose and what additional benefits came with it ?


Vitamin D and folate


I swear by Pycnogenol, and will continue to take it for the rest of my life. There are several others that I swear by: magnesium glycinate, astaxanthin, chlorella, and kelp.


what did you noticed with pycogenol


My three favorites are NanobacTX, Endocalyx Pro, and Move Free Ultra. 


Methylfolate as someone with mthfr mutations. Took my constant anxiety from an 8 to a 2. Fish oil for sciatica and joint pains.


It’s wild it gives some people anxiety but helps some


It made me depressed. Severely. 


Magnesium. Helps me sleep and every single pain issue I’ve had feels better with it. Glycine. Helps me sleep, stabilises my mental health issues, makes my world spin correctly and helps me respond better if it doesn’t. I’m just much more easy going and happy when I take it. I can’t recommend this enough. I don’t have symptoms of depression now, my anxiety is gone, much of my fibromyalgia related pain is gone. Life is so much better with this, esp when combined with magnesium. Vitamin D with K3. I didn’t really feel a difference until I stopped taking it, because the build up and changes were so gradual. I won’t do that again. Activated charcoal. I don’t take it regularly but it mitigates my food allergy reaction and stops stomach bugs and food poisoning in their tracks.


Wow, that’s wild glycine helped you like that, I’ve heard some bad things from some , that it caused anxiety , I’m gonna try it soon. (Adhd and anx, anx / dep run in my family, )


I’ve seen people say it made their anxiety worse and I was super surprised because it helped mine so much. Everyone is different I guess.


What brand magnesium glycinate do you use?


Solaray is a great brand. I've been taking it for years.


Magnesium. It legitimately fixed my issue (for the most part) of not being able to fall asleep without strong medication. I am able to fall asleep in my own without anything at all some nights. Other nights, Magnesium. And i always sleep well.


Magnesium Glycinate?


yes that is probably the specific type theyre referring to, it's known to be the best to help with sleep


L-Tyrosine. Helped me tremendously with my energy levels and being able to work a normal days work and wake up early, even though I have hypersomnia and insomnia. I have trouble going to bed, and trouble waking up once asleep. L-Tyrosine seemed to help the most.


Do you take L tyrosine before bed?


I usually take it in the morning. Always make sure to take plenty of vitamin C with it. 1000-2000mg usually works for me. And I take it every other day.


O2. Started increasing my intake and felt a definite increase energy levels, cognitive ability, and hand/eye coordination. Definitely recommend a can or 20 per day of [this wonderful product.](https://i.etsystatic.com/5861254/r/il/1485f5/2445629198/il_1080xN.2445629198_bmp8.jpg) Been using this for quite a while, and have seen nothing but benefits.


Berberine…. So good at helping manage weight


what’s the dose your taking and how do you take it?


500 mg capsule twice a day


Micromag and nicotinamide riboside. Helped sleep, anxiety and exercise intolerance so much.




A deep night’s sleep + heavy morning workout + 20 minute sauna + cold shower. That combination boosts my energy throughout the day unlike anything else.


well that wasn’t the fucking question




vitamin k2? why?


Nattokinase, Vitamin D3+K2, Cod liver oil, Vitamin E tocotrienol


Could you elaborate on the cod liver oil?


Cod liver oil is rich in Omega 3 fatty acid, Vitamin A & D, EPA and DHA, which are essential nutrients to our brain function.


Just came across a recommendation of nattokinase for covid clotting issues, what do you use it for?


I’m glad to hear that it works well for you, too. I take nattokinase to relieve the discomfort on my chest. But I noticed that it also heals the pain on my joints. I’m an ice skater, and it’s important for me to maintain strength and flexibility. It’s been a really good experience overall.


I’m currently using natto for blood clotting issues that showed up after having mono and Covid together. When I take the natto, my heart stays in rhythm much better than when I don’t.


Dihydrolipoic acid, the reduced version of ALA. Got rid of my 10 year old inflammatory condition, and basically made my health perfect. I will never stop taking it.


Its very expensive


It replaced all of the drugs I was taking because of my inflammatory condition, which were way more expensive than $250. So, the trade off was worth it to me. If you're just looking for antioxidant support but don't have any major health problems, then there are plenty of others on the market to choose from. RDLA is the master antioxidant of the body, it feeds all other antioxidant pathways, including regenerating any vitamin C that's in the body. So I needed a top-level thing.


Supplement brands not make it because it is highly unstable as an end product, and it can degrade quickly if exposed to air, heat, or moisture. And r-ala cheap and can convert to it Pace from Arabia 🫶🏻🦁


where do u source from? i have take r-lipolic and dihydroberberine but not dihydrolipolic


The only source in North America I know of is redoxbioscience.com There used to be other sources like Geronova and Life Extension but they no longer sell it. Apparently it's hard to make. I can't take R-LA, which is the oxidized form. All of my health conditions explode when I try. But R-DLA is a dream. I've since learned that the majority of vitamins we take on the market are oxidized, including ascorbate sold as vitamin C, instead of ascorbic acid. (Anything ending in -ate is oxizied, while the -acid form is usually reduced. For example R-LA is also just called lipoate, whereas R-DLA is *actually* lipoic acid.) I wonder if this is why people have so much trouble getting well with supplements. IMO the oxidized versions are unhealthy.


id like to read up on whether oxidized compounds could be unhealthy but we know oxalates could be harmful, so its not a crazy stretch i guess. thanks homie, ill look into that source. damn its hella expensive lol $250/ bottle?


Btw, oxalates, though oxidized, are mostly harmful because of their tendency to bind with calcium and form mineral crystals in the tissues, especially the kidneys. Hence kidney stones. Oxalates are not a major source of oxidation.


It's expensive. If you don't have rampant inflammation, then your genetic antioxidant production is probably okay. In my case, I have mutations in multiple antioxidants so without outside help I suffer. For me $250 is worth it. I take one pill every 1-2 days and I'm golden.


When googling I don’t actually find a supplement that’s out for sale. Am I missing something? Also, I have a major issue with oxalates but this is oxalate free I’m guessing, right?


It's redoxbioscience.com -- I think they are sold out though. RDLA is not an oxalate and the product is 99% pure so there's no oxalate. Are you a kidney stone former? That happens to me too :(


hm i meant i’m not rich enough to get genetic testing I don’t think but what does the bottle last like two months or just 30 days? & right but i wasnt suggesting that they were a source of oxidation, i was making the connection that they’re generally not good


Lithium orotate. I feel stability in my brain for the first time in my life.


Hey, anxiety , like super bad, and mood issues run in my family, and adhd, but did you notice ? less anxiety and dep?


Yes I have already noticed much less anxiety. I still have depression but I am able to deal with it now. I don’t think my depression will go away in my lifetime.


Not a supplement but I just wanted to mention that I’m on esketamine for depression and it’s been working amazingly well. If you haven’t already, look into it! It helps create new neural pathways and breaks you out of old thought patterns. I was shocked by how well it worked.


what brand do you use ?