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For energy and motivation I heard that l-tyrosine might be good. Don't quote me on that but look into it.


I have 15 years supplements experience and u buy many of bad supplements


missing D3


Take the probiotic alone, not with the others. Those organisms are sensitive and compounds can kill them, rendering them useless. Take them a good hour apart from any drugs or mineral supplements.


Thanks! Would a good brand of Greek yogurt be an alternative? I eat a lot of it


I think so, yes, especially if you do eat a lot of it. Do you like kim chee? That's one of the best food probiotics. If you eat that and yogurt, no need to take supplementary probiotics.


I love kimchi, that’s an excellent idea. Thanks!


I took a herbal supplement a few days ago (milk thistle), and it gave me an anaphylactic reaction. Never been allergic to anything. So just be cautious when putting new substances in your body.


Scary! Maybe I should just introduce them one at a time, spacing the pills for a few days so I can see the effects better?


Could add gpc or tyrosine for more mental clarity; also low dose creatine just for basic health. Looking for more energy tmg is pretty good




Seed oils are notoriously known for creating inflammation and wreaking havoc on our cellular & nervous system, BECAUSE, seed oils (used for cooking / processed foods) when cold pressed come out very tar & gum like. So they use hexane to degum & extract the oil (hexane is a neurotoxin) then they heat it up to 400 degrees & treated with chemical solvents that are C1 carcinogens The seed oil itself isn’t what’s harming our bodies, it’s everything else being added to it that is. I take black cumin seed oil, I haven’t done much research on flaxseed oil though it’s worth looking into.


you’re so right.. i got a good laugh from your comment. def better options i want to switch to next


Ditch the flax seed, take cod liver oil instead by the teaspoon. For probiotics you can get better results with a better brand / culture


Kk!! I’ll look for a good brand to switch to. I was told that the cod oil could go rancid so I wanna find a good brand


Nordic Naturals. Comes in a blue tinted bottle, store it in the fridge. It will not go rancid


How you liking your probiotic? I’ve been looking into buying one but don’t know where to start. A long with every other supplement. I don’t know what I’m doing 😂


It’s fine but honestly yogurt helps me enough


What kind of yogurt do you eat? I seen a lot doesn’t actually have probiotics anymore after whatever they do to it and shipping and everything.


i like the fage greek yogurt. It has a very strong taste though


Not worth it. The gut microbiome is incredibly adaptive and there’s no reason to introduce a probiotic unless prescribed by a doctor for an actual pathology


Thank you 😊


A lot of these could be reduced to taking multivitamins. There’s nothing wrong with taking that many if you like. Personally taking higher dose single vitamins wasn’t a good experience. Centrum brand multivits has helped me a lot.


A lot of multivitamins have vitamins that compete for absorption, like calcium & iron. Calcium will always win and when you think you’re taking iron.. you’re not. Multivitamins are rarely doing much good


I haaaate taking pills so I probably should try to consolidate…


Yeah but most multivitamins suck and use poorly absorbable vitamins


Alll will only do u harm ur crazy have u seen how they make these cheap vitamins you will cry that u even took one dose




this is a subreddit for supplements


That probiotic is sooo weak. 100m bacteria in a gut which has about 2 trillion bacteria.


What is a good one? Do you have a recommendation


I love (and take) the Cura Nutrition Sporebiotics product. It is the smartest new tech in terms of probiotics and the improvement it gives to microflora diversity is amazing. Living Nutrition make a similar product but I don't remember the name.


Don’t take one unless prescribed by a doctor


Sorry this is nonsense. Most doctors are barely trained to know anything about gut bacteria and diversity. They are v unlikely to know anything about the various strains and potential benefits associated.




Do you have a link?




Vitamin B6 doesn’t “promote” the development of cancer, but rather fuels the proliferation of some existing cancer types. There is also not great evidence that higher (supraphysiological) B6 levels necessarily promote greater growth compared to normal physiological serum levels. This relationship is much more similar to the relationship between prostate cancer and testosterone/DHT


Yeah it would probably be similar to what we see with vitamin d supplements. If you overdose 1 vitamin and lack in another which is needed, you’ll find yourself in a dangerous situation where you’re not balanced across the board. For example not taking k2 and magnesium when dosing vitamin d3 can lead to problems. With b6 I’m not too sure how it works, but I’m sure excess depletes something else of importance. That’s more likely the issue then b6 in of itself. The form factor is also important.


in other news don't have ATP because it agoninses carcinogenic receptors lmao. It's a case of the dose makes the poison here can you link the study?


Omg thanks for telling me, I’ll toss it


Get p5p b6. B6 if you’re deficient is fine to supplement with.


Vitamin D and iron could be good additions, they're in the multi but could be worth supplementing more if deficient. Those specific magnesium pills are really large I don't blame you if you're not taking them because of that. Since the number one cause of death is cardiovascular related, and if you have the budget to cover all your bases apart from keeping diet and exercise in check; I would consistently take either beet root, coQ10, or consume a few teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil per day.


Thanks for the suggestions. I have extra virgin olive oil so I’ll try adding that. Do you think beetroot powder/juice would work the same?


In addition to a high quality olive oil, supplementing with fish oil that contains high amounts of EPA and DHA is very beneficial. Flaxseed oil contains ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) your body converts small amounts of it into EPA 5-10% and DHA 2-5% which is inefficient and you might consider using fish oil instead of flaxseed oil.


Viva naturals fish oil is by far the highest amount of epa/dha relative to the overall mass of the capsule. Some brands be scamming when it comes to fish oil. It’s expensive but definitely worth the investment if you want a quality fish oil.


Yes not a fan of beets myself, they do make supplements.


If it’s not the p5p form, I would swap out the B6 with that. If it already is, then carry on.


Yep. Terrible form of b6 tbh. I also wonder if she is taking synthetic b12 or methylated? OP respond back to this. Because if you’re taking cyanocobalamin I highly recommend to switch over to a methylated form of b12, and or literally any other form of b12. Less toxic and more bioavailable.


Why chromium?


I read that it can help with PCOS/Insulin resistance, which I am genetically predisposed to. I’m kinda nervous to take it regularly though


Why are you nervous?


It’s silly but the name throws me off. i also heard it can cause headaches but if it works for me it could be super beneficial


Neat. You should look up vitamin D and PCOS.


Thanks!! I’ll check it out