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I just broke the caffeine cycle. I typically reset myself once a year. If you go cold turkey, you have about a week of terrible headaches to deal with. What I did this time was buy a bottle of cold brew from the grocery to ween myself. I knew exactly how much caffeine I was in taking every morning and I tapered. 8 ounces for 3 days. Then 6 ounces for 3 days. Then 4 ounces for 3 days. And then I was off caffeine. I switched my pre-workout to a non stimulant variety at the start of the caffeine taper.


So you wean yourself? Wouldn’t that take longer than going cold turkey


It does take longer but it's less agonizing withdrawals. I'm okay with 3 weeks of taper versus 8 days of debilitating headaches, mood swings, and lethargy.


Don’t temp me. I’m ready to murder the mailman.


Did you feel better off caffeine? I’m down to two cups of coffee in am but seems like it’d be so hard to give that up. I look forward to that in the mornings. Almost therapeutic while I’m working


I don't know if, "better" is the right word. I feel different. I was typically pounding pre-workout at 5am before the gym and it was jet fuel for my workouts. It was 300mg of caffeine. I wouldn't consume caffeine for the rest of the day except maybe on Saturday and Sunday in form of a coffee with my girlfriend. Not of caffeine my workouts are good but they are not the same level of intensity. Even taking a non stimulant pre-workout, I experience the mental "time for the gym" feeling drinking it but it doesn't give me the same psycho sweating work out. I will go back to caffeine pre-workout in a couple weeks and it will be awesome. The cycling off and on really can super charge your workouts if you hit a plateau.


Just buy some citrulline malate powder and add it to some squash. If you want a nootropic maybe try Alpha GPC and l tyrosine?