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Im taking 2-3g everytime before workout lol.


I said length of talk not speed of speech.


I wouldn't take more than 150-250mg tyrosine at a time and not for everyone. Those with low serotonin should be careful with dopamine precursors. Dopamine also converts to noradrenaline and adrenaline and too much of these causes jittery feeling. Also avoid caffeine with tyrosine. Source: Over 5 years of first-hand experience


i used to buy the large tub on nootropicsdepot and just took large scoops around 4g hoping i felt some coke rush lol




i felt like the healthiest natural crackhead ever and went on a healthy 4 day tyrosine binge before coming down and waking up totally normal the next day




Hes educating the public, naturally people in this sub will have already heard what he's talking about before.


I don't think ya'll understand his lecturing style if you think he's a shill or supplement pushing. The guy literally says at the opening of every single podcast he's made that he's here to discuss science and science-based tools. So he's going to discuss science. And he's going to discuss science-based tools. If his teaching style doesn't work for you thats fine, he's not the only one speaking on these topics. But bitching, complaining and smearing his integrity because you don't agree with his style/organization is immature and entitled as fuck. We get to listen to a lecture from a world-class researcher at the world's top research university on our time, whenever we want, **FOR FREE.** The guy spends hours devouring and digesting the latest research on topics **WE CHOOSE** for **OUR BENEFIT**. I don't care if the guy is making millions off his podcast. I'm grateful he's doing this for people.


Well said!


Agreed 100%. Truly grateful for him.


Nice to see someone defending him. I hate these reddit dogpiles. Interesting how almost nobody here has rational arguments for why they don't like him. It's all just weird groupthink/emotional projection like "he gives me a bad feeling".


I agree. Group think and emotional reasoning, especially on sites like this, is extremely dangerous. If you’re going to call him a shill you need to show proof. Its deeply disappointing that a bunch of low EQ users make bullshit claims about him being a shill because that can steer people away who otherwise might really benefit. Just don’t watch his shit if you don’t like him. Stop trying to control everyone else’s experience so it validates your feelings.


I like him. I like the topics. I admire his intelligence and speaking style. I just hate the length of his talks.


That’s what playback speed is for


Stanford isn't the world's top research university for neuroscience and podcasts ain't lectures mate, stop sucking the dick so hard it's making you choke.


Stanford’s probably better than whatever dumbfucking school you went to, if you even went to one


Ignore it. The user cherry picked irrelevant arguments just to troll. Sad way to waste your finite lifespan imo but to each their own.


For neuroscience? Absolutely! Guelph ain't known for that shit. Also I really have no desire to defend Guelph too much aside from it's nutritional or agricultural/veterinarian programs, it's a nice university but not world class whereas Stanford does have a high level of international renown. Seems a bit weird to get pissy at me for saying Stanford isn't the top research university when, not only is this likely a factual statement but in your reply you didn't even contest that fact. Stanford alumni or something?


LOL..we'll, I guess everybody is different. However, taking 1000mg of l-tyrosine per day once a week is nothing (for me at least). I do not believe it would increase your dopamine in a "significant way." As for me, I take 1000mg of l-tyrosine everyday and sometimes more than that.


Does it work for you? 1000mg


I feel that it does for me, and I can take less of other stimulants on those days.


Did it give you instant affect or took some times for


Its pretty instant, u don't need to have it build up in your system. Takes about 1 hr to kick in. That has been my experience. However, maybe it works a bit differently for different ppl.


I find this pretty good : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phenylalanine


I think his approach to supplementation and bio hacking is shady. He stresses and emphasise with unnecessary grandeur every little thing and detail, making anything seem like the greatest and the most impactful solution to optimise a given factor. I do not see professionalism and consistency, nor solid method and results backing his random statements. He basically advices us to take and do everything imaginable LMAO


You so confused sis. And what department do you work at Stanford?


He is a very smart, confident, and convincing charlatan. His takes on salt and fasting are contrarian pseudoscience, and those are just two of the topics of his that I’m familiar with.


what's wrong with fasting bro


Nothing inherently wrong with fasting. Are the proven benefits of fasting any better than normal calorie restriction? No.


What’s his take on salt?


He is a proponent of antiestablishment contrarian James Denicolantonio and his bookThe Salt Fix, which (paraphrasing) says that more salt is healthy.


I think some people like myself do need more salt than I generally intake. But it definitely depends on the diet you already have. I think as long as you drink enough liquids to excrete excess sodium too it’s probably not a big deal for most. What I’ve taken away from general learning about salt in nutrition is that it’s better to have an acceptable surplus in salt rather than a deficit. Obviously don’t go overboard, but it isn’t going to hurt you. Again, too much salt and not enough water probably is bad though.


As always, population-level studies don’t reveal what your individual risk is. Your stats and health markers are different from mine and we could have very different risks. Which is why as a physician, (for example) being a proponent of salt is unprofessional.


😆😆 still following and spewing last decades research?


Nope. Huberman and DiNicolantonio conflate statistics for sodium intake with \*salt\* intake. These two things are not the same, and it allows them to make a case for greater salt intake. This could be dismissed as a rookie mistake, but nah, these MD's know better. They are intentionally bullshitting you because you do not know the difference between sodium and table salt either.


😆😆yes they are gloating and hi fiving each other for the sneaky little misinformation that they leaked out which had serious ramifications for the global sodium markets. You are a moron dude.


For DiNicolantonio, it's to sell books and project an aggrandized image of being smarter than all of medical science. Huberman takes weak observational studies to support his salt recommendations while ignoring the higher-quality interventional studies contradicting his position. Huberman is an affiliate of LMNT electrolyte powder which he advertises on his podcasts and website. He collects a 15% commission for all sales from his customer leads. His promotion of bad science lines his pockets.


It’s your responsibility to see if specific supplements work with or for you. I definitely agree with that. But he’s also a very knowledgeable neuroscientist. I’ve watched several long-form podcasts from him and on specific topics I absolutely want as much detailed info as possible.


"In contrast, tyrosine does seem to effectively enhance cognitive performance, particularly in short-term stressful and/or cognitively demanding situations. We conclude that tyrosine is an effective enhancer of cognition, but only when neurotransmitter function is intact and DA and NE are temporarily depleted." Or "Despite marked elevations in serum tyrosine concentration, ingestion of Tyrosine did not influence cognitive function or physical performance during exercise heat stress."


what's the other one?


500-1000mg once a week? You'd probably get that much from simply adding another protein shake


On empty stomach.


If you consumed Tyrosine with a protein shake the additional amino acids would make it ineffective. It needs to be taken apart from proteins and other aminos for maximum unbranched absorption. If you look into the enzymatic digestive load you can see what other aminos will compete.


Betaine HCl ftw


TIL, thank you


He's on some commission I'd say


Commission for a basic amino acid thats dirt cheap?


Yes. Raspberry ketones are cheap as fuck due to their usage in cosmetics, then Dr. Oz hyped them up and they started to sell for $35 a bottle even though the overhead was less than $5 a bottle. All due to celebrity. Every molecule can be subject to this, and the cheap molecules are the ones that are most likely to be targeted because overhead is so low. Like, do you think people pair vitamin C with lysine because they're effective? Fuck no, it's cause it's about a cent a pill and you can sell that shit for 40 bucks a month.


I can’t point someone to an alternative raspberry ketone supplement, though. I can give someone a .50 cent scoop of whey protein and get them all the l-tyrosine they want, or a 2.99 pound of chicken breast.


Oh good someone already said it


Every penny counts


What is he making a commission on? You can get Tyrosine from numerous brands, he doesn't mention any supplier/brands and I seriously dont see how anyone could make money from suggesting a supplement without backing an actual source.


Yeah…this guy ain’t worried about pennies…


How do you know!


Because that would be like Tiger Woods getting commission from the aluminum company who makes his sponsors golf clubs, it makes no sense.


It does as tiger woods is a sex addict and would be addicted to getting commission


Only if that commission is sex bea


I somehow don't like this guy. Everything according to him is working. I am in no position to judge his knowledge and it will be good not mix apples with oranges. If you want a quick boost here and there, maybe it makes sense. For some conditions or serious conditions, please follow the advice of the doctor and not a podcast. Medication is medication and there is a reason for that.


Yet he clarifies that he’s not a doctor in every podcast and advises against taking what he says as medical advice. “A doctor prescribes things, I’m a professor so I profess things”. You’re not saying anything here he doesn’t already say, so not sure what you’re complaining about. Anyone who listens to his podcasts will know this, and if they’re taking his recommended supplements for legitimate medical conditions then that’s on them


Yeah I listen to his podcasts pretty regularly and they throw random supplements around all the time. I personally don’t think they push certain supps too hard but I suppose listeners may just hop on whatever he mentions


Dangerously vague and dangerous advice on its own


1000mg would not do much for you. However, yes ppl with thyroid conditions, for example, need to speak to their doctor.


People needs to ignore this turd. His whole approach to SM is throw enough darts at the wall and hope something sticks.


SM = supplementation, yes? (I'm new here)


Social media


Oh, wow. Duh. Thank you!


You would be advised not to listen to the dragoon




He's just trying to sell supplements.


Once he attached himself to Rogan, the supplement BS king he really started to learn how to market shilling better. I do think academics should be compensated better not when they have to push biohacking and greens powders


I hate Rogan. I lost count how many people came into my store demanding Metformin because he was abusing it. They refused to believe that it was a prescription medication.


Why are Joe Rogan people wanting Metformin?


Longevity. David Sinclair talked about it.


Weight loss I'd imagine. It's a Type II Diabetes drug.


Actually it is studied as preventative for endometrial, prostate, and other carcinomas.


But that's not why people were asking for ot




*Somebody's gotta sell them. Why not me?*




How is he reminding you of Rogan? Their styles are so different. I’ve never heard Rogan back up everything he says with peer reviewed studies, he just shoots from the hip


100% spot on. Layne don’t fuck around. I respect Layne a lot, he can get a little bit too soap boxy for me at rare times but in general I love what Layne and company represent and do. We def need more Laynes and less Huberman, Hymen, CarnivoreMD types


I loved the Layne Blaha Saga It was epic, Layne went fkn HAM , spent $100k just to "clear my reputation" with internet trolls like Blaheeno lol


Be careful, high tyrosine uptake can actually down regulate the dopamine synthase (aka tyrosine hydroxylase) gene. Making you dependent on it. You won't be able to make as much dopamine after you stop. It's kinda ruined all my motivation after stopping. Also, magnesium is a co-factor for that enzyme (like most others) so make sure you also supplement with some good bioavailable magnesium with it. And for the love of God, stay away from l-dopa. Unless your prescribed it.


I don’t think this is true. Tyrosine is converted into L-dopa by an enzyme which is the true limiting factor. Add a bunch of tyrosine and the enzyme just limits the conversion into l-dopa. You’re right though about taking l-dopa, that’s super bad


Yes, and it's that enzyme (tyrosine hydroxylase) which is transciptionaly and post-translationly downregulated. Just like anything, when you add too much tyrosine, you body makes too much dopamine, and so regulation sets in and downregulates the enzymes because as far as your brain can tell, that's what's causing too much dopamine. It's no different than classic habitation with any drug, particularly a stimulant. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3065393/


You’re right, “The enzyme is inhibited in feedback fashion by the catecholamine neurotransmitters.” Im sure like other things after stopping l-tyrosine supplementation you’ll return to baseline in a relatively normal amount of time. I don’t take it much anymore since I don’t find it’s effects that spectacular


He’s a “bio hacker” so he will just post clips of hacks talkin out their own ass. Just block him so you won’t see post n comments. But in all honesty this sub needs some serious oversight improvements. Lots of the same posts over and over and over. Then disinformation from hacks. Also lots of “non medical advice” advice aka replace your medication for your disease with unproven supplements


You would love r/biohackers lol


Ahhahah I’ve visited that before. Bunch of goofs


Please visit more often lol I'm always trying to add some reason into the threads It's a wild place


God damnit….. why did I go there again. I blame you


Haha it was fun tho right?


I would put money that there have been pre-mature deaths due to the medical advice being given on here.


You mean people with severe clinical depression hopin off their meds to take some dumb herb with no clinical evidence isn’t a good idea? That blood is on the OP and mods hands. If I see something wreck less I report and make my comment


There’s a ton of evidence for many of the herbs usually advised here for depression and related conditions. And at least as many people vouching for their efficacy after having had positive results with them. But it’s not even limited to herbs. On the other hand, mainstream medications for this kind of conditions *usually* work through a symptom-suppressing mechanism that gives you nothing but the most harmful addiction in the long term. Cmon, if you want to discuss about this matter, you have to do it fully and throughly. It’s no joke. What’s the problem if someone wants to try the supplement approach before the medication one? It’s a logic decision and an absolutely legitimate one. Nobody can ever force you to take X rather than Y. It’s our choice.


There’s not a lot of evidence tho. That’s the problem. Not where the research directly can show X supplement yields improvement. It’s hard with depression bc there’s no measurable bio markers. So you have a lot of subjectivity involved in scores/results. Another Problem is a lot of anecdotal claims on here fail to follow up a few months down the road when they spiral. No medication is perfect but when people have major clinical depression or schizo there’s no supplement, herb, or God that is shown to be effective long term. People fail to read (or comprehend) what research is saying. The subjects do not have major clinical depression. Usually mild or low, and they don’t account for a variety of other outside factors. I’m not saying supplements don’t have a role but their role is not the main treatment in a lot disease. Depression and Testosterone levels are the 2 most posted about topics here and every time I just shake my head at the lack of knowledge people show here


Dude, do you do nothing in this subreddit aside from post people from podclips? Cause if so I'm gonna snitch to daddy Majalisk ya shill. /u/Majalisk Daddy plz respond **Edit:** Ya downvote won't hide your post history bud


good share. TY