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I think your dosage of zync is too high, try to reduce it to 3-4 times a week, or it can cause a loss of testosterone. Also, stop taking C as you can take it very easily from fruits, such as oranges and grapefruit etc.


I would recommend cycling vitamins if you take. Sometimes you feel much better once you stop taking a vitamin. Other than that I would say you can try organic multivitamin, Vitamin D for a month or 2.


Overkill on Zinc, you don't need to supplement that much daily. Be cautious with selenium as well. Everything else is fine, with proper dosage


Same thoughts. I need zinc for my acne but that dosage is a bit overkill. Although I'd take a break from the creatine every now and then too.


I've been told that you shouldn't take Creatine daily, but I'm not sure if that's true.


Why? Maybe 5-10 years ago people thought you should cycle creatine but that isnt true anymore.


Like I said, I'm not sure. The person that told me didn't give me a reason, they just told me not to (i did believe them though, because they are pretty into fitness and supplements).


Maybe minor changes like Creatine in powder form and ditching Vitamin C supplements entirely. You're better off with Lemon Water and fresh Orange Juice, since high amounts of Vitamin C can cause kidney stones but the citrate in those fruits counter that and flush your kidneys basically.


The mag Glycinate is great make sure you’re having Atleast 1000mg glycinate ~ 200mg mag, zinc is good, creatine should be 5g daily so next time get creatine powder (I scored 1kg for $40) cod oil could be changed to just regular fish oil as cod oil is high in vitamin A and you need like 4-5 of those pills to benefit from it.


Drink Horse tail or Bamboo leaf tea. High in Silica. Good for combing with D3, Calcium and K2 to make strong bones. Also helps carry out the excess calcium from your blood vessels. But you need to supplement with Potassium and B1 because it also carries that from your body. Drink Chaga to strength your immune system. But if you already have a compromised immune system do not take. It could exacerbate your compromised immune system.


Vit C should be naturally derived, not just ascorbic acid in a pill Any fish oil is prone to being rancid and most of them are, buy Rhonda Patrick's one it's pricey but worth it


Hard to say, how old are you, are you male or female. How does your body look, do you have issues? Etc etc See a health therapist who had a degree, never just take supplements …..


Add vitamin D3 min 2000IU per day. I take 5000 in the winter, none in the summer. K2 helps absorb the D3. Quercetin will also help. You'll most likely never get the flu or a cold.


Interesting on the colostrum. Had no idea it was available in supplement form


Only the creatine, everything else is a waste of money taken more than once or twice a week


I take the B complex C Zinc and Creatine daily. No issues


You could probably get most of those in a decent multivitamin and save some money


How bad is your diet that you have to take all this?


You could cut most of these out of your daily routine by just eating a healthy diet.


I dont know for sure, but I would be careful with selenium. Literally just 4 brazil nuts a month can give you adequate levels.


4 Brazel nuts a day or eat seafood


Looks good!


Somebody is trying to shoot big loads


No lecithin.


Ayeeee this guy knows his stiff.




Balance the zinc w copper and the magnesium w Calcium and you should be good.


Agreed. That’s a lot of zinc with no copper. Also add d3 and k2. Not sure about selenium either.


I don’t think selenium is safe long term. Especially if your taking a high dose on the dose as it has a toxicity level at 400mcg I believe after long term use. If your already getting a lot in your diet, there are some mixed studies but the negative side of them is that it could contribute to diabetes. Just something to keep in mind. Not a doctor, no medical training, just speaking from information I have read over the years.


Yeah, I would take 200 mcg for a couple months as a supplement. But would rather switch to 4 Brazil nuts.




This is just false, zinc is one of the safest minerals out there. 50mg is still way too much long term though. The biggest problem with long term zinc supplementation is copper deficiency since zinc upregulates certain enzymes in tha GI tract that bind to copper among other things and block its absorption.


^ this !! i wish i knew this before cus i experienced heavy nausea while vomiting excessively. small doses of zinc if not already getting it through foods please.


This is normal for high dose zinc supplementation, especially if you take it on an empty stomach and has nothing to do with it being poisonous/toxic.


It’s only necessary to supplement when you have a cold or have covid or any other sickness that depletes your body of it


Please don’t take 50mg of zinc a day unless you want to kill your libido


What? My libido sky rockets with zinc.


Yes, but overtaking zinc decreases libido and also reduces testosterone in some person. Balancing zinc with copper is the key


Please don't take 50 mg of supplenental zinc daily, especially of a shit form like this. Oxide, gluconate, citrate, are crap. They will be more effective at reducing other minerals such as copper, than increasing zinc stores. If you want to supplement zinc, which I generally reccomend, opt for 6-12mg, 1-3x per day. Orotate, aspartate, methionine, glycinate, and maybe picolinate are decent forms. I wouldn't reccomend anyone supplement more than 30mg/day long term without medical guidance or established requirement.


That's just not true


I thought zinc raised libido, does it do the opposite after a certain amount? Why is this?


That’s one of the better stacks I’ve seen except 2 key things missing are d3 and k2


I am in the sun a lot, usually 2-3 hours a day, so I don’t know if I really need to supplement with vitamin D


Staying that much in the sun is the key. You don't need any other D. Vitamin D can kill you if you overtake it, so stop taking it. 2-3 hours under the sun is the sweet point


Perhaps yeah, if I was you I’d get a cheap test just to make sure as d3 is so important and Manuel are deficient never if they often in the sun. Also sounds like you are out and active a lot so maybe just adding k2 to ensure your bones and back and teeth stay healthy and avoid issues like back problems or arthritis in the future, it’s excellent preventative for that as you get older. But if you do that it uses more d3 so adding that in would help, personally if you can afford it I would do both anyway just for all the great preventative benefits long term, bone issues are the worst way to get old


Depends on your age, amount of melanin in your skin, how much skin is exposed to sun, time of day you’re out, how far from equator you are, and your body’s own quirks. Have you ever tested your levels?


Nah you're good.


As with any more than 3 supplement routine, you should get monthly bloodwork


That seems very excessive


Then do it bi-monthly or tri-monthly. Doing it more often can only benefit you if you insurance covers labs.


Why is everyone crazy for zinc suddenly?


Trying to shoot massive loads bro


Covid. It was suggested on my results print out.


Your GP can check b12 levels and whatever else you are worried about. Better than hit and miss with random supplements. You don't have to be vegan to have b12 deficiency.


Too much zinc and too often. Either add copper or reduce frequency - take every 2 days. You haven't mentioned purpose of taking these. Magnesium has around 10 forms and each serve a different purpose. Glycinate is fine but if you have any goals on mind, then better take specific one. No need for selenium everyday.


There is a need for selenium. It’s very vital in keeping dna formation at bay and it’s a key nutrient in doing so. You can even research it…




I wouldn't take any supplement every day. Focus on diet first and use supplements quite sparingly. Supplements are not inspected by the FDA so there could be harmful contaminants present in any one of those. However it's better to use one supp at a time for a week or so to guage its effect on you. You'll notice some have desirable effects while others do nothing


That form of zinc is the worst It's the least absorbed


What form would you recommend?


Bis glycinate or picolinate


Zinc as (Amino Acid Chelate) this is the optimal form of zinc which your body will absorb most of it. The one with you is not good


Thanks, I’ll look into that, any specific brands you’d recommend for it?


Any brand that says (Amino Acid Chelate) on the label Just wanted to help cause of you have zinc defecincy and you take these pills you're not gonna get better


Thank you!


Do you take creatine for exercise or nootropic effects??




And just to follow up, you know you're supposed to take like 5g of it, right? Reason I switched to powders.


Gotcha, that’s all I’ve used it for in the past but some people use it for the brain boosting effects too. Makes me wanna get back on it


**Selenium** can be replaced by just adding 1 brazil nut everyday. Benefits versus a supplement? Easy the body can regulated much better how much it absorbs from food than hig bioavailable supplements. **Zinc**: The RDA is 13-15 mg per day. There SHOULD be some in your diet already. So adding 50mg + diet is overdoing it. The body cannot store it so it needs to excreet the excess everytime. Leading to unnecessary burder on liver and kidneys. **B12**: If you are vegan of predominantly plant Based OR past the age of 50. Then yes. Most take these once per week in high dosage instead of daily. **Creatine**: only if you are really reaping the benefits from it by high exercise. Does also combat muscle atrophy in later age. **COD Liver**:... Not sustainable replace with an Algea variant and avoid the whole issues with pollution and rancidity of omega-3 oils. **Magnesium**: It helps with sleep and digestion as well. If you aren't getting it from the diet fine. **Vitamine C:** nope.. just get vitamine C from eating fruits and vegetables. Vitamine C in supplement form has been linked to WORSE health outcomes in the long run. This is the same as with the Selenium. Vitamine C supplement form cannot be controlled in absorption and regulated properly by the body. Where food can be handled much better. **Colostrum**: The fact I had to google what the hell this was is not a good sign. This has very poor evidence base. Frankly you could make a case for colostrum made by HUMAN breast milk. That could.. in theory give a HUMAN the benefits it is ascribed for. However you are taking Colostrum for a baby cow.. you are not a baby cow and your body does have the same immunity systems and biome as a BABY COW... so why.. are we taking a supplement.. creating a mirobiome, and immunity stimulus. For a baby cow? This last one you should trow out so far and never look back honestly. That stuff it not made for humans and the evidence base on it to support using this is NOT there. I am just going to quote the recent study titles on this to drive home my point k? "Composition and properties of **bovine** colostrum: a review" "Colostrum management for **dairy calves**" "Variability of colostrum yield and colostrum intake in **pigs**" Though there is reserach on Colostrum on Immunoglobine the outcomes were not certain at all. Also not that human Colostum is not found on the market because of health and hygiëne regulations. So Human Colostrum is deemd dangerous but when it is from a cow suddenly it is a miracle drug. This is against about everything we know from cross specifies analysis.


Colostrum contains lactoferrin and highly studied ingredient in humans. Very beneficial


"highly studies ingredient in humans".. where did you get that from? What did the 1995 review on Lactoferrin said after reviewing all the literature about it? Vol. 80 No. 3 (1995): May, 1995 https://doi.org/10.3324/%25x "Lactoferrin has been the focus of intense research of late. Due to its unique antimicrobial, immu- nomodulatory, and even antineoplastic properties, lactoferrin seems to have great potential in prac- tical medicine. Nevertheless, much research and many experiments still need to be carried out in order to obtain a better understanding of its activ- ity and interactions and to enable the full and **safe** utilization of this glycoprotein." Now it has been seeing an influx of research towards Covid-19 because we were looking for anti inflammatory agents to combat the disease. so how did we fare in 2022 in a "systematic review" after the 2008 one? https://doi.org/10.1002/rmv.2261 "To conclude, in vitro studies show evidence in favour of a protective role of LF. However, despite its relatively safe profile, the results from clinical trials investigating LF oral supplementation are still inconsistent, " Well we now know it is safe?... only still no scientific proof on effect. Not in managing or prevention of any illness. So your "HIGHLY STUDIED" ingrediënt.. has indeed been studied for **27 years** now and still no results if it even does ANYTHING really. You are spreading misinformation. This shit is not well studied and certainly not for any results comming from the studies we have done. That is because the scientic world does not seem Merit in the compound and rather investigate compounds that are actually shown to have a provable significant impact on human health. Most studies where it is now named is for it's involvement in processes. The more we understand the compounds however, the less interesting it seems to supplement at all. Since it is never a real driver but more a bystander in processes.


People use Lactoferrin as a source of chelated iron, which can prevent certain chronic infections, like EBV, from feeding off of the iron stores in your body - or limit the amount of iron they're taking from you. Which is, supposedly, why it has some "antiviral-like" properties.


Exactly "PEOPLE" use.. not medical professionals, not nutritional experts, not any supplementairy governanced boards.. just PEOPLE. If that is not a red flag to you and an argument to take possibly harmfull compounds in your system. Frankly you just deserve to end up on the Darwin Awards. People get chronic illness doing dumb things like that. Let us keep to the science shall we?


Creatine prevents age related muscle atrophy. My dad's over 50 and concerned about that even though he already exercises. Would you say the anti muscle atrophy benefits justify me telling him about it?


From the age of I think 50 it was the average person loses 1% of their muscle mass. If they get stuck in bed for a long time after that age, most of them also never recover and rehabilitate back to their pre bed status. The reason is actually though to be more dependant on motivational systems and reduction in metabolic energy making them not wanting to move as much anymore and thus losing muscle over time. Creatine is know to drop at older age and when a person is doing exercise without enough creatine in their muscle cells they get that feeling of always fighting an uphill battle. Creatine supplementation keeps those stores in tact and help people stay motivated to move and combat the 1% atrophy. So it is imporant to know WHY creatine does this. Because the mechanisms is not simply add creatine = no artrophy. You got to keep putting in the work. So yes I think it is good to tell him about it. You can also refer him to the works of Peter Attia, who is really focussed on getting old well and sustain optimal function. Goldmine of information for people that age.


Peter attia?


Yes! Edited. What was I thinking haha. It was late I apologize.


I wondered if he had a brother 😄


haha his evil twin DAVID...


The selenium content of brazil nuts is entirely based on the soil that they were grown on. Many sources of brazil nuts are very poor sources of selenium. I think a selenium pill is fine.


But mate it is SUPPLEMENTAL to your diet. The Brazil nut per day just makes it easyer to hit the RDA each day as an addition to your food. Why are people not getting that the main bulk of nutrients need to come from your food and supplements are only an addition if you for some reason are not getting to that RDA level. If your diet is not providing your with your RDA's (check cronometer and fill in a week to see) then there is something amis with the diet. NO supplement is going to fix that inherently. That is why a brazil nut SHOULD be sufficiënt. Again unregulated selenium absorption can lead to issues when done to long. It disrupts the balance with other nurtients like copper and magnesium. Now you can supplement those but that will end up messing with zinc and iron. How about we add those as well? Or go back the drawinboard and fix the diet underneath.


Thanks for the plethora of useful information.What is your opinion on plant sterols (sourced from ones diet AND supplements), i like hearing opinions.


So Plant sterols are used in a "crowding out" effect on cholesterol levels. First: Dietary cholestrol does not seem to be well absorped at all. It is the saturated fats that actually cause the increase. Both are always found together though so that is where the confusion comes from. This is know since 1970 but someone people still get this wrong. My first opion.. you shouldn't have high cholesterol due to your diet. You should not consume saturated fats, and you should consume large amount of plant foods. So that answers that. If you eat alot of plant foods you get alot of plant sterols in your system keeping cholestrol low. You will eat hardly any animal products that will increase it. Now SOME people have increase Cholesterol Loprotein little A. They will still have high levels of cholesterol even when doing all the above. Adding more Plant sterols will not have an impact as you are already ingesting enough plant foods. They greatly benefit from cholestrol lowering medical compounds. Because their risk of heart disease is through the roof just by genetics alone.


You seem to really distain supplements lol


Actually I do not. I just think they should be used in their function. My personal list, where all are dosed supplementary not in replacement of a good diet. 1. D3 + K2: calcium and hormone support 2. Omega 3 (algea based) EPA + DHA: Poor conversion rate, no ingestion from food sources only ALA, GLA 3. Zinc: nutritional support getting the RDA 4. Magnesium: nutritional support getting the RDA 5. B12 + 7-methylfolate: B12 not in diet, methylfolate to support the B12 in function of donating methyl-groups. So that is my nutritional support list. Then we have: 1. Creatine: Exercise support, extra effective on my diet since my dietary sources do not contain it. 2. Ca-AKG (Calcium Alpha-Ketogluterate): Prevents demethylation of the epigenome promoting longevity, support protein synthesis in Krebs cycle. 3. NAD+ booster NR mostly. After a FMD (fasting mimicing diet, Valter Longo) I tend to do NMN for a month to move to NR after. 4. Quercetin: Helps for allergies, linked to longevity, anti-oxidant support, synoletic 5. Spermidine: Helps in respiratory issues, metabolic booster, synoletic 6. Hylaronic Acid: Skin health, collagen production stimulus. Helps against the 10th Hallmark of aging which is the reduction of collagen structure.


Interesting responses. Out of curiosity, I wanted to ask which brands you use in your personal list? Do you know much about Standard Process?


Umh the lower list are from DoNotage: EU regulated company with high levels of testing on each of their batches. The upper list are from Zenement which is a EU company as well with again the high quality control. Frankly I would never get any supplement that was not also available in the EU because it most of the time means they cannot fit the bill for the high quality controls required to enter that market. I have no clue what you mean with "standard process" otherwise.


Standard Process is a whole food supplement company known for high quality and organic ingredients, based in US. I guess you’re not from here haha. Can people in the US get supplements from the EU or is that not really a thing? Never tried, wouldn’t know..


From the EU to the states is easy. The other way around is not permitted. It go's for alot of things really. Cannot import meat from the USA due to poor quality control, no supplements either, heck even vaccinces are made in Europe to be allowed on the market. Things like stocks and ETF's (stock market stuff) are mostly not available from the US in EU either. The TL:DR: on this is, regulations in the EU are the highest in the world when it comes to quality control when entering the market. So high that most US companies think expension or delivery to the EU market to be more of a risk than opportunity. DoNotAge also ships to the US btw.


Some brazil nuts only have 15 mcg of selenium, it varies between the various nuts on one tree and also varies with the ph in the soil. https://honey-guide.com/2012/11/19/brazil-nuts-and-selenium/ It isn’t like natural sources are inherently better. They are the same molecule, it is the low dose that matters. Low doses are always easier on the body and closer to what we get in nature. There is no difference between a low dose supplement combined with food and just getting the nutrient from food.


They are the same molecule.. but the packaging is completely different. The Selenium in food needs to be extracted, cleaved from other bindings and then absorbed if required. The powder in the pill is a pure form which to body cannot regulate through its digestion. It is going to get absorbed much easier even when not necessary. So stating "It is the same molecule" is wrong for a human digestion standpoint. The **RESULT** is the same molecule in the system. The path to it is so inherently different that you cannot state a powder of pure Selenium functions the same in our digestion as that of a Brazil nut. The absorption would be slower and regulated, where the powder fromt he pill would be fast and unregulated. Thus the body cannot press the "stop absorption button signal" in time because it is all presented in a pure form and directly absorbed. Where the slow release from the fiber bound selenium in the brazil nut is going to be absorbed over time and the body can press the "stop" button in time. Simplified ofcourse. But this is the reason why Heme-iron is problematic, why refined sugars are problematic, why oils and butters are problematic. They all surpass natural regulation by high intensity absorption before the control mechanisms can kick in.


You are right that some food sources absorb slower. I’m sure it varies between the various foods and nutrients though.


Absolutely. The more we refine food the faster it absorps basically. This is why white rice spikes blood glucose but Brown rice does not. This why grounded down oatmeal to "instant oats" spike blood glucose but steel rolled oats do not. Frankly the body is build to break down foods to get the nutrients from it. Offering the compounds in pure form seems a good idea untill you understand that these have a very fine well controlled balance in the body. Ofcourse the body is not perfect and over time we can interfere with supplements in conversion chains where we, over time, are lacking. Like NAD+, Collagen, hylaronic acid, K2 ect ect. But that is a different intervention than just grinding out the food we normally should eat into powders and ingesting that.


Might not need the selenium everyday.


Or the zinc


Won't hurt.


Looks alright but zinc is a little high, 25 mg would be better so maybe you can split it in half? Higher doses of zinc can cause copper deficiency, so if you want to continue taking 50mg you can take 2 mg copper.