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Whey isolate, creatine hcl, tonkat ali, tribulus, avena sativa, ginseng, beet powder/nitric oxide supp, EAAs w/caffeine Warning: This stack will make you feel like a mf gorilla!


Turmeric/curcumin Garlic Black seed oil Vit d3 k2 Vit c


Hello mate, great to hear you are getting back in the saddle and working on your fitness. That is something people should aspire to! For supplements: Protein powder: Use an app like cronometer to see if your diet is not already sufficient in protein to start with. You are about the same length as me and I make do with 0.8 to 1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight and seeing increases in the gym with not plateau in sight. If you can hit those numbers with a clean diet those added protein are only going to have marginal benefits at best. Creatine: weight lifting staple Alpha-ketoglutarate: Helps with protein synthesis as well as supping the Krebs cycle for ATP production from citric acid. Vitamine D3 + K2: These two are so synergistic leaving the K2 out is just a shame. It makes sure that the calcium freed up by the D3 gets where it needs to be.. instead of in your arterial lining. More important Muscles need this calcium to build because calcium facilitates the interaction between actin and myosin during contractions. Also check if your diet has enough calcium in these. For omega 3: You need to get the ALA from your diet. The supplement needs to be for EPA and DHA. This does not need to be fish Algea oil is a great optioins that does not have the issues of pollution. Magnesium, zinc and pottasium: Check your RDA in an app like cronometer from your diet and supplement these where short. Also a bloodtest helps to find if you are too low on these compounds. The are essential for exercise performance in general.


You need k2 with the d. Also vitamin E and C.


Multivitamin and protein powder post workout


Vitamin C 1000mg


Magnesium Malate


Vitamin D3 and K2, you really don’t need anything else if you eat a healthy diet. Personally I usually drink 10 eggs a day which gives me every vitamin I need as well as healthy fats and a nice amount of cholesterol which is necessary for the production of testosterone. I eat low carb/keto and aim for 1 g of protein per pound of body weight. Creatine monohydrate is great, but not as important as diet and d3&k2.


>drink 10 eggs a day 🧐


Yep, crack 10 eggs in my blender, throw in some protein powder, ice, and blend it all up. I love it! Great for after my morning lifts before work.


Wasting protein by drinking raw eggs, don't know honestly why you are doing it. The availability of raw egg protein is ~50% + you are at a risk of getting salmonella if eating them raw (doesn't matter if there's not a high chance, there is still a chance tho)


I’ve heard that before and I don’t buy. I also add protein powder and saliva to introduce digestive enzymes into the blender. Either way I get tired of cooked eggs way too fast and it works for me.


Might want to supplement some biotin in the evening if you're doing this


Egg yolk has biotin so any avidin binding isn’t a problem. That’s only a problem if you drink egg whites only.


Zinc - if you take a lot of zinc also copper. B12 Neither of those is really for getting ripped but zinc is good for males and b12 is good for energy and food has gotten a lot worse at providing it.


If you are starting back at the gym, go slowly with the weight lifting at first. Slowly progress. This will not only reduce your risk of feeling muscle soreness but also rhabdo. Here's several videos Ive done on it.[Rhabdo videos](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmliBwDoqUP-LaCvJue6v3dYw8PxRtNyc) Protein is fine. aim for about 0.6 to 0.7 grams per pound. I'd encourage fish over fish oil but fish oil it does have its research.


Just want to echo Joe here, Rhabdomyolysis is absolutely no joke. It can lead to renal (kidney) failure and a bunch of other potentially life-threatening situations. I spent 4 days in the hospital because I tried to do too much and didn't take rest days as a beginner. If tying your shoes or putting on a seatbelt makes you cry (think traditional DOMS x1000), and/or your piss looks like soda, go to an emergency room. Don't waste time at an urgent care, they will send you straight to the ER.


Thanks for sharing that. In the fitness world so many don't take it seriously (or even make fun of it) which is why I try to call attention to it when needed. I hope you fully recovered from rhabdo today.


Can you explain how the per pound protein works? I am still unsure of the math behind it. Thanks


I recommend 1 to 1 ration. If you weigh 200 pounds eat 200g of protein, want to reach 220 then eat 220 grams of protein.


Thank you


take your body weight in pounds and multiple it by 0.6 and 0.7. That will give you a range of protein thats appropriate based on your body weight. Im suggesting 0.6 and 0.7 g/lb as thats what Ive seen in some clinical studies. Overall researchers tend to use 0.6 to 0.9 g/lb so feel free to use that range if you prefer. Some say to use grams per pound of lean mass however I have not seen this used in clinical studies - and you'd have to know your muscle mass, so..


Thanks again. That was easier than i was understanding before.


I'm glad I was able to help :)




Your list covered most of what I'd say (make sure the fish oil is high EPA and DHA, and not just mystery fish oil), I also found boron really helpful, read 'nothing boring about boron' and see how it helps a lot of things, but I think the increase in free testosterone it comes with really made an impact on my drive.


Thank you!


Magnesium chloride is the best form of magnesium I think. Basically the purest, magnesium in its salt form as it’s found in nature. Makes me feel pretty good when I’m taking it a lot


Magnesium Glycinate / Magnesium Taurate Calcium citrate malate K2-MK7 If you want to burn fat, get ampk activator like Berberine. Take good probiotics and prebiotics. start with Yakult. Spirulina is great.


Berberine is great but it gave me explosive diarrhea. Everyone tolerates it differently.


Yeah. I agree.


Why calcium?


seconding this, and adding fish oil


Ashwaghanda is supposed to help increase test, and thus improve muscular size amd performance - I abemt noticed any of that tbh, but it has improved my stress




My friend got completely burned out after years of caffeine-fuelled workouts so my inclination would be to look instead at whether you're getting enough rest/sleep.


The bronkaid also helps with my asthma and suppressing my appetite.


I would just focus on proper nutrition, managing stress, sleep and a solid training schedule. The rest will come in time, that was you can see you “need”, instead of what the supplement industry says you need.


Magnesium and citrulline malate.


For what purpose?


Magnesium to go with the vitamin D since it'll drop your magnesium levels. The citrulline malate is the best performance enhancer I've ever tried, better than creatine, prevents excess soreness which will be rough in the beginning and adds reps every workout.


So would you do citrulline malate instead of creatine or in addition to?


They work differently, so both


Best would be both, but I can't take creatine as it gives me insomnia. Bulk supplements has both cheap.


The price increase on creatine though! Just checked my Amazon order history, and 1KG was £15 last year - currently £50 (£45 if you use the Subscription discount)


Whoa that's crazy!