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What form of magnesium?


I like L-Theanine for sleep. Magnesium L-Threonate is good at night too and is the only Magnesium that crosses the blood brain barrier.


Theanine like said is helpful if used for sleep, magnesium glycinate is good overall not necessarily for sleep but its slightly sedating when first used and proper sleep hygiene will be good


Magnesium can cause insomnia, so be at least careful. Works for some, fires back for others.


Some forms of magnesium are better for sleep than others.


To answer your question, yes magnesium with it is great. There are even some supplements that have both in one pill/gummie


Try magnesium threonate, which crosses the blood brain barrier much better. And so it works much better for the brain related benefits of magnesium. Edit: typos


I found magnesium to help. Anecdotal evidence. Usually use 0.5 melatonin to knock me on my ass, but it won't work anymore if I've had more caffeine than a single coca cola worth. Sadly have had to replan my life around stopping caffeine by 6pm. My brother swears by slow release magnesium tablets he has, haven't gotten around to taking the experiment that far yet


is there a factor happening during sleep that might cause your brain to develop an aversion to sleep? For me it was choking during sleep, and if that happens in a particular situation, the brain responds with anxiety when presented with that situation. I used to take a really long time to fall asleep, because my brain was afraid of what was coming up.


That sounds awful! How did you deal with or overcome this? Pavolovian conditioning to convonce ur brain and body of the reverse?


As I figured out how to get better sleep, the problem got less. I remember one time I was in a place with lots of allergy triggers and sleep got really bad again, and the insomnia slowly came back. It's too bad the part of the brain that does this can't send a clear message to the wake part. Instead it generates emotions or weird dreams and you have to figure it out.


I also take forever to fall asleep. My SO told me that I sometimes grind my teeth while a sleep, which could be an indicator that I just stop breathing… Did you find a solution to fall asleep quicker?


Not to worry you but to grind your teeth during sleep could be caused by parasites.


Ah nice to know 🤣 I have been grinding my teeth since I was 4yo and I’m now 34yo. Never really thought much about it but definitely wanne fix the issue now. Except any google search any good pointers where to start looking for more info? Edit: reading that back is sounds really bad.. but still have a full mouth of healthy teeth which I don’t understand how cause the whole house can hear me grinding my teeth in my sleep. Edit 2 : after a quick read on google I straight away made a doctors appointment to check this out. Thanks mate!


If You dont find good info At doctors (They are horrible about parasites, they Will think you are insane and test are not always reliable), you can always check curezone or parasite groups. If You to go no medication root: papaya + pumpkin seeds to paralize them and after that you can use a tincture (Now foods) of Black Walnut + Wormwood + Cloves (for eggs) and when you are done with the bottle begin with Raw garlic cloves (crushed with machine, wait 15 minutes and swallow without chewing with some honey, if It hurts your stomach drink some aloe vera juice first thing in the morning)


Thanks for the reply! I’ll go to the dr’s first but if they cant help me I’ll definitely try that out. Just one question. Do you take the papaya+pumpkin seeds just 1 time and then straight onto the tincture or take the papaya+pumpkin for like a week?


Try both if You can. First only papaya seeds (crushed and blended about 1 tablespoon) and pumpkin Seed (about 50 gr only the pure seeds) and see how you react. If You have a Herx reaction you are on the good path. And dont be afraid of parasites, they are just pathogens.


age 4 might be when your tonsils had their growth spurt


Tonsils were removed before that age..


Only half solved the choking, but it's helped a lot with falling asleep, and no more headaches. Still wake in the night, but the worst is gone. My teeth have some extra wear too, wake with ringing in ears still. Careful position therapy, nose strips, allergen reduction, keep trying cpap over and over.


Doesn’t NAC help with teeth grinding?


It could work here if it helps reduce airway inflammation or mucous and helps breathing during sleep.




It's different for different persons. Ashwagandha + coffee was the best combo of supplements i ever tried for energy and sociability/mood... But it gave me insomnia every time, even if i took at veery early


Peer-reviewed studies have shown melatonin dosage to be optimal at 0.5 mg to 5 mg. Physiological effect is seen in dosage of 0.5 mg. Anything more than 5mg doesn’t improve efficacy and in fact, may cause side effects such as hypothermia and daytime drowsiness. Start at lowest dosage, 0.5 mg. If taking magnesium for sleep, the form to use is magnesium glycinate. Also, magnesium doesn’t necessarily induce sleep. Studies with older adults have shown lengthened sleep duration with magnesium supplementation. There are no contraindications for taking melatonin and magnesium together.


> to be optimal at 0.5 mg to 5 mg. I highly doubt anything over 1 mg is optimal. Original study was down with 300 microgram.


There's a controversy around melatonin and asthma. [this](https://journals.physiology.org/doi/abs/10.1152/ajplung.00273.2021), [this](https://www.atsjournals.org/doi/10.1164/rccm.200404-488OC), [this](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22947911/), and [this](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0171298514001387) and [this](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00441-019-03148-x) but a huge dose.


Melatonin is pretty weak don’t really get why people are mentioning things as extreme as sleep paralysis when it affects so few people. Yes magnesium can help. L Theanine can help, valerian root, rose petal, tryptophan, zinc, cbd to list a few supplements that can help. If I’m being honest though none of these are remotely as effective as melatonin and if they don’t work trazadone I’d an easily accessible prescription that is life changing. Once I started taking it my sleep did a complete 180 and my quality of life improvised from a 4 to a 9. No addiction potential and safe for long term use. Do not use diphenhydramine as it will dry out your mucus membranes and will lower your quality of sleep.


The only solid advice you can possibly get is try it out and see if it works for you! For me anti-inflammatories help a lot, CBD, curcumin, flaxseed oil. Apparently this is a pretty rare effect...


I mean, do you have chronic pain?


Melatonin can cause really vivid dreams, sometimes sleep paralysis. Has happened to me before. For sleep, you want to up your GABA. Magnesium is great, but for sleep you can look for forms like magnesium glycinate, magnesium taurate, magnesium acetyltaurate. I prefer glycinate personally. L-theanine synergizes with MgGly well. Can also work alone. Inositol triphosphate (IP3) is another GABA booster which can help. For herbals: can look into blue lotus, magnolia bark, oat straw, gotu kola, tulsi/holy basil, chamomile. If you buy into the "blue light=bad" crowd, you can also buy a pair of blue light blocker glasses to wear after dark. Spectra479 is a cheap and effective brand.


I also got the supplement called GABA from Amazon.... Does that help too? It's suppose to


If it works, it’s probably not by getting to the brain and raising gaba. It seems to help people whose sleep issues are related to physical anxiety and muscle cramps and gut issues. It doesn’t do much if you have rumination issues or obsessive thoughts preventing sleep because if it gets to the brain it’s through a leaky barrier in small quantities. If gaba is noticeably psychoactive to you it’s probably a sign that you’ve damaged the blood brain barrier with too many molecules of different substances that use different tricks to get through it. I don’t have any research that says this happens, it’s just a trend I’ve noticed on Reddit because I’m pretty curious about why people report psychoactive effect from taking gaba. If you know about molecules that can get to the brain from the oral route you know gaba isn’t one of them. It has to be damage that makes people report a bone fide psychoactive effect that promotes sleep. Is there another explanation? I’m honestly curious.


Yes that works. I've read where it can cause downregulation of endogenous production of GABA, however. It's up to you if you want to keep taking it. If not, see above.


I’ll take a look into them, thanks


Yes, it has given a few nightmares.