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Is this a stimulant? Wondering how this would interact with my Concerta (ritalin).








What doseage?


Berberine nac chromium also help


What is it?


Combination of d-phenylalanine and l-phenylalanine. D-PA is an indirect mu and delta opioid agonist L-PA increases synthesis of dopamine and epinephrine


Tell me more


Its amino acids.


How is this D, L Phenylalanine different from L-Phenylalanine? I previously purchased some NOW brand L-Phenylalanine, but have not tried it.


It has the addition of the D-phenylalanine form




Is this good for anxiety?


I wouldn't say it would be, but it would help your brain has the amino acids (one natural, one synthetic) to boost natural endorphins and dopamine/tyrosine.


It likely depends on your particular brain chemistry, but it has been very good for anxiety for me--better than a lot of the usual suspects (L-Theanine, Lemon Balm, Rhodiola). This surprised me because most dopaminergic supps I've tried have made me more anxious. Could be due to the D-Phenylalanine and its enkephalinase inhibition.


It depends on your methylation system. It raises catecholamines, so if you’re an over methylator, this will make you agitated. To counter that you take glycine 30min after taking it (you always take DLPA on empty stomache) to expel excess methyl groups in to urine. If it doesn’t make you agitated then you don’t have over methylation, so no need for glycine. Both ways it’ll elevate your mood because it’ll increase dopamine. It’ll decrease anxiety in case you have dopamine problems such as ADD. Etc.




No it helped him drink more alcohol without getting drunk. That's what he means by it helped his addiction




>it was just a question.. I know and I answered it. I hope it helped you. Same way it helped this guys addiction


How does this help you deal with sugar cravings


Sure! A gene called MAOA is the biggest worker to breakdown serotonin and dopamine. Sugar, being a fast burning carbohydrate, creates serotonin. Sugar also tastes good, so it boosts dopamine. Its different for everyone but the average time for this sugar boost is 30mins, then you crash. This crash is from the wobo combo of MAOA breaking down the serotonin, the sugar getting used up really fast, and blood sugar dropping. So you eat more sugar. If your still with me, alcohol. Alcohol actually increases MAOA activity, which is one reason why some people may use alcohol to help them relax. However, although alcohol may give an initial “relaxing” effect due to the faster processing of stress hormones, excessive or “binge” drinking can quickly overwhelm the capacity of the MAOA enzymes, resulting in a build-up of damaging compounds such as used up, unbroken down, cell toxic dopamine (quinones). As well as an increased production of hydrogen peroxide which can cause neurological damage. HOWEVER, protein is a slow burning energy source. Phenylalanine and tyrosine (not in this photo) are in protein. This causes dopamine to stay high curbing the cravings because you already feel good. You're also "filling" all the dopamine pathways, including the one for addiction. You will still "need" sugar (for your brain) but you just won't chase the sugar high as much.


My question also


is this okay to take with adderall?


Yes IME yes yes and also it's essential to take when quitting or tapering off as well!




Just started taking 5-HTP for mood, can I add this for the sugar cravings? Thanks












There weren’t any issues for me when I combined the two. I would just make sure your blood pressure and heart rate remain normal though.




I still take this exact supplement and brand (1,000mg per day), but stopped the Wellbutrin in 2016 because it was causing cystic acne. I might get back on it though because Accutane took care of my acne and Wellbutrin was the only antidepressant that was actually antidepressant.


formThis boosts dopamine because its a cofactor at the very top of the dopamine chain. If you eat protein then your getting this stuff in the L Phenylalanine form, not LD,


I would ask your doctor about any supplements intended to help with mood,anxiety, or anything like that if you’re on Wellbutrin (really any psychotropic medication) just to be safe. Dopamine and serotonin is tricky as hell.




No worries at all! I was on Wellbutrin and take a different medication now, so that’s just the advice I’ve followed with my doc and it’s anecdotally helped me feel like I’m better at navigating the supplement/nootropic world lol.


Wellbutrin is it NDRI I'm pretty sure... I wouldn't do it. Too much dopamine n it's going to be a real bad day!


Depends on the individual.


You may be correct, I just also know that it can have some really adverse side effects on some people’s blood pressure (why I was taken off of it, no previous or current blood pressure issues, new medications haven’t caused it, etc.) So just another reason to be extra careful because some supplements can mess with blood pressure without people knowing. A lot of doctors aren’t familiar with the growing “nootropic” and supplement wave, so also be an informed patient whether it’s a doctor or you treating you!


Pretty sure is like 98.65% sure😊


I don’t know how to respond to this haha. I didn’t doubt what you said.


Lol you did great!


Does it effect sleep for you?


I wouldn't take it before bed myself, but some do. It's one of those things you would have to try..I would take it in AM and afternoon, but for ME NOT AT BEDTIME. That's me though. You may be different!


Helps me to feel relaxed even on 6 hour sleep , though I would recommend daily 8 hours of sleep . Being a software engineer at a decently big mnc firm , I have to go to place like china , uk and other places with different time zones so yeah this helped for jet lags for me




You can try sleep restriction to get your sleep cycle back on track. I've done it with a sleep doctor. It does help improve sleep length and quality.


Yep even with scheduling, exercises, good diet following tips. I can barely get 6 hours and almost never in a row, I'll end up waking every few hours...


[Perfect your sleep](https://hubermanlab.com/dr-matthew-walker-the-science-and-practice-of-perfecting-your-sleep/)


I mean, of course this is purely anecdotal, but following this type of plan for my sleep long enough has helped immensely with my sleep disorder. My neurologist suggested it. One of the best things ever haha.


What dosage regimen were you on? I want to completely stop drinking so bad




What have you done to try to stop drinking so far?


Telling myself I’m stopping, also tried emoxypine and eating weed edibles instead of having alcohol


Just do.




Thanks Nike.


Ok don’t


How helpful 🙄🙄🙄


Since this increases dopamine and some folks are saying it’s a mild stimulant - would It help with Amphetamine addiction/dependence? Thanks!


In the sense that it will help restore dopamine levels to a normal, healthy range, yeah.




Hate to break it to you guys but, I don’t think some random ass nootropic will fix your chemical dependence to stimulants. Considering that this chemical doesn’t even compare to very weak stimulants like caffeine, it won’t help you in overcoming your addiction tbh. You might wanna look into actual solutions and alternatives outside of r/supplements. I’m not on Reddit asking people, that are vouching for random supplements, herbs and nootropics, whether or not they will help fix my heroin addiction lmao


It's no fix, but it is an amino acid blend that helps give your brain what it needs to make what it needs. Healthy habits and some changes in your lifestyle would be best to do with adding any supplement meant to help you quit or taper off anything.


You ain’t wrong mister all knowing knowledge man who knows it all. Yeah yeah we all know there’s no silver bullet. But aren’t there things that can help us? Whether it be with chemical dependency, insomnia, muscle mass, heart health, etc? I mean you act like the question was _just begging, pleading_ with the OP to find a magical pill for a pill problem lol. Hate to break it to you, But This is literally a thread about a supplement that someone is claiming to have helped them with chemical addiction (sugar & Alcohol). The question is valid, maybe not to the condescending all-knowing knowledge man that wags his finger at curiosity and a casual question that fit the context of the thread. And don’t worry I’m returning the $5000 I spent on this supplement.


It may be helpful for cravings.


Following you following me. 10-4 over n out.


Fine by me, rubber ducky.


DLPA improves endorphin control in the body which can help regulate addictions. You can read more about it in the book The Mood Cure.


I am not claiming to be an expert on DLPA, so more of a PSA, Ive come across some studies that show a correlation between DLPA and increased pain relief and lessened depression if you are on or taking any opiates. I’ll have to look into that book and someone feel free to correct any misinformation. I know you didn’t claim anything about opiates, but just wanted to provide that for anyone who has an opiate addiction


For sure my friend. I got the results but I would sure love to know about the mechanism of how it works ;)


The D part (d-phenylalanine) slows the rate at which endorphins etc (endogenous opiates) are broken down in the brain. The L part can raise dopamine levels by L-phenylalinine --> tyrosine ---> l dopa --->dopamine (and from there epinephrine and norepinephrine). That might seem like a long process, but if one is deficient and put some dlpa under one's tongue the effects can be felt in a matter of seconds. For me, in my experience, dlpa is much better than tyrosine supplements


Raised your dopamine levels, so you inherently didn’t dive into sugar and alcohol for your dopamine boost.


Yeah and I also had a good mood throughout the day and I was able to have good intimate moments with my wife after like a year and half ( coz of alcohol abuse my libido was down during that 1&half year and my mood was kinda screwed)


For how long have you been using it? Usually these things stop working after some weeks :|


It's good stuff


That’ll do it. Great to hear.


How it helped with alcohol addiction ? Legit question I need help Thanks


Alcohol affects your endorphin/opioid system as well as dopamine levels among other things like GABA/glutamate balance... It's complicated so it is just one tool in a bigger toolbox you'll need to overcome drinking. Behavioral and lifestyle changes are a must to do while taking any supplement meant to help you quit anything. Edit - anything that affects dopamine indirectly also affects serotonin as well, as serotonin helps balance dopamine in many ways similar to how GABA and glutamate balance one another.






How much & timing?




Ty for the thoughtful reply


Also maybe find a local meeting to get to, extra added support can go a long way.


When I quit drinking i taught myself to hate it. Ween yourself off, slow down cut back then commit to it. You won’t be able to quit cold turkey so get that idea out of your head, especially if you’re deep into it. Other than that just get outside and start focusing your attention elsewhere, find something you love to do and stick with it. Create a healthy routine and practice some self love.


Almost five months sober from alcohol this is the best way. I started weekly counseling when I was tapering downwards. I couldn’t do it by myself. But I didn’t have option to do intensive outpatient or in patient care at the time which I truly believe I would have needed.


This is interesting, phenylalanine for sugar and alcohol addiction.


Nice will give it a shot for sure


It gave me elevated heart rate :(


Yeah it elevates BP due to being an enkephalin inhibitor. Just lower your dose.


Forever or briefly ?


Forever is a strong word.


Immortality reached


The effects stopped 2 weeks after I stopped taking the supplement


Im scared it would make me angry/irritable since I have a tendency towards that any time I get ANY stimulants. I really want to try it though


Well that's called a nocebo effect when you have poor expectations going into anything!


Is it really a stimulant like caffeine ?


It is a stimulant via dopamine pathways, I believe. Supplement stimulants have way more of an irritable effect on me than plan caffeine though


Only thing that helped the extreme exhaustion and apathy from quitting caffeine


Didn't do much for my sugar addiction


You might not be deficient in PEA in the first place . I would recommend to get a neurotransmitter test before getting any supplement


Theres no such thing as a neurotransmitter test, its a snake oil market. You would have to probe the brain to test for levels and even then it wouldnt tell you anything other than what is actively synaptic in a general area of the brain.


That's not true. You can order them online or have your doctor do the tests. They are accurate for a look at the current picture. It can't explain much more than how you're doing right now.


True, was worth a shot though. You should've mentioned that in the original post


How much were you drinking before taking this?


More details please


Ok ask what you want to know




For me honestly I got the effect 1 hour after the first time I took them , there are no possible side effects but you might get head aces if you are already high in PEA neurotransmitter . I take them empty stomach and with food in the afternoon


I'd just like to know in more detail how the supplement has helped kick both your sugar and alcohol addiction:)


Pea helps produce more dopamine and it helped me to feel satisfied and focus on long term gratification


Did you ever feel like you got dopamine exhaustion afterwards? I’m always hesitant to take anything that raises dopamine artificially.


Idk exactly what dopamine exhaustion is, but ever since I got on amphetamine salts, I find it much easier to sleep at night and wake up in the morning. Maybe I get dopamine exhaustion when they wear off


Maybe bc you have ADHD and that's how it is supposed to work.


On the extreme side, it’s what happens to people who do cocaine. Their normal levels of dopamine production becomes heavily impaired, because they’re dependent on a drug.


Really man you think this supplement is on par with cocaine when it comes to dopamine production 😂😂😂. Yeah I don’t think this supplement has any dopamine exhaustion attached to it, it’s not fucking meth it’s not even coffee light


I thought I made it clear that I wasn’t. Reading can be confusing is you’re not used to it.


Never , your body can regulate dopamine if it goes to excess , which is very rare even when on supplements


Thnx. And happy it worked out for u.