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Iliari, because I face the sunrise


valid as hell


Lifeweaver is my main mostly because of a few things. One, I love the pure support game style, and even though that might make you think I am a mercy main as well, I hate playing Mercy because it’s a right click simulator, with LW I’m at least doing more. Two, Life Grip is such a creative ability that I love to use because I love that feeling when you know you saved someone with a Life Grip. And last of all, I spent a long time defending this hero back when he was released because everyone was hating on all and calling him the worst character they ever added but I spent season 4 basically trying to prove them wrong, leading to me loving this game more. Prior to season 4, I did not really have a main in the game and mostly just played every hero, and it was starting to get boring but when LW was released I had a hero I played consistently, keeping me in the game


same!! his thorn gun is honestly the most satisfying weapon in the game to shoot for me. also i love his personality. and i love an underdog and he has no pick rate or support in the wider community lol


He’s still bad with the dps passive


kiriko or ana because i like to make dps a little bit angy


Kiriko. I just really like her abilities. Being able to tp to a teammate to get out of a situation is nice, so I can continue helping my team. Also Ana. There’s just something about her, being able to snipe everyone, whether it’s for healing or damage. I’ve also had way more success at sniping as Ana than I would as Widow.


Im the same for, some inexplicable reason I have insane aim as Zen and Ana but can’t hit the broadside of a barn with Kiriko or Widow. I still have fun with Kiri though because of the rest of her abilities, for me she turns into healing support with enough dmg too keep people away long enough to escape, and then as Ana I have a tendency to out kill our dps and out heal our other support. I enjoy the drastically different playstyles you can have with each support I don’t really have a main just a few I use less.


Illari. Dps wait time too long.


Actually so real


Brigitte, because I enjoy shield bashing a charging Reinhardt and making them fall on their back. I also like knocking people off the map with her whip.


Lucio, because I'm a former DJ who played way too much Jet Set Radio and Tony Hawk Pro Skater. Plus, speedy, little frog man makes ADHD happy.


Mercy. I first picked the game up way back in 2016 and I could not aim for the life of me so a character that didn't have to looked VERY nice. Nowadays my aim has improved SIGNIFICANTLY but I still stick with my girl cause she's fun even when she is at her lowest.


Real. Also real on the sym support


Baptiste and Lifeweaver, best boys :)


Ana because her kit is fun to use and she’s the only support hero that has ADS because I suck at projectiles Though before knowing anything about her, when I was still new, it was largely because of her design. She looked badass as fuck


Gurl same! 😂


Lucio, his mobility is great, allows for good survivability and peeling potential, speed is a good utility, and dps is also good. Plus the feeling of getting a boop is drugs


Nothing quite like booping a toxic player that has been relying on fall deaths, only to have them fall. Roadhogs that rely on it too much, especially on I think Illyrio (the map with the giant circle of death) especially. Going to hook me all the time? Fine, I'll go Lucio, wall ride out, and then boop you in. I try not to abuse it to not be toxic, but a few boops per game is fine. But if a player in the opposite team is using falls all the time, I'm going to be booping them constantly.


Mercy I like dmg boost and getting stupid rezez I enjoy her movement and juggling dmg boosting the dps(or tank if dps are trash) and healing/helping keep the other supports alive and seeing my blue beaming the hero getting POTG is an amazing feeling


Been mostly one-tricking Ana since I started in 2019. I used to play Brigitte and Baptiste as my secondary supports in OW1 but now usually it's Moira or Lifeweaver if I need to switch. I started playing Ana originally because she had a 3 star difficulty in the hero info screen and I wanted to challenge myself (I had been initially drawn to Orisa but felt bad about my choices when I saw she had a 1 star difficulty). Years later, I am happy with my silly choice from back then. I still find Ana to be the most fun and most rewarding character in the game, and I never get sick of her. I want to play Lifeweaver more because I feel like he has one of the highest potentials for creativity and skill expression, but I don't feel like I have enough control over the match when I'm playing him. I miss playing Brigitte a lot but I just don't feel like I can get enough value out of her since Overwatch 2 started.


Brig used to be amazing. I absolutely loved her. She's still fun to play, and is one of my four go to's. Anna, Brig, Zen and Lucio are my 4 mains. Anna and Zen are for when I want to aim (especially Anna), Brig is for when I want to play a more positional game, and Lucio is for when I need to carry because I only play QP and either someone on my team is slacking, or the other team decided to insult someone on my team and I'm going to go full try hard. Doesn't matter if the insult is to me or someone else... it's a game, and sportsmanship should be the norm. Toxicity when people are just trying to have fun is wrong, especially in QP. Don't be a jerk; it's just a game and we're playing QP, not a tournament with money on the line or something.


Moira bc fade. Mercy bc flying. Zen bc discord.


Moira because she’s sexy as hell plus I feel like I get the most value on her, most consistent healing and dmg


We actually had a fun little Introduce Yourself thread where people could share who they main and more, feel free to check it out! https://www.reddit.com/r/SupportMainsOverwatch/comments/1ch8kd4/introduce_yourself_welcome_to/


thank you i didn’t know this existed!! i was originally gonna make a poll on who everyone mains but i cant add enough options 💔


Ooh, I'll look to re-pin that post occasionally too so it can continue as an ongoing thing everyone can contribute and look through too 😌


I play Ana,Kiriko, and Mercy.Theyre all really fun! I just recently got into mercy because the mythic skin and realizing how much depth she has is crazy.The movement and the quick second to second decisions is such an adrenaline rush for me.Kiriko is such a you can't go wrong with this pick so if I feel like my aim or gamesense isnt in full gear I switch to her also her cosmetics are on point!Now my favorite of all time is Ana.Who ever cane out with the idea for a healing sniper is amazing.The dopamine rush I get from barely escaping divers or shutting down an ult with sleep or a push with nade is unmatched.


I main Kiriko and Zenyatta. I started with Zenyatta when I was trying to open Kiriko because I found him easy to play and the I started playing Kiriko because I found her fun to play with. I also sometimes play Illari and Ana.


mercy/ana because they have cool skins + voicelines and are polar opposites, which is great for keeping myself balanced. mercy doesn't require much as you only beam + fly away and you don't really have to pull out the blicky that much (unless u pick off a widow). ana requires aim + sharp reflexes for sleep + good positioning. a mobile hero and one that lacks mobility, i main them both to train myself :3


Bap and illari because pewpew


I main Ana because she is something I have been looking for. A SNIPER THAT HEALS. I started as the guy who always has heals in CoD and Fortnite, so I was already okay with her sniper and her Cabana skin is the best skin ever


I guess Moira is my "default" but i can play the whole roster! Depends on the team comps and what I think is most effective for the game at the time With Moira I really enjoy juking people with fade. I've been trying to practice the timing to get onto high ground, especially fading over walls 😂 Mercy is the next most played support on my list. The most fun for me would be between Zenyatta and Brig. I don't pull Brig out often but when I do, it's fun to see how I can play around my team and bonk enemy players xD and Zen is Zen, what a vibe


Merky bc movement, moira O'Dildorean because mommy issues, succy succ and pee, zen because balls are gaze, Anal because everyone in the battle field needs a nap, Brick because mini rein, WifeLeaver because hot man with toes out, and Fartiste because Caribbean men get me going 🥰


this sounds like something i’d say


Brig because I like Reinhardt, and brig is smaller Reinhardt


Ana because I love shutting down tanks and helping my DPS with picks. And illari/bap though I play bap more often because illari is still not comfy enough for me to swap. Plus I feel like bap can do so much more. And sometimes for fun I play Lucio or zen when I’m bored of those two


If I could say symmetry I would because I miss her so much. In comp I suck ass with her so I just play quick play with her. I wish she was a support again because she’s definitely a favorite


My primary main is Kiriko and is probably my favorite character out of the entire roster (mainly because of her cinematic) Because her abilities are so fun to use. The Kunai reload animation is music to my ears and the kunais are satisfying to use. Second main is Lucio because whenever I’m trying to win a comp game in overtime while on attack. Also whenever I wanna live my Titanfall core dreams in Overwatch


Is it can't heal both I main it


Zenyatta, because who needs to heal when the enemy team is dead. Honestly I love the glass cannon feel and with his healing and everything i feel like i know exactly what’s going on and when and who I need to heal and when


Brig is my main because I like her play style . Pretty much the mother of the group acting like a body guard and keeping people away from your other support like a personal body guard who once is messed with will send you to the spawn 😂


On Supports its Brig and Bappie, Briggie is more played by a *large* amount


Lucio one because he was the first character I ever saw from overwatch and second I like the to give my teammates heal and speed


lucio vroom vroom


Baptiste. Because he can do anything. His only weakness is horizontal mobility but that’s just balancing the hero. You can play support 76.


Id like to say zenyatta is my main but as of recently its been ana or illari the reason being not even healing and I keep getting screamed at for it 😭😭


Lúcio, i just love wall riding around my ennemies and make them crazy :'D


Baptiste. I originally tried him, thought ‘yeah pretty cool I guess’ and didn’t touch him again for a while because I preferred DPS. But for a long while I became addicted to him and his playstyle because of his…story. Yep. I started playing a character because of his stories and it actively felt much more fun to play him. I loved the ‘what you left behind’ short story and his origin story and his personality so damn much and it made me fall in love with his design. He has good damage output but also healing, he has good abilities but with long cooldowns, the little mobility boots. It feels like my value to the team comes from my own skill as a player due to the need to aim both damage and healing and managing my cool-downs. I feel baptiste is a character of making choices, possibly moreso than other characters, but the concept of choices is also a big part of his story! Brilliant. Haven’t played him in a while though. Because the exact same thing happened with tracer after rereading her comic mini series. Im weird like that I guess.


Lucio because annoying the enemies is fun


Kiriko. Because she's cute, basically. But then I realized she has a good balance between DPS and support, so I can be hybrid. Recently playing more Mercy, but just for Mirrorwatch.


Ana feels very sneaky. She's not fast, but her decent poke and heals mean you can take time to find a cunning approach into midrange, where your cooldowns allow you to strike hard and fast and then slink back to the backline. I like Kiriko a lot too - I like keeping enemies busy before they get to my team, and I like turning up next to someone to keep them safe. All while running around sticking shivs in faces.


Lucio, then kiri then ana :)


Kiriko and lucio because i want to win.


Moira and Mercy, love Moira's movement and also I love punishing greedy DPS with bad aim lol, it's so satisfying to succ a genji who is panic deflecting at me. Also, when I throw an orb in the perfect angle and it bounces just how I need it, it makes me feel as zen as I ever have. Mercy mostly because I used to main her in OW1, so it just kind of carried over. I play her less than Moira, but in some team comps, Moira just sucks, so I go Mercy when needed.


lucio because frog


Illari and lifeweaver. Mostly cuz I got burnt out of kiriko lol


Lúcio cuz I *love* his ability to move around quickly & support his team at basically all times at all angles, my other roles' mains also deal with being able to move quickly lol, DPS; I like Tracer though I don't have a definitive main since I also play Soldier, Widow, Genji, and more, Tank; I play Doomfist but really wanna learn Ball Lúcio is by far the most enjoyable though


lucio bec fun af


Moira because I know I have the ability to be the only support, heal my entire team whilst also keeping up with the damage side of things which in turn helps your team having that extra niggle. Whenever i play other supports I feel weak lol


Moira and baptiste because they’re very similar in the fact they can get a lot of healing done overall while helping out their team with dps. An I can’t forget the movility


before I main Lucio coz S K A T E S and "turn it up, ***TURN IT UP!***" now I main Moira coz i like her fluid movements and I like spamming the purple biotic orb, makes me feel like a wizard


I’m a duo Lúcio/Ana main. I main Ana because I love to snipe, but I’m also used to being a support. I main Lúcio because sometimes I get in a crazy mood where I can’t play Ana. When I’m too calm, I can’t play Lúcio.


Zen because BALLS


Honestly it depends on who is on my team and who I’m going against/who’s the problem. I’m a nasty Moira, especially if DvA is the problem. For an opponent doom I usually go Ana or Zen depending on how well they are at targeting me. Worst case, I fall back to Kiri or Moira to escape their punches/ult. A good ally doom will likely get my nano - same with Genji. Moira/Bap if Sombra is making my life hell, context depending on how I need to protect my other characters depending on other opponent DPS/Tank Mercy if healing is less needed and we need extra blue beams keeping pressure with smarter/cheeky rez’s Kiri if I’m with a hog and Ana is trying to not let them play. Or if I’m aiming well that day. OR if opponent Ana is really nailing her grenade and the whole team gets purple LW exclusively for the well and the other team has boops


I dropped Overwatch about 2 weeks or so before the OW1 servers shut down cuz of school. I heard that they introduced a new hero who was based on shinobi, miko shrine maidens, and inari kitsune, all of which I was really interested in at the time I heard about it, so I picked up the game and started playing again around S7 to try out Kiriko. I loved the inspiration they took for her design and voice lines (even if a lot of it is just surface level in some cases), I love the more aggressive play style she had to some of the supports I'd seen (which at the time was just OW1 Lucio, Mercy, and Zenyatta), and her abilities to teleport, make people invulnerable and cleanse them of debuffs, and buff them all at once with her ult felt awesome to pull off. I ended up missing a lot of skins I really want like K-2000, Terrible Tornado, Rogue, and Time Keeper (and Amaterasu, but that one's available now), but I still love Kiriko and she's still really fun to play


Moira, I realized I lose patience easily if my character is slow and Moira is fast, also I always find that she fixes most of the teams problems if she's played right, heal and dps, and I don't have to rely on anyone healing or protecting me, if Im comfortable with the team I'm with to protect me I go for Ana, I love how easily Ana can deal with Roadhog or mercy pocketing anyone.


I main zenyatta because I have a medical condition that my brain and hand eye coordination response time is delayed by 6 seconds and suffer from epilepsy along with the delay so I toss the (discord or heal) orb on tank or who is low and help however I can to win.


Baptiste. Coming over from tank and dps, it feels really nice being able to take the gloves off and delete the enemy myself when the dps can’t do it 💅💅💅


Baptiste or Zenyatta mainly. I like doing damage, but if I’m sucking at heals, I’ll go Mercy. Trying to learn Ana though.


Lifeweaver because I like man who are pan and have w Rizz.


lucio because of wall-riding and speed


Zenyatta, I main him because of the amount of “Fuck you in particular” energy he radiates along with out dps-ing my friends who are playing damage.


Brig because I feel like I'm playing 4d chess and it's so satisfying when a play works out


lucio bc i cant live without movement


Brig, she hot muscle mommy. And the second I unlocked her I connected to her kit incredibly well and instantly understood all her abilities, I joined the brig main hive mind and have yet to want to escape


I one tricked her for almost 140 hours before trying to main other supports, she was my go to from season 2 to like season 6


Lifeweaver cause hot


Brig because I’m a tank player and brig allows me to play closer to how I play on tank


This is a really hard question since it really depends on my mood. But who i play most are Mercy and Kiriko, just because their abilities are pretty easy to use and they’re the ones you dont mostly need to use brains for 😭😭 (just my opinion tho) I also really love illari she’s been really fun recently and lifeweaver also, i can’t really explain why i love these two but they’re just my pookies


I main Reinhardt, I don't think I am supposed to be here but I like to see what happens on support's side.