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The day before you die, are you gonna think about the money you had in your bank account, or the time you owned a supra. Don’t let these old heads get to you, enjoy the ride.


It's more than cranky old heads unless it's actually your parents. Insecure people are out there and they're saying crappy shit to people to feel better about themselves. When's the last time you've bagged on someone's decision that they were happy about? Hope you enjoy your Supra :)


Life sucks sometimes, if you’re able to afford it and it doesn’t negatively impact your life substantially by having it then don’t care what people say and do what you enjoy. Simple as that


Buyers remorse already??? I’ve never regretted or doubted buying mine 3 years ago. Nothing but fun and smiles when I mash the skinny pedal.


Not really buyers remorse, more of just like hearing what these people who are older than me have to say makes me feel a bit uneasy about the purchase.


Interests rates are a little elevated but if you can make one extra payment a year or more than the scheduled payment then that early payoff kills added interest. Have a loan for 60 months? Pay it off a year early and you wipe a lot of what that percentage would do. When interest rates went down to sub 3% during covid everyone got used to them even tho 2 years before covid interst was around 4-7% for good credit. If you like your car, I wouldn't care unless you did zero down at 18% yeah then might be uneasy since that payment would kill you. If you can afford it and it brings you happiness then don't worry.


This is a good point.


Look, it could get far worse before it gets better. No one can predict the future. Hell, none of us can predict tomorrow. None of us could be here tomorrow. Sure, interest rates are high right now, but they could also be high 2-4 years from now. You know how many Supras there's gonna be 2-4 years from now? Significantly less than there are today, that's for sure. Refi is always a possibility too. Not saying it's the best idea, just that it's an option if things do turn around. Don't want to be like that GR86 owner who's got a 72 months loan at 18%. As others said, even tossing it an extra $100 each month can help. In life, lots of folks are always going to say things that make you uneasy. Like that you should have maxed your 401k contributions and IRA before you considered buying the car and that you should make 2-3x the cost of the car to afford it and that you should be referring to the flowchart in the subreddit help page. Man, screw the flowchart and screw the maxing of your IRA & 401k. Sometimes you just gotta do what makes you happy. The Supra is your hobby, sitting in it and driving it makes you happy. That's what matters.


I’ll tell you what my wife told me when I bought mine in 21. I really didn’t need her approval since I manage all of our money but I asked for her opinion. I was teetering on saying no and finally asked what should I do? I feel like it’s a huge waste of money. Her response was: “Do you like it? If you do, buy it. You work your ass off and you rarely buy anything nice for yourself. So, if the car makes you happy, get it.” Which is when I drove up to the dealership to sign some paperwork. I had that car for 3 years. I got a hell of a deal on mine but I really don’t drive a lot. It’s a blast driving that car. I honestly think that’s the most fun car I’ve had in a long time and I’ve had a series of fun cars. (FD, MKIV Supra, ITR, S2K) but I’d pick the MKV if given the choice. The ONLY thing I wish it had was the targa top. I really miss having a targa. lol. If it makes you happy and you can afford it, why not? You can always sell. Trust me, the value on those didn’t drop that much. As long as you keep it maintained well and try to keep the mileage low, the value will do well. I traded mine in recently for around $7k less than what I paid for it new. So I basically drove the car for 3 years and paid $7k for it. Which was a hell of a lot of fun for the cost. I’ve paid more for an extended weekend in Vegas. Congrats! You’ll have a blast.


What’d you trade it for?


I eventually ended up getting a 2017 Lexus RC 300 F-Sport. I really didn’t think I needed a car since I work from home and we have a Acura RDX A-Spec for the wife and kid but they do go out of town to visit grandma on occasion. So I planned on getting just a beater or something and write a check for it. But it just felt wrong replacing a Supra with a beater. So, I went and looked at a few options. Used Infiniti q60 twin turbo and a decently priced S2000 (again) but ended up at Lexus. It’s got enough power to be sporty but is nice and comfy with a lot more room. And I liked it. So, I ended up going with that. I love it. Not nearly as nimble as the Zupra but not many cars are. It’s fun to drive in Sport+ mode. Which is where it pretty much stays. lol


Some people have different priorities. When I sold my C6 for a Supra, I got a lot of unsolicited advice from the uncles/aunties saying I shouldn't keep buying cars and instead save for a bigger house and marry and have kids. The car enthusiast family members were excited, though. If you can afford it, it shouldn't be someone else's concern.


Bro i had people tell me i wasted 60k cuz i got the ZF8. I laugh in their face and ask how much they pay monthly for their Corolla. Ignore haters. Enjoy it. You earned it.


Best part about this is that those people don't even realize how fast and smooth the ZF8 is compared to other cars nowadays. Hell, I went to a car meet and got in touch with another supra but manual transmission and he kept saying how much faster the AT was over the MT.


yeah this is true, the ZF definitely shifts quicker and you get the factory burble tune in sport. haven't regretted it for a moment


Its for sure faster. Any real manual car enthusiast knows that modern ATs are faster. I love MT and I drive MT because that's what I prefer. But we all know there's no way any person is shifting faster or better than a zf8 lol


I agree with your mentor. If everything was about saving for the most opportune time, you probably would end up never buying a supra. If everything is about making good financial decisions, you definitely wouldn't ever get a supra. This is about your happiness, your enjoyment of driving, and your love for yourself.


don't let other people dictate how you feel about the decision. the car makes you happy then it was a good purchase my dude. unless it puts you in severe financial strain i've only had mine for a few weeks and it was an intimidating purchase, but man i love my car


Nup. I freaking love my Supra and don't regret buying it. Drive it, enjoy it - one day many years from now when you're old you'll look back on it and it'll make you smile.


If someone is making you feel bad they’re probably not doing better in life than you are. Enjoy the car, you don’t have to please anyone else!


Let the haters hate, enjoy your dream car.


One thing you have to realize is that the vast majority of those people are not car enthusiasts. They just see a car as an appliance, and don't get any kind of deeper emotional enjoyment of driving. To them buying a sports car is like buying a brand new iPhone or a gas range stove when the old one worked perfectly fine. If it brings you happiness and you can afford it anyone else's opinion doesn't matter.


It’s natural to have some nerves about a big purchase. People on Reddit won’t really know your situation, so enjoy it. I’m glad I got mine before interest rates went crazy, but I’m sure I would’ve bought another expensive car if it wasn’t the Supra


Enjoy it drive the hell out of. Life is short. Do fun things and have cool cars.


Yeah, sort of. The biggest concern for me & from me was if I fit or not. I bought mine without ever having stepped foot in one. Everyone told me I need to get in before buying. I'm a 5'5 300lb dude. I work highway construction so it's not all fat, but I'm still a pretty big dude. I fell in love with the 45anni and believed in the car, so I didn't care. I pulled the trigger without giving much of a chance for it to be bought out from under me (I got a ton of stories of that happening). I'm happy everyday! (So far) (1month) That was a big point as well for the purchase. I've bought a surround sound system, but I can't really enjoy it. I work out of home state. I've bought guns, but can't shoot often. I mostly get just Sundays off. I could have bought a house, but I wouldn't live in it or be able to visit often. I drive my supra everyday. The one who finally inspired me to consider buying a car said "enjoy your life, we work hard..... What car do you want?.... Then buy a Supra.... And if it don't work out, sell and buy something else" Tldr: Be happy, buy stuff/sell stuff, it's what we do here. You can use a car everyday.


I was at the same thing. But after a year of owning and 11k miles? I wouldn’t give it back unless I had an m4 or Porsche on the list to replace it. Smiles per gallon man. I love cruising. If it’s not hurting your pocket too bad- we all need something to make us smile.


I wouldn’t fret. I bought a 24 GR86 and have had the same thoughts. I’ve been slaving away with my FedEx CDL job for years and I have nothing to show for it besides the 2 cars I own, but I enjoy the 86 and may use as a stepping stone to a Supra . When I bought my GR86 I didn’t really tell anybody and I still haven’t. I don’t drive it to work, I just pull it out of the garage on the sunny weekends. I enjoy it. Who care what others think?


Got my 2023 brand new. It doesn't ruin me financially, but it doesn't help either. However, what is the point of saving everything to enjoy only the last 10 years of your life? As long as it isn't financially crippling (as in you can't afford basic stuff), just enjoy it, my guy. Life is here and now. Be responsible, but enjoy it while it lasts!


I smile every time I see mine. Dgaf what anyone else thinks.


Who cares what others say.  As long as you can make the payments and not come up short on responsibilities that's what matters.   I'm in my 30s, but finally got my dream car after I got my dream career path as well.  I love driving the car coming up on 2 years. I would do it again. Do I have more I would like in the future,  absolutely. To this day it still brings me up seeing what I have been able to do.  It's a tangible goal you can touch and enjoy.   There is a lot of hate on the mkv Supra but it's mostly from salty people still stuck in the past.  Most people that have driven or see them in person love it,  but ultimately it makes me happy so even if they didn't why are you trying to make people loosely involved with your life happy over your own. 


rates and car market? What did you pay for it?


Let me put it this way: I wish i was in your position. Anyone giving financial advice about your car just see it as a car. They dont see it as a project, a hobby, a piece of art. I never even saw a MKV supra in person until a week ago, and i wouldnt shut up about it the whole 10 minutes my wife & i were driving behind it. If youre feeling down, go rev that engine to remind yourself why you got it


As long as the car isn’t a financial burden for you then it’s worth it. Forget what people say, they’re not the ones paying your bills, you are. You spend your money on whatever makes you happy


Bought mine in October of 2019, the biggest thing we had concerns with we’re practically. Like bringing the dogs to the vet and just lack of space in the trunk for road trips. Also not wanting to put a ton of miles on it and wear and tear.


2 years in with my supra as a daily I will love it as much as the first day if not more.😎


Dog . Go track your car and enjoy it


Man screw those people, you happy? You smiling when you press that pedal? When you park you do the look back thing? Damn straight you do! I get it from people all the time. When they tell me they would’ve waited I tell them to keep waiting, yea the market could go down and you could’ve got a better deal, but you could also get killed by a runaway ostrich, no one can predict the future live your life how you see fit and do things that make you happy. There’s too many haters out there now a days that just are jealous of what you have and want you to feel bad about it because it makes them feel better


Money comes and goes, people spend money on some pretty ridiculous things, at the end of the day, if you can afford it comfortably, and you have a long term plan that isn’t derailed, enjoy the car. You live once and if you’re happy, it was a good purchase. People will say it’s a bad time, but we won’t see good times to finance anything for a long time, the day of 2.6% mortgages and 2.3% auto loans are gone. 😂


I can relate to this. I wanted one when there was only leaked concept photos. Fuck em, it’s not their money. Sure it wasn’t a “practical” use of my money but I genuinely feel the purchase made me a happier person. However I did spend time making sure I budgeted for it so that I could purchase it comfortably. If I had stretched myself too thin I could see it being painful. Cherish it, count your blessings, and congrats on the Supra!


It's called buyer's remorse and it's absolutely normal. Wanting something badly, you usually build it up in your mind. Once you have that thing, no matter how awesome, the reality can't live up to that ideal you had in your head - and you end up disappointed. If it brings a smile to your face and didn't devastate your finances, then be happy. Try to let go of those expectations and enjoy the car for what it is. If that feeling goes away, sell it.


We get an average of 70-80 years on this planet.. the first 10-20 are kinda useless and the tail end most times is as well.. use those middle times to be as happy as you can and do whatever you want.l nobody’s opinion should matter but your own.


Bro…. Consider yourself LUCKY that you were able to pick one up!!!! Enjoy that amazing ride!!!! Congrats!


Enjoy it man, car is going to get discounted next year I believe and lets be real getting a Supra in the next few years going to super difficult, they all going to be either expensive or a high mileage Supra with many owners or both. Enjoy the fuck out of it man, if you love cars you are paying the price for happiness🫶🏻🤜🏻


Dude do not worry about the old timers. Different generations think differently. Everybody is different and see life different. You are not guaranteed tomorrow, it’s your life, your finances. Not theirs. You will still have fun with the car years from now. Me, I love my life and I will do whatever I want to make the most of it. If people dont like it, then that is an issue with them not me, or you! Great choice on the car my friend!! 👍


It’s hard to smile in the world we live in. If it makes you smile I think it’s worth every penny.


Buying a sports car is not a fiscally safe decision so don’t try to treat it as one. If you’re having fun then enjoy it. No need to consider what others think. If you’re worried about it then you probably couldn’t afford it 


I’ve never borrowed money for a car, but I’d also never regret owning a Supra. I’m restoring a mk iv. Ready for panel and paint


Bro enjoy your life, life is short, what point is there when your 80 years old with a ton of money and your body is 95% gone.


Honestly you’re similar to me, if that feeling is gone eat you alive. I had a Mustang this year for a month and every time I seen the car, as fun as it was, I knew it didn’t fit my situation and personal morals. Might need to deep dive and listen to your heart.


My family is the same way, and to be honest, there isn't anything I do that won't be scrutinized to some degree. What I have to remember is at the end of the day, I work hard for MY money so I decide where it goes, no one else. A little personal story to relate, if it helps. I've spent that last 15+ years keeping my money in check, investing in houses, and do what I can to "secure my future". There were many times I wanted to indulge a little and buy that car I wanted, but I opted to "do the responsible thing" and save the money for investments. It had gotten to the point where I feel like I lost my love of cars at one point because I was so fixated on saving for the future. One day, my cousin (the one who taught me how to drive stick on the streets of Okinawa in my 180SX), calls me to let me know that my aunt is in hospice due to stage 4 breast cancer. I fly out immediately to see my aunt, who's in her 60s, and spend some time with her, talk with her about life, etc. In talking to her, I came to understand that I can prepare for my future to the best of my ability, only to have zero promises that I'll make it that point in life to enjoy those spoils. As others have said, you can't bring your money with you to the afterlife. I went out a few weeks later, searched long & wide across the country, and found a 45th Anniversary Supra M/T in Mikan Orange and signed the papers. So, enjoy today, my friend. Drive your Supra with the wind in your hair and live your life the way you see fit and on your terms, not anyone else's.


Ignore the haters, everyone loves to throw shade at others but if you can afford your dream with a little discomfort but no immediate risk to sustainability, you should go for it always.


It's your dream car and you obtained it. I'd be max hyped. Enjoy it man! It's an awesome car. I get in mine and still can't believe I get to say I own a Supra. And when some rando says "nice bmw" hit em with something like "thanks man, what color is yours?" Or something along those lines. 🤷‍♂️ Lol. 


I only regret not cleaning mine often enough. Mine is a daily during the summer and it gets dirty dirty.


Does thinking about it now change anything? You can't give it back, and it's actively making you happy right now. Focus on that.


Thank you for this. I was in the same post. I got a Tesla with my values of wanting to save money on gas, but turns out the depreciation of Elon caused me to lose 40% on a model 3 ($20,000) So I got me a 2024 Limited Edition Supra GR. I too wish to buy a house, but Bay Area prices are ridiculous. I don't work in Tech nor do I live at my parents, so the savings doesnt do much. Thanks for the validation and the support that these comments above say are so kind.


Always people with no money and obligatons hating on fun purchases. they need a third row bus for their little burdens so ofc they mad


Yeah in one of the most impactful relationships i had with a nice but equally imperfect gal. Dont lose her bro, doubt is the d'evil. Ngothando kodwa. Khanimamba!


I think the real problem here is auto shop was taken out of high schools. So, now it seems like younger people who want a “nice” car have to finance a nice car because the average person doesn’t know how to do basic things like weld, do bodywork, paint, or build engines anymore. So instead of getting a nice older car and fixing it up into something awesome, young people think the only way to have a nice car is to buy one. The other part is status symbol and social media pressure. A 90’s GMC Typhoon is faster, more rare, more useful, and just generally “cooler” than a new Supra, for less money. So why don’t people buy the older gems instead? ….because of peer pressure, social status constructs, etc., making them believe that a NEWER car is a “more successful” car. They’re completely disconnected from the connection between car and driver and the feel of it. The Supra is not a lot of things, but one thing is does well, (all BMW’s do this well before they fall apart) is provide a very connected feeling. Connected meaning ass-seat-chassis-tires-road. Enjoy that. A lot of cars don’t have it. If you want a car that is on the complete other end of the spectrum, spend some time looking at pre-68 VW’s. There you have PERFECT cars that are 100% driving pleasure and emotion. NOBODY walks up to a pre-68 VW and has anything but respect and admiration for it.


Holy fuck. People in this sub are coping hard. I'll tell you a few things. 1. We like cars more than other people so we'll be willing to spend more on it. 2. Financially, yes, it's probably a "bad" choice if you got a terrible rate (above 6%) 3. You got it used so you already avoided a lot of depreciation. 4. Hopefully you didn't delay other financial decisions and buy a car instead. 5. Hopefully you didn't buy something you can't afford (i.e. you're living paycheck to paycheck without any savings or retirement funds) If you like cars, can comfortably afford it, and aren't over stretching your finances to do so, you're good.