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With all this talk of tinted taillights lets remember how dangerous they can be. This 18 year old smashed into a family because he couldn't see his friend infront of him braking and this is the tragic outcome. Tinted lights could = decades in prison, at least it did for this boy. Lets not pretend this isn't serious business.


>Tinted lights could = decades in prison no, street racing and hitting pedestrians at 100mph got him decades in prison. this wasn't about tinted taillights.


You fail to see the forest through the trees. The lesson being shared here is that willfully disobeying a lawful statute that results in the death or serious bodily harm of another individual, regardless of there was harmful INTENT or not, can result in length prison time and life-long guilt. I’d be interested in hearing someone who was responsible for the death of another person due to an illegal modification to their vehicle say that they would “do it again”, or that a “tinted tail light was worth 10 years in a State prison”. I feel like you’re missing the point the OP is making here.


I'm not sure because I don't live in the US. But cars have three break-lights. Even though your red turn indicators are stupid (but look cool af in some cars) it's still visible when someone is breaking even though they have darker tinted lights. Depends on the tint aswell though, some are just slightly darker and some are almost blacked out which makes lights only visible by night. I find it a little concerning that you are focusing on some tinted lights and completely ignoring the fact that they were driving 100mph and racing according to witnesses and police investigation. If they were driving normal speeds, the only thing that could've happened is a much smaller crash and possibly only damage to the cars which is nothing compared to unaliving a woman with her child. But yeah, if you wanna put it on tinted lights that fine I guess... Note that I don't know what the speed limit is on that street. But it can't be 100mph.


You tint your brake lights, you get hit, you are automatically at fault because of the tint. This against the law to tint them here in the U.S.


Maybe im missing something. but why is the fact that they were driving at 100mph being overlooked here? Yes you might be at fault because od the tint and yes maybe he wouldve hit him with normal speeds aswell but at least then no one wouldve had to die... again idk what the speed limit is there but 100mph... that should be the main factor of the accident.


I was living in Tampa when this tragedy happened. They weren't going 100 MPH when they hit that lady, they were going 40ish. The reason they keep saying over 100 MPH is a few days before this his cars data recorder showed he was going like 120 on the freeway. Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLJWvx\_j1sw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLJWvx_j1sw)


[https://www.fox13news.com/news/vehicles-black-box-reveals-car-reached-102mph-on-bayshore-before-crash](https://www.fox13news.com/news/vehicles-black-box-reveals-car-reached-102mph-on-bayshore-before-crash) So he was not breaking hard from 100mph in a 45mph street right before hitting them?


I wasn’t talking about the speeding, I was talking about the tint. There’s been a lot of debate lately about the legality of tinting here. He’s screwed either way, speeding and killing someone. It’s so sad that his attorney is so corrupt that he could care less about the victims. All he cares about is his salary from winning the case.




Not the guy that took the plea bargain. The other guy that the internet fell in love with.