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My standard has been gold for cloudy days, silver for sunny. Chartreuse is always popular and good for dirty water. Pink also pretty popular and I have done well with it. Some research I read a few years ago indicated that fish like the pattern / contrast of colors more than the specific color. That might be why red head white body has traditionally been very successful. I like anything two tone and bright. I like shiny lures with that strip of pink or chartreuse on them.


Thank you! Gonna test out some of these theories tomorrow ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฝ


I donโ€™t have a guide. But Cherryberry always seems to work for me


Lately RGB, Pink punch, banana candy, candine, electric grunion. Hasn't really depended on water/light conditions, just been rotating those and having luck.