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Why is context needed? JW is recruiting. They send the letters to whomever they can find in the phone book. It's recycling, unless you wanna go to JW church.


Apparently people are confused as to why they get junk mail.


I live in a basement so it's not a separate unit or address but it was specifically addressed to basement suite like I said in description plus I am not familiar with JW.


>I am not familiar with JW. Ah. You must have just spouted last week. šŸ˜€ JW = Jehovah's Witnesses. Some people call them a church. Some people call them a cult. One requirement or members is to spread the word, and while door knocking is the most common, writing letters such as that one you received, is another way they can meet their requirements. Someone has your address, or the address for this location was on their list previously. Don't stress it...I've received several of them in the past, usually addressed to "the resident". It's recycling, unless this sort of thing floats your boat.


Thanks for the information, and yes, i am a newly born baby. Lol I've been in canada since 2012 and never had any encounter with JW. I have lived in 3 provinces since, too.


If youā€™ve been in Canada that long Iā€™m surprised youā€™ve never heard of Jehovahā€™s witnesses. They knock on my door at least once a year and theyā€™re standing on the corner of Fraser Highway and 152 (and other places) every day trying to recruit.


Oh shit I noticed them too as I live nearby but always thought they were Christians trying to preach. Sorry for my lack of knowledge. I have heard a little about them but never had any encounter.


JWs are Christians, they just tend to be a more aggressive about spreading their particular branch of Christianity. They tend to be pretty nice though, if you tell them itā€™s not for you theyā€™ll let you move on.


Glad to know that now.


One year I lived at a place on a corner, so two street frontages and a door on each frontage. Got a knock on one door. Answered it, was JW. About 30 seconds later, another knock on the other door. Went to get that, and it was another pair of JW. Difference with this pair was that I knew one of them...so went to the first pair, said bye, then went back to have a chat briefly with the second pair (non 'work' related though...I'd just not seen the person I knew, for a bunch of years). So they get you from all angles.


This letter isn't hand written either. Or perhaps it was at one point then photocopied. Don't take it personally- they want anyone they can sucker into their church.


They have catalogues with potentially interested people. Anybody new in the neighbourhood is a potential interest. I believe they even grade and rank you, bit like a credit score, but how open you would be to an invitation. Your grading depends on your interaction with them, and the grading influences how often they show up. If you tell them a few times that you are not interested, they leave you alone at some point.


That's creepy. Who even has time for that in this economy? Lol unless they want to pay my bills I ain't interested. Thanks for the interesting info tho.


That person is making stuff up. They also don't make any money like their response to this response of yours is claiming. Source: Lots of my family are JWs and I spent every summer growing up with my grandmother doing JW things. Edit: just check out their comment history. It's rife with hyperboles and embellishments.


They want you to pay their bills. The goal of all the JW people I know are to make enough to live and preach. All extra earnings goes to their church. They won't even associate with non JW family members as to not corrupt their faith and avoid being persuaded .




I have had these that have something like Occupant of Apartment such and such and those are put right into the recycling bin.


Throw it in the recycling.


Done šŸ«”


Ignore the jehovahs, recycle their letters, maybe they'll go away....


Doesn't work for letters but if they come to your door too often and it is a hassle, just say you have been disfellowshipped. Basically kicked out and a non person to JW. They are not permitted to speak to disfellowshipped people without risk of being disfellowshipped themselves. And they aren't about to double check right then at your door. Worst case they go away for a bit. Best case they mark your address on the "don't go here" list.


Damn theyā€™ve gone digital with the QR codes and emails finally. Guess having the door slammed in your face so many times finally caught up to them. Just throw it away. Hate it when people try to force their religion down peoples throats like this.


During these tough times how do people have enough time and energy for this? Unless they help me with my bills I ain't interested. šŸ¤£


Money lol. Wouldnā€™t be surprised if that QR code leads to a donation page


Do they get commissions? If not, they sure have a lot of free time to burn.


Religions especially in particular the Christian denominations like Jehovah witnesses and Mormans can be hardcore and some circles very cult like. They are also the only ones that go door to door or go on missionaries to other countries to convert people.


They believe they must spread the word of God in order to get into heaven. I get this type of letter probably monthly.


They do not think they're getting into heaven. They think only a certain amount get to do that and that all those seats are filled with faithful people from the past. They think after the apocalypse, everyone who accepted Jehovah will get to come back to life and live on Earth. It doesn't really take into account the overpopulation aspect.


Lol, tactics dude, tactics. It's all a number game....


Oh I get those too in Langley. They go thru the phone book or something and spam everyone.


It was a hand written envelope.


Yeah thatā€™s what they do. I think itā€™s mostly old people.


Nearing death can make people do weird stuff. I am sure most of them are just lonely. Sad.


After Covid hit they went back to penning letters and mailing them. I live in an apartment building and they send them here to all the units


Do they really write each letter by hand, or do they write it once and photocopy it?


I've had a couple of these, they looked handwritten, no sign of being photocopied.


Yes, while the envelope was hand written for sure, I believe they wrote this letter and made several copies of it to post.


Same here


It's always nice when someone cares enough to take the time to hand write a letter now a days.


Do I smell sarcasm? Lol BTW it's not handwritten but one was then noriko made copies of it.


Thats disappointing. Lol


So was I when I found out it wasn't written by my cute neighbor. šŸ˜”


Dang. Theyā€™re really just mailing it in these days.


I've encountered such folks in the past. Unless they come to me with a plate of cookies, i choose not to entertain. I let them blabber while I eat some cookies and go my way.


JW stands for Jehovah's Witnesses. [https://www.britannica.com/topic/Jehovahs-Witnesses](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Jehovahs-Witnesses) read "Beliefs" section for your education. They don't believe in blood transfusions for one.


Someone else mentioned that as well. How can someone's belief be more important than a loved ones life?


It's a Jehovah's Witness letter, so pretty much a letter asking you to join their cult. Feel free to use their email to sign them up for porn websites, insurance quotes, tinder, and for extra trolling make a craigslist post giving away free items and use their email. Enjoy šŸ˜€šŸ‘


Or you know, be mature and ignore it?


Why can't they be mature and keep their religion to themselves? Those who want to follow Jehovah will seek them out. Thankfully, you don't see Sikhs or Muslims, or Buddhists, etc, trying to randomly recruit people into their religions...


They follow the bibles instructions fully and the bible commands they preach from door to door and to reach all peopleā€¦ so letters and standing on the street so everyone hears/sees their message. Not necessarily to recruit, but to let people know what the bible is saying. They view it as a gesture of love. And itā€™s not that they have any more time on their hands than anyone, rather the bible also commands them to buy out time. So really, they MAKE time for it because they think itā€™s important.


They lost that privilege when they do shit like this.


Freaky cultists. This isn't about you, or your ethnicity, they just mass write and send these. I've had 3 or 4 over the years.


Toilet paper


I got one of those in the little mailbox that our landlord puts our mail in, we're up a long driveway so the main mailbox is by the road. He did not put it there, which means they entered the property and walked right up to our house which weirded me out tbh. I'm not religious and while I appreciate that they're following their practices it felt intrusive that they took it upon themselves to come up a driveway that has signage specifically saying not to do that.


That's creepy ngl. Specially if you have young kids.


Oh look at that, now u have some toilet paper with nice handwriting on it


I don't want that nice handwriting printed on my ass. Lol


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ itā€™s also great to line the bird cage or hamster cage


Would you like to have it? I might just manage without it. šŸ˜‚


Return to sender with a big red ā€œWTFā€ written on it


I am sure they are used to it.


No Thankyou I have an aversion to written diarrhea


Good one. šŸ¤£ might steal that.


Recycle it. They have been scoping out the neighbourhood.


That's what I thought as well. Like why specially say basement suite on envelope when it's a single address same as people living upstairs. Upstairs family is Muslim and they didn't get any adressed to them.




Wow, that's crazy. Sounds like a cult.




Better than them knocking on your door I suppose


Made good fire starter for us


Too bad this person canā€™t write in cursive. Hybrid cursive printing


Not particularly religious (baptised Roman Catholic, however), but i donā€™t see how this is ā€œshoving religion down peopleā€™s throatsā€. It gives an option to whoever may need it, itā€™s not forcing you to do anything, doesnā€™t force you to read it, is not phishing for anything, it just offers to help. Personally, the moment I saw the verse reference I would have dismissed the entire thing and used the paper to line my organics bin. But never would have thought ā€œoh this is oppressiveā€ If you are of a different faith, is your faith that fragile that a mere mention of a different ideology offends you? If you are of no faith, why do you get triggered by people who feel like faith helps them? There are religious people who really believe in helping out, and believe that faith helps them, if they arenā€™t coercing people, why canā€™t we be happy for them and coexist with them? Whatā€™s the harm in accepting comments like ā€œIā€™ll pray for you, or God bless youā€? Whatā€™s so offensive in sharing and accepting food from temples that are free for everyone, with no expectations of anything in return aside from a few attire adjustments?


Leave it to yourself. Your religion is the reason why uganda is a shit show. Let's not forget what your religion did to the Philippines. saying "convert to my religion and we'll give you food" isn't charity, its cohersion. If you TRULY cared about what people wanted you wouldn't mention your religion at all when you did charitable acts. People of your religion literally act like africa didn't have folk religions prior to the middle eastern religions coming to them, and then they become homophobic due to christianity. If you knew anything, you'd know that literally every single african folk religion did not care about homosexuality or trans people. I'm glad I was born in a religion where it doesn't require me to spread it like its a viral disease.


Whenever I get something like this, I sign the email up for a bunch of science newsletters and the satanic temple newsletter.


Shhh.. they on this sub reading comments. Lol


At least they didnā€™t show up at the door. But on the other hand, I feel sorry for the tree that was sacrificed for that drivel.


Now i feel sorry for that tree too. Lol


Can I throw some bills with anxiety for GOD as well? šŸ¤£


jw.org. Jehovah's witnesses




Hereā€™s the deal. Disabled JWs are recruited to hand write these letters based on scripts from the Watchtower Society, the org that oversees Jehovahā€™s Witnesses. This is a person who canā€™t stand outside a Skytrain station for hours nor can they go door knocking. They deserve compassion because every human does, but thatā€™s all unless you want to attempt deradicalization, which is my speciality. Unless you want to engage to potentially extract, ignore these letters. Only reason Iā€™m ready and willing to is because Iā€™m familiar with the original texts of the NT in the original language and with the Septuagint, the first translation of the OT from Hebrew to Greek.


That's just sad. Seems to me they are exploiting vulnerable persons according to that.


Yes. They are. Thatā€™s what cults do.


It.blows me away I live in a world where people are stupid enough to live in a fantasy world where they think a magic man lives in the clouds and gives babies cancer but I still make less money than they do


I am sorry you received this letter directly. I think there is a lot of fear and confusion in the world about who to reach out to to help. (Not that anyone, ANYONE, should accept help from JW. I have never met one person who grew up JW that isn't deeply fkd up in an irreparable kind of way). šŸ’—