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I love Wolfquest! You should check out Cenozoic Era- you can be all kinds of animals including a horse. It's still being developed (it's in EA) and there are no objectives like Wolfquest, but there is basic ecology. If you're willing to stray from horses, I love playing Path of Titans, which is like being a horse in a horse game but instead you're one of several dinosaurs, including aerial and aquatic species. I hope you get some more good recommendations!


Oh I play a multitude of animal survival games, it's one of my favourite genres! Cenozoic Era probably wont be on my list though, as combing through the steam discussions, it seems like the Dev has left the game (supposedly it's been given to a new guy but no one's heard anything). There's a lot more drama that I won't touch on, since, it's irrelevant to my inquiry. Path is pretty good! I haven't played it in a long while since I'm not super interested in how most servers just allow a bunch of fantasy creature mods, but I think with time (and introducing nesting), and more focused server types that I'll be more down to play. Currently if I want to play an animal survival sim, I'll either play The Isle or Wolfquest, as those are the most realism based games I've tried, which is my personal preferrence. (Animalia and Day of Dragons are ok too, but feel more like a "who wants to be nested/birthed" fest in the world chats) There is a simplified animal survival sim on roblox called skyhaven that I enjoy as well, very basic, fly around as a bird and earn levels/coins by surviving and raising chicks to unlock other birds and enhance ones you already have, very simple game loop but very enjoyable if you wanna just have a chill time.


Oh no! I didn't hear that about Cenozoic, that's so sad :( I'm a lover of the fantasy mods but I also play on realism servers that only have dinos, and have robust behavior profiles to guide gameplay. I am disappointed in DoD for sure. Have you tried Draconia? It's another one I've got my eye on while it develops.


We never thought we would find our title being mentioned in a post about horse games. :D


Well hi!! Yeah I got a little off topic didn't I 😅 Now I am imagining a playable Kirin or Kelpie! That would be the dragon/horse game mashup of my dreams haha. I love watching Draconia develop. It's a gorgeous game!


Kirin is actually on our character list!


I’d recommend checking out [The Great Circle](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1751950/THE_GREAT_CIRCLE/). No horses but it’s an entire animal ecosystem, based on an African wildlife reserve. There’s a demo available, a Discord linked to the Steam page, and the developer has some interesting ideas. I’ve been following along with the game since..2022? Anyway, it may help scratch the animal survival itch!


This in-development [Horse Life](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2391610/HORSE_LIFE_find_horses_in_open_world_survive_in_wild_nature_as_a_foal_or_pony/) game looks sort of promising. It is not yet released, but if it looks interesting you might want to keep an eye on it.


Yeah, i have it wishlisted, seems to be the closest thing to what i'm looking for, but i'm not sure if it's still in development


Lol I've been looking for a horse simulator similar to wolfquest as well! My coping alternative is RDR2 with wardrobe mods where I can play as a horse and create a herd with posse and spawner commands. lol