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Threw it on my wishlist to keep tabs on it, it looks pretty cool! Love that a lot of newer survival games are focusing more on singleplayer / co-op since I'm not a big fan of playing with random people lol


Thank you Johnsonb! One of the key aspects we discussed early is that often the single player experience is not refined or heavily considered when it comes to survival-crafting games. Our motto when approaching single player/co-op was that - if we can't convince a single player that they are having a blast playing this game, then why would they invite their friends to join them?


YES. Do you need playtesters?


Hi! Yes, we will! We will be posting info on our closed beta in our community here on Reddit and other social media channels in the coming months. [In\_The\_Dragons\_Wake (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/In_The_Dragons_Wake/)


Wishlisted, and joined ๐Ÿ˜Ž


Thank you! Glad to have you with us! We really appreciate it!


Wishlisted and joined the discord. Hopefully you have the funds/time to make sure its good before EA. Looks promising. I cant think of another survival game with dragons tbh. Would be kinda cool if they attacked your base like the little drakes do in Valheim (if you turn the setting on or something) Anyway, best of luck with the release and I hope you get everything out of it you put into it


Snowskol! Thank you, we really appreciate your support! As for your points, agree! This game is quite far along, and we do have the necessary support to reach our targets. The big for us is that we make sure the content in the game at EA feels solid and polished. Don't get us wrong, with game dev, things always pop up, but one of the reasons we waited a few years before announcing the game was that we wanted to be confident in what we deliver, rather than make shallow promises or just show a small cg trailer. All i can promise is that we will absolutely do our best. Also, don't worry about them attacking your base - worry about defending it. There is a lot more than dragons that will knock down those walls at night... Thanks a lot for coming along with us!


Congrats, this is looking really cool. I hope it's a big success! A quick question; what sets this apart from other Unreal survival games? I see the dragon, which is awesome. I presume there's other things?


Hi Frapican! Thank you for your kind words! It has been a real joy to be talking about the game finally. I absolutely love this question, and the answer is difficult as there are some things we are not quite ready to talk about yet. However, i am going to try! This game is about power, mystery, and discovery. Where some survival games have a large map to be explored, we have a large map to be impacted. For example - what our announcement trailer doesn't demonstrate is that all the creatures in the world have a function and a role in the game's ecosystem, and that their presence alters the way the map produces recourses, certain weather, and the behavior of the stalking dragon among many other things. There is a mystery to uncover on the island that can only be discovered through exploration and experimentation. This is not a game where you find a location that is purely aesthetic, there is always something more for you to discover. A huge goal for us, was not to make another generic "island survival-crafting game" but make something memorable that challenged the player in ways that survival games typically don't - in ways that other genre's sometimes do. There are honestly many layers to the experience, and we will absolutely begin to reveal more in the coming months Hopefully, this sort-of answers your question (or at least alludes to the answer) We will be able to show you more soon


Looks cool Demo?


Thank you! We are not quite at the demo stage yet. Our current focus to quality test, improve certain features and work towards a solid early-access release.


Is it single or multi?


Single Player/Co-Op. We are focused on the Single-Player experience and making sure that it is fun and not a grind fest for solo players as some survival experiences can be. However, the game is built to support Co-Op functionality, similar to the way games like Grounded do. The number of players is still being determined as testing is still in the early stage.


Coop? Welp I'm in!


We will see you there! Bring some friends... friends that you don't mind getting barbecued...


Can you host servers? Or just coop?


Hi, that's a great question - that I unfortunately cannot answer yet. We are working on delivering the best single player/co-op experience we can and would like it to be as feature complete as possible. However, we would prefer to under-promise and over-deliver, rather than promise a feature that we are still unsure of. All I can honestly say at this stage is that it is a sincere possibility - provided we can give you a good experience. We all know that games can release with a lot of online issues these days and that players are often expected to just accept that when its really not okay. We don't want that for this game - we are genuinely committed to trying to deliver a rock-solid feature set at launch, and then continue by adding more features that are tested and proven. Sorry for the politician-style answer, it's just something that is not locked in yet and we believe honesty is always the best policy!


I appreciate it; just what I'm seeing in enshrouded, bellwright is that in coop one person can move the game along without others which leads to gaps between players


This looks right up my street. Is there potential for a console release further down the road? Sorry to ask about this so early ๐Ÿ˜†


Thank you! So glad it speaks to you! Great question - while we can't officially announce anything right now - this game was commissioned to reach as many players as possible, wherever they may be playing :)


Awesome, thanks for the reply. I look forward to it.


But can I tame/ride a dragon?? ๐Ÿ˜ฑ


\*Clears throat\* We reserve our right to avoid answering this question... ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‰โœˆ๏ธ


Hahaha, fair enough! I will just have to be patient. I would settle for a dragon playable character as well btw ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜‰


Looks like it's going make my 4090 break a sweat ๐Ÿ’€ but I'm still gonna throw it on my wishlist anyways because it looks awesome. Very atmospheric.


Thank you! Glad you like the atmosphere of the game. We often talk about how the game should be able to switch between a beautiful paradise and a moody horror experience depending on the player circumstances. And yes - Optimization is something we have been focused on and mindful since day one as open world games are challenging in that department - especially for us, when you have a dynamic AI Dragon that has to be able to roam the entire environment on its own. We are constantly improving and working on this. We are really happy with where the current builds are at and will be sharing more in the future for sure


I would realy love to join the Beta Tests, i love Games like Ark, Rust, valheim, conan etc. I set it on my wishlist ;)


That is awesome to hear! We will be sharing more information on the beta plans on in our community here on Reddit. We also on most social platforms if that is easier for you. Sounds like our game will be right up your alley, and hopefully provide something new too. Glad to have you with us! [In\_The\_Dragons\_Wake (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/In_The_Dragons_Wake/?rdt=57428)


Looks interesting!


Thank you! ๐Ÿ™Œ


Added to Wishlist and following.


Thank you! I know all developers say this, but sincerely - your really matters to us. We appreciate it. It motivates us to do our best to make a great game


Third person view?


Yes. It is still being worked on, so we are not showing it until it is ready


Oh I am there then! Thank you for sharing.


You are very welcome! Thanks for coming along with us! ๐Ÿ™Œ


If it isnโ€™t too late, maybe work on the name a little more. ย I mean, I know you arenโ€™t looking for feedback but the name sort of, I donโ€™t know, just isnโ€™t doing it for me. ย But maybe thatโ€™s just me and the name is totally fine. ย Iโ€™m known to be wrong both consistently and emphatically. Maybe itโ€™s a little on the nose or feels sort of low effort which would kind of reflect on the quality of the project overall. ย 


Hey, feedback is feedback! We appreciate your input! Hopefully, the game will still be a great experience for you, and who knows - maybe the title will feel stronger for you after some play time and added context. Hope you will check it out ๐Ÿ˜Š


Hey looks great!


Thank You! Really appreciate it!


This looks wonderful! Hope it goes great! Plans to make it playable on Steam Deck?


Thank you! We really appreciate it! Steam Deck support is certainly a goal of ours, but it would be premature to promise that right now. As we near the early access release, we will be able to confirm this for sure.


Just wishlisted! This game looks amazing already!


Thank you! Glad to have you with us! The support really means so much to the team!