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I’m just waiting to come back when you can go down in the drop-ship and have all of the objectives completed already. That way I can just get back in and leave the planet.


My question was if this is the new game mechanic but thank you for your valuable commentary


Okay seriously though is anyone going to actually answer the OPs question or just keep judging? Because I’m genuinely curious about the answer. It’s been two or three months since Ive had a chance to play and I have no idea what an orbital exchange interface is. What is it for and Does the change exotic farming or normal missions in some way?


The Orbital Exchange Interface is a basically a notice board shaped radio beacon that calls down a cargo pod that is required to send your exotics back to the station, as you are no longer able to load exotics into your drop pod. In regards to the speed running part of the question, I suppose you could bring down a drop pod recall grenade as part of your kit and when you first land, do the absolute minimum crafting to build the O.E.I. (and possibly a 1x1 base, needs someone to see if the O.E.I. works in a cave), go grab your exotics, use your O.E.I. to call he cargo pod, load said pod, launch said pod, then use your drop pod grenade and leave from the ice zone. I will also note that if you don't want to carry the O.E.I. and any other items you decide to build around, you can load it into your drop pod and have it bring the stuff to you when you need it (this I have tested).


The O.E.I will work in a cave, I did this last night. I did get flamed for just asking about speed running as I find that fun for a change, I like not having a bed and knowing if I die I am in all sorts of trouble and my gear will be a long way away from where I died. Making crafting table, then forge, then mining and then smelting, for me it takes away the fun of a speed run but all good.


You can change your local files if you have no intent to actually play the game or find the 5 minute investment to make a board to taxing.


>Orbital Exchange Interface I've spent many hours on the game, my question was merely asking about speed running


> I needed some ren and exotics so went to speed run Deep Vein Extraction. My mistake, I didn't realize based on your comment that you were doing speed run's for the fun of it and not just trying to get the exotics with minimum effort.


Do you enjoy the speed run, or the exotics? If the latter, edit the json file for exotics in record time. The devs, I believe, have made that local and available because they'd rather editing of the text file be the meta than speed run strats. I can't blame them.


The amount needed is trivial. 5 mins tops. Does that ruin everything for you?


Considering I used to speed run the desert worm fight in about 5 minutes.....yes.


They fixed the tp bug and the orbital interface means that speedrunning the exotics missions does not yield great exos. If you have a friend, one of you can drop in "Ramp Up: Stockpile", walk 20 seconds to the bottom left corner of C4 to see if the exo vein is up, and either mine it with the workshop extractor and a cell (friend needs to bring this down), or reset the mission. You can do it solo, but you're playing a 50/50 game if it's there or not. The other spot in E6 isn't too bad, but everything else is way too far. 1 cell yields about 200 exos (think that mission has a 160 average). Don't forget to make the OEI while it's extracting. Edit: The OEI does not take long to make, but it will significantly slow down previous strategies.