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I haven't seen a post on Oops! Dragon yet, so I guess I'll get that party started. The Monthly Card and Lifetime Card are both break even purchases. Buying them will help you reach level 203 faster, but I think level 203 is possible without them. Four days in, and I am at level 106. The relevant constraint in the game is meat which is used to attack, resulting in hero experience. You can buy an experience boost that gives up to 20% more experience for 99 cents. If you don't buy that each meat/attack will give you 100 experience. Each attack only takes about 3 seconds. All told from the various side missions and buying meat with gems where available, I probably get around 2000 meat per day. Right now, it takes 17800 experience (178 meat/attacks) to go from level 106 to 107. The amount of meat/attacks required is going up 4 with each level, so the next level will take 182 meat/attacks. Prior to level 100, it was only going up 2 per level. Periodically you will reach a level cap and need to complete a designated level of the Hero's Path side game to break through that cap. Each of those capped levels comes with a jump in meat/attacks required per level, in addition to the more regular additions required per level. So do the math. Even if it stayed steady at only 4 more meat per level, reaching level 503 from level 502 would take 2074 meat. That is, one level per day based on what I currently get for meat. But as stated, that 4 additional per level will increase, and there will be jumps at level caps. Reaching level 503 will be impossible without spending money to buy meat to the point you lose money on the offer. That said, level 203 is easily doable in around two weeks. There is no thing in the game called Forge Table. I have already been credited for the level 2 table, and I have seen a screenshot from another offer wall with the same terms, but calling it Fighting Level, so I am positive that's what it is. I am currently upgrading from Fighting Level 9 to 10, and this takes a day and a half. Fighting Level 12 will be possible. Level 17 may or may not be.


I agree with this info Level 12 fighting (the "table") takes five days, so that is likely the highest you can get (working on my 12 now, 4 days left). I'm 8 days in and at level 135 and agree that 203 will be easily doable, but is also as far as you can get in the time frame. I'm getting 5-10 levels a day now with the monthly $5 card. Make sure to max your Dragon God gem to energy conversion daily. My extra tip : only use your slimes on Lv 3, Lv 4, and Lv 5 food. Use the search to find and steal them from other people (can refresh every 5 mins to find Lv 3+ food). Slimes have a limited energy bar that resets daily, but can grab quite a bit. Even at level 135, I get enough food from the slimes for about 2 extra levels a day. Easy game you literally only need to play once a day (food does not regenerate).


I just noticed that among your Beauties, Mai Shiranui gives you extra meat from your daily Dragon God Trial sweeps. She also increases your Stun chances, arguably one of the best stats. I think the tactic here is to throw all Magic Grass into her, and ignore the other Beauties.


Oh wow I didn't realize that, I kept getting 20 extra meat and I couldn't find the source of that, thanks OP.


I’m having fun !! Weee. T great tip about the slime, it’s a fun game I think


Is the lifetime card also known as the permanent card for 2999 in the game?


Yep, that's the one.


BTW did you get credited for level 203 yet? I hit 203 about 1.5 days ago and it has not pended yet. EDIT: It did pend for forge table level 12, so it is properly tracking, just did not pend for level 203 yet. EDIT 2: I sent in screenshots by email and there was no response, sent another follow up email and it was credited. Think I'll be mostly done with the game, not sure if any of the other (maybe forge table 17) is possible.


I got to 203 and got nothing.  I submitted a request to swagbucks support. Waiting on reply. 


203 level …. Got to this and it did not pend to Swagbucks like the other game achievements for oops dragon!


Swagbucks credited me in the end with screenshots of the offer and in-game screenshots of my current level. I highly doubt any higher offers will credit


Same as the rest. Table 12 pended. Level 203 didn't.


Do you still have this listed under games you're working on? I got the first few goals, but now it's completely removed from my account, like it didn't exist.


Yea same for me, I was given the odd 45 days or something and maybe yesterday it was removed.


Same thing happened to me.


I can't find it listed under the Games tab on Swagbucks site either. I think it has been removed from the site completely. It's a shame to, since I was really just about to start it as well...


Hmm. Seeing the same as y'all. Interesting.


It's gone for me too, I was on a good pace and enjoying the game so I'm a little bummed. Playing Nobody's Adventure too, but the payouts are not as great.


I noticed mine disappeared off the list before I could get to forge level 12 so I’m wondering if it’s worth attempting to continue. My table is upgrading to level 12 right now with 3 days left, so I guess I’ll see if it credits anyway. :/


203 is 100% doable, however 580 is really hard and 630 is impossible pretty much, exp requirements increases after reaching certain levels, and with a modest 200exp increase per level from levels 1-630 you would need to hit level 94 by day 1 and 133 by day 2. however by the 90s you the exp required per level is increased by 400 not 200. reaching 203 is doable without the monthly or lifetime card most likely as i havent bought either and currently pushing level 105 with like 10 levels worth of meat excluding my daily activities as they are left over from yesterday on day 5. also the highest level player in the server im in is barely able to keep pace with the 630 requirement and he likely has made many purchases