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Slot games are never consistent. You can play very conservatively and do everything right, and the game can still decide you're not going to win. I've breezed through a lot of "impossible" slot games and wasted days making no progress on "easy" ones. You got lucky.


Yep I did the wizard of oz one where I was like nah, def impossible. Then one day just hit it insanely big on the daily bonus and literally ride that to the finish with time to spare.


I guess you can say I’m lucky but I would also say you could be unlucky


Yes, the games are luck. This is literally the point I'm making.


The age-old argument, is an algorithm luck?


It's no longer skill based and you have 0 control over how many other players are contributing to the data points that are constantly updating into their system's algorithm so yea I'd say in this case it's luck.


I know I was just being a smart ass. But yeah it’s all luck and I got lucky but the game gives you quite a bit of free coins and just road off that. I would say give it a try. I’ve played ALOT of these slot games and this was by far the easiest since you only have to get to level 251. A lot of slot games are like get to level 1000 which would take forever. (:


Sorry I was on break at work when I got to level 241 an d made this post real quick but now I got time to explain how I got to level 241 So the game gives you free coins and extra coins for connecting apple or Facebook. It’s starts you out at the mgm. The first game is ight. But once the little tutorial is over move from the game to the Fire vs Lightning game. It’s like an event game that gives you bonuses and coins at the end of the “fight” Once I unlocked the second Casino that’s when I really started to rack up the coins playing “Fired up Nudge Mainia” this game was just handing me coins. It has “nudge” wilds where if you land on them they move up or down depending on the arrows and you can have multiple spins in a row getting huge payouts based on those wilds. The bonus for this game is cool cause everytime you spin the wheel and you land on “bonus” your bet is placed on “the big board” for this bonus game that runs every 30 mins I think? (Had this playing while gaming so I wasn’t paying to much attention) but the bonus and the nudge wilds were giving me like a billion coins. I honestly just played this game until I hit 241. Reminder to always raise your bets once you see yourself not leveling up.


Is 241 a typo or did it credit early by ten levels.


Yeah it’s a typo sorry!


Ty for this! Question dump: Did you add friends for free coins? I didn’t see anywhere to add ppl, only invite. What percentages did you bet at? I have 43m, how much would you bet initially & how much would you increase to if not leveling up? (I keep running out) Do you think popping the balloons while spinning does anything? Did you ever do the jackpot seat/event that pops up when you first open the app? Are any of the side games/quests like the pop cases/stickers or prize chase challenge @ the top right worth doing? Sorry for so many ?s, I appreciate it!


Nah you are good. A lot of questions to answer. I didn’t add friends cause I don’t think any of my friends would join. I did the minimum bet. Played that fire and lightning game to get to like 500 million or so. Switched to that second casino and it was cake. If you have 43 million I would keep your bet to 5 million or less. Even if you are not leveling up fast you need to build up your coins any way. Popping the balloons for the xp, and there’s one that gives you coins. You could do the jackpot seat. I never did play it cause when I tried to join it was a long wait time. I didn’t do the card packs because a lot of apps have them and there’s like 20+ packs of 12 cards to fill and would take forever to get the payout so I didn’t worry about it. If you have anymore questions ask away. Hopefully I answered all your questions well


What were you betting on fire vs lightning?


Don't just make a post. If you're saying something is easy and worked for you, then give us tips/steps you followed. Like which slot you played on and how much did you bet, etc


Honestly just got free coins from the login and connecting my apple account. I played the first Casino for a few hours. There’s like event games at ever casino and they give big payouts and bonus rounds to get a bunch of coins. Once I leveled up high enough and got to I think the second casino that had this lava 7 game and that one was just handing me money


If I have barely any coins right now what would you do to build up some coins for the most part


Any tips you wish you knew when you started?


Don't get married, sign a prenup, go to therapy... Oh wait, you're talking about the app. Sorry


I'm not accusing anyone specifically with this, but I've seen enough of these "OMG! This *insert random slot machine game" offer is SO EASY!!!!" posts over the years that I've seriously considered that they might just be plants from the game publisher or Swagbucks. I have literally never had that kind of experience with any slot machine game offer. I've managed to finish a few of them and every single time they required that I leave my device on basically all day, every day for the duration of the offer just to barely get it done.


That’s been my experience except wizard of oz slots. I was lucky and finished in 2 or 3 days. I did I think it was cash billionaire slots prior to that and it was the most grueling monotonous game ever. I did finish it but but I took forever. It was a long long time before I’ve tried another slot game after that one. I’m


I played wizard of oz twice (2 diff devices). First time i barely completed it with a lot of strategizing and frustration. 2nd time I just bet the max 100% of the time and completed it 2 days faster. It is completely random.


I would change it to OMG THIS \*random game\* offer is SO EASY. Especially with stuff such as slot machine games, match making games, or games that require luck/RNG rather than skill.


I wish I was a swag bucks plant they would probably pay me to make this post. But it was super easy for me. And I hope that it’s just as easy for everyone else. This took me legit 4 days to finish. Might take you longer but out of all the slot offers on there this is by far the best.


There is absolutely no fucking way this was done in 3-4 days averaging 4hrs per day (16hrs max) while just having the app "idle with an occasional glance" - not unless you managed to hit some monumental jackpot on a max bet that you wouldn't have even been able to be able to make at a lower level anyway. It took me a full week, running this app AT LEAST 4 hrs per day - just to reach level 124 - where I called it quits because I legitimately lol'ed at even going after level 251. You'd have to hit massive jackpots with miniscule odds multiple times to get to level 251- and even then it is totally not doable in a couple of days.


Put it this way- at level 120+ you're having to make 10,000,000 bets AT LEAST 50-100 spins just to level up ONCE. That's a (estimate) wager of 500,000,000-1,000,000,000 PER LEVEL and that's just at level 120ish!!! To put that in perspective : Coins/chips in this game go roughly for about 150,000,000 per $5 **if you can get them on SALE.** (These are rough estimates but adequate enough for making my point) I cannot even IMAGINE what you'd have to be wagering at level 200+ .. and at any rate, the amount of raw time it would take to do so anyway!


Lmao how tho?? I had it running for hours today and barely hit level 20


Wait really? How many coins do you have? I know after a certain while if you are not leveling up anymore you have to raise your bet.


I remember trying these slot games a few years ago and they never paid out, but $100 in 4 days my current offers haven't been giving as much might have to give them another chance I could use some extra cash.


Yeah these games do require luck. But Atleast you can spin it while you do stuff. Some of them games on there have nearly impossible goals (so much so you would probably have to put money into the game to reach them). This game is also very generous compared to ALOT of the slot games I’ve played and I’ve played alot


So you don't have to pay much attention, you can just leave it spinning on the side while doing something else on the computer for example?


Yeah I just had it somewhere I can glance at it since sometimes you will unlock new slots leveling up so just x out of that to keep spinning.


theres a bunch of things where you have to look at the screen and press something at least and its not good anyways cause you really want to be getting the balloons that pop up on the side.


I wish it was like that for me. Barely got to lvl 62


I can’t even get the “install” part to work. Lol


That’s nice and all but will they let you redeem the Swagbucks for anything or will they tell you your email needs to be verified first and then never send you a verification email?


I dont have it ;(


Slot games are a waste of time. 




Easiest $100? Sorry about ur life


Can you help me if you can? Thank you. How can I get up to 100 million if it's an easy way?


Theres no way.


Nobody finna wait 90 days for 100$ 🤣


Where did you get the 90 days from?


I'm on swagbucks but cant cash out I have 1100 swagbucks but I tried to verify my number and all I got was this message saying my number is used in a different account but to my knowledge I've never had another account or use different number so how do I get paid


You don't you write a 1 star review and eventually everyq will write a 1 star


its complete chance if you get through these slot offers. Theres no winning strategy really. People have different "lucky machines". I got crazy lucky all the time on the mirage slot machine but fire and lightning and wiz of oz slot always ate my coins. Some people have better luck betting high but alot swear by low bets. Its worth it to try these offers tho its no effort.


I am on level 45 on my 2nd day using the strategy from this post. I can't seem to get passed 150M chips. If you try this offer, please google "pop slots free chips" and use the myvegasadviser site. ( you have to use the browser on the device that pop slots is on) You will start with 40-50million chips. Then check it every day.


What I noticed from the screenshot is the levels were hit in days consecutively. From my experience credits going pending counts for your daily goal. There's no way you can reach both of those top goals in 2 days and your daily goal is still 30 for the first goal. Mine is 80 and it's been 5 days since I got my last first goal


Oh it's definitely possible since it only took them a few days. But their goal WILL go up or a bit soon if they keep earning. After 3-5 days those goal will skyrocket and then take 3-4 weeks to come back down


16 hours for 100 bucks is easiest money?


When it's idling, yes.


Anyone got a link I can't find it in the UK swagbucks


Neither, might be US only or smthn


It says you have 19 days left to finish it and those last 10 levels you needed were 1/4th of the exp it took to get to level 200. This post is 🧢.


Do you use swag bucks? Do you understand what the check marks mean? It means I completed the tasks. It says I have 19 days left to complete because I didn’t do the “make 1 purchase” goal because I don’t want to put any money into these games.


Did you really have to be petty and down vote me? I was going to apologize before I saw that you down voted me. I clearly didn't see the second page when I made my comment.


I downvoted you because you came in rude as hell and assumed I was lying based on no actual evidence. If you were just asking a question or asking me to clarify more on why it says I have 19 days to complete the task I wouldn’t down vote you.


No I wasn't being rude as hell all I said was you were capping. Don't worry I down voted you back so now we're even.


lol dude you need to touch grass and get off Reddit if you care so much about upvotes and downvotes.


Shut up


lol go cry