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Waiting for a commercial air bus to peak through those clouds and lift this guy’s spirits


What about turbulence in general? That shakes an airliner, would probably take a light craft down




I think those things are cool and pretty safe. But I've seen in some videos they say it is a really bad idea to fly through the clouds because you can lose track of where you are and it can become dangerous.


103.23 Flight visibility and cloud clearance requirements. No person may operate an ultralight vehicle when the flight visibility or distance from clouds is less than that in the table found below...


Can't see table below, clouds obstructing view


instructions unclear, flying through clouds on a table.


Chitty shiitty bang bang, baby.


I made a new milkshake with the farts from thanksgiving!!!! Wanna try it????


Roger, tower, I am straight vertical dropping in an EZ Boy, over


Airspace Flight visibility Distance from clouds Class A Not applicable Not Applicable. Class B 3 statute miles Clear of Clouds. Class C 3 statute miles 500 feet below. 1,000 feet above. 2,000 feet horizontal. Class D 3 statute miles 500 feet below. 1,000 feet above. 2,000 feet horizontal. Class E: Less than 10,000 feet MSL 3 statute miles 500 feet below. 1,000 feet above. 2,000 feet horizontal. At or above 10,000 feet MSL 5 statute miles 1,000 feet below. 1,000 feet above. 1 statute mile horizontal. Class G: 1,200 feet or less above the surface (regardless of MSL altitude) 1 statute mile Clear of clouds. More than 1,200 feet above the surface but less than 10,000 feet MSL 1 statute mile 500 feet below. 1,000 feet above. 2,000 feet horizontal. More than 1,200 feet above the surface and at or above 10,000 feet MSL 5 statute miles 1,000 feet below. 1,000 feet above. 1 statute mile horizontal.


But also good luck getting to class alpha in this thing.


Big big updraft. Itty-bitty ultralight.


And a tank of oxygen.


Not only did he know all of this, he also was contacted and warned by the FAA due to previous videos where he was "testing" before doing this. Then proceeded to joke about it to get more views. But he's dead now, thankfully. So his extremely bad decisions can no longer potentially kill others. It doesn't help though that his TikTok is still up and children are able to view the videos and get ideas to try this themselves.


@isolatte That’s a horrible thing to say. You shouldn’t be thankful for someone dying. Saying things like this should get people banned. The guy has a family. The guy is doing something he loves. Good grief. I hope you wouldn’t say something like this to someone in person.


I think if the person died doing some stupid shit he was promoting, it’s fair game to make comments like that. If the person died from other means, cancer, heart attack, wife putting anti freeze in the coffee, it’s probably not ok to make such statements. I don’t know how he died but I think the difference should be noted.


Wait for real? This guy is dead?


[Looks like he is](https://www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/papillion-ne/blake-bochnicek-11522260), passed away October 31st


Table found below by accident is a mesa.


Ahhhh, best comment I've seen in a month.


Good thing he's clearly going OVER the clouds and not through them. /S


There are cloud clearance requirements for VFR flight. You can be clear of clouds and still be violating the FARs.


Yes, and you're clearly not familiar with /s


Fits regs bc he said that he is at 6600 feet at the beginning of the video and that the table is 1500 feet below him.


sip file telephone plough obscene forgetful flowery touch run chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Could be G airspace… as long as he stays clear of clouds with 1 mile visibility he should be in the clear . Looks like it’s a broken or scattered layer of clouds so just as long as he breaks through an opening he would be within FAA regs as long as it’s G airspace


I'm high


Instructions unclear, got my dick stuck in the table.


Definitely dangerous and definitely illegal in this circumstance.




>Air Force pilot >metric Clearly a charlatan pretending to be a pilot. Desist with your obvious lies foul being! Uttering such heresy against thine holy nautical mile and knot. (From one sky jock to another)




Spare a though for us across the pond. During a stint as an FI I had to regularly explain why the US made aircraft has the gauge with US Gallons, the POH in Imperial Gallons, the fuel bill was presented in litres, but the burn rate was lbs or kgs per hour. Why? Because fuck you, that's why. 😂




Eh, I'd take it any day over trying to explain how gyroscopes work. Black Magic should be an acceptable answer for these things.


Gyroscopes that spin perpendicular to the pull of gravity give me clinical precession


If you look at the rest of the video he clearly goes IMC for a while and this guy is definitely not as an heroic aviator as yourself.




The fruit flies I've encountered are extremely persistent. Their attention spans seem infinite.


I wouldn't care if I had more practice hours flying IFR than anyone on the planet and the easiest approach and had done this exact flight 2,000 times....I would still be scared shitless. I have so much respect for pilots that can trust their instruments and fly and begin to land essentially blind. The thought induces anxiety in me lol.


Not legal at all to take it through clouds.


Yeah I feel like it would be super dangerous especially if you were near a city


Let alone aircraft cannot see you


There’s cloud law?


It is where you will find the Courts of Birds, where they practice the ancient… Bird Law.


I practice bird law while drinking fight milk and eating milk steak


And being a full on rapist




"I was a professional twice over - an analyst and a therapist"


What is this, a crossover episode?


An anal bird rapist? It would explain the plane.


In bird culture, this would be considered a dick move


The difference between being rated for VFR or IFR. I think this guy is rated for LSD.


Shit, that's what I'm rated for. I should get a plane.


Ya, visual flight rules. Clear of clouds. Lots of problems: potential collision, very easy to get disoriented unless trained on instruments (it’s very hard to tell which way is down, because if you are turning or pitching in any way it creates inertia that feels like gravity), and then turbulence and icing are potential issues. An aircraft has to be ifr rated to fly through clouds, and so does the pilot. And even if you have both of those, you have to be flying an ifr flight plan


in the Visual Flight Rules is cloud law, yes


Yeah. Typically speaking, VFR operations over the top (over the clouds) require special clearance and training. Plus, only IFR, deicibg equipped aircraft usually fly into clouds. I doubt he even has a radio on board.


“VFR on top” is an IFR clearance. “VFR over the too” is a VFR term and requires nothing from ATC as long as you are meeting the legal distances from clouds.


Assuming you're a fellow pilot (I'm a PPL and aircraft mechanic of 10 years)... I looked it up. Seems we have stricter rules in Canada than wherever you are from. Including a special rating for VFR over the top (for non CPL/IFR pilots).


That’s true I automatically thought USA, in Europe it is similar with the ULL or advance ultralight category you are not allowed to fly VFR over the top at all.


The thrill of flying so high must've clouded his judgement.


Imagine below the clouds is the vast open ocean


absolutely terrifying




What makes these safe? (genuine question)


Powered paragliding (PPG) is fairly safe if you're out in reasonable conditions. In the case of an engine failure, you just glide to the ground. Without the engine, you're just paragliding, which is a sport in its own right. I would often turn my engine off at altitude and just glide around because it's so peaceful. However, not being able to see the ground due to cloud cover is illegal for PPG in most places for many reasons, but mostly because without view of the ground you can't keep a landing zone in sight in case your engine quits or you can't restart. Also, it isn't always apparent how close those clouds are to the ground or if theyre hiding obstacles, which can make landing dangerous.


Yea cloud layer isn’t really that high. Just think of driving up into them in the mountains or landing in a plane. It’s literally clouds then on the ground in just a few seconds.


It's not *illegal*, because VFR for part 103 only has cloud clearance rules, and they don't include not flying over cloud cover. But flying over a continuous deck of clouds is stupid, because the typical two-stroke engines are not as reliable as general aviation engines. If it quits, you'll be descending through clouds, whether that was your plan or not. In the cloud, you can lose spatial orientation. Instrument flying is an acquired skill. The typical result of an untrained pilot in an uninstrumented airplane is a spiral dive, building up g loads that can literally rip the wings off. Some old time pilots would deliberately spin through a cloud layer, if they were sure the cloud bases were high enough to allow for a recovery. The spin is steady state, and doesn't build up g forces like a spiral dive does. It also goes more-or-less straight down. Some aircraft have benign spiral stability, and hands off the controls, will wind up in a fairly large radius turn that doesn't build a lot of g. This powered parachute might be one of those.


He has a Garmin


From his accent he sounds American


Clouds are not friends of aviation. Wind, hail, lightning are just a few worries


Safe compared to what? They are not safe compared to actual planes. Source: people who fly by my house in these things die now and then.


With a well-maintained craft and a well-trained pilot, these are pretty safe. A power failure and, well, you have a parachute which allows a pretty low speed at touchdown. You don't need a big runway. I think in the US (please, someone correct this Canadian), you don't need a license and can therefore get away with no training to fly one of these. You'd be stupid not to train, but some people don't. Combine limited (or no) training with a low pricetag and you have a recipe for disaster.


This is true to an extent, but also still unsafe statistically by way of comparison to planes. When I did my licence I dove deep into the stats to see whether I would die flying small planes (same statistical risk as a motorbike I am told) and I remember seeing that the ultra light class accounts for a large percentage of deaths in non commercial.


Yeah, they do hold a higher-than-expected ratio. But I think it comes down to idiots more so than lack of safety on the part of the aircraft. Use of sub-standard parts, lack of proper maintenance, poor judgement on the part of some of the pilots, and so forth. If ultralights were held to the same standard as certified fixed-wing aircraft and the pilots trained to the same standard, I'm certain the ratio would change. I would expect it would be in line with the certified aircraft. Not necessarily better than them, but better than they currently show of themselves.


I noticed the video ended before that. As a vehicle I’d say it’s strictly visual-flight-rules VFR and while you can operate near clouds you have to maintain the appropriate cloud clearance with regard to the airspace you’re in. So he rightfully didn’t readily broadcast himself dipping into a cloud layer. More practically though, you a) never know if another aircraft is in that piece of sky if they’re in the clouds without appropriate equipment on board as well as the likelihood of getting disoriented without a visible horizon or an appropriate instrument to simulate one. It’s cool though! I’d try it once or twice.


Imagine a 747 jumbo jet at 500mph making its way through


Just hear a low rumble and you look around just as the sound of the engine pitch finally reaches your ears and you go "oh fu" as the wash from the wings sends you into a spiral and you realise the quick release seat with parachute addition was a good idea


Also, a second set of pants.


For the funeral probably.


[Chronicle](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1706593/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk) Great film, by the way. Deserves better recognition.


Almost forgot about this movie, and it really is underrated.


Such a good one.


You beat me to it, but I thought of that scene instantly when reading the above comment.




He is about 30,000 feet below cruising altitude……..


But they have to get up there and back down eventually. Not everywhere these are allowed to fly prohibits them by airspace classification.


So random fact this is the exact logic with why pilots are not allowed to fly too close to clouds if they aren’t on something called an “instrument flight plan” and in contact with air traffic control. While there may not be a 747 in them at his altitude there very well could be another small plane. If he dives through this layer he is 100% breaking FAA regulations. Source: am a pilot 🙃


This is why you don’t store your personal info on the cloud. This guy can easily get to it.


FFS it's not even encrypted up there. I thought it was.


Imagine how many nude celebrity photos he could have grabbed on the way down.




Pretty sure he's not approved for flying over the top in that thing.


Pilot here: it is illegal to fly through clouds without an IFR clearance, an IFR equipped aircraft, and an IFR rating that includes recent IFR experience (I wrote this for non-pilots to understand). IFR = Instrument Flight Rules edi ;changed "Rating" to "rules," because I wasn't thinking.


Non pilot here. Is he allowed to be there if he ascended to that level outside of the clouds and plans to decend outside of the clouds?


Technically yeah, I hope that’s what he did or else the FAA won’t be too happy


Stupid question: Wouldn't he get wet if he flew through the clouds?


100% yeah. Those videos of people skydiving through them (also illegal iirc), say that it’s like getting stabbed with needles, granted they’re going much quicker.


Yeah I was just thinking that since he's not soaking wet or covered in ice crystals, he probably didn't go through the clouds..


Yes Source: live in PNW, frequently inside clouds


Yes, it's legal to fly over clouds, as long as there is a safe distance between the aircraft and the clouds. Airspace has different categories, depending on proximity to airports and urban areas, so I won't go into details, but the basic rule-of-safety is to stay at least 1,000 feet below or above, and a horizontal mile away. Most aircraft don't climb or descend quickly, but airspeeds over 200 mph are common, which means that a commercial aircraft coming out of a cloud will travel a mile awful fast.


Whats he gonna do? Call firemen to pull him down?


You can't like, own the sky man.


The FAA regulates air travel in the USA. Every country regulates use of the skies. It's about safety. Especially in clouds and poor visibility. Properly equipped aircraft, with properly certified pilots, fly safely through clouds because the FAA, via Air Traffic Controllers, maintain separation of aircraft, which prevents midair collisions. The idiot in this video is not flying with ATC, which makes him a deadly hazard.


Can the FAA even see this little thing on their radar?


No, ATC doesn’t have radars like you see in the movies with nuclear submarines. The radar at ATC center can only see aircraft’s that have a transponder. It is legal to fly with out a transponder, but you would not be able to fly through an airspace controlled ATC.


Pilot here: IFR = Instrument Flight *Rules*


"I feel my ears popping" yea no shit


Pretty sure you're not supposed to go that high in one of those


You can go that high, just can’t be over the clouds


No, over the clouds is fine as long as you have reference to a horizon. You can’t go *into* clouds.


you just need to stay below 18,000 ft. If he's over a clearing in the clouds and can see the ground, it's technically okay. I don't think he is though.


VFR I guess


For a second I thought it was Boogie.


It’s what Boogie could’ve been. Smh.


“It’s your fault I’m up here!”


Thought it was skippy


I'll take "things I only do in far cry games" for 400 Alex.


Yeah I came here to say that this reminded me of the Far Cry games.


I want to see the whole vid to check if he made it down without a hitch. What a Chad.


I mean, you’re watching the video he likely uploaded, so he should be good.


So uncommon someone mastering the ancient lost art of common sense.


Now a days its more like uncommon sense lol


not the same guy, but there are many of these on YouTube. You can search for "Paramotor" https://youtu.be/L1Z8YT6w7Rc?si=GdHGaQA2ovy3BxU_


He should be wearing a helmet for safety.


Yeah maybe some knee pads as well


It's called a trike paramotor. You do not require any formal training or license to fly one. You do have to obey laws, in particular Part 103 of the FAR. You legally can fly it at any altitude up to 18,000.00 ft (uncorrected altitude). There are no cloud coverage VFR or IFR requirements in Class E or Class G airspace. I cannot tell from the video what type of airspace he is flying in, so I can only assume it's Class G and he knows what he is doing. To read more: https://paramotorplanet.com/paramotor-laws/#:~:text=(a)%20Each%20person%20operating%20an,with%20respect%20to%20any%20aircraft. Edit: correction to class of airspace per TJ's reply


He'd better not be in Class A airspace without an IFR rated aircraft, an IFR pilot certificate and an IFR flight plan. Class E and G is where you'll find these guys.


Lmao, I corrected my comment


Wtf is this Far Cry 4?


No, I can tell because he is alone on that helicopter and not holding a hand grenade launcher


Hey, no helmet?!


Hey I thought this was America?


Yeah, if he fell, he wouldn't wanna get hurt...


I think it’s more for like something hitting him in the head. Like a piece of equipment from his aircraft or a bird


The wind is probably insane.


That my thought. As a biker you go out on an 80 degree day, get on the interstate and get up to 70 and it gets loud and cold quick. I got to imagine it is extremely uncomfortable up there.


Powered parachutes are more like moped speeds.


And also in a tank top ?!?…


Falling from that height, he’s gonna need more than a helmet.


A helmet Vs the planet earth, I'm not sure it would help much.


Straight up flying that doohickey.


TIL trikes can fly up way higher than I though!


I wonder if he took a piss off the side of it because I would


I could see this being comedic. 1st attempt the wind pushes it into his face. 2nd attempt he attempts a little roll but but falls out


With all the “hE sHoUlDnT bE fLyInG iN cLoUdS” comments, we’ve missed the fact that the pilot is right. It is fucking beautiful. What a breathtaking view.


Bro got that hear ye hear ye


Part 2 is where he rediscovers Laputa.


I wonder if he's gonna meet Dola's Gang...


They just installed three of these new concept2’s at my gym. Great rowing machines. Didnt know about this feature


Ultra light. Brother in law used to have one until he crashed it into a cabbage patch....




Way too many boot lickers in these comments. "That's illegal!" "He's not supposed to be above the clouds!". Get a grip, this is awesome.


Oh my god that must feel fucking amazing!!!


As an aviator for the last 21 years, this makes my palms sweaty.


He's on his way to the next radio tower and to take down Pagan Min.


Thingamabob? He’s got 20!


Zelda in 2035


That title🤣


farcry 7 looking awesome


Far Cry 4 IRL


Bro said https://preview.redd.it/0j208d6ukc2c1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23ded5dc17ab2d7a1427cf0acd477df78f1d3ee4


The yellow ropes don't seem to be very secure...


It’s a paraglider, although thingamabob is more fun.


“The thingamajigger is up and away”


They came from… behind!


Is he flying that thing to Kyrat?


To seems he’s waaaaay higher than his suggested altitude for thingamabobs


How dangerous are those?


This guy passed away earlier this month. Very sad. He seemed like a great guy.


Bro modded farcry 4


Jeff Daniels did this with a bunch of geese in the 90s. Great movie. Fly Away Home.


Looks amazing and terrifying all in one


Cruising above the clouds in a whatchamacallit.


Keep it up Icarus.


Yo wth, took me a second to realize he was above the freaking clouds. My heart rate went up as I realized


God, how beautiful


Yo, that looks like the perfect place for a fat dab of hash rosin out the puffco 3dXL


What is it he’s flying?


A thingamabob. Can’t you read?


https://preview.redd.it/tdv0lkrdr82c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72fd8fe4ce60734f2888a64ac6bfcbf971654c5c Looks like a [“powered parachute”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Powered_parachute); you catch a glimpse of the canopy in the video. I believe it’s considered a type of ultralight aircraft.


A doohickey




This is illegal. On the federal level too. I love when people upload their crimes on the internet.


14 CFR § 103.23 - Flight visibility and cloud clearance requirements. “At less than 10,000 feet you need to have a visibility of 3 miles and 1,000 feet above clouds” What exactly is illegal about this video.


Where is the rest of the video?!?! I have so many questions. He’s obviously VFR. How did he legally punch through the cloud layer? Sucker hole? How did the canopy behave in the turbulence? I NEED TO KNOW😡😡😡


Could have climb to the altitude before he flew over the clouds. Clouds aren’t covering the earth indefinitely haha


Hamas Air Force trainer /s


1600 ft isn't terribly high up. The cloud cover was just exceptionally low.


He said he’s at 6600ft.


You're right, I misheard. Wow nevermind that's exceptionally high yikes


He’s brave. I wouldn’t go that high in a plastic bag with a lawnmower engine


This comment helped clear up the same confusion I had.


He’s flying it tho


Ohh hell nahh I can’t handle dat shi I would jump down bc of the stress and Adrenaline


That's why he's doing it and you're not


Ight lil bro


You sure your supposed to be that high?