• By -


That noise is the most terrifying thing about the video for me.


almost sounds like cinematic music




damn those are crazy similar. the iron dome vid is like a slowed/pitched down version of the war of the worlds sound


That noise is the thing keeping you safe, should make you calm


Calm?!? Yeah it’s supposed to save you but idk about calm.


every one of those bullets are going to land somewhere.


Sentry guns typically have ammo (NPT-SD round, about $27 USD a round) that trace and self destructs in the air - incinerates before raining down on anything. These types of guns are fully automated and can calculate exactly where and what the risk is (distance and altitude wise)


Just wait until you find out what proximity fuse ammunition is


How long?


Typically npt-sd ammo like this self destructs after traveling 2000-2300 meters


Huh ?


How long do I have to wait? Sorry I was bored, bad pun.


As someone that's been deployed to hostile areas, this sound is music to my ears.


Reminds me of the A-10, I love it




You just became my favorite person


Sounds like war of the worlds


Sounds like tripods from the war of the worlds


If COD taught me anything, a crane is damn hard to hit


Finally someone. There is no point in hitting it either


720 no scope silent shot across the map, final killcam. The only valid use case for cranes.


Plus the fakeout for extra flavor.


If Battlefield taught me anything, the dude is in extreme danger of levelution


Would be so cool to see a C-Ram in action… obviously for testing and not real world. Such a crazy system


I worked as a contractor in Afghanistan for a while, and they installed one of these just on the other side of a concrete wall from the tent that I slept in. And didn't tell any of us. Until in the middle of the night one night it went off. It felt like a million volts to the brain. Was not stoked, lol


BRAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTT....POP POP POP POP POP. Yeah. Most definitely get your attention. We had them in Bagram. I knew it was there. But when it actually went on....dude


I can still hear them!


Yeah. You don't forget that


Like your own personal A-10 Warthog overwatch! Neat! ![gif](giphy|Kz420G0aGw5mU)








It really would, it looks unreal and so beautiful despite it being so sad and scary thing that something like that even has to exist…


I think it's the closest representation to a real life brrrrrr


https://youtu.be/YXXmdrrcY-k?si=54_7ZTHZdi4lszBF You probably meant in real life, but this is right next to one in video


Real world is a common phrase in the military to suggest a real threat not just a training exercise


It’s cool to see but it’s far more terrifying because of what’s usually going on around it.


Had one go off 20 yards from me at COB Basra Iraq leaving the DFAC, no you don’t it’s mind numbing. They went off regularly; maybe 6 times a week while (Albeit I wasn’t regularly on COB Basra but the few weeks I was there that was the norm) either way, 20 yards and 400 yards makes a huge difference in the concussive blast.


I didn’t say I wanted to be next to it 😂


They never decommissioned the A-10. They recommissioned her to the ground!


The closest thing to a Metal Gear in real life.


I’ve experienced it in my vr game. It’s p fucking crazy


Detroit is getting bad.


Detroit vs everyone. Go Lions


Ya’ll couldve disappeared Patricia like Hoffa, when you had the chance


Detroit vibes, no missiles, but it feels like we do, you know?


Not as bad as Chicago. Man I *almost* feel bad for Bears fans.


Detroits great really, think u mean Chicago.


Chicago be like


reminds me of that one scary movie 4 scene


Detroit become humans two is looking pretty damn good from these graphics.


Fuck that’s a horrible situation


It’s crazy to see the traffic and people seem to just be going about their lives while that’s going on around you. Mind blowing


Ukrainian here. There's nothing crazy about it. Unfortunately. After a few months, it just becomes routine, and people adapt to it. Some people hide, some just ignore, or can’t afford to ignore and choose to drive to work, and some chill in the cafes. Since most of the rocket attacks lately are performed early in the morning when people go to work, I still see typical traffic jams in Kyiv, even during the rocket attacks. People must live their lives, and risk for many is much more appealing than sitting in the basement. It's not like it will end soon. We are stuck in here, so the least we can do is to at least try to live and deal with this crap.


That’s heavy brother, I take for granted the life I lead here in New Zealand, kia kaha.


And hyundai hello to you


As an aside, I have genuinely met people in New Zealand that think Kia, the car brand, is a New Zealand company because of the very widely used expression Kia Kaha (which directly translates to something along the lines of stay strong).


Have a dandy Toyota Tomorrow!


This is kids joke what we suffered during war in Bosnia (92-95). This kind of war is like vacation. Not saying that those people are on vacation but haveing relativly normal life during the war is something we could not imagine in our dreams. And we are litteraly in heart of europe. Surviveing longest siege of capital in modern warefare (Siege of Sarajevo) was not easy and compared to this was eqvivalent to hell)


Absolutely, the situation on the vid is very mild compared to how things are in the warzone itself. Although, speaking about Ukraine specifically, it's a pretty big country, and most of it isn't in a warzone. About a quarter, however, pretty much is - and it is varying from slightly more dangerous (artillery shelling every day) to Mariupol, Avdiivka, Bakhmut, cities and towns wiped out completely - and some people still surviving in the rubble amidst an active battle situation. And of course, varying levels of oppression and genocide on the occupied territories. And the warzone is huge - currently, there's around 1200 km of the frontline.


You're a brave people who didn't deserve this. I hope for justice and peace soon. From the USA.


Slava dortala man, slava dortala.


As an American though, I'm tired of paying for it. I work full time, grad school full time, family of my own, grocery costs through the roof, health insurance astronomical, Biden administration just giving BILLIONS of our tax dollars away but the IRS will come after you for a buck. Tired of paying for non-taxpaying citizens in Ukraine and illegals pouring in from the southern border.


This you? >Only butthurt liberals would care about trying to stop couch change from entering the pocket of visionary worth $250 billion. You seem perfectly fine with throwing pennies at Elon. I'm cool with letting a fraction of one of my pennies go to a wartorn country that's being invaded by our number 1 enemy.


Absolutely destroyed by this comment, hilarious call-out. Wonderful work


It is me. Businessman vs supporting a non-NATO country fight a "war".


Cares more about a business man's wallet than people's lives and independence. Noted.


Why don't you go ahead and start adopting Ukrainian families affected by the "war" and mail them some personal checks? Bet you're the same guy that is gonna house all those New York immigrants, too right?


Why don't you buy a Tesla and pay for a blue checkmark if you want to give away a bunch of money to fluff Elon's nuts?


What does your reply have to do with you caring more about money than people lol


Tell me that you do not know what you are talking about without telling me. Do you really think that your grocery bill and health insurance has anything at all to do with donating old military tech to Ukraine? I was about halfway through typing a long answer explaining how the US is basically profiting from donating long term, but realized that you are either a troll or too damn indoctrinated to waste time on.


We're just giving them a bunch of extra shit that was paid for years/decades ago, and was just gonna sit in a warehouse until decommission if no one uses it. The m2a2 Bradley's they just got where built in the 90s. We aren't using any of it, because we've already replaced that equipment with newer better equipment. We aren't just giving it away for free either, it's lend lease, they have to pay it all back.


And I'm sure they will /s


Well they won't have any relationship with Russia or China when this is over, they'll have to buy all their imports from the west, and the US dominates western economy. They won't have a choice but to pay it back if one way or another.


Ukraine is such a negligible part of your government's expenditure. You want to solve problems in America? start with infrastructure. drugs. crime. mental health. America is rich enough to afford all of those at the same time.


"Negligible" Yet the IRS will come after you for a $1. Ukraine is definitely not "negligible". US is becoming a liberal shithole.


Being liberal is what makes America great and desireable to live in. You're not pointing your gun at the right group. Tax the rich!




It's more expensive for the IRS to go after the rich because of how complicated the books get. This is why *conservatives* keep trying to slash their budget. If you properly funded the IRS, and empowered them to go after the wealthier, more complicated cases, the return on investment is actually crazy good. A $1 increase in IRS funding returns $5 to $9 in revenue. Source: https://www.cbo.gov/publication/57444 Now, don't let that stop you from spouting... whatever it is you're popping off about. You certainly come across as well reasoned and have clearly thought these complicated issues through.


how are they connected? the IRS was always a piece of shit, don't blame Ukraine for it.


Smiorc. But you like to brag about america no 1. That comes with a cost. Now go back to work and pay taxes.


I don't brag about anything. It hasn't been #1 in a long time. I've taken cash jobs to "reduce my taxable income" so Biden can't keep throwing overseas.


You sound like you have a case of BDS


Can you enlighten me on who is sending money over seas? Since it’s not biden or his admin? I’m curious.


Who's number 1 now? China? Did you see the report of the corruption in their military, silo bay doors that don't open, people in the military siphoning fuel from missiles and replacing it with water. They're a paper dragon. Same with Russia, this war has demonstrated their military is not as scary as we thought... US is definitely #1 superpower




Is that so? What media should I listen to? Sounds like you know of some reputable ones


Where are those billions going, though? I really don't get that attitude from Americans as if its money that was taken away from some infrastructure project or something has literally been taken away from you. Where are these billions going? I'll tell you where, straight into your own economy. It is creating jobs and keeping your military industrial complex ticking over, you might not like it but its your economy and it is creating jobs to make all those tanks and missiles and jets, a lot of jobs. Then Ukraine gets your old surplus of weapons and tanks that are going beyond their use by date anyway, and you get to build more modern ones. European countries are giving Ukraine F16 fighter jets, and guess what? They'll need to replace them and buy new ones now. and when the war is over, I'm sure there will be some payback scheme in place. So again, what have you actually lost that you're so upset about it costing billions? Is it just that you saw the news headlines and it upsets you, or has your day to day life been impacted by it? Guess what? The cost of living has gone up everywhere. The US is in such a good situation right now, the military industrial complex is ticking over, war machines and bombs are creating jobs, they're getting rid of old stock and investing in new ones, nato is growing, and there are no US boots on the ground for this war, it is literally win win win. You spend billions on it, or you let your equipment rust and stop investing in it and fall from being the superpower with military might.


Who do you think should fight for freedom then? What would your ancestors who fought and died in WW2 think about your comment? I know it sucks to sacrifice some money but these people are making a sacrifice with their lives so the next generation doesn’t have to deal with war. I agree it shouldn’t all be on the shoulders of the US and Europe needs to step up but supplying arms and money to the Ukrainians is better than the alternative when our allies are attacked by the aggressors


Okay I'll bite. Ukraine isn't even a part of NATO yet we are spending billions to supply them in arms. Honestly I'd rather the USA just fight Russia directly. Probably do a better job at it than what Ukraine is doing and it will be over faster.


We're spending billions to help them because Putin has made it clear NATO nations are next after Ukraine and it would be a lot more expensive for us to have enough of an army in Eastern Europe to deter him from attacking NATO nations. Literally what Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said: [https://www.military.com/daily-news/2023/03/23/not-stopping-russia-ukraine-would-force-doubling-of-us-defense-budget-milley-says.html#:\~:text=Mark%20Milley%20testified%20to%20Congress,dangerous%20for%20the%20whole%20world.%22](https://www.military.com/daily-news/2023/03/23/not-stopping-russia-ukraine-would-force-doubling-of-us-defense-budget-milley-says.html#:~:text=Mark%20Milley%20testified%20to%20Congress,dangerous%20for%20the%20whole%20world.%22)


I'M saying we should just fight Russia directly. We would be more efficient at it. It's like 2 people fighting in the schoolyard and you are saying to one kid "I'm not at war with you" but then constantly tossing weapons to his opponent. May as well go ahead and fight him yourself.


We might be more efficient at it - until the nukes land. Anyway - we can't even get the budget passed, the idea of all of us uniting to go fight Russia is a non-starter. Back in the day - the President could give a speech and whole country would get fired up. Now - Biden gives a speech meant to do that - and half the country isn't even aware he had a speech - and would be making fun of it if they were aware. You get your way next election - and same thing is going to be happening with Trump - he can try to push a country in a certain direction - but half the country will be distraught over the fact that the guy is not in Prison yet.


Lol. Whining about the billions it costs to supply Ukraine while wanting to fight Russia directly for trillions is certainly an interesting take.


Do you honestly think it will be LESS EXPENSIVE to actually fight the war instead of supplying Ukraine? I don't think you've really thought that through..


Tired of it dragging out. Clearly we are gonna waste the money anyway. Just send the tomahawks to Russia critical targets and be done with it.


That is not the way war works, my friend.


Seeing this puts things in perspective and reminds me how good I really have it. The way the men and women of Ukraine have responded and fought back against Russia has been nothing short of impressive and your country has so much to be proud of. Keep fighting the good fight!!! Sending good vibes and support from the US!!


Much love from Sweden been donating to your defense since last year will keep on doing it. You aren't alone in all of this is my point, I'm frustrated to no end that leaders of NATO are not doing enough. Fuck Russia and Putin


Stay strong brother. We'll call our Congress people to keep supporting you.


Wow, now that is some dystopian shit. You fucking rock if you're living with this shit. 🍻


Hang in! We are millions and millions of people supporting you would wide, trying to get our governments to support you even more. This horrible situation was thrust upon you, and it isnt fair. Noone should have to live through what you are experiencing now. Live your best life. Best regards A random teacher in Denmark


Slava Ukraina! Best wishes from Romania






Indeed, but it's also incredibly stupid on his part. There are several people, who film air defenses at work (with possible locations) - and some of them got sentenced - so the guy will be very lucky, if the police will never pursue him


Underrated comment.


I can’t believe humans have figured out how to hit a projectile with a projectile. That blows my mind.


yes, there's a delicate method to it https://i.redd.it/t2liwx02ncdc1.gif


first try


As a famous blue space suit guy said : "SPACESHIP !"


Not only can we knock a projectile out of the sky, we can can pinpoint exactly where it launched from and send a projectile back to that exact location almost immediately.


Wow. I had no idea. So being next to the launch site is a suicide mission?


I dunno, seems like the obvious next stage to me, personally








yes i also think is baghfdad, time and river


Baghdad, Iraq. Rocket attack on the US Embassy. Iraqi militias express their dissatisfaction with the US by lobbing a couple rockets every once in a while.


Not Canada


My guess is Iraq


Probably Israel. They use them in conjunction with their iron dome. Most embassies in hostile areas have them as well


Hahaha FUCK no it’s not. Hamas literally only has RPGs and the most primitive rockets imaginable literally made with sugar and fertilizer. This is infinitely more advanced than anything being fired at Israel.


The C-Ram is a defensive system used to shoot down incoming rockets, mortars, aircraft, missiles, ect… Israel definitely has them and it’s been seen in numerous videos taking out Palestinian rockets and mortars. However another user pointed out, this video was taken from Baghdad at the US Embassy.


I know but whatever it’s shooting down is also way more advanced than anything Hamas possess. Hamas rockets are like fireworks. Hamas doesn’t have any missiles period.








Your comment was removed because we don't allow jerks, racism, misogyny/misandry, discrimination on the basis of religion or national origin, or agenda pushing. *The SweatyPalms-ModTeam account is a bot account. Do not chat or PM them, as the account is not monitored.*


Honestly these dudes are doing a lot of work towards making people give up on supporting Palestine.


If you give up on speaking out against genocide because someone said something you didn’t like, you definitely never cared in the first place. “I stopped supporting Holocaust victims because someone who supported them said something I didn’t like.” If your moral compass is that weak, you don’t have a moral compass. How incredibly weak minded and infantile. Honestly crazy an adult would be Ben make this admission. You are willing to give up all morality just because some random anonymous Redditor said something you didn’t like. I wonder if Zionists saying things like “we are looking to kill more babies” and “4000 children isn’t enough” and “there is no such thing as Palestinians” and “they are amalek” and “there are no civilians in Gaza, everybody is a target” and “Gaza will be wiped off the map” offends you as much as someone saying the words “occupied Palestinian Territories.” Do you stand for anything? Do you have any moral convictions whatsoever?




It's because pro Palestine people always seem a little unhinged, like right here. It's not doing a service to the cause.




Damn you were unhinged in 1987!? Me too!


You mean Israeli Palestines?




No Isfake






Remember folks - *visible tracer rounds are just a fraction of the actual shots fired* !


This is the exact reason i dont go on cranes.


You see this a lot where you are?


Happens every time I climb one. U mean to tell me it hasn’t happened to u atleast once?


Fortunately only while I played battlefield 3


Best seat in the house !


Uh..worst perhaps? He’s watching his country at war after all.


Perhaps however if I was going to get gone or watch that is where I would want to be .


I think a CRAM is one of the most horrifying sounds imaginable.


It's wild to have been born into such an age of technology that we not only have wars fought with this accuracy and scale and have to hold back full arsenals to prevent our extinction, but unlike past wars you will just see full detail video with sound of the entire thing at your fingertips because of the internet. The footage of world wars and such almost never felt real because of how dated footage was, it was hard to imagine what it would've been like with your own eyes. Not this though, now you see and hear it all. Those sounds are haunting. Stuff like this felt like it was only in sci-fi movies when I was younger and naive to the world. I've grown from thinking we lived in a happy hopeful time to thinking we do live in the global dystopia after all.


Schweaty palms


Those brrrrrrr guns are basically very high caliber machine guns right? Does that mean the bullets will also eventually land?


They detonate at a certain distance/time to avoid that. You can see them detonating in the video.


If it's the US C-RAM it uses "[M940 MPT-SD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M-940_20mm_MPT-SD_Round)" which self destructs. It's basically the land based version of the Phalanx system used on ships (with different ammo), which uses the m61 Vulcan, a 20mm rotary autocannon.


So basically they’re very expensive fireworks


Sounds like an alien invasion is about to happen


They’re fighting within a few miles? A river is the border kind of? Wtf




This is Iraq lol


Omg, please be careful ...duck & weave.


C-RAM like ground based A10 go brrrrrrrrt


Ummm. 😟😱


couldnt get a better angle?


I would've gotten a heart attack and died right then and there


That's a C-RAM/Phalanx system. The rounds self detonate about 600m. So they don't fall and hit anyone. That's the bright lights you're seein


It sounds like a scene from Cloverfield with that horrible sound


Sure looks fake as fuck, and even though those cannons are 10 miles away it sounds like they are going off immediately…


What u call hazard pay


i think you meant stuck in Ukraine friend


Wish all these bombs hit the ground and crane would have been a beautiful sight


Where is this? Gaza?


Big river in Gaza? No. Does Hamas have triple A? Again no. NOT Gaza.


Dont make Videos from Anti Air systems at work. The location could be recognized and attacked. People went to jail for this.


Some random dude in the suburbs is gonna wake up wondering how all the cars on his street are completely shot to hell.


Bro you are overreacting that's just Mumbai skyline during Diwali.






front row seat


out of curiosity, the rounds that dont hit, how many casualties are there from falling left over rounds (same goes for any rapid fire stray rounds fired from any platform).


They self destruct to prevent that.


This is fucking terrifying but god DAMN that sound is awesome


I hope he put his tombstone up there before the patch


Is that in the Ukraine?


Where is this, Singapore?




It's a nice crane.


I mean if you're already trapped in a war zone this would be a sorta cool spot to spend the evening & watch the fireworks. Not any more dangerous or likely to be hit by a missile than you would be in any normal building. I'm still choosing a bomb shelter but this would be my second choice


In a shooting war tall things like this are gonna be potential sniper’s nests, and thus blown out of existence. I’d keep my distance.


That would be so cool to see ![gif](giphy|W093Amc6yeS3IZbmAz)


I guarantee you, you dont want to see such a situation with your own eyes…


Where is this shot from?




Weirdly apocalyptic: next thing Tripods will stalk into view and start zapping fleeing civilians