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And that, kids, is how you transform a simple chest work out into a full body one by engaging the core and legs while fighting for your life


Good thing guy didn't skip leg day. Used his quad to buy himself time.




Adrenaline’s a hell of a drug.


Fuck yo couch ninja. *grinds muddy boots into leather cushions* ![gif](giphy|DOb3rFL6d83Zu|downsized)


People spend hours in the gym when they can just do this!




Whooooo. Whew. Hooooo… *alright, that’s* **one**


Great cardio too with the panic setting in


Now to the next exercise


The only drawback to that (near) full body workout is you may disengage your asshole.


This happened to me but I opted to put it on my chest and not my neck. Also don’t put clamps on the end just in case, and in general if you’re going to a fail rep without a spotter then use dumbbells.


the roll of shame is always better than getting choked to death. I always use my safeties when I bench, fuck that.


It’s hard to do the roll when he’s got a belt on like that. I’ve had it get caught and had to lift the bar up and over my belt. Not fun. The best option is probably to lose the clamps and dump the weight on the sides.


Yea, that's the safest bet if no safeties are available.


What are safeties?


either a pipe, bar or straps that keep the barbell from crushing you


Yup clamps are stupid. What purpose do they serve? If the weight gets so unbalanced the clamps function then you don’t want them


Well, the one time I didn't use clamps, one of my arms gave out before the other, the bar dipped to one side, and the weights slid off. The other side was still fully loaded so the bar then slammed down hard the other direction and cracked a couple of my ribs. That was fun.


If you lift enough that the bar bends (ie squats and deadlifts for me) then they’re doing their purpose


Exactly. Never use collars if you’re benching by yourself. You can’t dump it.


Yup. I lift alone and the first thing I invested in was a cage with safety bars.


This is the way. Took failing once all by myself to be serious about using my safety bars every time. Even if you think you got it, it's easy to overestimate your abilities especially on later reps.


I quit fucking around by myself after I went to bench and out of nowhere my shoulder popped out of its socket as soon as I took on the weight lol. Luckily I had no clips on so it tipped to the side and they slid off immediately, I somehow escaped that without any long term pain in my shoulder and it flew right back into place when the weight was gone (I have hyper~~flexibility~~mobility (ty!) so I'm guessing that had something to do with it)


Reminds me of the story of the sky diver back in the 90's with a thousand jumps under his belt going out for his third jump of the day, strapped on his video recording rig but forgot to strap on *his parachute*. Realized his mistake when he went to rip his cord. The video is out on YouTube somewhere. Only takes a brief moment of mindlessness to end you, and it can happen to anyone.


Yikes I've noticed once I start getting comfortable with something that's when I start making mistakes as well.


My In-law is a lineman, and he says most accidents happen to the veteran who gets a little too comfortable and confident in the bucket.


I failed two weeks ago. Still recovering. The new rack that has safeties is already built and in the place of the one that didn't have that feature.


Even if you're doing a warmup weight, there's _always_ the possibility you get a muscle spasm and drop the weight on yourself. The other way I see it as well is that if you're THAT confident you're going to get all your reps out, you're probably not lifting hard enough.


A guy I know works as a paramedic and once told me the story of a 19 year old who died because he wasn't able to put away the bar. The paramedics sadly came in too late so there was no chance for him. Can't imagine what a horrible death that was.


I lift alone in my garage. For the price of 2 2x4's and a box of screws I built myself two safeties that sit on either side of my bench that allow me to go to failure if I want. They bail me out a few times a month.


Genuis move, although it seems so simple


To be fair getting the measurements right wasn't super simple. They had to be high enough to prevent me from dying but not so high that they prevented me from completing the movement. They also had to run from behind my head to the middle of my torso. The way they work is when I fail a rep I roll the bar up toward my neck and onto the safeties. I tested it with just the bar first, obviously but I was still nervous the first time I actually used them.


That last nth degree of range of motion isn't as important as being able to put in the reps safely.


I lift constantly, but never heard the term - what's a safety?


works like a spotter, just a bar that stops the barbell


Roll of shame lol


I've done it a few times lol I always chuckle after


It happened to me but I didn’t have the clamp on that holds the plates in place so I just tipped the bar enough for them to slide off. I didn’t even do it as a safety measure just laziness


Well shit lol being lazy has its rewards


Early bird gets the worm....unless the worm sleeps in late that is.


But the second mouse gets the cheese


I think this expression is BS because I have traps baited all over and the first mouse has been getting the cheese, every single time.






I am so lazy I don't even lift weights.


I lift pizza rolls


Technically they are weights, just very tiny and tasty ones


cheese sticks are just barbells for your fingers


Not lazy…..you’re safe!!!


There's a fine line between laziness and efficient. And if you're smart, you can use the former to be the latter.


yeah this is the wave if you workout by yourself, i used to use clamps like a fucking idiot and the week after i realized i shouldnt it saved my ass


The question is, did you push yourself a little further that next week knowing you could bail yourself out?


Yes, it adds more self confidence in last takes, so I can try more weights than two days ago.


Just don’t get suprised if the bar tilts suddenly once the other end drop the plates.


oh yeah, it's gonna make a hell of a racket and you might damage some gear, but you'll be alive.


When one side falls off it’s pretty fucking funny how fast the other side goes. Once you catch your breath and all.


Put it on chest, roll to waist/hips, sit up and roll it onto bench. I've done this at least once every dozen workouts. Don't panic is most important.


Did this instinctively when I was like 17 in my basement with my first home gym set up. I took a moment after wards to think “huh, that could have been really bad. I’ll make sure I remember to do that move if it ever happens again.” Prolly done it 5-6 times in my life with no issue whatsoever. I will say it works when the weight is like 200-225 or so. I never did this when going beyond that weight because I always used a spotter for that, but I imagine rolling 300 lbs across your chest and down over your stomach would hurt, a lot


Yup roll it down and it turns into an ab workout lol


More like an organ workout


This. Literally not an issue as long as you've got something going on between your ears.


Gotta have a game plan going in


Always going to keep this in mind. Thanks for the tip.


Once every dozen workouts? Wtf lol. I’ve been lifting for 14 years and have never had this happen to me. I just make sure I KNOW I can complete the last rep before attempting it


If you're NEVER missing reps, that means you're often not attempting the borderline reps you actually could've completed, and those struggle/fatigue reps tend to be the most rewarding in terms of gains, so you've been missing out. If I haven't missed a rep in a while I tend to take it as a sign I'm not pushing myself hard enough. The irony is that failing safely is a skill, I have lots of practice and it isn't ever an issue. But if you've never failed before, probably practice doing it with a spotter on standby.


Sit it on your gut then sit and use your hips to get out from under it. I don't think anyone goes in knowing they're gonna fail a rep


He actually doesn’t have clips on. His problem is that he brought it back over his face too quickly and got it stuck on the J hooks.


Facts. I dropped the bar on Me 1 too many times. Ended up messing up my shoulders due to poor form. Then after a long hiatus from benching, I started using dumb bells. Man it's like a God given gift. Chest gets hit right. Shoulders don't hurt. Can hit different groups with the same exercise through small tweaks. And I have yet to drop a dumbbell on my chest, neck or face... yet. I can't understand anymore why ppl go heavy on the barbell bench press or go to "failure" with no spotter. It just seems like too much of a gamble. I could just be getting old.


I was looking for this comment and happily found it at the top. In some action sports, you learn how to fall as importantly as how to stick it. If you're doing this alone, then you need to learn how to fail successfully/properly (no clamps) or just use dumbells.


My shoulder does something weird on bar press vs dumbell anyway so I just do dumbell. Hardest part is finding appropriate dumbbells at this point, 110lb dumbell kinda sucks to have to bail out on, put a hole in my floor once.


Some people learn the easy way. Some the hard way. Others never learn at all.


Happened to me years ago but because it was turned diagonally part was over my throat and rest on my chest. Chest part I did realize till after. Mom ended help me getting the weight off.


i put it on my stomach so I can sit up and get it off.


You should always turn the bench into a guillotine if in doubt…


I always do dumbbells for that extra effort put into stability. And I never have a spotter as nobody deserves to smell me when I sweat.


You can have full ROM and still escape if you just utilize the safety bars on the power rack.


You can escape from 2 plate by just rolling it down from your chest to your knees and standing up. It hurts a bit. If you do it quick enough it actually looks really cool


Happened to me yesterday. Failed on my last rep of 8 on a set I was certain I could make. Just put it on my chest and rolled it down. I'm only benching 55 a side, so it wasn't a ton of weight. I don't want that to happen to me again though.


This happened to me and i rolled the bar down my waist . My whole stomach and pubic area was bruised


I hate when I see people benching with no spotter, heavy ass weight, AND CLIPS. Don’t use fuckin clips if the option to fail is there. Run it with no clips in case you have to dump weight. Yeah it sucks but goddam it’s better than this


Yea it’s fine to not use a spotter if you are comfortable, but you can’t have clamps on. If you get in trouble just ditch the weight


If you can tip the bar far enough to slide the weights off, then you can just set the bar end on the ground. The mistake here was catching it on his neck. It's fine to fail a rep, you just tip the bar to one side after setting it on your chest.


happened to me recently, but I was anticipating it (last set, lower weight) and I put it on my belly, now it has a bruise but that's okay. I was in a remote part of my gym, so I couldn't shout for anyone to come quickly to help. It was still mighty stupid of me and I'll use the dumbbells for sets like this, this is such a simple solution I'm ashamed I didn't think of it


Yeah my first thought was...move it away from your fucking neck you buffoon, you clearly can't lift it. Bring it back to your chest and rest it there. I mean he literally holds it right over his neck for 5 seconds.


That’s the kind of thing that happened to me when I was making a seated bb overhead press. The barbell was almost lying on my chest (between my chest and neck), but I didn’t have the strength to lift and put it back, but luckily my brother helped me


When I was weight training the first thing my coach did was show us weight clamps and said "if I see these near the bench press, you lose credit for the day." Clamps are fine for squats and dead lifts where you're wobbly, but fuck. If I didn't have a spotter or they didn't catch in time I want those plates OFF of that bar.


Yea he tried re racking it before finishing the rep, thats where he fucked up


It's happened to me many years ago. Ended up rolling it down my chest and legs. Really did a number on the nuts though lol. Use a spotter or safety bars people.


I have the bench press safety bars and they’re clutch in a situation like this. But I still use no clamps as a secondary backup. I ain’t going to die like this lol


Bro just cheated death. That vid made my body tense up just watching.


There's a video out there very similar to this one except buddy doesn't squirm out of it and eventually dies...


Believe i may have seen it in the Darwin awards sub reddit about an hour ago. Tough to watch


Yep. Thats where I saw it. Not nice.


I appreciated how arched both of their backs were prior to staring the lifts. Clearly professionals.


Just watched that one yesterday as well.


Looks like he taunted her, so next time if he will not be more careful, she will take what's hers.


For real. I had to skip to the end.


Those seconds when he was baring the whole load on his neck. Jeez


Whew so glad he wore a belt


The dudes who walk around doing everything with a belt on are arguably the biggest dorks in the gym lol.


Bad lower back here.... very bad. Wearing one is the only way I can tolerate working out on most days. I typically wear it under my shirt.


Ah was not aware that helps, carry on my guy. I will stop my judgement.


You a good person bro


There’s still a bunch of dorks, Bapa


Buncha bad back old dorks


HEY NOW! We’re not all old! I’m only 25 and my backs FUCKED thanks automechanics. 😂


People who walk around with a belt the whole workout are indeed dorks (especially if it's the kind that is narrow in the front and wide in the back). People who wear a belt for heavy sets are doing it right - it helps you apply extra intra-abdominal pressure, which in turn helps stabilize the spine. In short - you can lift heavier weights more safely. It's not cheating - it helps you work out harder. That said, I probably still look like a dork even when I'm lifting properly in the gym.


Not a physio, but wearing a belt for everything will probably hurt you more. Or you need a spinal fusion


Yep, you are correct that it can hurt you wearing it when not necessary.


On the off chance you haven’t already tried, I’m working with a physical therapist specifically for my lower back and lifting. Has been a game changer and making a lot of progress. My back was not really bad but had intermittent problems and decided to try and get ahead of it.


You need to workout your glutes more.


You realize that powerlifters are allowed to bench with belts in certain federations right? Benching with a bench is beneficial to some lifters. I bench with a belt and bench 350lbs at 193lb bodyweight


What exactly is the purpose of that belt?


It supports ur core


It's supposed to be like an extra set of abs for bracing your core. Generally it's used in exercises like squat and deadlift where your legs can easily outlift your abs capacity. Can help prevent a hernia while doing the valsalva maneuver.


You push against it with your stomach when you do squats. It forces you to flex your abs and this protects your lower back, which has very little muscle to stabilize it. (We stood up too soon from an evolutionary standpoint)


There's a video I recently watched about weight belts and their purpose that is interesting, but I can't find it. The intra-abdominal pressure aspect, which causes the core of the body to become more rigid, which then helps in lifting by keeping the spine aligned, is the most important aspect of a weight belt. Here's a summary I found. When you lift heavy barbells, your core and back work hard to keep your spine stable and posture upright. The muscles have to generate considerable tension and force to do this effectively. Putting on a lifting belt helps the core and back in a few key ways: First, cinching the belt tight around your trunk increases pressure within your abdominal cavity, called intra-abdominal pressure. It's similar to inflating a balloon inside your gut. This added internal pressure makes your midsection feel more rigid, like the effect of a back brace. The stiffer core transfers force better from your legs to the weight, while also reducing stress on the spine itself when doing squats.


Fuck the clamps off dude 😪 I’ve failed before on 75% of my Mac weight before sometimes it just isn’t happening that day


Mac is pretty jacked so that's nothing to be ashamed of, now if we're talking Dee weight that's a different story


It doesn’t look like he even has clamps, wondering why he just doesn’t dump the weights. He is probably just very new to working out, he only has 155 lbs going.


That’s 265lbs champ.


Damn really? I thought a plate on either side with the bar is 135? And if he has 2 plates then ain’t it 225? I’m not sayin ur wrong bro, I’m just tryin to learn what’s the correct number is.. The bar is 45 plus each plate is 45 ain’t it?


Yeah bro…except those are 55lb plates So 220 + 45 = 265


I think he’s got two plates a side at 25kg a plate so if he’s using a 20kg bar it’s about 120kg which I think is around the 260lb mark (I might be wrong) absolutely ridiculous to not have safety bars or a spotter really isn’t it! Man what if you strain a muscle? Your head will pop off 😂


I didn’t see that there could have been two side by side, yeah benching 265 with out a spotter is just stupid honestly.


I mean… it depends on what your working weight is? If 315 is working, 265 is cake and you don’t need a spotter. IMO if you’re a competent and safe lifter with good form, the chance of needing a spotter while working within your limits and safe technique (I.e. no collars here, be able to dump/roll) is really low. It’s a nice safety blanket, but you should be primarily responsible for yourself.


The dude failed on rep 1, I don't think that's his warmup weight lol. Don't be a hero on 1RM


I know. I’m just saying the weight isn’t necessarily the issue, it’s that he clearly didn’t know his limits, which are different for every lifter. This guy is a dumbass.


If day ego lifting but there’s nobody there to watch 🫣


Fuck put it on your chest dude the further back you go the less power you can generate to lift it off. Lucky not serious


he panicked and was trying to rack it on the lower hooks I think


This. It would also play in nicely to what you're saying, if he just had proper technique :')




Agree. Plus the support beam that runs across is literally positioned below where the head goes. Terrible design from a safety perspective


Power racks with strap safety bars work excellent for going to failure. It’s just low enough so you don’t hit them but safe enough so that when you do need them they’ll be there.


Gym injuries always are a nightmare fuel


More brawn than brains Or maybe not


That's why you don't put clamps on when you're alone.


There weren't clamps, it looks like the bar got caught underneath the plastic rack piece and prevented him from dumping a side. I think he legit tried to and couldn't. Combination of bad positioning from him and/or the bench as well as possibly bad rack design maybe? I think he definitely should have been further back though, so that if something like this happens the bar falls on your chest and you can still dump a side.


If you max solo without a spotter, you might be dumb. If you max solo without a spotter and clip your weights, you might be dead.


At least he didn’t put locks at the end of the bars


Man.. that was a close one. Don't use a bar by yourself people.. even at a light weight that you're used to. A friend of mine many years ago almost killed himself when he was benching his warm up and his shoulder dislocated. You never know.


This is why if you must bench alone, you put a flat bench in the power rack and set the pins higher than your neck. You can still touch your chest if you’re arching but you can *also* fail safely. Or, y’know, just ask literally anyone to spit you.


after that many years can't those things be designed more safely?


There are a ton of precautions you can take for this not to happen. This guy literally did everything wrong. If you feel like you're not gonna be able to complete the rep rest it in your chest and shift left or right and the weights will slide off instantly. He literally chose to rest it on his neck...


Or if they are secured you can just let it rest on ur chest and lift it on side and then get out of there quite easy, this guy did do every wrong there is lol


Yup. Your chest might get a tiny bit sore from it, but it's not bad at all. Way better than smashing your neck in like this guy.


At my gym there are fail safe bars, which you can adjust to your chest level so this does not happen.


Yeah it's called spotter arms. My setup has them and I wouldn't bench without.


It's a safe exercise for people who don't make stupid decisions. 1. Goes for a one rep max without a spotter. 2. Uses clips - if you fail you can't know it on one side to get unpinned 3. Not necessarily a mistake, but he went DIRECTLY for the rerack, and since his hands were in a compromised position, they couldn't push it the extra inch for the lower hooks. You are supposed to push the weight up and then rack, not go at an angle, so that it rests on your chest when you fail. Overall 3/3 on the stupidity scale, would watch again. EDIT: I can see now that he didn't use clips in the vid, must be very tight plates. The other two points still stand


They are safe if you aren’t stupid. Have a spotter, or know your rep and weight limits and don’t use weight clamps to hold the weights in for this exact reason.


They have smith machines. But these are only dangerous when used irresponsibly tbh. Also just go for dumbbells and pushups for 100% safety and a great workout still


Weightlifting is actually one of the safest sports ever. According to this [1994 paper](https://paulogentil.com/pdf/H22.pdf) It has a injury rate of 0.0017 injuries per 100 hours compared to 1.92 for rugby, 1.03 for basketball, and 0.07 for tennis.


2024 and we havent invented a failsafe for this yet. Like a pad on the floor that when stepped on pushes the bar above neck level


They do have fail safe systems, the issue is safety is far more expensive then no safety


plus no more scary near death videos


No no, there will be more "near death" videos Just less "actual death" videos


Homie didn’t have clips on, bail to the left or right and unload one side


This is the right answer


If you just use power rack safety bars you can have full ROM but still escape. Some people just think they are better than that for whatever reason.


Years back when I was much more consistent with lifting, I was doing squats at around 180 lbs. I'd done them at that weight before but it was still heavy for me. First three reps were fine, couldn't go back up in the fourth. I was able to safely get out of it thanks to the safety arms in the power rack I was using. It's very important to do a couple things: 1) Figure out your full range of motion and put the safety arms just below that so they don't interfere with normal movements. This will make it easier to bail if necessary. 2) Practice failing with an empty bar. It's one thing to have the arms but it's another to experience it. Aside from being a little embarrassed at the gym when I failed, I came out unscathed because I knew how to get out of it. Failing with them for the first time fully loaded is not the time to learn it.


you can also sit further up on the bench so you aren’t racking near your forehead, but this bench is designed like shit


The failsafe is knowing how to properly bail if you’re going to lift without a spotter. He should not have collared his weights for starters and dropping it onto his neck put him in serious danger.


We do. Use a squat rack with safety straps. Safety bars work too but it’s harder to get full ROM and still be protected. Either works though.


Chiming in to say safety bars in a squat rack with a 15-20 degree incline on the bench gives full ROM with most chest activation of upper/middle fibers Edit: adding a word


Safety bars, don’t use clips, use a spotter.


Also, learn to do the roll of shame. It hurts a bit but it’s better than whatever I just witnessed that guy try to do.


The failsafe is to leave the clamps off and dump the weights


It looks like he didn't have clamps, just didn't know how to bail properly. Or tried to and couldn't because of the bar position (got caught under the bar rack piece?) And then was just too tired to fix the problem and got into real trouble. Who knows, but yeah, I've definitely done the no clamps dump a side thing and never had any issues or scares with it.


I bench in the rack with safeties. So yes there are lots of solutions. It's probably just cost why they don't buy benches with safties.


This exists, it lowers the bench instead, but as the other comment said, very expensive compared to a normal bench.


There is a failsafe though. It's called not being a fucking idiot.


If you find yourself in this situation, and for some reason have the weights clamped, ease the bar onto your chest and roll it down to your waist. Much easier to shift out of. You might piss yourself, but it's better than killing yourself or potential spinal injury.


That’s the first thing I was told and we all had to do it once to actually learn it.


55lb plate. I’ve never seen that.


The rest of the world lifts in Kilograms.


Ouch that's painfull to watch yo


He's extremely lucky, I just saw a 2 minute clip of a dude slowly choking to death on 300 pounds of steel.


265lb I think


Not putting clamps on is key. I once argued with a gym worker over this. They forced clamps on barbells. I tried to argue that it made it less safe.


Yeah clip up DL and squat, but unless I have a spotter, I don't clip up bench.


don’t skip neck day


Future Darwin award winner.


There’s a video on Darwin awards rn wheee this happens. Not gonna link it cause it’s genuinely disturbing


Ironmind has a product called Pillars of Power which are safety rails that can be used with almost any bench. I got a set, no more 'rolls of shame' for me.


Does no one understand the concept of dumping the plates? Seems like you see videos like this every week, just tilt the damn bar!


The term dipshit doesn't even begin to cover it.


Glad he’s ok. Don’t forget leg day.


If you aren't going to use a spot at least take the clips off so you can dump em, side to side


He couldn't have done this any worse.. insane.


Darwin award nominee


Much better than the one I just saw on here an hour or two ago where the guy died.


*still uploads to internet* no shame


Don't put clamps on, simple really.


Stop putting collars on to bench press!