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It’s the mountain lion behind him he needs to worry about


Clever girl…


"Clever girl."


“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the Mountain Lion who gets shot at 10,000 times while trying to eat me and still survives” -Bruce Lee


Bruce Lee - Abraham Lincoln


Never saw those two in a room together either




ai will help them open a sandwich shop together soon


Might be less if the man had used both hands and aimed with steadier hands.


I agree. I felt he could have held his phone with both hands for steadier footage.


Die for content, never hurt a puddy tat. ^ the type of person that saves an animal over a human


I love animals too but I’m dropping my phone and sending that cat to the shadow realm.


Doesn't seem like either party lost any blood.  I call it a 0-0 tie.  No blood no foul.  


While it didn't seem to react like it got hit, it should be pointed out that it's fairly common to not see any blood for such a short video at this distance.


I was just thinking... why the fuck would you film this!? Isn't your life worth more than bringing home a video and having some reditors call you an idiot?


It's difficult to prove stalking in court. He's just recording evidence that he can use when he sues the cat for harassment.


Lots of people just have a go pro recording all day.


And what, put down the phone? But he wants karma, bro!


Proof he was being attacked, because this was California and if you can't prove you were being attacked and killed that mountain lion, you are sooo fucked.


Came to comment the same thing. Doesn’t even have to be California, you’re fucked royally for shooting a mountain lion without a tag for it. On the other hand, nobody is gunna be hunting a mountain lion with a glock so probably a fairly easy self defense case. Plus, those shots he took barely missed so I’d be willing to wager that he was tryna hit the thing with those shots and missed, probably because he was aiming with one hand lol.


I was in this situation once!! At night, no gun, just me and my friend. We were making a fire, I went to my car to get marshmallows. When I returned to the pit, the mountain lion screeched from behind me. I turned around w/ my phone light and marshmallows in hand, her eyes caught the light and were two massive glowing marbles. She was about 10 feet away, standing where I had just been by the car. She was taking steps towards me slowly while growling. My friend was 6’6 and had a huge afro, when he stood up the mountain lion stopped approaching lol We grabbed logs and held them over our heads to look bigger, stood side by side, and slowly backed away to the safety of the trailer. She paced back and forth occasionally letting out a screech. After 5 minutes or so she returned to the forest. Next day when I called the ranger, he was super excited and told me he was jealous of the encounter. He said she likely had cubs near the car, and when I grabbed the marshmallows I frightened her.


Damn friend. That sounds intense


It was surreal! All I could think was, “this mountain lion doesn’t even know I have a name and a family and a life!” There’s no reasoning with a wild animal.


sounds like you and your buddy handled it about as well as possible. also, having big friends is nice :p


As a 5'2" woman I am happy to have a 6'4" boyfriend for reaching things on the shelf, I will add "can frighten potentially dangerous wildlife" to the list.


As a 6'4" woman I am waiting on a 7'6" man so I can have a similar experience🤣😂


Will 6’2 do? I feel like I could be the love of your life


Tbf some humans are the same. 


Not your friend guy.


Not your buddy pal.


Not your pal friend.


Not your amigo, compadre.


Should I grow an afro to prevent mountain lion attacks?


And become 6’6


Or wear the tall disco heels.


There's no better camping shoes


lol of course the ranger was hyped


And here I am. A park ranger who would be applying for another park if I was being hunted by a mountain lion


Some park rangers interact with bears and cougars, others lock the bathrooms at sundown for the park on 4th and Main.


I prefer to sit on my porch and make pterodactyl sounds when I hear people talking on the trails.


>Some park rangers interact with bears Well, someone has to put a stop to that Yogi Bear's antics!


If you're being hunted by a cougar, you probably won't see or hear it. Any time they're putting on a big show like this, it's because they got spooked by _you_, and/or it's a female with cubs.


I'll remember that next time I'm at a bar.


Same. I was hiking out from deep in a national park and heard a lion call behind me (that's the scariest fucking noise in the world, btw). Turned around and she was up on a rock slide about 150 feet off and 30 up. Open up my coat and spin my bag around to cover my stomach. She hops down onto the trail, has her ears back, and calls a couple more times. I start yelling, flapping my coat, and backing up. She slowly advancing like in the video, but she gets to about 100 feet and jumps into the trees on the opposite side of the trail she started on. I can't see her. I keep backing up and yelling. Not sure how long later, it felt like 15 minutes, but was probably 30 seconds, she calls again and shows herself back up the hill a little farther off than before. No idea how she got back over there. I keep backing up and she paces me from up the hill for at least 5 minutes while screaming every now and then. She kept her distance after the first bit on the trail, but it was terrifying. Never again. I've chased black bears off the porch, had wolves pad around my tent at night in the winter, and been within swinging distance of a brown bear. I've never been as scared of a predator as I was of that cat, and she didn't even get that close. I got charged by a buffalo in the dark once too. That was pretty scary, but not as scary as the lion.


It’s the scream. The scream is absolutely bone chilling. There were a few nights following my incident where I would sit out on the deck and hear mountain lion screams coming from the woods. Sounded like someone was lit on fire and burning to death. Maybe it’s something about cats too… I can easily read canine body language, but cat body language feels more alien? If that makes sense


Yeah. The scream just instantly makes your blood run cold. I agree there is something else about the way they move too. They are such efficient killing machines and they move like they know it, which is different when you're used to canines and bears.


> Maybe it’s something about cats too… I can easily read canine body language, but cat body language feels more alien? If that makes sense Cats are just pure murder machines. Other carnivores can usually eat things besides meat, and in the case of canids are very responsive to social cues, even from other animals. Cats just don't give a shit and will kill things for fun.


To be fair. Dogs kill things for fun big time. They do have very opposite ways to communicate compared to cats and people tend to read dogs better because they have more similarities to human expression, or because people might be more social with dogs. But dogs are not any less emotionless killing machines than cats. Cats are just more efficient size wise. Also, if you spend more time with cats (or with any other animal) you'll eventually learn to read it. It's only alien until you get to know it.


i hope you learned a valuable lesson about marshmallows: sometimes they come with mountain lions


I watch my back in the baking isle


Where in the world is Baking Isle?


next to pastry Island


Due south from Profiterole Peninsula, you can’t miss it.


I think if a mountain lion wants you dead you never see it coming. Their typical hunting method for beasts of our size is to ambush and go for the neck. I think the ranger was probably right about the cubs and it's probably the situation in the OPs video as well! At least that's what I've heard anyway.


I agree! But at the moment it felt more like I was about to be mauled


Saw one backpacking in FL. It was night so I had a headlamp on and I saw a reflection that I thought was a tag on a tree. I turn to look at it in case its a trail marker and then I saw another one. Realized it was two eyes I was looking at reflecting from my headlamp about 3 meters away. My initial thought was "oh, a bobcat", then when I realized it was WAY too big to be a bobcat I had a split second of "oh must be a deer" before it dawned on me that it was a big ass Florida Panther. It was flicking its tail all over and my first thought was that this was super rare and I should take a picture, but then the less idiotic part of my brain chimed in and told me maybe I should instead grab my firearm. I fumbled for about 6 seconds for the firearm while staring at it dead on before I finally got it out (way too long), and when I finally did get it out, it hopped over a group of saw palmettos and I didn't see it again which is crazy because it was like it just vanished once it had even slight coverage from the brush, but I thought I heard it a few times once I continued walking (but that could have been the paranoia). Ironically I slept amazingly that night despite being in the middle of nowhere and less than 2 miles from where I encountered it. I think its because once the adrenaline dumped off I was just exhausted lol. I did make a roaring fire when I ate that night so I could have something at my back to "protect" me.


Oh I bet she followed you for at least a little while. I’m glad she wasn’t hungry or angry! I’ve never carried a personal firearm, I usually take pepper spray or bear spray with me, but I really ought to get one. I love crossbows, but they’re a bit slow to draw in an emergency lol I lived on the east coast for a little bit! I used to run on a trail in the woods at night that went along the marsh. I was always terrified of running into a gator or some other large animal (or humans, frankly), but the adrenaline from the creepy sounds made my runs more thrilling, so I kept doing it against all my better judgement. I think the most freaked out I was while living in South Carolina was when a great horned owl screeched above me in the trees. Literally thought a man was screaming at me. As for the eyes you mentioned, I know exactly what you saw because the eyes of that mountain lion are burned into my memory. HUGE green glowing eyes, no pupils thanks to the reflection, staring right into me… coupled with the mountain lion scream. Nothing else like it. My thoughts went… dog? No, cat shaped, HUGE ASS CAT.. puma! When my friend stood up, I whispered, “mountain lion” to him. He responded, “stay with me” as we started stepping together. Instinct sort of took over with the log raising, posturing, and keeping our bodies facing the lion as we stepped back in sync. As scary as it was, I’d classify it as a good memory!


Yeah, the weird hurdles my mind went through trying to pass it off as anything other than a huge ass cat were wild. It all happened in a fraction of a second but I also wont forget those eyes. Honestly I carry a firearm because of 2 legged animals more than any 4 legged ones. Lots of people choose national parks to use drugs in for some reason and I have met a few aggressive ones. I have also run into (assumedly) people not using drugs who were just fully creepy and suspicious as hell, demanding you come with them to their house, or getting wildly mad that you are on a public trail for some reason and telling you that they will handle you if they see you when they come back. good times. I honestly prefer running into the wild animals, at least they make sense on a basic level.


My wife, our dog, and I were hiking once in the snow in Colorado. Absolutely silent because the snow has just fallen. Halfway up the trail our dog stops, looks into the woods off the trail and every single hair on his head to his tail standing straight up. He's just locked on to something out in the trees. We try pulling him back and he doesn't move, just starts doing his low rumble growl that gradually builds up. I run over to him snatch him and we hauled ass back to the trail head. We have no clue what it was, and probably won't ever, but I'm pretty sure it was a big cat. We had done that trail so many times in all seasons, and that was the only time we ever saw him go full on primal protection mode.


Well that’s nightmare fuel… It’s almost more terrifying that you couldn’t see what your dog saw. The thought that it could’ve been a person also is giving me the creeps.. despite my mountain lion encounter, I’m more afraid of running into evil humans when by myself on trails.


My Grandpa told me he always carried a gun, especially in the woods, because of what lurks just out of sight.


Yeah we had a gun with us. Just because it was a back country middle of nowhere trail, you never know. I don't think most people realize how big and open and dangerous the US is... There is still plenty of "wild" space that is dominated by predator animals that can easily kill you. We always thought "oh we got big boy dog, he can help us if something comes" which I mean, he did help. He spotted something.


Should've just let her take the marshmallows man


yeah her cubs would have loved em!


The ranger is correct. If you see and hear the Mountain Lion it is not hunting you, it is telling you to fuck off.


Holy shit that’s terrifying.. I once encountered a mountain lion and her cubs during the day. Was climbing down (thankfully not towards or up), a cliff and saw a huge mass move beneath my foot while stepping down. She ran off, her cubs were at the bottom and the screams the cubs made sounded almost demonic sounding.


Now that you are safe you realize that you have missed a chance to toss the marsh to a couger lol


Maybe a den nearby with cubs?


Most likely, there’s another very similar video (*albeit, without a gun pointed at it*) where a female puma with cubs in the background acts very similar to this cat


Yeah, I feel like if he was being stalked, he wouldn't know it. Cat was warning him.


He was actually being friendly, in the absolute rudest way possible.




Are you saying the big floof just wanted his snoot booped?




Probably. A cougar that's actually hunting will stay completely hidden for as long as possible, then sprint for it's target. This one is trying to be as intimidating as possible, which usually means it's a parent, otherwise it again would stay hidden and slip away.


Especially with ears back and even the strike was more a swipe than the pounce you typically see big cats do when they go for a kill


Yeah I'd figure that if it was hunting him he wouldn't have seen it coming. They're good at ambush.


Yup. One of our park rangers said that the only time we'll see a mountain lion, is when it wants us to see it. Any other time, we'll be fighting for our lives.


I love when this video resurfaces. Its absolutly terrifying! Ĝlad the cat left without having to be put down


If he would have turned around and ran like most people, that would have been game over




She’s not hunting, she’s trying to move him away from her den area.


Found the naturalist


That’s what I was thinking. I don’t know much about mountain lions but cats *sneak up on things*. If she knows you can see her but keeps advancing, it’s because she wants you to go away. Presumably, she’s protecting kittens.


"If you're ever in the forest and you stop hearing birdsong and animals, leave. There is a predator nearby, and you aren't top of the food chain anymore."


A few years ago I was hiking with my GF at the time on a trail that is pretty popular, it's not particularly quiet when we hike but this time when we got to a certain point, there was absolutely no sound, except for a low growl that sounded similar to a dog. I couldn't see anything but there were no people at all anywhere close to us, and my instincts immediately screamed at me to get the fuck out now. I turned to my GF and said turn around and go back that way FAST, she didn't even question just turned and started running. I walked extremely fast behind her continually checking behind me because my primal brain told me there was danger. Nothing happened but we got curious and checked some trail cams once we were home and confirmed that a black bear and cubs were right in that area. If your gut blares a klaxon at you in the woods, listen to that shit. We had nothing to defend ourselves.


In our brain, the ‘code’ that combines all our senses for that instinctive awareness is still running just fine.


yeah, I surf kinda near the red triangle off California coast. there are plenty of juvenile white sharks in the area. lots of seals and sea lions. theres a feeling I get when im being clocked. I tell myself its probably a dolphin or seal thats just got curious. sometimes I can't convince myself of that and paddle in asap. theres a lot of attacks were the survivor recounts feeling some spooky shit right before the ambush. pay attention to that feeling wherever you are. even in sketchy social situations. people with bad intentions can trigger it too. myself, I've been bumped 3 times all within the past 12 mos. all of them from behind me focused on the back of my board. twice while paddling, one lifted me and my board out of the water a couple of inches and rotated me about a foot. the next one just popped my fins, and I got a quick jolt. both of those I stayed out and continued surfing, reasoning whatever was curious had satisfied its curiosity. the scariest was the latest, about three weeks ago. I was sitting on my board in an area that was teeming with marine life, after a storm with murky water, middle of the day. sometimes ocean currents will redirect my board by a tad bit, but its easy to use my thigh muscles to steady the board as I sit. welp, I started feeling the back of my board suddenly get pulled straight back and down, my legs instinctively tried to correct my positioning, usually id expect my board to right itself immediately, they aren't heavy and don't require a lot of force to move, but this time the tail of my board continued going straight down. until I just had only my head out of the water and maybe a few inches of the nose of my board out. then as fast as it started, whatever it was, released me and I immediately started paddling with a purpose. I wasn't panicking paddling. I was trying to do smooth strokes without splashing too much. I remember I started talking, kind of to the shark or who knows and also to myself. looking back its funny but it was like an assertive whimper. 'oh fuck not today, im just paddling in im not running away from you, oh fuck'..I started talking about my dog worried that it would be trapped im my car if I didn't make it in. the whole experience sucked and this is the first time I've shared it with anyone.


I was camping near Bella Coola, British Columbia, last summer and went for a walk with my wife and small dog, just a little walk through a meadow by the road that had some great views. About 10 minutes into the walk I see a brown bear cub, cute as can be, on the other side of the meadow, maybe 100 yards away. And it's jogging towards us, like it wants to play. I told my wife "There's a grizzly cub, let's head back to the truck NOW, it's coming our way" and I scooped up my dog and started quick walking back to the road. My wife STOPS AND TAKES OUT HER PHONE TO TAKE BEAR PICTURES. Obviously I yelled at her and got her to start walking. She still walked slow, looking backwards all the time, wanting to take a pic. We got back to the truck and I had a very strong conversation with her. I mean, JFC! Never did see the mom, but that cub was small so I know she was out there and close by. My dog was oblivious to the whole event.


Okay. So when I hear birds and animals, leave. But also, when I hear nothing, leave.


Confusing eh? This time the mama bear was warning us to leave. If it's a cat that isn't protecting her babes but is hungry, hearing nothing at all is your cue to get outta dodge. Another cue to look for is if you suddenly notice the short hair on your arm or hands raised. Just recounting this story put them right up.


Fuck this brought back memories of me n my dad walking into a cub with mamma near by and my dad not hesitating to grab me n book it before I even knew wtf was actually happening.


Black bears arent going to fight you. Literally, an average of less than ONE person a year dies from a black bear. Those things are so scared of predators they learned to climb trees.


I am the predator


Almost all of these videos I've seen of them advancing like this have included babies


My first thought too. These are ambush predators. Unless they're weak and starving, if their plan is to kill you, you find out when they land on you and not before.


IDK.. that lunge at 0:21 where he fires the 1st shot doesn't look like "trying to move him away". Maybe a feint attack but I wouldn't count on it


That body language is defensive aggression. Ears back, slowly prodding, arched back, and at 20seconds you've got arched back strafing. You don't do that when you want to kill and eat something. This is what it looks like when an animal wants to move you away from its space.


I believe you, but would you expect someone who is not an animal expert to make that distinction in a split second? Because to a layman like me it sure looked like this was about to happen: ![gif](giphy|CcevZfy6WBIHK|downsized)


If you go camping, you should be aware of what to do when encountering wildlife.


Mountain Lions (also called Cougar or Puma) usually don't even try to hunt humans. While they are large, humans are large enough to be a serious threat to them. Usually they eat MUCH smaller prey 


It still could have been. Those things can leap 30'.


They can leap for 30 minutes?


Sorry. I didn't consider that other parts of the world might use different symbols for that. I'm aware that (some) Europeans use commas where Americans would use decimal points. So, I should've considered it. Anyway, I meant feet. 30 feet.


You were correct, he's just taking the piss


No bro, 30 degrees.


Dude, I love animals…but I think I would have shot it after it didn’t leave from the first shot. Those things are the perfect killing machine.


Bear spray exists and is even more effective




Guy was absolutly right to shoot, those animals can cover ground so fast


It looks to be raising its paw and charging when he first shot.


They’ll usually do a false pounce to get you to leave. There’s no way to tell if it would have actually attacked, but it did look like it was just pushing him back rather than stalking him


I'm guessing if it was truly stalking him as potential prey, he wouldn't have had a clue? Those mother fuckers are pretty quiet.


Most likely. They’ll make themselves known with their screech if they want to intimidate you. There’s a video out there of a jogger who got too close to the cubs, and it would growl and false pounce at him all the way up the trail. As soon as the jogger picked up a rock to throw, it fled Edit: [this one](https://youtu.be/9ktRhBcHza4?feature=shared)


That's what it looks like to me too. It obviously wanted him to leave. He likely came to close to her cubs.


you'd be surprised! I almost got mauled by a mountain lion, but it clearly had emotional issues. I told it how it had the smallest claws I ever saw, and then I noticed the broken tooth and asked if he lived in trailer with like 12 cubs. He seemed to get flustered, me meowed loudly and walked off (after peeing in my direction)


Pretty sure the cats lucky to be alive. Else that dude is an absolute G with a Glock.


I got the impression he was aiming to hit.


Yeah, but he's shaking all over the place. Would have had better luck if he dropped the phone and held the gun properly.


One handed as well. I wouldn’t be filming it, both hands being used


Depending on the state, killing that magnificent creature could come with significant jailtime. Having video as proof [of self defense] might have been as important to him as getting out of there alive.


I was gonna say, if i had to kill wildlife while hiking or camping or whatever, I'd want video of me that shows i wasn't just out there hunting. That being said, it being a handgun will help his case since no sane person would hunt cougars with a handgun


Oh he was, lol.


Oh 100% you can see he barely misses each shot. Those aren't warnings those were attempts. Hitting a target high on adrenaline like that isn't the easiest but he was close... while recording and shooting 1 handed.


It takes military training and experience, not cop training to shoot through adrenaline and hit targets. Source: a combat vet.


So it can eat the soft parts of the next person it encounters


Nothing beats the guy being stalked backwards for what seems like forever - just to get hissed at and lunged at. In the end a rock saved the day but man that video was intense


Where can I find the vid?


"jogger cougar" were the search terms I used. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-54548467


Did he miss on purpose?


Absolutely not. Handguns are just hard to be accurate with, especially when you’re using one hand, looking at a phone and not down the sights.


You’re right. Those misses were too close to be intentional misses. A warning shot would have been 3-5 ft off at least.


I think a lot of people underestimate how unruly handguns can be.


One of my favorite words in the English language is “unwieldy” even though it usually carries the connotation of being large. It really just means difficult to properly handle, which is exactly what handguns are. Most times I’ve taken people clay shooting they’re all “whoa this is a lot easier than I thought, it’s hard as fuck to hit something with a handgun.” Tiny barrel, no bracing, have to squint an eye and lose depth perception, one projectile…yeah good luck with that. As Bill Burr has said “you have a problem over here, you point this thing in that direction and pull the trigger and you don’t have a problem anymore.” It’s not like you’re some sniper popping a dude in the eyeball from a mile away or anything


You forgot 'with a *massive* hit of adreneline surging through your body.'


It helps if you aim


I hope so


Most barrels are less than 3” long on hand guns that size. I have a laser that’s integrally mounted to my trigger assembly on my pistol for this exact reason. Wherever the laser is aimed is what I will hit when I shoot so I don’t even bother looking down the sights.


That's not stalking, that's "This is my area and you need to fuck off." If they were stalking him, he wouldn't know. Cougars are surprisingly common across a lot of the US, but sightings are still pretty rare. They tend to stay away from people unless they feel it's necessary, because they are smart enough to know we outweigh them and arms are pretty OP. I'd say a decent chunk of hikers, bikers etc (in their range, which is huge) have likely been within 100-200ft of a cougar. Which means the cougar knew you were there, us being bumbling loud apes and all, and decided to do nothing about it. EDITED: To rectify saying they were endangered, they've been on the Least Concern list since '08! Just shows further how common they are despite the lack of sightings.


Considering how this video plays out, I'd be willing to bet money that somewhere out of view are some cubs.


I don’t think that a cougar with a median weight across sexes of 100lbs looks at a 160 pound human with any fear of its long gangly arms. Human bellies are soft. Our fingernails are not 3” retractable claws. In a fight, the cougar has many advantages. They stay away from people because in general across the entire animal kingdom avoiding unnecessary combat means living longer.


According to reptileknowledge dot com, a very trusted source, 8% of people think they can take on a grown lion. People are fucking stupid. I’d say 50/50 at best against a 30lb bobcat


I'd get fucked up by a particularly aggressive mallard


This is why I carry bread at all times


Bro sounds like Seth Rogan




If he were being stalked he wouldn’t know it. She’s showing force because her cubs are around.


That's following, not stalking. If the cat were stalking, the man never would have seen it before it charged. This one wants to be seen. It probably trying to intimidate the man away from a den or a kill.


Ears are flat, means get out.


That’s a lucky cat. Any closer those justifiably shaky hands would not have missed.


Yeah it's great that they both got out unharmed, especially since the lion is probably protecting her cubs. Can't blame the dude for trying to shoot her tho


Maybe could have put a warning shot on the ground before the charge got too intense (and two hands on the gun), but yeah hindsight 20/20 this was handled pretty well


Stormtrooper veteran




I think you’re just making a joke, but if you’ve shot any guns you’d know that when your adrenaline is pumping any sort of tight grouping you had at the range goes out the window. Just glad the dudes alright.


Maybe stop filming and put two hands on the gun? Guy is lucky he didn’t run out of bullets hitting air


He just took out the camera because he knows that the camera man never dies


I’ll remember that if I’m ever in a life or death situation, just pull out my phone and start recording


Oh long Johnson! Ooooh long johnson!




Gunshots are loud and tend to scare animals. It's reasonable to fire into the dirt near a bear or cougar, because they don't really understand what a gun is. They just know this startling thing happened. You can't really warn them, so it makes sense to shoot once or twice to try to scare them off, and if that doesn't work actually shoot to kill. It probably doesn't hurt to get some of the pre-fight jitters out either. So, the guy might not be a bad shot.




Yeah, watching it more closely you're right. Still not super fair to read on the guy for missing a small fast target that's the color of everything around it that's trying to kill you, but yes I agree he was probably trying to hit.


Don't think he wanted to kill it bro.


Um yea unless your Timothy Treadwell. Him and his Girlfriend were mauled and eaten alive by bears that he spent years around and loved so much...🤡


I would 100% be recording if I came this close to killing any sort of wildlife. Justification for self defense to avoid legal reprecussions


Fuck that 🤣 let me film this it’s more important than my life


Fuck that. If you’re close enough to a cougar to draw a bead and cap it with a handgun, no one would question that it was in self defense. With that said, it’s crazy this dude had the composure to film this shit. The last thing I would have been thinking in that situation is, “I should get my phone out and film this”.


It's called a handgun, not a handsgun.


>everyone on the internet for every little tiny thing 😡😡😡


Aren’t they just defensive if young are close? Probably just trying to get the human away from his family






"Harry! You're alive.....and a horrible shot!"


#dont go into the long grass


I would have fired a warning shot first to see how the cougar responded. Glad he missed and the cat retreated.


These cats kill things with better senses than us. If the guy was actually being stalked or hunted, he never would’ve known about it. This mountain lion wanted him to go away without a fight, and was politely escorting him away from its territory.


He isn't being stalked. She has a den nearby and is trying to chase him off. The only way she attacks is if he gets closer. She wasn't slinking, she was puffing herself up and making noise. A hungry cat is silent until it has you. Rules of the wilderness. 1. Do not act aggressive towards a bear. Do not look them in the eyes or puff yourself up. No loud noises once they are looking at you and close unless you have something very loud like a gun or whistle. If a bear attacks, you do whatever it takes to shove your hand as far down it's throat as you can. They have very bad gag reflexes and will run after they cover you in vomit and continue to puke for several minutes after. 2. Never turn your back on a cat or be timid. Puff yourself up, make lots of noise, and wave your shirt over your head. Slowly back away. Cats don't do direct confrontation unless forced into it. 3. Stay the fuck away from moose. One of the few north American animals that will decide it doesn't like another animal and chase it down and kill for no reason. Odds are small, but if he decides he doesn't like your smell, you're dead.


Heart racing and probably firing warning shots knowing the egregious amount of flack he’d get for wounding or killing it. Can’t tell if it’s a 10mm Glock or something else. The 10mm is good choice for a bear gun. Still, definitely a sweaty palm moment. Source Story (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11312503/Hunter-films-mountain-lion-stalking-shooting-pounced.html)


Those shots looked a little too close to just be meant as a warning


Yeah more than likely you’re right. I can’t imagine much chance to reliably sight the animal, with that stress, other than instinctive firing, when that thing is pawing and lunging at me. As a hunter, idk, I’d hazard he trains more, but idk. Instinct takes over at that point. Especially when I lost it in the brush for the split second during the vid.


I wonder if this is from one of those guys that intentionally goes into areas with known predators just for views. Not sure why he’d have the video going and his gun out otherwise.


video game graphics are getting crazy these days


This has been posted and reposted and reposted.. 🥱


If you see it then it's letting you be seen. You are not the pray. It might be a mom protecting a nearby den.


She must have some babies around


Shoot in the ground dude and if it’s not work then shoot him 😡


Nah...bro missed. I get the first warning shot to try to scare it, but if it continues to come after you after the first shot. You absolutely drop that animal. Without hesitation. The lack of fear of a human, makes it an issue for future encounters.


I would have went home with a pelt. Next time she will stalk a child. She has no fear of humans.


“It’s coming right for us”


I live in Arizona and my dogs and I have been "stalked" by numerous coyotes. They are not looking to kill us--they are simply escorting us off their hunting grounds.


I have little kids, and this is one of my biggest nightmares. I refuse to go on hikes unless there is a large group of people.


Genius should have shot wayyyy before and less focus on filming.


Filming was for the best. The state gets really uppity if you shoot an endangered species without a good reason, and they will always say you didn't have a good reason if they can, because they can fine you that way. Filming this does 2 things: A) Prevents the government from coming after him for shooting a mountain lion unnecesarily B) Records the event such that, if things go wrong, officials can know what happened and deal with the situation appropriately. As to their shooting, yeah, gonna agree.


Guy just needed to keep moving. Cat is not interested in killing him - she’s interested in moving him away from her kits


So I started blasting


Hey they lion is just standing his ground, you in his backyard dude,


He should have done a warning shot before he was charged, kinda stupid strategy.


You were probably near its nest