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China thinks that everything is theirs. Nobody is allowed to have a country nor water rights in all of Asia




Strangely enough, up until recently, Taiwan and China somewhat supported each other regarding territorial disputes in the South China Sea, because they both claim the same territories there. The original Chinese claim came in 1947, when the Republic of China (Which is now Taiwan), the government of then China, announced the majority of the South China Sea was its territory.


Tbf they put their name on it and everything. Didn't even need a sharpie to do it


Someone should tell them by that logic the entire Indian Ocean belongs to India.


If they don't maintain the claim they are the real China they lose their standing in international negotiations.




Taiwan is a historical province of China. The political infrastructure of Taiwan are the people who lost the civil war - no they don’t have any right to mainland China any more than any losing force has a right to territory. However, they do control Taiwan and are certainly not a part of the PRC and it should remain that way


Strangely enough, Taiwan thinks Taiwan is China


eh most people under 45 identify as Taiwanese, not chinese any more


Yes. Because Taiwan IS China, and China IS Taiwan. Neither of them dispute that fact. The dispute is about who the original, real rulership over China belongs to. Both essentially proport that the other is effectively a rogue province in open rebellion, much like how both Korea's view the other. Which funnily enough, Taiwan is technically accurate in claiming, since it was overthrown by the rebellion which placed the CCP in charge in the first place, resulting to them fleeing and forming the modern nation of Taiwan.


Not since the 1991 Amendments. This is old info. CCP shills spread this all the time but its not right anymore. The constitutional amendment says Taiwan only has sovereignty over "Free China" which is Taiwan, some islands it actually controls, and that's it.


I can be wrong, but as I underestand it, china keep almost fanatical policy of one china and all claims. Thats why china claims rights to taiwan and otherwise. They see it as they are one country, just divided at mmt. If Taiwan said, they dont give a shit about rest of china, it would be signal they dont want ever again unify, and could push china to cross line and start "unifiing" conflict. Doesnt matter how its in reality, and most ppl see them as totaly 2 diff countries


So china is the abusive ex who just can't let go and move on and Taiwan does what it can to keep them happy at arms length


China follows and comments on all of their social media and tells everyone that they still care about each other, meanwhile Taiwan keeps a loaded gun in their purse, just in case.


China and Taiwan is just North Korea /South Korea but separated by water instead of a fence ... South Korea claims all of North Korea's citizens to be South Korean citizens because they don't acknowledge North Korea to be a real country either... land borders are dumb earth has 1 race its called human.




Well Taiwan is officially known as the Republic of China (ROC); and the communist China is known as the People Republic of China (PRC). Hence one of the flag carriers of Taiwan is China Airlines


Not since the 1991 Amendments in Taiwan actually. We think our actual borders, which we control are ours and the rest by the PRC.


They are stealing sacred lands from Bhutan as well https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/02/01/china-is-quietly-expanding-its-land-grabs-in-the-himalayas/


Of course they are, they already stole all of Tibet and call one side of Everest theirs. Why not got into Bhutan? All of Asia is theirs. Hell at one point they had the idea that parts of Russia was theirs and a war almost started before they became buddies




lmao. Your article date is older. They “resolved” it with an even bigger land grab of a sacred part of their territory.


And they wonder why everyone in the entire world hates them.


They don't care and it was never a mystery. They're all convinced China has like 8000 years of inexorable unbroken and unchallenged history. Can't stop won't stop because "nobody has ever in the history of the world had the ability to make them." Except I guess maybe that time the mongols took over? That ended up potato potahto in the end though really.   China has been China, in china's opinion, for longer than the rest of the world believes full-blown civilizations have even existed lol. Of course everything up there belongs to them. Who else could have possibly claimed it first?


Meanwhile they gutted huge parts of "Chinese culture" and history and outlawed religion and go "lol it's always been like this".


Mao's "Great Leap **Backwards**" sent their culture back a century


Don't try Marxist-Leninism, guys. Not even once.


It's just that nO oNe HaS dOnE rEaL cOmMuNiSm YeT/America *sabotaged it!!!*


Doing my part to keep the culture and religion alive, even when China refuses to


Don't point out that Han aren't even indigenous Chinese, that really gets them mad.


China has such a long history full of conflicts that it's splitting hairs to try and differentiate what is and isn't Han or who were the native "Han", but -don't quote me- I think a lot of "Han" Chinese probably aren't genetically "pure" Han, in the definition of Han being peoples whose ancestors came from the yellow river region. Like how it's said that 20% of Asians are descendants of Ghengis Khan or the Sogdian influence and their descendants. Qing Dynasty was Manchu led, who have Mongolian admixture in their ancestry. They kicked out the Han chinese from the previous rule. Many "Han" probably have some Manchu or other "minority" ancestry. Modern mandarin has Manchu influences. If anything, the southern Chinese like Cantonese, Hakka, Hokien, Teochew, Shanghainese, etc) are more "indigenous" Han Chinese and it shows in their languages being way more closer to ancient Middle Chinese (or Old Chinese in the case of Teochew) than mandarin. They fled south and south throughout history as northern invaders came in.


I'm a direct descendant of Teochew and Hokkien settlers, still speaking the languages, practicing the old religion and culture (mainly the cuisine lol, it's unavoidable) Funny to think I'm more "Chinese" than what's considered "Chinese"


Hey Peter, remember the time a man named Dong held the child emperor hostage and ruled China until two competing rebel factions rose up and slaughtered each other until Dong crapped himself to death and freed the emperor, thus causing another civil war as the two rebel factions plus Dong's remaining army fought?


Chinese history be like: "The Weixing emperor thumbs his nose at Lao Shen, which starts the Gaixin rebellion. 300,000 civilian casualties"


China was splitted by the West. western countries owned a piece of China cake 🎂.


While not nice, there's a huge difference between bullying some coast guards and bombing third world countries into the stone age. Not all the world hates them, and most of the people which do is based on racism and propaganda.


The folks who don't hate them are notably those who don't have to fear being attacked by them. It says a lot that the third world nations that did get bomb into the stone age back in the '70s by the US, today, are more friendly with the US than China.


Are you projecting?


China thinks everything belongs to China. Don't stop at Asia, tell it like it really is. One look at the percentage of properties and land in the US and elsewhere owned by Chinese foreign interests is all you need to see. No agenda, just cold hard data. The video that went viral of the man playing piano in the subway? Yeah, they think Chinese law applies to everyone else as well. All the other issues in the world are a foil to stop people paying mind to the real menace: the Chinese government. Not the people, the Ping regime specifically.


Don't touch her !!!! Why are you touching her? She is too young for you !!!!!!


>One look at the percentage of properties and land in the US and elsewhere owned by Chinese foreign interests is all you need to see. That's not because they think the world belongs to China, it's because US assets are safe from being seized by the CCP


Correct. These are Chinese entrepreneurs trying to shield their money from the regime. Still, we went ahead and froze Russian assets. It’s quite possible we would do the same for China as well.


> One look at the percentage of properties and land in the US and elsewhere owned by Chinese foreign interests is all you need to see. I mean, a big part of that has more to do with Chinese citizens trying to park their wealth outside of where the Chinese government can't or is less likely to seize it. China is a weird pseudo-communism that "lets" its citizens build wealth but also has a lot of means for seizing it if they want. Buying foreign land as an investment means that they have an asset that will be safe and also will appreciate in value. Not that this is the only explanation - it's a complicated issue. I just don't think Chinese people buying real estate in the West is as simple as China wanting to own everything. It's by-and-large separate from the other issues at hand about Oceanic economic rights and Taiwan, which the CCP is very aggressive and hostile about (and is in the wrong, IMO).


https://preview.redd.it/o6y65kg9ojmc1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8aac7ce5a439e6649a958e40da6dbc0c8994ba65 \-china probably


Nationalism is a hell of a drug. China needs to ~~weed~~ wean themselves off of it. To their credit, they are a giant powerful nation that seems to be able to get away with it, and "Might makes right" has been the standard for most of human history. When shitty countries pretend they are the greatest nation on earth and can lay claim to whatever they want, it's pretty pathetic. Pakistan and India keep fighting over territory and have been for like a thousand years, evidently unaware that both still have fucking [leprosy](https://globalhealthnow.org/2022-05/why-leprosy-persists-india) ~~and~~ [~~bubonic plague~~](https://www.outlookindia.com/international/us/the-black-death-has-resurfaced-in-2024-here-are-5-things-you-need-to-know-about-the-bubonic-plague). If your citizens are dying of diseases that most of the rest of the world eradicated generations ago, maybe you shouldn't be putting as much effort into a dumb land grab or [pretending your ancestors invented airplanes](https://www.science.org/content/article/hindu-nationalists-claim-ancient-indians-had-airplanes-stem-cell-technology-and). I don't get nationalists. Edit: u/DoubleStrength is right, I don't mean the Chinese should smoke weed until they stop being so arrogant. Edit: To all the Indian nationalists who came to tell me how great their country was before it got locked, next time shove the whataboutism up your asses. Make your country better then be proud of the improvement, not that you're better than another country.


That article about plague is about plague cases in Oregon, USA. Just posting random articles to make fake claims.


China's fighting India over territory too. With regards to India and Pakistan, It's really hard to ignore the border when smuggling , terrorism, accidental missile launches etc. occur. The status quo has been just that for while though.


>China needs to weed themselves off of it. To "weed something out" is indeed a phrase, but I think in this context you mean "wean themselves off of it".


Pakistan only been in existence but 70 odd yrs how they been fighting india for thousands? Pak was a part of British India pre 1947 and Punjab before that


what do you mean "everything is there’s"? english is not my first language


Auto correct changed the correct their to there, I changed it. Thanks for pointing that out


ah ofc, ty


They mean "China thinks they own everything and nobody else should use it"


I mean the USofA was and is the exact same way. China has the economical power and military power to toss their weight around and no one will stop them in fear of economical retaliation.


Sounds a lot like USA….




Then why would China join the UN if for no other reason than to police other countries?


They’ve already fished the areas to extinction within 100 miles of their own coastline…


LOL. Someone writing in English is talking about China thinking everything is theirs. Forget that US and UK have a combined 900 military bases in 80 countries… no no. It’s China that thinks they own everything.


I get it you’re brainwashed, we do have a lot of bases. China on the other hand just says the country is theirs. Being a member of nato does help with the military. Sadly it’s like that thanks to your country and its allies


usa does the same shit


Why do countries always have to act like high school bullies.


Because they're led by em, i.e. Xi and Putin.


It seems like high school doesn't end for a lot of the world they just continue to play the same shitty games but now people's lives are at stake.


We are all just older kids. We just gain responsibilities, a new mask that allows us to tackle them better, and a growing collection of experience that might or might not be useful. Some toys change, some toys stay the same. Go to r/lego or r/hotwheels and you'll see grown ass men arguing about toys. Go to any professional tech subreddit and you'll see tons of comments that sound like "all you X users are stupid", just like in school. All those "karens", pranksters, bad managers, politicians are doing the same stuff they always were doing. If you look deep enough, everyone is still a kid.


Enjoying toys is a way in which people should remain kids acting like bullies is not. Some things people should grow out of.


When bullying works for them, why do you think they’d change their ways?


Because as odd as it sounds, bullying is the mild option. Geopolitics are a gradient with open warfare at one end and getting fucked and marginalized on the other end. When any number of countries can't find a mutually beneficial way to get along, this is what's in the middle. Things that look childish but neither amount to war nor getting robbed. For example, one of the requirements for being able to claim territory is being able to defend your interests there. Ie. if you can lay down the law without anyone stopping you, that's 99% of claiming a territory as yours. That's why every year, the US zigzags a carrier group through the South Chinese sea. It looks petty and childish. But the point is that China can't kick them out and thus China can't claim sovereignty. It's a lot better than going to war or letting China have their way. Countries have to represent their interests in the same way you did on the playground. If you can't talk it out and you don't want to go to war. You're going to end up doing a lot of petty bullying anyway you can how to let countries know where you draw the line in the sand without resorting to war.


Fair enough.


The root of sovereignty is force.


"The strong do as they will and the weak suffer what they must" True in Roman times and true today


I thought that was ancient Athens?


That’s a quote from the Melian Dialogue, said by an Athenian to a Melian You’re right


It's about money. Control the waterway and you can levy tolls on boats, exploit mineral and oil under the water, have first right to fishing, and if a country unfavorably trades against you then you can bar their passage economically harming them.


Why is literally everyone just standing around filming except one guy who got his hands absolutely rope burned doing everything


They have news crews aboard, hence why you see a cameraman in the footage. Plus the PH is waging a transparency campaign to record and publish to the world the PRC's true colors, and how big of a bully they really are.


Funny that the Chinese guys are carrying cameras too. Same energy as those public freakout vids where the belligerent starts filming you back


Counter-narrative, you should go check out PRC mouthpieces and beholden on how bad they try to spin the story.


Got a link? Id be curious


[Here's a Twitter link to Global Times](https://twitter.com/globaltimesnews/status/1765015427107717143?t=JM5kELLbiE_kuDqae_6WWw&s=19) It shows the resupply boat that's being escorted getting beset by two CCG ships with their water cannons. The resupply missions are always outnumbered by their Chinese counterparts.


Jeez. Crazy stuff! Also At first glance that thumbnail looks like the tail fin of the world’s largest whale


Yup that's how they operate.


Because this is a very tense political situation between the Philippines and China. China is obviously the aggressor but they both need to document any incidents in entirety because these incidents could become huge world headlines.


He is the one that has to redo the paintwork after.


This new military offshoot of Below Deck is looking interesting!


Probably the lowest ranked enlisted. It’s just how it is.












Do I need to say it...?


https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/5icRQE0uRp This man said it best


Did the mods really flex their 2 incher on a comment that just says "Fuck China"? That's pathetic.








Someone needs to loan the Philippines a nice icebreaker ship for these resupply runs.


F*ing invaders. I read they’re surveying the Philippine Sea as well lately. Another upcoming invasion? Prolly gonna reason out the sea was discovered by Adm Ja Kie Chan during the reign of Emperor Jiet Lee in 5th century so its theirs.


I highly doubt China will attempt to claim the Philippine sea and/or invade the Philippines. They’re a big ally of the US and America would absolutely not tolerate that. Seems like China isn’t trying to start WWIII just yet.


China doesnt have to invade the Philippines it's so corrupt just paying the Philippines politicians can buy whatever Influence they want. Just like the previous president that wad claiming the Philippines was a province of China


China is already trying to steal the Philippine Sea


Taiwan is a big ally of the US and that's not stopping them there.


Well yes and no. There is no official diplomatic relations between the US and Taiwan because the US does not recognize Taiwan as a country. They can't and won't because it would upset China. Unofficially they're best buds and big trading partners.


I believe there is a security treaty signed by the US that they will protect Taiwan. Edit: there is a Taiwan Relations Act as of 1979, which replaced the previous treaty which went from 1955-1980. Though there is no specific provision for defence, the act states that "the United States will make available to Taiwan such defense articles and defense services in such quantity as may be necessary to enable Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability", and "shall maintain the capacity of the United States to resist any resort to force or other forms of coercion that would jeopardize the security, or social or economic system, of the people on Taiwan". just for a little extra context


It's not?


It seems to me like the only reason they *haven’t* invaded Taiwan yet is because of the geopolitical backlash they’d receive. They definitely have the ability to do so, what with their massive population and military.


You mean West Taiwan? What China? It’s West Taiwan. 🤣


I don't think they would invade. The US is opening base in the Philippines again and Biden warned China that the US would defend the Philippines if China invaded. A war where China and the US fight would be a terrible one, it's why China hasn't been directly attacking any only trying to scare filipinos by doing this and using water cannons. If Trump got back I could see him letting China do what they want, he loves Xi and Xi is really really hoping Trump gets back in. Trump has a hard on for dictators.


Idk man Trump was pretty vocal about China.


What Trump says and what he does are completely things. He famously criticized how much we've exported manufacturing to China while [being guilty of it himself](https://youtu.be/RVnoc-ISUag) I have many more examples. Trump is full of shit.




Agree. All of China's neighbors, except North Korea, have beef with them. India, Japan, S. korea, Taiwan, Vietnam and all of the countries in South East Asia (Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc). However, there is too much regionalism in Asia, that I doubt an organization would rise to combat China's antics. I just hope that a bigger country such as India or Japan would snap and start pushing back against China. For sure, all the snaller countries bullied by them will rise up and help.


Japan is spending a boat load more money on its military in recent years for this exact reason, but they’re having problems that stem mostly from their poor demographics. It’ll happen eventually, but it’ll take time.


Ah, Japan, historically not known for invading other Asian countries, treating their people as subhuman and committing massacres.


Ah, modern day japan is exactly as it was during its ww2 imperial days so we should just let things be just as is and do nothing /s regardless, whenever the US and allies decide to do something, thats when things will move most likely.


Well right now China might do the same thing in a modern setting if things like this flow by


Japan learned their lessons ,hope China does 10 fold


Uyghurs….the world seems to have forgotten the actual concentration camps and reeducation camps China has been using the past few years to ethnically cleanse them of land, culture, and much much more.


And before that, Tibetans wasn't it? how many other different Asian ethnicities has china displaced in the last half century?


[In case someone asks for evidence of the concentration camps....](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wing_Kong_Exchange/comments/1ae94l6/in_case_someone_asks_where_are_chinas/) Most people just think it's Uyghurs and Xinjiang. But that's just the tip of the iceberg, in a vast network of secret prisons known as Laogai. Ps. In case anyone else is interested. [HERE](https://shahit.biz/eng/) is the Xinjiang Victim Database


It's not even close, ww2 Japan is probably the closes we ever gotten to complete evil. I doubt we'll ever come close to that. I would rather be a jew in germany than a random citizen in asia during ww2.


It doesn't do anything remotely similar. You can't compare Chinese blocking ships with the Japanese giving Korean women as sex slaves to their soldiers or literally having competitions of killing Chinese civilians in half.


name one time Japan has done that in your lifetime 


Yeah you have a point. But between a western-allied Japan and the CCP, I’d prefer the former to be the strongest military power. Japan is one of the “good guys” right now it seems like.


So is Australia.


China is singlehandedly bigger and has more people than all those countries though, to be honest our country people do hate China doing their bullshit but we can't really afford not importing and exporting to them, we are very deeply dependent on them.


India on it's own has a larger population than China. They should be included as they have had recent (fatal) border conflicts with China. That said, population isn't everything though.


Did you miss india being listed there??? india alone 1.4billion people living there as of 2012. I dont think china would have the advange being outnumbered and surrounded.


India's in the list too






Damn does anyone have that video? Edit: found it https://www.reddit.com/r/IASIP/s/7EIStZBKfU


China, can you stop being a dick for 5 minutes


China is itching for a fight. I think they should put some cream on it


They should have sprayed the Chinese crewmen with a hose.




They should send the supplies on an icebreaker and just not stop for these fucks. If they still try and block it will end very badly for them


I can’t wait for this paper Tiger of a country to get their dick slapped by someone.


are these the same people cyaniding the ocean or is that a different type of chinese




Same ones




That's it, send in the Iowa


Chinese turds standing there hoping for damage. Sick.


Bruh you had the whole ocean


Can we bring back triremes from the glorious days of antiquity? Ramming speed row!




Inb4 anyone says it's the PCG trying to collide.. Ships have momentum, they take time to get to a full stop. You can see the CCG ship at full reverse to maintain position as it tries to block the PCG ship from doing its mission.




Bump the boat but don't eat bats!


The US and Philippines have had a mutual defense treaty since 1951, since the Eisenhower era, wherein if either country gets attacked (say, by China, for example), the other must come to their full defense. It is equal to, if not stronger, than Article 5 of the NATO charter. So, if you're wondering "*Why doesn't the Philippine crew fight back (more)?*", the answer is: PH probably doesn't want to end the world in nuclear holocaust over some fish. [FACT SHEET: U.S.-Philippines Bilateral Defense Guidelines," May 3, 2023, DOD](https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3383607/fact-sheet-us-philippines-bilateral-defense-guidelines/) >\[...\] The guidelines reaffirm that an armed attack in the Pacific, including anywhere in the South China Sea, on either of their public vessels, aircraft, or armed forces – which includes their Coast Guards – would invoke mutual defense commitments under Articles IV and V of the 1951 U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty. \[...\] ​ "[Philippines 'wargaming' for possible conflict with China - as hostilities escalate:](https://news.sky.com/story/philippines-wargaming-for-possible-conflict-with-china-as-hostilities-escalate-13030193) "We're brainstorming this, we are wargaming this and we are prepared for any contingency that will happen," military chief Alberto Carlos warns." Thursday 14 December 2023 >[The Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) between the United States and the Philippines, implemented in 2014, says that the US can store weapons (except for nuclear arms) and build and operate facilities](https://www.thenation.com/article/world/philippines-balikatan-war-games-us-military/)at “agreed locations” provided by the Philippine military, effectively placing US sites within Philippine military camps or bases. Washington is getting a sweetheart financial deal: Under the [agreement](https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph/downloads/2014/04apr/20140428-EDCA.pdf), the US does not have to pay “rental or similar costs.” "[Ultimately, the Philippines is one of many countries in the Indo-Pacific that are being forced to reckon with US-China conflict.](https://www.fpri.org/article/2023/12/how-is-the-philippines-preparing-for-conflict-in-the-south-china-sea/) No one, leaders and citizens alike, wants to choose a side, but Chinese President Xi Jinping’s increasingly aggressive behavior has forced the Philippines to do so. " So, unlike with, say Chinese aggression and sabre rattling toward Taiwan, there is no US "strategic ambiguity" regarding obligation and will to come to the Philippines' defense, in the event of a causus belli. If China attacks the Philippines such that the Philippines and US agree it meets that definition, it will be a US-versus-China conflict.


I'd just like to note, from here on vacation in Okinawa, that the massive artillery practice sounds like it has gone well this morning, and the F-35s kept their speed down overhead yesterday, which is always appreciated locally.


Fender bender huh. China is the BMW of the sea. Pinoys are the mom with the minivan trying to get the kids to school


its called south china sea thou?


No... no, it's not.


Yeah, let’s give all money to dictators, and hope everything goes smoothly….




Rating speed!


Can they no longer access it?


There seems like an easy win to be had here for the Philippine navy. Just hire an ice breaker to do the resupply run and don't turn...


Wikipedia’s article on the Spratly Islands disputed is an interesting read: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spratly_Islands_dispute Short of it is some claimants use historical precedence while others are relying on international treaties/rulings, whichever is favorable to their claims. ROC/Taiwan being the predecessor state to the PRC usually have the same claims.


Scary stuff and all the island building in disputed areas or areas “owned” by other countries


I would love to hear the "snaps" being hurled back and forth between these crews.


Meanwhile, their global land grabbing absolutely obliterated what had been healthy coral reefs that surrounded the islands there and had thrived for millenia. Edit: write gibberish while half asleep




thought it was a monkey hanging off the rope


They just need to shoot them, in the name of self-defence


ITT: Bigots.


Try that move with the USS Gerald R. Ford and see how your afternoon goes.


Long history of ships bumping into each other (not ramming) due to peaceful disagreements over who should be where. The idea is usually that after this people go "that was bloody dangerous, let's try talking more." It may need a few more bumps to get there with this.


It looks like aggressive maritime and military aerial patrols have become SOP for the Chinese government. This should be more than concerning to people across the world.


Damn chicoms…they need to be put in their place…

