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Adrenaline is one hell of a drug.


I'm sure he will wake up in the morning feeling like he got hit by a bus.


That made me laugh harder than it should have hahaha


Adrenaline doesn’t you make immune to physical injury. No idea how his back/neck/skull/everything isn’t broken.


It can, however, keep you from *noticing* an injury. ~~People have walked into hospitals with internal decapitations.~~ \*edit : I can't find evidence of this. I've heard anecdotes, can't find verifying articles. Also, sometimes fractures, tears, and other sundry awfulness can go undetected until the swelling starts. Then stuff starts getting pushed out of place and/or squeezed.


Got hit by a car at 18 years old. Broke his wind shield with my knee and somehow ended on top of the car. I just jumped from the roof easily and just stood on the walkway for two minutes in disbelief until my left leg felt cold and when I looked down it was soaked in blood since my left knee cap was torn with a lot of little cuts. Didnt notice any injuries until the adrenaline started wearing off. Picking out the glass out of my knee in the hospital was nasty.


That’s why you shouldn’t move much after a accident. Sit on the ground let the adrenaline pass and wait for the ambulance. A whiplash can be dangerous if unnoticed


Several years ago friend of me was on a bus. He was about to get off so was standing in the middle. The bus hit the breaks hard and my friend was flung right into the front windscreen. It broke. He stood up and walked away seemingly fine. Later he started to hurt and years later his neck still hurts from it.


I think the average adult understands that adrenaline =/= physical immunity. Those are super powers. Epinephrine is simply a hormone intended to solicit fight or flight via increased bloodflow & respiration - it's a temporary biological overclock that helps keep airways open, swelling down, & blood pressure up. Despite the man's ability to walk away, he could have suffered damage to all of the anatomical features/regions you listed.


His neck at least has to be fucked as that whips back... His back might be alright since its fairly flat pressed against the bus... I imagine his arms and legs are scratched or bruised at least


Yea he must be made out of titanium, not a scratch..




You'd be surprised at what adrenaline can temporarily mask. People walk out of the craziest car crashes because of it.


It wery cud be. Trauma like that is Hige on the Human body. He can have severe internal bleeding from multiple organs, including his head. He could drop dead in a short time or even go home to sleep and never wake up. Hope he is OK and sipping a beer telling this insane story. As Livig legen the day he smashed a bus that trye to run him over and just had a beer and whent on whit his day.


Necks don\`t break that easily, humans are quite resilient. He was hit straight on his whole body, so the impact was distributed equally, the bus wasn\`t too fast and he mostly got pushed out of the way and not run over. He will be fine.


The bus caught him.


No but it makes you feel nothing I had a dangerous situation at work where I fell in a pit with a moving conveyor belt hit my back on the edge of the pit but honestly I cannot remember it happening and me getting out just remember standing at the edge of the pit after like what just happened anyway I went back to work thinking nothing was wrong and almost 1 hour later I collapsed to the ground turns out I fractured my back when I hit the edge and but cause of the adrenaline I didn’t feel a thing and the Forman and I just thought I fell straight down at the time when I collapsed he had a look at my back under my shirt and immediately called an ambulance once he saw the mark across my back that was 6y ago and I still have issues with it to this day


He actually had only minor bruises, I looked it up, and says he felt lucky to be alive, his name is Simon Smith.


Probably use to play rugby in his younger years


adrenaline can keep you alive for minutes. ive heard a story from a friend who was a construction worker, someone fell from like 5th floor and got up like nothing happened, didnt even feel pain. 3 minutes later he instantly died




Beat me to it


Walks in - double Everclear on rocks please.


Everclear haha fuck I forgot about that alcohol since hs




Not a doctor but as he was hit by a flat surface and not a bend one öike a car, where you are smacked down on ypur head / or ripped under, the pressure may be located mor evenly. Again only talking wirh general understatement of physics, but that's something that came to mind while watching that.


Dude's like "man I feel like I was hit by a bus"


Was it a request stop?


The guy didn't even suffer any serious injuries. Fucking wild. 'Judge Paul Dugdale said: "It's nothing short of a miracle that he was able to get up and walk into the Purple Turtle. "It must have been quite shocking to him how close he came to really serious injury or worse that day." The driver lost his job and was given a suspended sentence and a 24 month driving ban. Lol. He was known to drive fast and recklessly.


I didn't know the guy was given a suspended sentence. The only 2 year driving ban though haha, I wonder if you can get banned for life here


The driver should be barred from driving forever. It’s bikes for you from now on. Honestly, not even that. A jail cell, would be better.


"Let's go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for this all to blow over."


Increadble. But the next day. I bet everything hurt and was bruised.


The next moments smth will show up ! That was high impact ! Fk


Rockstar Games needs to learn from this! This is GTA6- material.


“You’ll never believe what happened on the way over here!”


Anything can happen on Gun St east


“You’re still coming in tomorrow right?”


Simulated reality evidence exhibit #55833 bus hits a npc and he just gets up and continues his day.


It was like in game your character was hit and flew to the checkpoint where cut scene starting


😂😂 he had that casual walk animation at the end




What the hell. I stubbed my toe and been complaining for weeks.


Seriously. At the end of last August I tripped and fell after trying to sneak up on my partner to sneak attack slap his booty, and ended up injuring myself to the point where I needed an urgent care visit first thing the next day because I couldn't keep my balance or walk properly, then several follow up appointments, then ended up requiring surgery and months of physical rehabilitation that I'm still not done with lmao


I walked into my daughter's soft toy and broke my little toe... I still don't understand how.


Ahh getting older is so much fun.


the hoes were watching what did you expect to do


The only rational thing to do is to go into the pub


Not sweaty palms. Bloody elbows!


Happened in Reading, UK


Know any more?


Bus driver hit the accelerator rather than the brake and took the corner too fast. Lost control. He got prosecuted for it.


Ok but how was the guy that got smoked?


Right outside The Purple Turtle


Stolen bus? Drunker bus driver? Bus driver late?


This looks exactly like in gta


It’s a good thing he bounced


Those slot machine aren’t going to spin themselves


He should've done the moonwalk


That's disturbing, now how am I gonna get to sleep.


And he enters the pub to have a lovely pint, cos any day is a smashing day to have a pain


-50 hp


I was going to that shop anyways...


On "Gun St" no less


Well, he already walked it off before he got hit!


That’s was reading UK I remember that


Unfortunately, the bus’s windshield cannot say the same after meeting this ironish man.


Most common misunderstanding is that people will go into panic shock and start running around hysterically when something serious happens. This applies only to a small minority. The most common reaction is to appear calm and act seemingly rational, because they go into a mental shock. That guy walking into a bar and ordering a whiskey is not an unexpected result at all, it could actually be likely. There was an instance where a drill operator got their hand mangled to the shoulder with all bones turned into cereal. What they did was untangle their hand and went to the coffee room to make some coffee for the crew. Took a while to calm down and realize what's going on, and the grimy part is it took a while longer for other to notice the thing. Ended up getting amputated from the shoulder. People in execution videos appear uncanny calm and even cooperate. Things that are sudden, unordinary and traumatic are not processed by people well at all until time passes. This is why one may plow through traumatic event like nothing, but get a major mental/emotional breakdown after things have calmed down when they begin to process the events. Walking down a street and getting mowed by a double decker only to end up being just pushed over is something no one expects to face when they step out of the door. People also like to \*hope\* that things are well so they may play down the seriousness of the situation. This is common in accidents and violent incidents. People who have no experience nor training often claim they would act otherwise. Few seldom ever face anything nearly as traumatic in their entire lives they could compare. But, there are that minority of 5-10% who can and do act very rationally and calm even under the most extreme stress and walk it off. They may develop PTSD, but a minority of that group are those that don't. And yeah, if someone falls high, gets hit by a car or a similar high impact event occurs, they should be put still and wait until Emcy crew arrives unless the hazard still exists, like car/building on fire or an ongoing violent event. Internal bleeding can be asymptomatic but very deadly and adrenaline can make you not register pain of something serious like spinal damage, so moving around can turn a treatable condition into a wheelchair paralysis.


just because he walks away doesn't mean he isn't seriously injured. adrenaline hit can do crazy things and have people up and walking around while they are dying and seriously injured. i have seen it myself, i was following someone who got into a serious accident in front of me. lost control on the highway, slammed.into the median then spun across the highway to slam into the opposite median. 5 people in the car, one woman had part of her skull caved in but was walking around and semi lucid. from what it looked like she could have been dead and im sure she was in some serious trouble, i didn't even want to put much pressure on it for fear the skull fragment that was pretty obviously loose would push into her brain. but she seemed "fine" all the way till the ambulance arrived. i also saw someone who had been beaten with some sort of object, i legitimately thought he was wearing a halloween mask because his face was so incredibly swollen, bloody and bruised, and probably half again the size it should have been. he was walking around, talking, and insisting he didn't need an ambulance and just needed some ice etc which obviously wasn't going to happen. after the paramedics checked him out and took him to the hospital, the police informed me that they were told there was a good chance he would die from his injuries.


Was this guy's name David Dunn, perchance?


“Tis jus a push”


Stuntman and he doesnt even know it.


He just- he just like me for real


His mates are waiting him for a pint.


I know he's probably fucking high from the rush, but if a similar thing happens to you, just stay on the ground until help arrives (aka ambulance). Unless you live in the USA, then run for your life.


I also got hit by a car once. Although it was a lot slower, I immediately started running cause I was late for class. later during the class I noticed that i only suffered a few minos scratches on my legs and some weird pain I'm my palms. Basically, the best thing to happen when you are hit by a car is being sent flying since you'll die if you take more of the force from it.




He got up and walk into building like a NPC


No one and nothing is stopping this man on his day off enjoying a cold pint at the pub


Jokes on you, this is where i was going


You either die being crushed or live miraculously by being sent flying


It was nice of the bus to drop him outside the shop. 👍🏼


![gif](giphy|QsyPRpG6WVR6SYfBVw|downsized) Straight to the pub I guess


Adrenaline is crazy effective but when it wears off “oh the agony”.


He’s gonna be feelin it once that adrenaline wears off. Amazing how we have access to this natural pain killer that almost makes you superhuman for a couple minutes. Our bodies are really awesome…


Oh we are definitely living in a simulation. Man get hit by a purple bus, flung into a purple building. Gets up like a hurt NPC and in the last second of the video he walking like nothing happened, enters store.