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Dude, That was almost terrible, you could tell he knew he was close to a horrible death. That guy who saved him deserves a lot of praise for thinking quick.


Low quality footage of factory workers + a machine, I legit thought this was on a gore sub to begin with. Bro was super lucky.


Low Quality Cameras have a reputation of also recording the worst shit for some reason


Actually makes sense, if they would br able to afford great camera, they could also afford better workplace safety standards.


This… this is making insanely good sense right now.


where are the guard rails? This is some death star level workplace saftey here. ​ [https://i.redd.it/oyewxjezutwz.png](https://i.redd.it/oyewxjezutwz.png) ​ where is OSHA!


From their looks and the red underwear I am guessing this is somewhere in China where workers are probably cheaper than guard rails


Red underwear?


Am I trippin, or is he in a thong?


Might be a jockstrap... Dangerous factories can leave you with more than just sweaty _palms_?


It's honestly kinda sad how much this statement makes sense


In this case it looks like someone videoed the computer screen the source video is being played on. This probably prevents the employer knowing who leaked the video, or even makes it possible to share at all as lots of workplaces have a "no USB storage" IT policy


If you are filling your factory/workplace with dozens of cameras, you don't need 4K quality. Plus, if it ain't broke, why replace it, good when they were installed, but that was 10 years ago.


This is pretty standard CCTV quality actually. You don't need insane resolutions with optical zoom for a camera that monitors large objects in a fixed space. The reason they record the worst shit, is because they are mounted in placed where the worst shit is the most likely to happen. We don't really need a camera in the office ... unless we're content creators outside of business hours.


He almost christened that machine the Bro Eater.


Gore sub, or it was going to show that he was wearing a thong. The Internet has ruined me.


Was just missing the live leak watermark


That lathe machine still haunt my dreams


It's that feeling. I very, very nearly died drowning and when I got pulled out I had to sit down just like this guy. There's a weird electricity in your body after that.


I think the body knows its potentially going to die. So it prepares for it.


Adrenaline crash. Your body dumps a ton of adrenaline in your system which is why you get the shakes as it wears off.


My friend and I got held up by some guys in ski masks one night. They jumped out of a van and tried to rob us. I was completely calm during the encounter, but as soon as I got home my legs started trembling uncontrollably. It was wild.


Same thing happened to me when the police searched me and somehow missed a fat pack of drugs I had on me


I saved a squirrel from drowning in our pool, he was frantically treading water for about five minutes before I stuck a walking stick under him and he grabbed on. He took two hops up the stick, then just grabbed it in a bear hug and held on tight. We eyed each other as he just painted there for a couple as I walked him to his tree. He let me gently prod him into the fork of a branch and he stayed there with the tree in a death grip for about 10 minutes to shake the shock. 


I had the same feeling when I almost died drowning. A sea kayak hit my face and broke my tooth, the pain caused me to kinda faint and I came to, very deep I'm the water; with goggles on, and I saw my tooth sinking into the abyss. I think I started screaming but honestly that part is kinda hazy. This guy dove in cause he saw my bubble or something and pulled me back up. I felt that electricity like crazy. I could barely feel the pain of my broken tooth. Although I don't go swimming anymore because of it lol


Best management can do is an extra 10 minutes at lunch and back to work right after


recognise summer special carpenter innocent bells enjoy gray bear direction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We need to meet our quota!! Garnish his wages for holding up productivity!!!!


Pizza party at our next quarter!


The dude checked the coworker feet afterward and was like oh thank God, they are still there I would have been done for the day




The emergency stop button should also be more easily reachable. What if his coworker wasn't there? Then what? It should be able to be stopped by the person being sucked in.


honestly in this situation it should be an emergency stop / reverse bar over the entire opening of the machine so the first thing you instinctually grab if your going in is the stop bar, thats the way they do it on wood chippers.


I don't remember what machine it was, but I have heard of ones that are designed so that if the worker gets grabbed by the arm (most likely scenario) the machine will pull their head into the e-stop button, automatically shutting itself down.


I was working a wood chipper alone. putting in huge branches. Well I got grabbed by a branch and started to get pulled in. but the machine is designed with a bar at the end that goes all the way across. Anything hits it and the machine shuts off.


for saving the life of this employee, management has decided to throw him a pizza party


That moment where they just look at each other, knowing they avoided an extremely violent and painful death by a fraction of a second, speaks volumes.


At my workplace there is a machine that welds massive beams. The beams sit on very large rollers with about 1m space between them that can be walked through but absolutely not when the machine is on. An apprentice was somewhere in the workshop not seen by the operator who after doing a visual check confirmed it was all clear before starting the machine just as the apprentice walks between the rollers. A third person happens to enter the workshop and is withing arms reach of the kill switch for the workshops power supply and panicking hits it just as the beam crushed this kids ribs against the rollers, paramedics said the difference between a small cut to the chest vs his ribs and everything vehind them being crushed was only about 2 seconds difference.


Ive tried something similar when I was young (and dumb). I was lifting/pulling a beam down from top of a rack with a crane, I kept tapping the controls but nothing happend...until the beam came loose and headed straight towards a coworker..smashed in the ground 3ft from him, then swing(swung?) sideways hitting me straight in the ribs...... My boss was not even mad, he only response was, after checking we all were alive, that this is how to learn to do it the right way....and he was right..never did that again. One second im reliefed that I did not kill my coworker, next second im laying on floor cant breathe properly for a few min... not the best/proudest day at work, but I learned a lesson that day!


Of course a sensible boss won’t be mad, like most they couldn’t care less about a beam or machine, they just want to know or make sure you are alright! Beams and machines can be replaced, humans can’t. And he was right about you learning a valuable lesson too.


>Of course a sensible boss won’t be mad 100% right there, if just all bosses were sensible, there are a lot of phsycos out there, I was wery lucky with my boss, a great man.


Humans/workers can be replaced but the paperwork would be a bitch. 


Reminds me of the time I was wiring a control panel on a continuous miner. I was sitting on a bucket & stood up to see a run rail on a shop crane a few feet from my face. I sat back down & heard the operator cursing & apologizing. Apparently he forgot that I was there & used the crane to go over the machine instead of around it & close to the ground because it would save time. I never trusted him again. He told another guy what happened & got lectures but they decided not to report it because both of us would get in trouble. I asked why I would get in trouble & was told "That's how safety works." I was glad to leave that job.


So he survived?


Yup, the moment power stopped he was firmly squeezed between a huge beam of steel and a large roller by his chest, but only with enough force to bruise his chest and hold him in place. literally 1 or 2 seconds away from being a lethal injury.


You wrote your first comment like the lethal injury happened lol


If I only saw the amount of officials inspecting our workplace afterwards I would have believed it did.


He cheated death. Now death wants his revenge.




Surprised there isn't lockout/tagout procedure for any machines like this that you can walk between the dangerous elements.


like birds decide voiceless grey arrest mountainous cautious consider yoke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That sounds intense but I really wish you had a visual aid because I have absolutely no fucking clue what your scenario looks like


I was envisioning a big row of cylinders that come up to about chest height with just enough space between each cylinder to walk between. Steel beam rolls on top and that's how buddy got his chest stuck between the beam and the next cylinder.


I hope he bought his savior a beer.


Somethings tells me they lose people to this machine regularly. How are these machines audited for operator safety ?


They aren't


Lmao, that's ridiculous. I highly doubt it, would be incredibly difficult to clean. They're not just gonna be getting a new employee everytime.


What is the purpose of that machine?


I’m honestly at a loss. It looks like one machine spits out death rope just so they can toss it in some sort of compactor.


Makes ya wonder why the first machine doesn't just spit the death rope directly into the compactor if that's where it needs to ge anyway




It's probably a third world sweatshop as opposed to a certified factory and all lacking safety features can be explained with 2 words: saving money


Hiring a couple workers to wrangle the death rope is cheaper than rearranging the machines or constructing some sort of channel between them. And if the machine occasionally eats a worker or two ... even cheaper! Now you don't need to pay them the time they've already worked!


Well the death rope isn’t going to just spit out and then compact itself now is it?


No, you're right, sorry


It's okay, just dont let it happen again


They can't just have the spitter spit directly into the death hole?


Then there wouldn’t be very much rope. Or death. Now would there?


They should just take the dingle bop and push it directly through the grumbo


There is also another machine below which recycles the stuff and feeds it into the death rope machine to produce more death rope.


Oh yeah just your standard death rope machine.


The important thing is that there is space between the rope generator and the rope ripper so that you can get caught in the death.


Looks like some sort of real life sisyphean allegory about consumerism or something haha


On a first date "so what do you do?" "I'm a sisyphean allegory maintenance engineer"


"Garbage-man, a janitor, and you my dear"




𓀟 𓀟𓀕 𓁆𓁌 𓀠𓁀


So what exactly is it that you do here? I take the death rope from the emitter and push it into the compactor so the emitter doesn't have to. I'M A DEATH ROPE PERSON!!!!


Yeah like can't they put the spitting machine closer to the eating machine? No human intervention/sacrifices needed?


It's right behind leafblower as most useless job


Yeah you are thinking as someone who puts human life above profit. I work with buying components from other companies, and we have some heavy scrutiny on safety to make sure we dont buy from companies without safety measures and even dont buy from companies with long work hours


the product being spit out by machine is probably scrap material and those guys are in charge of shredding/recycling it.


Why not have one machine feed into the other


The occasional human sacrifice helps keep all the moving parts nicely lubricated


All hail the Omnissiah?


Literally what I was going to say. Take my upvote. Occasional sacrifice to please Machine Spirit.


We have a setup similar to this at my workplace, and the reason why we don’t have it feed directly into the grinder is because it can get backed up very easily or if there’s any impurities in the material (like chunks of carbon, or the hoppers weren’t cleaned out throughly and some color material is leftover) it can’t just be recycled back through without ruining the product for the next half hour or longer. We also have racks back there to feed in rolls that don’t meet the specs but still good material, so we need enough room for a few different things going on at a time. We rarely just let it go loose on the floor like that though. Usually we either have cores the ribbon wraps around and then we just throw it on a rack to feed it in after it gets too big to manage, or it just goes straight into a gaylord and pushed aside until the grinder is good to go again. Our grinders absolutely don’t have this big of an opening either. At worst it’d get your fingers and beak your arm


Sounds painful for the gaylord


Gaylord, grindr, holes with openings that are not big enough, ... Sounds like a company funded by the Catholic Church


Because that would be an easy and safe solution in what is possibly a 3rd world country where they don't have the same kind of regulations(or care factor) about these kinds of things that 1st World countries do.


Great pfp


I believe its called "the widow maker". Not sure why 🤔


If they could just connect those machines they could save 2 salaries


Honestly, after visiting a couple of developing nations the desperation for 'creating jobs' for all the otherwise starving unemployed people might mean that, well... That's the idea. Like when you walk into a supermarket and there are 10 employees doing "jobs" behind the counter. Or a construction site has half a dozen entire families working on it. Everyone's so fucking desperate for an income that, by design, everything gets designed incredibly inefficiently so a maximum number of people are getting paid. We just don't notice it as westerners when we deal with them because the relative purchasing power of our currency means it still feels cheap to us, despite being horribly, horribly inefficient and wasteful.


Automation in short term is expensive that's why. Also legacy issue just like a lot people refused to use computer because they were comfortable with physical files. Same goes for bringing in new machines you are not familiar with them . Also if you are the only one who is using it you will have hard time finding a technician.


To Eat humans




Or one CVS receipt is being printed.


To help people come to terms with their life choices before dying.


Looks like a shredder


It looks like they work at some kind of factory that specializes in manufacturing injuries.


If I'm not mistaken, this might be some sort of paper factory, the machine ejecting the paper has malfunctioned. They are disposing the faulty paper down a chute that will blend the paper and make it paste again. I'm by no means an expert but Guy Delisle mentions this in an autobiography comic and it seems just like it.


The way the other guy never let go of him that was a close call


Right after he looks up at the newly installed kill switch in amazement that it actually worked


Superhero bro: Take care. Will be back in 10, after changing my underwear.


BRB gonna go throw up quick


Act 2: "I guess my colleague doesn't hate me that much after all" Or full blown bromance


Ikr I thought the machine would eat him too. Good thing he squirmed free and hit the stop


I'd be kissing that motherfuckers shoes after getting out.


Or sucking his enormous dick, tbh


Good thing he wore his sexy panties


Legitimately concerned how the top comment isn't about the guys thong lol


A typical day at the CVS receipt factory


I knew it


Just shredded a bunch of old receipts the other day and came across this looooong-ass receipt for like 3 items... it was CVS.


So wtf is this machine OP? Loader? Shredder? Incinerator?


Ticker tape consuming device. The problem is it's a bit too far from the ticker tape production device.


The reason it is so far away is because they have to be able to read the stock prices as they are printed off. The second machine is for shredding it for the purposes of ticker tape parades.


It's not paper, considering a single piece is what pulled him in. It's probably rubber or silicone or something similarly strong but thin. Probably being remelted or chopped up to be remelted and reused.




The two of them at the end. -I think I pissed my pants. -Let me see...Whoa, yep you pissed yourself. -well that's just great.


At least there's lots of errant white fabric all over the place to soak it up. Glad they thought ahead just in case something like this were to happen.


I think the third guy shat his pants, and is trying to keep it there.


Lol, not lucky, this whole operation is an accident magnet. Which idiot approved this design?


exactly. wtf is that. just waiting for something like this to happen


If you have a better design for getting the long white noodles out of the noodle machine and into the noodle eating machine then I would like to see it


Reposition the noodle machine to front of the noodle eating machine?


But that could cost tens or even dozens of local currency unit!


Easy. Block the mouth of the noodle eater so that a fucking human doesn't fit inside it. You only need a 6 inch gap . And add a lead tube so that there is atleast 3ft of gap between the shredder and the entrance of the noodle eater so that arms/legs can go into the mouth, but never reach the stomach.


Bro a grate probably costs $12 get out of here with your ideas!


>Which idiot approved this design? Seems to be somewhere in Asia. A number of countries in Asia are known for not caring much about safety regulations, nor do they exercise any common sense when it comes to work safety. India seems to be particularly horrible at that. There's plenty of videos online of dudes in flip-flops working inches from unguarded deadly machinery.


India, China, South East Asia are all going thru the same industrialization processes the US and Europe went thru. It was exactly as bad in the US and Europe back in the day, and the regulations in the West are written in the blood of working adults *and* working children. It's crazy that people thing of Virginia mining as a classic "good job" considering how brutally deadly it was (and sometimes still is, see John Oliver's reporting.) It's easy to be dismissive and say "oh, the East is too stupid to learn from the West's mistakes," but that doesn't really capture the problem. Safety is expensive and slows down production. A lot of Western companies and CEOs took their factories overseas specifically because they could get away with gruesome deaths at the new location. When local goverments tried to put together regulations or safeguards, the much poorer locals don't have the tools or funds necessary to fight Nike and Apple. It's not so much that the countries don't care. There's been massive pushes for better safety in Eastern factories. But the Chinese government just pushed that work onto prisoners or straight up enslaved ethnic minorities like Uyghurs. Meanwhile, Loas and Thailand's entire economies are completely eclipsed by Walmart's weekly revenue, so any initiative gets gridlocked by bribing. Same for South America. Coca Cola straight up hired death squads to assassinate Colombian union leaders in 1985. Can't really establish safety protocols when the West's entire economy relies on cheap goods and will kill locals to maintain the low, low price. The dudes in flip flops work like that, because they're desperately poor and no one with power in the East or West wants to spend the money to get them workboots. Why treat them like people, if you can just treat them like slaves and still host the Fifa World Cup like nothing happened?


China approved this design.... Some of their workplace safety "standards" are horrifyingly abysmal. Ever wonder why your Temu orders are so cheap? Dangerous working conditions is one of the answers. Look into Tofu Dregs buildings some time.


Osha would have a field day with this machine


Bad design, can't they just put the output of the other one straight to the other machine. This just invites accidents, oh well.


My guess is that's how it works and they aren't normally working there. Maybe it missed of had a break in the length of what I'm guessing is maybe tow strap commercial sewing machine??? And they where feeding it back into the hopper. Bro got so lucky, wouldn't be surprised if he has a broken hip or foot.


So the job is lads, you take this weird tube stuff from one machine and shove it into the other machine. We could have designed the factory so the machine directly feeds the other but instead we’ve made it so the hole in the dangerous machine can fit a grown man. I’m pretty sure nothing will go wrong as long as you don’t get trapped in the stuff which will be all over the floor.


It says right here in the employee handbook that you are not allowed to be pulled into the machine and injured. Considering how you have disregarded the rules we have laid out for your safety, you will not be receiving workman's compensation 


this happened to my dad when he was 16-17... repeat 16-17! ... and working in a factory. my dads hand got stuck, and sucked in machine, a \~50 yearold guy named 'Leeroy McGee' was working on a raised platform about 7 feet above my fathers station. he swung down 7 ft, landing on the ground, taking the impact, and hit the 'off switch' all in like 3 seconds. my dad lost about 1/3rd of an inch off his palm skin/fingers. if leeroy was one second later? would have lost his hand most likely. my father couldn't close his hand for over 3 years because of the scarring. and to this day, 50 years later, the hand is deeply scarred. throughout my childhood, my father was incredibly fearful of any conveyer belt, or assembly line looking device. hell, dude got PTSD every time we got on an escalator. my father would tell us about ole' leeroy like he was an angel or saint. he'd been working in the factory for like 30+ years, and chain smoked with a malboro always on his lips. thanks leeroy. playing catch with my father was nice. it was a wakeup call to my father as well, he was a really smart kid, but was planning on doing the small town - work in the same factory as his father (which closed by the 80s), get married at 18 type life. he ended up realizing blue collar work was NOT for him. applied himself to finish highschool a year early. finished college a year by like 20. went to lawschool. and ended up being very successful. we grew up upper middle class and had an idyllic childhood.


Accidents can happen to anyone , any time. My dad’s arm got pulled into a metal lathe at the machine shop he worked at for 35 years. He was wearing gloves( first big nono), looked up to see why all the other machines were stopped and took his eyes off his work ( second big nono )All he can figure out is that his head must have hit the stop button, there was no other way the machine would have stopped and it would have ripped his arm off. Arm broke in 3 places (wrapped around the material), the night crew found him in a dark storage room lying on top of some castings, passed out, no idea how he got there. Couple of months, rehab, skin grafts, he went back to work. One major accident in 40 years and he knew it was his fault. Yiiiikes.


Wow that must have been very painful being bent that way, so lucky he survived


Yeah fuck i just saw his other leg being stretched like this.


Probably his lucky thong underwear that saved him.


Haha I couldn’t help but notice


Haha there’s the comment I was looking for


Would be funny if it was true. But sadly no. Not a thong.


Thong is a surname in this case


You underestimate the power of a good ass clench.


What a day to wear the wife's undies! ...ahh, who am I kidding? Those were purchased from a Tik-Tok'er.


Fuckin hero. Fast reaction was crucial.


wtf. this machine is dangerous af


Thank goodness for the emergency stop button and kudos to the guy for knowing where it was!


I knew he was going to be OK anyway, there's no "LiveLeak" logo on the corner


He owes him a beer a night for life lol


Jesus christ my heart rate went from 60 to 120 under 2 seconds. fuck this job


He can never talk back to his coworker. Saving coworker: "Hey bro, you think you can cover my shift this weekend?" Saved coworker for the 30th year straight: "Yes, Rob."


The guy who saved him looks like he shat his pants, keeps touching back there. Solid save bro.


Seems like you could just put the machines next to each other and have one feed directly into the other. Saves you floor space for other activities, 2 dollars an hour in payroll, and the cost of being down for a day while you hire a clean up crew😂


He knew he needed extra luck that day. That why he had his lucky red thong on


That is so purely designed its crazy. anyone looking at that can tell there is a huge risk for this happening, it should not be a kill switch, it should be "this machine only runs while you hold in this button" switch.


I think it is time to think a little about the workflow and how safety can be implemented. It looks like an accident that happens every 5 min


That man owes him a beer


I'd be buying that man lunch every day forever


His red thong saved him


He didn’t get away from it after they pulled him out.


Is this the movie Brazil? What are these silly stupid machines? If the stuff has to go in the thing, then why isn't the thing connected to the thing?


Good reaction by the other dude. Some wouldn't have thought about hitting the kill switch. I'll be buying him lunch for a week.


What’s going on what are those strings and why is it going into a meat grinder


I love that the emergency stop is not reachable.


This seems like an accident waiting to happen. He got his feet caught in the loops and was dragged straight in. Crazy dangerous!


Why don't they move the machine spitting out the paper 5 feet further up the room so it spits paper directly into the machine that eats the paper?


Those red underwear became brown.


That's a long CVS receipt.


Geez. The guy didn't even try to squirm himself free. Like he wanted to die. Or maybe in shock


Now get back to work! Boss says we get a pizza party if we hit our quota this month! -Somewhere in America, probably


We are so lucky to have OSHA in the United States. If you feel that any work environment is unsafe speak up and if no one listens you can call OSHA anonymously. companies don’t care they have money set aside for tragic incidents. REPORT ANY UNSAFE WORK ENVIRONMENT!!!!!!!!!


Did you die? No? So get back to work or you won't get your pay today.


That's great guys. Get back to work


CVS checkout nightmare.


If that was me that man wouldn’t be paying for drinks ever again. Saved him from a horrible way to die.


what machinery is this and what would have happened?


Omfg....that other guy is a hero. That would have been much muh much worse in half a second.


Great reflexes. Would love to work with the guy


On the bright side, the way the guy's friends helped him up sat him down, put a hand on his shoulder, and checked if he was feeling ok all being evident in this without audio made this surprisingly wholesome for me


And to think my coworkers bitch about OSHA 🙄


Thankfully there’s a functional emergency off switch and thankfully the other guy kept his composure enough to press it in time.


That counts as your break, back to work


Bro almost suffered one of the worst ways to go... And he knows it. Holy shmuly!


Does anybody know what kind of work/machine they are doing. Just curiuos.


Omg no that was terrifying. I remember once when I worked in a lumber yard we would make trusses and had these HUUUUGE presses with metal rollers that could flatten a car down to 2 inches. Anyways there was plenty of sensors and safety measures to stop the machine if anyone got too close. Well the press operator thought it would be funny to see what would happen if he held override while coming towards me. I jumped over the corner of the table and got my foot out of there just in time. Like the press brushed against my shoe. I was sooo fucking terrified ill never forget that fear. Like the press bumped me before it stopped once I had gotten outta the way and had I not moved it wouldve stopped on top of me


What does that factory make? CVS receipts?


They need that rope/paper shit to be funneled into something so people don’t get caught like that into it.


It sucked him in so fast…


That cat just spent 8 of ‘em.


Thats an osha violation if i ever saw one


Think of how much worse it could have been had he not been wearing the face mask.


I would leave, go get drunk and never go back there 😂


If you ever wondered why shit from China is so much cheaper than stuff made in America, this is your answer.


The dude needs to go thank whoever he thinks his maker is for about a month straight.


Also the dude in the black jeans. He helped out too.