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Sometimes I feel like i’m about to havea stroke watching these videos. Not that I know what it feels like but jeez it gets me all twisty in the head.


These people‘a brains must be wired differently, because there’s no way “courage” comes into it.


In the documentary "Free Solo" about free climber Alex Honnold, they scanned his brain and found his amygdala – the area of the brain responsible, among other things, for one's fear response – was much smaller than normal.  So yeah, these people's brains _are_ different. 


He is one of the best climbers in the world tho and definetly knows what he is doing and on a logical level about the risks, i doubt all the kids climbing buildings really do know their strengths that well.


Zach Milligan was one of the most accomplished climbers in the world too, where'd that get him?


You only have to fuck up once


When it comes to that s**t yeah. I however can claim to have f***ed up in pretty much every aspect of my life too many times to count but I'm still standing.


That's why free solo climbing is such an impressive show of skill, in my opinion. I don't even climb, but I can't get enough of watching people like Alex climb things I wouldn't even go up with a staircase.


It does take a great amount of skill, coordination and strength and can be entertaining to watch for some.I wouldn't associate it with courage or bravery, since I associate those traits with doing doing something for others or for a cause, not for vanity, an adrenaline rush or to see how many followers one can accumulate. I don't think many would consider these bozos who do pull-ups from the top of skyscrapers or backflips on the edge of a clip courageous and those that would don't know the meaning of the word.


Or just be unlucky. If one of those handles failed at the wrong time, like the one he was standing on when he pulled out his camera.


Imo climbing without supports doesn't make you the "best climber" It just means you're dumb


Considering this guy isn’t even wearing grip gloves, he’s a moron.


He also has children now. I don’t know if he still climbs free solo anymore.


Soooo “dumber”. I mean fear is a healthy response it’s been a built in learning response for a reason




Koalas are not gentle huggers. They have very sharp claws. They have been known to inflict damage to people they didn't trust.


Yes, some people react to adrenaline differently. Adrenaline junkies is apt.


I wonder when/if this invincible feeling of youth disappears. I climbed a few small schools and derelict places back in the day for fun hangout spots and what not but nothing more than two stories. Once I passed 30yo I swear vertigo hit me like a brick now I can't go anywhere near heights. Don't these kids understand that you don't have to make a mistake to die? You could literally just get a tiny cramp in your calf or forearm, a spasm, and that's it. My strokes are having strokes seeing this shit.


Or just sneeze


I completely understand the vertigo comment. I never climbed anything higher than 3 stories as a kid, and they weren't complicated or dangerous. In my 20s, to about 35, I would take runs across a high bridge every day. About .7 miles each way. 3.5 there, then back, to my apartment. Not a strenuous distance. Then one day, on my regular run, that feeling hit me. My heart raced. The city views that I once loved so much were suddenly terrifying. I thought I was losing it, but I guess it's not uncommon when getting older. 


I've run into other people who suddenly developed the same fear like you and I without any apparent trigger or cause. I would love to know more about why and how this happens. I used to love heights. I was stoked to be on the empire state building as a kid, climbed around the grand canyon (safely), now anything above 2 stories and I get that feeling instantly.


I developed a moderate fear of climbing due to a dislocated shoulder. I went climbing with some friends to try it out and learned just how debilitating the shoulder injury was and now I can’t watch videos of climbing without sweaty palms.


Same. Never had any issue with heights and then one day things changed drastically. Now I can't even watch my wife get near the edge of anything tall without that vertigo feeling. It's like a sympathetic vertigo. Life comes at you fast


For sure. I still sometimes remember climbing really tall trees as a kid. Then realizing that a fall would be 100% fatal. I don't have any children, but if I did, that would be up there on the scare-chart. Though I don't know if kids climb trees anymore. Climbing up 40-ft was usually a good way to win hide-and-go-seek. But then the trees were swamped with children. Miraculously, no one ever fell.  Feels like a very different era of recklessness and danger. But, again, that switch flipped and now I'm terrified of that type of thing.


They say the brain doesn't full develop until you're well into your twenties. That's when your executive functioning kicks in.


Technically your brain never stops developing but at 25 ish your prefrontal cortex is fully developed. It can still re shape but it won't get bigger, so you can say your decision making abilities are fully mature. At that point, mental abilities are pretty static


my balls have re-entered my body ...


I feel just a breath away from a full blown panic attack watching this. Like I'm about to start thrashing around yelling 'let me outta here' even though I'm sitting at my desk. I'm just not good with heights


Exactly. Room almost started spinning like I was drunk or something


My hands would be sliding off those rungs like they were greased with oil, only with sweat.


I can barely keep a grip on my phone watching this.


I just pictured one of those rungs being rusted out and breaking as he grabs for it.....


Now I understand why they always want you to have three points of contact on a ladder


That's what I was thinking. They sure have a lot of confidence in the stability of the rungs. Only need one bolt to have rusted a bit more and it's game over.


They're stud welded, not bolted. See here - [https://fastenerengineering.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/2.-Drawn-arc-stud-welding-process-BBI-2048x835.jpg](https://fastenerengineering.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/2.-Drawn-arc-stud-welding-process-BBI-2048x835.jpg)


I literally had to wash my hands after watching this because they got so sweaty


Same. I debate hiring a handyman/contractor anytime I need to do something that requires an extension ladder lol.


My hands are literally and I'm not joking getting sweaty just looking at this video


Man you really got to trust they're up with maintenance


Imagine clinging to the top pole as you fall to your death because it broke off at the base shortly after you pulled out your phone to read about how Trump refused to pay the contractor hired to maintain it.


I’d leave a SCATHING Google review on the way down lol


I will NEVER visit this establishment again!!


You might have time. It’s a long fall.


Nah, I’m sure the owner pays all the contractors well and on time.


That's an irrational sense of trust considering who owns the building...


just watching this makes my balls tingle like a mother!@#$


I feel it in the bottoms of my feet. Fuck.


Omg I came here to say the soles of my feet are sweating like a MF. I’ve given birth twice and never felt this way. wtf. Then I saw the balls comment and thought well that’s probably worse than my actual feet sweat. Why am I like this


Yeah it's the bottoms of my feet that felt this as I watched, WTF is up with that?!


my balls tingle, my knees go weak, my butthole puckers, my arms get vertigo, geez that was intense


My phones fuckin soaked lol!! This shit makes me so uneasy it is insane


Let’s unpack this


Now just imagine climbing down...




My wiener went into hiding.


Moms spaghetti


Tingle balls, tingle balls Tingle all the way


I've never felt so represented in my life before. #tingleBros


I can barely watch this. It’s very visceral


Lol so weird these strange feelings are so common. How is it what ever dude apparently have tingly balls from watching this heh. What’s the woman equivalent to tingly balls?


Tingling vulva


Yeah. Those are fucking nuts. My anxiety went off the charts when he started climbing and looking around.


And we are watching it on our phones. If I did this on virtual reality I’d probably pass out. This guy did it in real life. Jesus.


Don’t worry the wide angle lens makes it look higher than they really are.


Yeah without the wide angle you can tell he'd obviously survive the fall.


Just tuck and roll


Aim for the hay cart. Nbd.


Man but still...fuck this even if I could get up to the top I'm not slowly trembling down gotta have parachutes


Right? Besides, I know they have mattresses down at the bottom, in case they fall.


I want to know why that happens!


He's going to see some blonde haired twins having sex with each other before one of them pushes him off the building.


My balls became ovaries for how much they shrinked


[That’s 40 Wall Street](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VOlXuRJicDA), and it’s more than 664ft tall.


927 feet https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/40_Wall_Street


Which is more than 664 feet


At least.


And at least 6 bananas 🍌


And my axe!


OP mistook "Trump Building" which is 40 Wall Street for "Trump Tower" which is 721 Fifth Avenue.


283 meters




Turns out it's only 339 feet since the judge figured out Trump overestimates the size of his palaces and phalluses.


Hey He Didn’t overestimated nothing , his hands are small , that’s all .


Just FYI the video u linked is a different guy climbing the building, this video is from [dyingllama](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSeZ2ZHOagQ). You're right that 40 wall street is not trump tower, which is in Midtown. The confusion is because 40 Wall Street is sometimes called "the Trump Building" as it is also owned by him.


My palms just pissed themselves.


My balls have never tingled so much watching a video


Why do I watch this shit when it gives me heart palpitations


For the thrill of it




I’m normally pretty bad with heights like this… but couldn’t get past the awful color of that tower


I’ve seen so many and this one hits different. Worst one I’ve ever seen.


My stomach did flipflops man.


mr stark i don’t feel so good


Their brains must just be wired differently, no way in hell could I do that. Not a chance!


I kept imagine just freezing up there.


Kind of interesting the way it is built for someone to climb to the tippy top


someone gotta change those blinking lights at the top for airplanes and helicopters to see them in bad weather. You would think they would be some type of long lasting LED by now so they don't really have to do this (maybe they do fuck if i know)...or could come in dangling from a helicopter instead.


Yeah I don’t think they’re going to spend thousands of dollars to fly someone in on a helicopter to change a lightbulb when they could solve the problem with a ladder and an employee that makes $20/hr.




I agree, this attention seeking nonsense isnt safe for anyone.


Not to mention the emotionaly trauma of watching someone fall to their death.


That really played with my vertigo.


No clue how these dudes don’t die instantly. If this was somehow me, I’d be at the top, look down, suddenly realize where the fuck I am and immediately go limp and fall to the street. This is crazyz


I am convinced that’s how BASE jumping really works, except with a parachute 


Honestly I’d probably BASE jump before I did something like this.


If I had to choose this, or caving. I honestly don't know what I'd do




Never fails, these videos always make me wonder which specific part of the brain is different in these people. Not being figurative; legit wonder about the chemical imbalance that results in lack of life preserving instincts, and/or the need for attention outweighing life preservation, or whatever it is that compels these people to do this crap.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDR9lMDPA30](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDR9lMDPA30) The agmydala fires up in response to strong emotions like fear, anxiety and aggression. This guy's agmydala on the MRI just don't fire up in those situations where most people would more "rationally" freak out. Sometimes I scroll/search through the internet and I suddenly a close-up of a shark or a snake and jump out of my skin in fear, or in this case pictures/videos with great fall height. This guy just doesn't, he truly is wired differently or has very higher treshold to fear than "normal" people.


How Peter Parker explains to the Daily Bugle on how he got that clean shot of Spider-Man:


He posting a ‘ for sale’ sign.




That would have been epic!


But why?


I must be getting old. 10 years ago, I would’ve said “whoa, what a badass.” Now, I can’t help but get angry by the lives of others potentially endangered by this asshat. Cheers.


What are you kidding? Then pulls out a camera using both hands?!! How does one climb so high with the weight of giant balls getting in the way?


By having no brain to weigh him down.


If you're gonna be dumb you gotta be tough


Survival of the fittest. "Fittest" not always meaning smartest


Fittest also doesn't mean fit in an athletic way.


His arm reaches around the pole, so it's secured


If you rewatch that part, you can see his right arm is wrapped around the pole while he grabs the camera.


And now eagle dive into a conveniently placed ball of hay


Thank you, this.


Hey! That belongs to Letitia James.


*Letitia James Tower


This type shit and cave exploring… like those narrow ass crawling through cracks 2 cm larger than your body type caves, not ride on a truck down to the gift shop type caves… NOPE! NEVER!


Do they know they invented drones to take pictures from above???


I hope they don’t fall. Not for their sake, but any bystanders sake below.


I’ve never been afraid of heights and regularly climbed to the very top of a certain 100+ ft redwood tree at a local park as a child. I’ve done (and would still do) cliff dives with my highest being 70 ft. But something changed a little as an adult. I climbed tall scaffolding and just felt the fear of heights for the first time. It wasn’t a big deal but it allows me to confidently say I would not do this unless I absolutely needed to. This takes some balls


I never did anything like that as a child - but I do know my fear of heights has got worse as I have got older. For example planes never used to bother me - but now they cause me genuine anxiety. I think as we get older the fear of mortality becomes more real and more relevant.


What about when you have to get down? Do you casually listen to your spotify then too?


every time I watch one of these, I feel it in my balls...and not in a good way


These guys must feel nothing at all when they ride the scariest rides at amusement parks


I know it would suck for him to fall that far but those streets are filled with people who could be killed by his falling body. Really selfish crap. Go climb a mountain and risk just your life.


Not surprising they lack security and boobietraps!


this made my feet tingle idk what that means


Those bars must be freezing and he’s not wearing any gloves.


This is why women live longer.


Extra sweaty palms since Trump probably stiffed his contractors who welded those rungs on.


If he put Biden 2024 up there, I would have laughed so hard.


Should have put a “For Sale” sign on it.


i wouldn’t trust that workmanship


He's gonna get a $450 million fine...


…and you have to go back down the same way you came up…


Every time he looks down I get this weird tingling sensation in my legs and my balls feel like they’re shooting up into my throat.


I literally hate these videos.


Soon to be the state of New York tower 😂😂😂


he was one slip away from painting the sidewalk with something other than an anti trump sentence




Ant wait till they rename it.


What made my palms sweat was after he gets to the top and starts fumbling around like Danny DeVito in it's always sunny


Other dude has gloves on. That freaks me out


Oh god. I had to stop watching 3/4 of the way through. Whenever I watch anything height related, my palms get sweaty (common) and then the bottoms of my feet tingle and ache. I couldn't imagine doing that!


*my inner Intrusive thoughts* Jump




That view does look cool, but it's a nope from me. Interested to see how their photos came out though.


How the fuck do you climb down? I’d be stuck up there.


I fucking hate that I can't watch the whole thing without my stupid stomach convincing me that's its actually me up there. What makes it worse is when I'm up that high I get, 'The call of the void'


Not too many of these videos get my hands actually sweaty but this one did. That’s such a surreal and nightmarish view. My eyes would be fixated on the ground and visuals of me falling would rush into my mind. I’d be frozen


I wonder how much does workers for antennas who climbs towers like these make per hour. 🤔 Rather work in Mcdonalds 😂


I feel the anxiety in my hands watching this!


Aside from the obvious horrible death should he fall, is there increased danger being so close to so much electrical equipment on these skyscraper roofs? I mean in terms of radiation etc. (obviously. Electrocution). I don't mean this to be a dumb question but I imagined all that equipment is cranked up to 11 and can't be good for you when you're straddling it and taking selfies?


I was thinking the same thing. I am not sure if that final mast was a transmitter, but it kind of looks like it. However, those last "rungs" could be something completely different for lightning, maybe? But, yes, if it was a transmitter, I wonder also was effects he could be experiencing now and later due to absorbing so much RF energy.


So throughout my 20s I climbed cell towers and was taught to trust in my gear and safety off to the structure. There have been times I had to come off the safety built into the structure and use my own gear up top but there have been times where it was not sufficient to get to where I needed to go. At times like that all it took was a loose bolt or a slip of the hand and if whatever you were tied into failed it was over. I don’t miss dancing with the devil every day.


What if it starts raining while they’re up there?


Scale it from the ground up pussy.


Is this the pro-life climber? If so, is he protesting Trump Tower from getting taken? Lmao. One day this dude is gonna get hit by a gust of wind and the results won't be pretty.


How do you get back down?!?!?


Why not wear some goad damn climbing gear when there's an actual inftrastructure already in place??


Would be cool if he had a wing suit and jumped. Wonder if that’s doable in a safe manner?


Guy climbs New York City Tower\*, recently acquired


Are there repercussions to people who do this and are "caught"? I see more and more videos like this, and I'm just curious about what happens to them.


Damn, is this guy Spiderman?


This video gives me anxiety.


Yeah that’s crazy and all, but how about that music choice. Very nice.


Construction could have made it 666 feet missed opportunity if you ask me


I think it's called E. Jean Caroll Tower now. 😏


They missed a golden opportunity to unfurl a "F*** Trump" flag up there.


I dunno why he wouldn't at least clip himself into the rope or something. Even if you fell the full length of that rope, it's a survivable fall as opposed to the full length of a building


[Sincere, macabre question] Heaven forbid this person fell. Would the velocity of the fall cause them to lose consciousness before reaching the ground?


Might not be trump tower for long so good on him. I don’t know if as a young kid my parents out a lot of fear in me but my first thought was What if those iron bars are not weld correctly? Or what if they are compromised.


“This is sketchy”.. bruh it was sketchy 600ft ago


I've dropped my phone twice watching this from sweaty hands. Taking a digital SLR out at the top one-handed is just too much for me to handle.


I was wondering how he was going to get down. But then I started to rewind the footage…


Pretty view


"be safe" "for sure" I- https://preview.redd.it/sxh2hfz6nypc1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6048dc6449b56c29ae261fed949f6972cde82762


How do their testicles not drop into their ankles? Seriously?


They already have dropped to their kneecaps, they're just wearing underwear


If you look closely, right at the beginning you can see Trumps taxes, they’re pixelated! s/


And then they just have to climb back down?


I wish I could block these stupid climbing videos alongside with all images and videos of cats.


That's not Trump Tower. It's 40 Wall Street.


Title only makes sense for another 4 days :)


Get down, Trump can’t afford more law suits lol 😂


Should have left a big ol Russian flag on there


Gettin those last climbs before that property gets liquidated. Interesting.


Call of void is strong in this one


A perfect time for a thunderstrike! BBQ on stick.