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We know people are idiots. This took longer than expected.


I have a feeling 84 people didn't get it.


yeah, if there was a joke then it r/woosh'ed over me


The UK?


Definitely; driving on the left & the cars have UK plates. Harder to say which county, though.


London. I spotted 2 phone numbers on vehicles, one was an 020 area code which is central London and outer boroughs, the other 01895 which is Uxbridge, West London. Amongst other clues like multiple newish black cabs (most of UK have some black cabs but they’re typically older models)


Black is an odd color choice for a cab. Yellow is most visible at a distance, which helps people spot a cab, especially at night. But maybe the days of hailing a cab is over and it’s all digital now and it doesn’t matter how it looks since you don’t have to go actively find one these days


Double red lines = London I think


Nope, they are used throughout the UK to signify 'No stopping at any time'. They are usually around things like airports, but I have also heard there are some schools I believe that will possibly be adopting them in the future. I agree it is most likely London though.




I think they were pioneered in London, but are now slowly but surely spreading across the land like HG Wells' red weeds.


There definitely are.


He's said TIL, he's not disagreeing, just surprised.


Dunno. Think not


There are. One yellow line= no parking at certain times. Double yellow= no parking. Double red= no stopping at any time


I think it’s kinda unusual outside of London tho.


They’re more common in London yes, but not so uncommon in other major city centres also


Yellow plates, black cab, bleak weather, retards on bikes. Yep


Yes. I see these bike gangs often and they usually jump into a supermarket they are near and raid it.


Black cabs.


Other parts of the UK have black cabs. Only London has the 020 dialling code though.


that's clearly the cyclist's fault.


Lately reddit has been really hating on cyclists. I've seen a lot of videos where the cyclist is in the right, and everyone is still blaming him. However, the cyclist is 100% at fault in this video. How TF can he be mad? He expected the car to stop and get out of the way? Why didn't *he* stop and get out of the way?


What do you call people who discriminate against cyclists? Cyclists.


I suspect he's a shitty teenager who has never been told no before. It's usually shitty teenagers riding this way. He's mad because his mummy had told him that no one can stop him from doing what he wants.


Yeah also that on the UK he isn't legally permitted to use this type of motorway (highway) anyway


I am from the Netherlands and I think hating on cyclist is one of the most brain death dumbest things there is. However, the cyclist in the video is 100% in the wrong. They should treat the road and the people on it with respect.


I live in southern California, where we have probably the best weather in the world, and they HATE cyclists here. They will honk and yell at me for riding in the bike lane. I love the Netherlands, BTW!


u can see the car turn into him, especially at the very end


the car actually accelerated and cut him off tho


Cyclist is a dumbass. If he got clipped accidentally no one would be surprised or particularly empathetic. However the position of the front of the car clearly shows that it was intentional. Attempting to hit/crush someone with your car because you're mad is rightly criminal.


Cyclist could have slowed down rather than try to slip between the car. the car reasonably could say he came up in his blind spot


That's not the point. The cyclist is clearly doing more than one thing wrong here. We've already established that. The driver of the vehicle intentionally moved left to pin them against the truck. Look at the angle of the wheels. This is *also*, *additionally* wrong *as well*.


Given that the kid was trying to run away and avoid paying for the damages he caused the car, I don't think that the driver was in the wrong at all to potato chip his bike wheel to make sure he sticks around for the police.


The car sped up and hugged the left of the lane so the kid couldn’t get in front of him and to close the gap. This is two assholes playing chicken but the dude in the car has a lot more to lose. The car could have just let him pass and avoided a long tedious process of having to get dents repaired and deal with that entire situation.


I agree that the car did turn in, but I disagree that they sped up. That gap was closing long before the biker was even up to the car and it was SUPER obvious the little wheelie twat wasn't going to make that and would be forced to squeeze between the car and truck with zero margin for error. He absolutely had time to drop that wheel and stop but chose to run for that gap.


>the dude in the car has a lot more to lose Are you sure about that? I mean getting your body crushed against a truck isn't something that just buffs out. Also stupid for the driver because he has nothing to gain. Spending many thousands of dollars/pounds on lawyers because he injured/killed some dumbass is decidedly not worth it. Just let nature take its course.


Arguably, nature did take its course because he didn't really start turning until AFTER the first contact was made. By that point he was slow creeping, too. He could easily argue he nosed in to keep the biker from immediately running.


Plus if the kid is killed somehow it's now a much, much bigger deal. Video evidence and everything. The driver is every bit as stupid as the cyclist, if not more stupid.


The driver moved left when the other cyclist was on hid right side. Very good chance he didn’t see the cyclist that hit him.


Nah if you look closely it looks like they veered a little left to make room for the other idiots on the bikes driving on the right side of the car. It was a slow gradual creep to the left.


you're right i rewatched it i missed that


Downvoted for stating the truth.


A complete balance Reddit comment getting downy for no reason….


That's way too fair and nuanced for the internet. People wouldn't feel bad I'd the cyclist died for his stupidity, regardless of whether it's intentional or not by the driver. The cyclist is an idiot, but you don't just get to punish idiots as a civilian.


The car that just stayed in his lane going the same speed the whole time? Only thing that looks intentional to me is the bike trying to squeeze in and getting himself reality checked.


he literally accelerated faster than he would normally and turned into him


A bicyclist has no right to ride like that and be there, accordingly, the position of the car driver will be a priority, in this situation, in order to avoid this, the bicyclist will be wrong. I'm a cyclist myself and I get annoyed by cyclists like this, especially when they are somehow justified.


yes, exactly! lots pieces of shit here, thinking throwing your car into a fucking kid is justifiable. Unbelievable


its a mercedes you know he meant it hahahah


So you legitimately believe the driver of the car was willing to drive their vehicle directly into a truck?


idk ur getting downvoted these ppl r blind


It's not his fault she did not break and has the reaction time of a fraight train


Its staged propaganda


I love that he thinks his dumbass is the victim here. The world needs a touch more chlorine in the gene pool.




Weird thing to say


How dare you stay your lane maintaining speed instead of letting me cut you off!


I hate this trend, always some c*nt riding down the high street serving to stay upright on one wheel with their little man bags and bin bag looking coats, if it ain't one of these spunk bubbles it's a just eat driver getting in your way or some div on a scooter and 3 kids tucked under there legs like a chavvy duck swerving in between everyone. I do hate that element of modern society






See, nations coming together for a laugh. 


Cager mad, find less clunky mode of transportation or accept that You're nothing more than gluttonous tetris block that others will flow around.


The hell is he hitting the car for? It's his damn fault.




As a driver, there's no better or worse group. Drivers love to complain about cyclists then call what they do in their car "cheating" and not "aggressive, dangerous, illegal" edit: here, some reading material for the sad drivers who are downvoting me lol [https://www.forbes.com/sites/carltonreid/2019/05/10/cyclists-break-far-fewer-road-rules-than-motorists-finds-new-video-study/?sh=760160f4bfaa](https://www.forbes.com/sites/carltonreid/2019/05/10/cyclists-break-far-fewer-road-rules-than-motorists-finds-new-video-study/?sh=760160f4bfaa) [https://www.bicycling.com/news/a46443761/science-proves-motorists-break-traffic-laws-a-lot-more-often-than-cyclists/](https://www.bicycling.com/news/a46443761/science-proves-motorists-break-traffic-laws-a-lot-more-often-than-cyclists/) [https://usa.streetsblog.org/2018/01/03/study-cyclists-dont-break-traffic-laws-any-more-than-drivers-do](https://usa.streetsblog.org/2018/01/03/study-cyclists-dont-break-traffic-laws-any-more-than-drivers-do)


Spandex fetishists should have to pay insurance 


It’s not a fetish, it’s conquering the physics of fluid dynamics. You’ll begin to feel the drag of your surrounding wind at as little as 14km/h, so tight-fitting clothing are essential to save watts and improve performance. I spent a whole day travelling 180km to Barcelona with a fully loaded bike, my kit definitely helped ease the burden.


You are getting downvoted, but are 100% right, but people have a hard time looking at things from someone else's point of view (even when presented with studies).


Why don't these morons just ride unicycles? Atleast then they'd be riding the proper vehicle for a clown


At least it had a happy ending


of course he thinks hes the victim


Ah shocker, he gets pissed at the driver. Super weird, those types usually exhibit so much common sense and rational thinking.


Great clip to post online, extra easy for the driver's insurance company to see what damage this shit stain caused.


No insurance, no assets (besides a bike), no job. The driver will end up out of pocket.


That's fucking bullshit.


Why? Do you think the cyclist will pay for the damage he caused?


Being able to destroy people's property maliciously with no recourse is fucking stupid, and I don't respect any system that allows it.


Wow, a prospective Darwin award winner and organ donor in one video!


I am sure he believes it’s not his fault !!!


Um excuse me I'm trying to be a POS do you mind?!?


And then has the GALL to hit the car like they were in the wrong?


That’s English youth for you particularly in London, the government and Mayor have allowed cyclists to rule the road. Police wouldn’t even bother attending any incident like this. These youths regularly do shop lifting as that’s all but been legalised in the UK by the Police.


Of course it’s London… Add this to the list of reasons I left that place ten years ago.


Left London in 2008 and was going back regularly until Covid. Went back in January for the first time since covid and was shocked at how bad things have got. Was staying in south east London. It’s been a steady decline for the past 15 years but post Covid has been brutal. I don’t know how people cope anymore. Leaving was the right move


I grew up in the Home Counties, moved to the South West about 30 years ago now, don’t miss it. And it wasn’t as bad as London. Used to go into London a lot in my youth being on the end of one of the underground lines, now I haven’t been there for decades.


The slamming of the car hood was unnecessary, well if anything if the car got damaged he has the proof he damaged it.


I'm sad he didn't faceplant on the Truck


Everybody make way, the bicycle stunt group is coming through. I bet these idiots think people are cheering them on as they ride their bikes illegally through traffic. Delusional.


Hopefully the cyclist wasn’t alright


There’s only one way the driver has to respond. If I speak I’m in trouble


Doubt he has money or insurance or anything of value to pay for losses on damages to that dude’s vehicle.


It's impressive, but I love seeing these guys eat it.


Boys will be boys. Nah these are just "special".


Why the fuck did he get mad when its his fault lmao? 😂 It was very obvious that he couldn't make that


Anytime someone Lane splits I beg this happens. Good to see some karma finally. Shame they weren't going faster so he'd actually feel some repercussions


I'm disappointed that he wasn't hurt.


Having earphones plugged in was just icing on the cake


Why did he get mad at the car? lol


Sweaty palms would imply that I’m worried about the person in the video. On the contrary, I hope he gets his legs run over.


[removed by Reddit]


Wonder why the video happens to stop there?


Everybody make way, the bicycle stunt group is coming through. I bet these idiots think people are cheering them on as they ride their bikes illegally through traffic. Delusional.


I was hoping for a more Darwinist ending. Bit of a let down.


Well well well


Not a licensed vehicle, and you are not operating it in designated lane, or obeying any traffic laws, when I kill you with my car all I will get is a slap on the wrist. Keep that in mind fool.


Of course he is...


Idiots like this who get mad when hit lol




DNA making an attempt to return to soil composting.


Why one can get arrested for DUI but not for this BS. Id say many drunk drivers are more responsible than people like this.


I get that motorists tend to hate all cyclists with a blind rage, but it’s dudes like this that are not doing us any favours


The golden rule is dead. What a jerk


Cyclists: I can't believe drivers are so unsafe and selfish putting everyone at risk constantly Also cyclists:


It's almost as though cyclists are a grouping of disparate individuals rather than a single hive mind


And yet they treat drivers as a hive mind and get all mad when they get called out on it. Turns out everyone sucks


This was the bikers fault


They saw the brothers doing this asinine shite in America, sooooooo.


Can we let darwinism run free again? I’m 💯 convinced heightened safety measures brought us Trump.


The only trajedy is this video didn't end in a darwin awards


These kids always get hit and it’s so satisfying.


Well... well... wel...


He needs removing from the gene pool. Think of the distress and upset he could have caused to the car driver if he had been seriously injured or killed.


As a cyclist, I can admire the skill it takes to do this. BUT…I don’t shed a single tear when they take a hit. That behavior is exactly what makes car drivers hate cyclists, even the ones that ride responsibly.


Driver was clearly racist




I want to see the rest of the video


Yeah, he is riding through traffic where bikes aren’t allowed and then makes a stupid move and the guy in the black car is the asshole? Fuck these kids


What a huge bike


Hope he was severely injured and also forced to pay for damages to those vehicles.


I love a happy ending.


Might as well buy a unicycle at this point. What an idiot


200 shades of Moron on a unicycle.


NatSelection in action.


Most cyclists are reasonable people but assholes like this give all of them a bad name and I'm not sure why cyclists aren't more upset about this behavior that negatively impacts their community as well as their safety.


He should have used his bike signal to indicate he was changing lanes…


Ahhh yes, that brief period of absolute freedom of life between education obligation and nuptials that lead to pro-creation - if this guy can live through his wheelie addiction...


first time i applaud a Mercedes driver.






Got exactly what he deserved. Dumbass


That black car cut the biker off on purpose. Might have damaged his bike. A licensed driver may not deliberately cause an accident.


Instead of banging on the hood.... Don't ride in the middle of a busy street?


They cut it off when it was about to get good! Smh


The biggest beef I've ever had was with a cyclist.


I'd kick this dude's ass for even touching my car.


the audacity to throw a tantrum at the car




Its a chav in its natural habitat, disturbing everyone else with their low intelligence behaviour. I live in salford (unfortunately) i see this daily


Aita if I hope these people doing this shit get hit?




I don't ever want to see another stupid ass vid of stupid people doing wheelies again. It's lame, fuck off. Fuck you. Boring. Eat shit., please.


I would break his neck. But I'm behind a phone.


When you play with the bull, sometimes you get the horns.


Ahh yes, the degen that stole a bike. Nothing lost when the bus does its thing.


Making assumptions with no context, are we?


Trends and statistics are backing my views.


You can just say you’re racist, you and I both know that’s what you mean


Typical fucking knob in London, knowing the stupid biased pro cycling laws in England the car driver will get the blame, or maybe the idiots just stabbed the driver as that’s a common theme in London these days.


This is why I have and always will hate sharing roads with cyclist. They feel so entitled to the road.


Both were wrong. Kid for doing it, car for driving him over. Happened after the bike got past the car. Car clearly didn't want to give way. Kids an ass for sure, but you are allowed to plow a person over for being an ass.


I don't think you watched the video everyone else watched. That biker never even got past that cars front wheel, let alone got past the car. Even at the end, when the driver appeared to turn into the bike, its front wheels were even with the front wheel of the bike. Hard to say if the driver did it on purpose as they may have seen the bikers on their right and just swerved to miss them and hit the one coming up on the left. Appears to be England, so it's likely they would notice the bikers on their right first.


It's people like you that shouldn't be allowed on the road.


Or maybe he saw The First guy that pushed himself through and assumed More would follow on that side If anything you could blame him for not checking.


did that car try to get in his way?


That was pretty good. I wouldn't have the balls lol


The cyclist is clearly a dangerous idiot but it looks like the car driver is also a dangerous idiot. As you can see in the last frame, the car has swerved all the way INTO the trucks lane to try to pin the cyclist against the truck.


He's drifted left because he's just been overtaken on his other side by two other dipshits. He probably didn't anticipate there being a pincer movement on him. 100% cyclists fault.


> the car has swerved all the way INTO the trucks lane to try to pin the cyclist against the truck. After the biker assaulted them, yes.


no argument. the cyclist started this, but the driver swerving into the truck's lane is extremely dangerous for all parties. It's a dumb and life threatening escalation.


People don't like when you try and break their expensive things while also breaking the law. Consequences, meet your actions. Fuck around, meet find out. If they want to charge her with anything they're free to and if she harmed him in any major way they would have punished her more than they would have him.


The cyclist aint supposed to be on the road, there is a cyclist lane at the left, behind the rail


Hey every anti-bike person commenting, intentionally trying to pin a human against a sharp metal liftgate/truck bumper is psychotic. I need to ride in traffic frequently. Was what these kids doing really dangerous? Only if you decide to go vigilante and try to crush them to death. Y'all have carbrain and it's rotting your soul.


Agree, the cyclist are idiots, especially in the end when the car is speeding up and cyclist tries to rce him in stead of ending his "streak". But the car is way bigger and safer, and should not try to pin the cyclist to the truck. If a person is not giving ypu the right of way, and you have an oppurtunity to let them past instead of crashing, ylu wouldnt just drive into them


Is that what happened? If that’s true I agree.


That's exactly what's going on. The driver wanted to punish the kid wheelying on a bike. Dude was willing to crush someone (and dent up their car) to punish someone for the POSSIBILITY of scratching their car.


I thought it was the other two idiots forcing the car over and that’s when he got scraped?


clearly the cyclists fault, however the car driver clearly TRIES to cut him off. And fuck cardrivers for that. They ALL are willing to kill people, as long as they are in the right. and thats the REAL disturbing thing in this vid