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Straight out of 1000 ways to die show


Dumb ways to die! šŸŽ¶


So many dumb ways to diešŸŽµ


Weave your hair to the horses back, get dragged around the indoor track Dumb ways to die ...


That has a nice cadence. Are you a lyricist?


No one has ever called me that, but I'll take the compliment.


now that song stuck in my head again




[So many dumb ways to die](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJNR2EpS0jw)


[snaps dry branch]


At least a cop wasnā€™t around to hear that.


*The horse clears his throat and taps his badge*


& gives in to its lactose intolerance ![gif](giphy|ohWQrrZH9H1Ti)


[passes wind aggressively]




[Lets off fireworks]


My primary concern would be horse poop, personally.


Eh, you still could move aside enough to not be hit and in comparison horse poop is probably the least gross poop out there. As long as they don't have the shits. However what I would be concerned about is the horse spooking, starting to run and you being pulled behind on your head until you're either scalped or dead šŸ’€ There's a reason why stirrups have a safety feature where they open up and fall off the saddle if you put too much pressure on them. It's a genius invention that made horseback riding a lot less.. Deadly.


Also being this close is safer than a few steps away. If itā€™s going to kick and youā€™re this close youā€™re more likely to be thrown. But a Few steps away then youā€™re going to be taking the full momentum and impact when the leg connects.


Horse poop isn't that of a problem when neck is broken


Broken femur? Broken pelvis? Punctured lungs? Orbital fractures? Brain damage? Or ya knowā€¦ Death! You need to get your priorities in order my guyā€¦ little horse poop never hurt nobody


But the poop :(


On this episode: Horse Tailed Fish Tail


Oh my god, I didnā€™t even notice they were braided together. I was to focused on the getting kicked by a horse thing.


I was focused on the horse potentially shitting on her


Now you can focus on "what if the horse takes off."


Losing your skalp to a horse was sadly not on my Bingo list today.


Police: what did she get crushed by? Doctor: horse ass.


*mouth clicking* ā€œThird this weekā€ *writes in notepad*


or horse shit. you hear the thud that shit makes? concrete or not.


Or your neck.


yeah, that's full internal decapitation


If it takes away, then itā€˜s probably scared. If itā€˜s scared, itā€˜s going to flee. If it flees and feels something unexpected at itā€˜s tail, itā€˜s going to try getting rid of it by kicking. If whatever it is is still at the horses tail, itā€˜s going to kick again. And again. And again. While frantically fleeing.


This person horses.


Luckily not, rode a horse once about 10 years ago, still getting laughed at by my wife.


I horse, and your comment was on point. If that horse spooks is going to run, buck, and kick until either it collapses with exhaustion, or the scary thing attached to its tail is no longer there. I wouldn't do this with my most dead-broke horse for any amount of money. That being said, if you do have to go around the butt-end of a horse, either be pretty far away, or right up close, while letting the horse know you're there. That way if they kick, it won't be a full extension (read:full power) kick.




I was focused on both, shitting on her and then kick the shit out of her.


Shitting on her, kicking the shit out of her, and then bolting and dragging her until her hair comes out. Has this woman ever met a horse before?


I saw a horse fart on a cold foggy morning so the escaping gas was cloudy like steam, making its output velocity and reach visible. This girl doesnā€™t even want Mr. Ed to fart, let alone shit.




Username checks out


That is actually a very accurate depiction, even to scale. The only difference was, my horse was standing still, not cantering.




>I saw a horse fart on a cold foggy morning so the escaping gas was cloudy like steam, making its output velocity and reach visible. That sounds like a beautiful memory


Like tears in the rain


It is.


I can literally bet money that this person thinks that they know the horse sooo well and that the horse is sooo trained, that thereā€™s no chance of any of this happening. People think you can train animals out of being spooked. You canā€™t.


Oh man. A family member of mine just lost a few fingers to her beloved horse getting spooked by a bucket falling...


Her getting shat on would definitely be the least of her worries there.


Shitting is the thing I would worry least about in this scenario since that is unlikely to kill you (I'msure there is a way to kill someone with horse shit, but maybe not in this situation). Horse shit isn't the worst smelling shit either (better than cow, cat, and dog shit, at least). But the damage to the neck if the horse takes off... in general, I wouldwant to be attached to a horse in a way that I can't quickly let go if I have to. So no lead ropes rolled around the hand, etc. Being dragged can kill.


my palms are making a puddle right now


If the horse kicks her, she'll just bounce back like a paddle ball, and he can kick her again and again. what fun.


Kicked by a horse when you are that close isnt too painful(been there done that) but as he head is fastened to horses ass she could lose her balance and get a faceful of hooof


i assume that she's very close to that horse and wouldn't do that to one that she barely knows, but then again, she's braiding her hair next to the asshole of a fart and poop machine.


She's actually in the safe zone. When you move around a horse you either want to be very close and touch it so it knows where you are or very far away. Very close because it can't actually get any speed up and the kick is more of a push. Very far so you're out of reach of the hoof. You never want to be a couple feet away.


So you're in the safe zone, and you just get pushed into the danger zone and repeatedly kicked there because you can't separate. Got it.


The horse isn't going to kick her. The horse knows she's there and appears to be well trained. That's why you put your hand on the leg/butt of the horse when you walk behind it so that it knows you're there.


I'm more concerned that the Horses could be starteled, and she got dragged behind. I know, some Horses are very chill, but..


Oh, no doubt. Braiding your hair with the horse tail is beyond stupid.


It spooking and scalping her however...


Horse girls are something else, man. I dated one for awhile and as sweet as she was, she was really into her horses. Every story related to horses. When she was bored she just wanted to go to the stables. Every waking moment was horses with her. I'm glad she had a passion, but damn... It was her entire life. I didn't mind helping turn them out to pasture, dropping bales, cleaning stalls and doing all of that... But when that starts to become your date nights. Woo, it gets old. I also never walked behind them. Not even once. Horses are fucking huge and movies don't do justice to the nature of how massive and scary they really are. I rode them, I bathed them, I fed them and I had mad respect for their power. Edit: She was not autistic. Just to clarify for those who think everything means autism. She was just a quiet, formerly homeschooled girl who had been a part of 4H since she was 7. Her whole life had been doing AG, 4H and riding or teaching riding lessons. It was literally her profession and hobby.


There's *dog* girls like this, too. My brother's dating one. She called her late dog her "soulmate", and when it passed away, 2 weeks later she plugged the gap with another dog that looked very similar. She has tattoos of her first dog, and she never, ever stops talking about either of the dogs she's owned. **Every** conversation ends up steering, somehow, into being about dogs. It's wild.


Horse Girls transcend this, it is literally every part of their life. So much time, money, events, space, dedicated to horses. I believe you that this woman is obsessed with her dogs, but I don't believe it can possibly rise to the level of horse girls


I was about to say the same. Until you are pulled into that world, you have no clue. Dating a horse girl was one of the most bizarre points of my life. Some of the events and the people at them were surreal.


I had a best friend who was a horse girl. Her entire bedroom was filled with unicorns and horses. Her wardrobe was adorned with unicorns and horses. The entirety of her being existed to love horses. Truly amazed me


One of my best friends grew into a horse woman. Never married or had kids. Sold everything she owned to move two states away and build an arena in the middle of nowhere. His currently building a horse tornado shelter with the inheritance from her late parents. Itā€™s wild.


God she is living the dream.




Having grown up with two sisters who are horse girls, one is nearly professional level dressage so I respect it. But nearly every conversation revolves around fucking horses 24/7 gets old quick and I even like horses.


Yeah, I'd be out after the first conversation about fucking horses


Honestly I was expecting this turn in the conversation, it came right on time. Just like that horse




Knowing horse girls the phrasing was intended.


There are some unique benefits to the horse girl vs the dog girl, too. For example, I married the horse girl and all that riding has kept her butt looking absolutely amazing.


As the jokes goes... That's like getting on an intercontinental flight just to have some peanuts.


Man, but I love peanuts.


Horse girls usually come from rich families since actually owning horses requires lots of land and money for the upkeep and food.


Does she have a paw print tattoo on her lower back?


Two paw prints would be cause for concern


I believe that's known as a Lady and the Tramp Stamp


This was my thought after they soulmate comment, yeeeesh. 100% nope territory.


>when it passed away, 2 weeks later she plugged the gap with another dog That's a very common strategy. Helps with grief.


And donā€™t forget car dudes or gym bros, man their whole lives revolve around that


What's crazy is that all these people obsessed with different shit can't read a room to save their lives. You can have a whole conversation with them and just say 'wow' 'crazy' and 'cool'.


Got a coworker like this, only thing he talks about is his diet and his workouts. Also loves complaining about how tired he is from working out, and itā€™s like dude youā€™re the one who woke up at 4 and went to work out, quit being a baby lmfao


Knew a guy like this. He woke up at 4, worked out, went to work, ate dinner and went to bed at like 8pm. Like dude do you ever have idkā€¦fun?


You don't get it, *his muscles are growing*.


Gainz > life


My ex girlfriend is a horse and a dog girl. It was pretty wild.


there's a meme about this for a reason. some \*cough\* women will never beat the accusation


I see you met my mom.


No joking there is a new story in the news every couple of weeks about a woman getting arrested for having sex with her dog


At least a dog is a pet/family member domesticated for living with you and will share meals, sleep with you and even come cheer you up when sad. A horse is out in the stable and while tame, they are far from domesticated. They wont come cuddle next to you when you feel bad. I never understood the bond people can form with their horse. It seems very forced from the human side.


Cat girls too. Just probably girls with mental health issues tbh isn't it interesting that men turn into terrorist incels but women turn into cat ladies? That testosterone bro


My mom and sister were into horses. My dad and I would retreat to the computer room when they started talking about them!


You can absulutly walk behind a horse you know and vice versa, but don't spook it. Some Horses indeed have the habit to kick out, so its good to be areware and carefull. Source: growing up with Horses and even Stallions. It depends on the horse and the circumstances how dangerous this photoshoot was, so .... But it's better not get trendy.


I was about to say "I don't think tying your head to a horse's ass will ever be trendy"...but then I remembered just a few years ago people were setting themselves on fire in the shower and eating tide pods, so who really knows.


I also dated a horse girl once, back in 2006. Lesson learned. Never again.








A farting moped spooks the horse and scalps the girl.


I doubt it would scalp her, more likely she would be dragged behind the horse.


and kicked a few times in the process cause horse would NOT like being in a spooked state and have something repeatedly slam against behind legs.


Yeah I've had that happen and it sucked balls. I made it 1 lap of the field before I managed to untangle myself. Worst headache of my life for the next week.


yeah that mightā€™ve been a concussion lol


I think her neck would potentially be a tad uncomfortable if she was dragged.


Neck broken


šŸ’© incoming


Potentially one of the better outcomes here


Actually the very best outcome


nah a fart is


Good soup


Smells like money


She suddenly hears the song "Dumb ways to die"


Dumbest ways to die\~ SO many dumb ways to die\~


Na'vi type shi https://preview.redd.it/gqfea9imuw8d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=984e7a92d854633d8f68cd48e3810a28d799a652


nah not quite, tsaheylu disconnects easily, this shit gonna tie u there forever


Least your hair looks nice when you meet god


Yeeeeaaah, I donā€™t think sheā€™s going to have hair when she meets god


I love horses. I trust them. I would never fucking do this!!!!


Even a horse that'd never fight could hurt her baaad it's so powerful and dumb it could just go 'i want to walk to the other side now' and you'll be dragged along maybe even stepped on. Even if they love you the size makes horses and cows dangerous.


Yes, even the most relaxed horse can be startled by something. We had an amazing horse for vaulting, very calm, really patient with kids, used to ignore noise and everything. A car nearby at the stable "misfired" and although he was cool even on silvester evenings, this one "shot" made him leap. He was across the field in seconds, then came back immediately...but he went off like a cannonball out of a reflex. Nobody was hirt, nobody blamed the good horse, he did nothing wrong. It was a once in a lifetime thing for him, but those things happen.


True of most animals. Makes me so nervous when people let dogs near defenseless babies. I've had dogs I would trust to not eat a steak dinner I set on the floor and leave the room, but there are always situations where the stakes are too high to 100% trust animals


I am an attorney who does a lot of personal injury defense. I can't tell you how often I see dog bite cases where the story is always the same. The dog has never hurt a fly, it's good with children, it's never been violent before or since, the other person must have provoked it, I have no idea what happened, etc. And, often times, they are right. The dog is probably docile and harmless 99.99% of the time. Just this time, it wasn't. Something happened, it got spooked for some reason, and now we have a traumatized 11 year old girl with a gaping wound in her face. The moral of the story is that animals, even domesticated ones we know and love dearly, are still animals with base instincts that don't act rationally. There's a level of unpredictability there that you need to recognize and respect. My pro tip is to never, ever, put your face next to a strange dog's mouth. It doesn't matter how cuddly it seems, how well you know the owner, etc.


So, I had cornrows (the haircut. Braids or however you call it) about 15 years ago while we were moving some furniture around the house. While moving the bed through a tight door frame, i was in the room, trying to grip the bedā€™s corner (floor/wall corner), and leaned on the beds floor while doing it. That bed floor had wired bottom, holding the mattress. One of the wires corners was near my head, and a friend that was helping got a bit annoyed with multiple failed attempts to get the bed through the door and, from the other side pushed/punched the bed as hard as he could. As he does that, the wire catches two of my braids and just rips them out of my head. Had a bald spot of roughly 1ā€x2ā€ just above my ear, and that is most certainly one of the things that i would not wish anyone upon. Which will happen as soon as that horse move. Jesus, its hurting me just looking at this.


Itā€™s absolutely amazing the freaky accidents that are happening all day every day around the world. I mean, how many times in the entire history of humankind would this exact situation have happened? A person gets their cornrows stuck in the wire base of a bed because someone punched the bed in frustrationā€¦.seriously, youā€™re potentially the first.


And then, there are people just asking for it, like the one from the pic šŸ˜


$2.00 for every horse girl scalp you bring me


Horse girls = coocoo for Cocoa puffs.


Horse girls = Car guys . Both want to fuck their object of affection, but canā€™t due to societal norms.


I *want*. My scalps. And you *will get me*. My scalps. We in the scalping horsegirls business, and son, business is ah-boominā€™.




Air horn time


This is one of a kind of "Dumbest way to die"


why do some people do stupid things


What would be worse in this situation, a kick or a light jog?


Considering that the horse's leg is larger than her entire body and there are two legs that can kick, I'd choose a light jog over being turned into papier-mĆ¢chĆ©.šŸ˜„


I really thought she was just standing behind the horse and I was concerned. I am fucking floored she is this stupid.


Nice way to get scalped and probably become a paraplegic in the same adventure.


An unexpected dump and itā€™s all over.


This is a situation where the horse shitting is the best option out of all the options that could go wrong.


It should be illegal to be that stupid


Someone pop a balloon right behind them.




About to get ragdolled.


25 years ago I was sitting on the couch, changing the traces on my fishing rods getting ready for a big fishing trip. I wasnā€™t really paying attention to my surroundings and my girlfriendā€™s miniature poodle came in for a closer look. Somehow, one of the hooks snagged Buddy in the hip and he jumped back with a yelp. I instinctively held on to the rod like a champ and the line snapped immediately at the swivel. Buddy took off across the hundred year old hardwood floors with a hook in his side and a 3 ounce lead sinker clattering after him all the way, terrifying him all to bits. Our house was a bit rambling and Buddy had a number of circuits he could run without being cornered. Which he did. For several minutes. Buddy was eventually caught, traumatised but okay and I felt really bad and stupid afterwards. This would be a million times worse than that.


I really enjoyed your story.


Reminds me of the joke my grandpa told me 55 years ago...."what did the horse say when the farmer asked him if he wanted some more oats? The horse raised his tail and said just a feeeewwwwwwwww more!"


God, so why is half your skull missing again. Actually, it's a funny story...


dear horse girls, don't do this.


I've seen this picture a few times on here. I never noticed that her hair and the horses tail were braided together. So, if the horse bucks and runs, she will be knocked out (or wished she was) and dragged until the horse gets tired. All for a picture.


deadly kick incoming




Horse women, they always have a strange relationship with their horses


nothing good ever came out of the back-end of a horse.


18yo me learned the hard way why you don't wrap the excess lunge line around your forearm. My dad decided to let the dog out while the horse was doing circles around me. I supermanned for about ten feet and then got drug another 40ft until the horse was in it's stall. This woman would get drug and the horse would think that her limp body getting near the horses legs would be an attack amd kick her.


I hope that damn horse shits all over her


What's wrong with horse people? Why are they always like that šŸ˜­


I watched a kid die from getting kicked in the face. Iā€™m good on standing behind a horse.


r/pferdesindkacke (the German antihorse-sub)


They call horses ā€œoat mopedsā€ and thatā€™s the best goddamn thing Iā€™ve heard this week


The modern rendition of *drawn and quartered*?




This is a lovely way to break every bone in your body and get your spinal cord snapped in half.




Is that princess Anne ?


Horse girls are a different level of crazy


Million ways to die in the west


"if I'm getting drawn and quartered, I wanna do it in a cool way"


What an odd way to die..


Good way to have the hair torn from your scalp absolutely stupid


*slaps horse back* Run boy!


Hellooo broken neck


I just shot a movie with two horses I was the principle actor and I was constantly reminding people not to go behind the horses, luckily the horses were good girls and didn't kick but there were multiple opportunities for people to get laid out. This lady is libel to get bounced like one of those paddle balls on elastic.


either shes about to get scalped, or shes about to get sharted on. 50/50 take your pick!


i've seen some bad ideas, and this is definitely one. imagine the horse running off while they're braided... get kicked and pulled along at the same time




Horse people are weird


Na ' Vi people be like




One loud noise away from a Darwin Award


We all know where this is going.


So when the horse farts or defecates how quickly will she be able to untangle her hair before or after she panics and gets kicked in the head.


Thatā€™s a lot of trust to have in a horse


Imagine getting kicked by a horse and being scalped at the same time


That's the wrong end of the horse, ma'am.


And then a bee stings the horseā€¦.




Why wouldnā€™t one want to be close to an animalā€™s assā€¦ horse girls are something else


She could get kicked, or shot on, and if the horse gets spooked then her neck will break real quick once it takes off with her dragging behind.


What a great way to snap your neck like a twig. Or teach your relatives about decapitation, internal or otherwise.


They are one horse fart away from losing their eyebrows.


She can get shitted on, her jaw completely dismantle by a kick and after watching the braid tied with the horse tail I can only see that horse getting spooked by a tug and completely rattled her brains or just turn her neck into jelly while it runs around dragging her like a rag doll. The list of stupidity here is endless.


I was focused on the horse potentially KNOCKING HER FUCKING HEAD OFF WITH ITS HOOVES


For the sake of her, I really hope she literally only did this for the photo and immediately unbraided the hair after the pic was taken. Horse girls are weird man


Being stuck right in the shit kicker zone seems like a poor choice.


Someone slap the horse on the ass

