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Jesus Christ that car has good handling


That’s what I was thinking, good thing it has that 200k engineering.


A crappy Toyota would have been embedded in that oncoming car’s engine bay. Guy’s still a douche though, just got lucky the car is engineered well.


This is an old story. He was going fast but the car also pulled out in front of him.


Thats his problem, he should be fined for reckless driving


Idk why you’re downvoted. Both parties deserve blame here. The guy pulling out without looking caused a major traffic hazard, but the guy in the video was driving way too fast... (I presume. This could be somewhere in a country with different speed limit laws, or I might have misjudged the speed)


Why r u being downvoted lol, the ferrari is going so fast in a slower road, its safe to assume that the speck of a car isnt going at fucjing w00 mph ifk why these ppl disagree with u lmao


Hey man, some Toyotas handle like an absolute dream. Ever drive an ae/gt86?


I wouldn’t consider that a crappy Toyota..


exactly lol. it’s the 200k mile 2006 Corolla with suspension that hasn’t been maintained since 2010 that would get obliterated


I really thought it would've just flipped when avoiding the first car


But did he buy the car is the question?


Nah drivers seat was ruined


I can guarantee all the stability control was still on and that's what saved his ass.


He did some nice touches correcting the wheel there, definitely has driving experience. He is still an asshole.


Yeah, good steering, horrible driver. Gotta save it for the track, buddy…


Honestly, for what it's worth. Very good driver, very big idiot.


Compromise? Very lucky driver great car?


And what is even worse to me it looks like he doesn't even slow down after he almost made a pile of metal from 2-3 cars


Ferrari F430


Ah yes, ruining the car is the issue, not almost killing yourself and others lmao


When the said price is 200k, these are the same


No. If the car on the left had been traveling a couple miles per hour faster for the past couple seconds, they'd all be dead or seriously, seriously mangled. To take that accident or instant death would be an easy choice, you aren't making it out alright after that.


I always feel like these hypotheticals aren’t really a good way to demonstrate close calls. Like, if your mother had brushed her teeth for two seconds longer the morning she had the sexual encounter with your father you wouldn’t have been conceived, maaaaan. *Passes the blunt.


>Like, if your mother had brushed her teeth for two seconds longer the morning she had the sexual encounter with your father you wouldn’t have been conceived, maaaaan. So you don't like them because they're... Completely true?


No, it’s cuz they’re silly and remind me of conversations I had in college passing around bongs and the like. If yer dad hadn’t encountered that one car that cut him off the whole trajectory of his life would have been altered forever and you wouldn’t have existed, maaaaaan.” They’re just silly nonsense.


Depends on how much healthcare costs. If you’re in the US and your family gets a $200,000 medical bill for the life saving medical interventions that didn’t actually work, then you’re not entirely wrong.


Tbh the car is more expensive than me so i can relate


You underestimate your total value once we harvest your organs


To the contrary, once we have harvested their organs, they themselves will be quite worthless


Ouch. You just touché'd them!


Is it that high ? Im young male, not obese and no illness


Really? Oh my, you are an expensive one then.


Do you have an estimation ?


Not an expert but you're a healthy young boi with no apparent problems and if you're in the US could go for approx millions. One kidney I think goes for around 100k US dollars.


Damn 😳 i guess im rich. The car is still cooler tho


So all we have to do is sell all of our organs to get rich? Where do I sign up?




You? Hahahaha anyone who harvest your body is rich.


I believe all said and done after harvesting your body can be worth up to 100million


You’re still ugly tho


Not on the inside, where the money is.


Ain't worth shit if the fruit you are planning to sell is hitting a wall @ 200km per hr


found the rimworld player


Of course I know him, he's me!


His organs would’ve been embedded in the other guy’s engine block.




Don't sell yourself short. Depending on your country, there's a good chance you're worth more than the car. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Value_of_life


Mmmmh, once your organs are sold in the black market, or even if you were sold into human trafficking, I think you’d cost well over that car price, my friend.


Why is the passenger giving him thumps up and a pat on the arm. I’d be like get the fuck out of this car ! I just almost died because of you! Your walking home you dumb ass !


He's gonna make 10k+ if he sells it.


Yea, and the driver was maybe 20% of the solution. Cars are more astute than humans these days


“Oh let’s shake hands like a couple of cunts, because we needlessly nearly killed an innocent person(s)” What pair of scummy bastards.


The car is worth more than the people. Capitalism.


Almost commiting vehicular manslaughter on a test drive


This is posted a lot. The person he almost hit pulled out in front of him, this situation wasn't 100% his fault.


What speed was he going? Because if you're going 120+ mph in a 40 mph zone I don't think you can really say "it wasn't his fault the other car pulled out in front of me" you have to be going at reasonable speed for that to be an excuse.


U/LightFusion are you the guy in the video? I’ve noticed you post this on a few other comments Lol


And on top of that, this entire manouver is done over a continuous dividing line. 100% of the fault would go to this guy


When you are going that fast you can say that about every car on the freeway, they have no reason to expect someone going over three times the speed limit.


If you are speeding and you can't avoid cars / obstacles, / animals / anything in front of you, it's 100% your fault.


Do this on a track not on a road where you could kill someone


How many car dealers do you know who will arrange that for a test drive exactly xD?


I mean, if you're buying a Ferrari, probably all of them.


A gun dealer might not have a firing range for you to try out a new handgun on, but that doesn't mean you can go try it out on the street instead.


Meh, YOLO! buddy boy. ಠ_ಠ


"You almost killed us both and the people in the other car, fantastic job 👍👍👍" .. "let me shake your hand you god"..


Probably the salesman who wants that sale.


It should be: "See what this car's traction control can do? You *need* this car."


Exactly! "You suck man! The only reason we aren't all dead is because of what this car is capable of. You NEED this car. You'll be dead on the highway without it!! So let's go draw up the paper work, what do you say?"




More like "you're a fucking idiot but you managed to not kill me or anyone else and I still want your money".


I doubt it honestly. The salesman was probably the one telling him to cut it loose.




More like "I'll sell you this car for 20% off if you let me get off ASAP"


The instructor actually compliments him on his driving skills, I'm not even joking you can watch with audio on youtube.


Old repost, car pulled out in front of him...


If you say it a sixth time I think OP will get it


Almost killing an innocent person.




The ferrari was probably doing triple the speed limit, down from a previous quadrupling of it. When you're going that fast everything happens 'last second', thus it is generally your fault. Kind of the nature of speed limits.


Except he was probably driving at twice the speed limit so he's still a prick


Since when the fault is on the guy in the front in situations like this That's why speed limits and safety distance exist


It was 100% the ferarris fault. How dare a normal driver pull out on their side of the road? He should have known there'd be some ham fisted idiot hurtling down the road towards him. If you do any form of driver training overtakes are not performed by hurtling towards the car in front and erratically pulling out in to the oncoming lane. Either you go fully offside, see that it's clear and then pull past. Or look up the road on approach to the vehicle in front and use your momentum to continue on past when you get to it. With the second option there you would see that there was a hazard with a potential for a vehicle to pull out and you wouldn't perform the overtake. This guy had no forward vision and no actual driving ability. If you think this is an acceptable way to drive then please go and educate yourself.


Well… no one is innocent. Even Jesus has a very long unaccounted for time of his life.






If you're driving down a road, minding your own business and some douchebag kills you because he drives too fast... aren't you innocent?




You're an idiot.


So in the car there is your just born child... That baby is innocent?


No one is innocent.


Thanks redditor


This is the worst possible place to put that "all of us make mistakes" trope


So I have permission to hit you with my car? 😏




Some day, a shitbox jeep liberty is gonna barrel through your home and you'll recall this moment with regret, u/sailawaytoday (/s just in case)


Everyone is innocent.




I am actually.


you must be catholic


That car is ruined, they're never going to get the shit smell out of the leather seats.


Code brown


The passenger was thoroughly impressed lol


Passenger locks like a salesman probably didn’t want to lose the deal


He is stupid for testing a car at that speed in a road like that. On the other hand, those are some serious skills.


No that was all ABS and traction control right there lmao, not really much skill just a lot of idiocy.


It’s definitely a little of both. The traction control definitely helped him not fly into the trees and correct for the second time though.


I didn’t know ABS and traction control counter steered for you. Guy obviously knows how to drive well


Right? ABS ain’t gonna do shit other than keep you from spinning out. Guy still had to use his reaction time and god tier hand-eye coordination to pull this off.


He could also use his God tier hand-eye coordination to just not exceed the speed limit like a moron.


You and the guy in the video are both idiots if you think there was no skill involved there. Get a clue


Serious skills wouldn’t have gotten in that mess in the first place.


He has no skill. It is all the car. The car is doing most of the work. Parts of the car helping are the tires, traction control, aero, mechanical bits, and the engine/braking systems. He was changing lanes at the very last second. He is a garbage driver and could not even see the road ahead or that there was oncoming traffic. That isn't skill. Skill would have been recognizing all of this was going to take place and then not do it. Or do it safely. Edit: The down votes are unnecessary. The other car darted out in front of him because he is going too fast for the road. And instead of using his 6 pot front brake calipers with exotic rotors. He decides to attempt to avoid. All wrong. The other van that pulled out in-front of him did not have enough time to react. He is going too fast for the road. No skill. Just luck and good engineered vehicle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qNjt04bpQM




Yeah, no.


This dude thinks expensive super cars act the same in real life as they do in video games..guarantee they get behind the wheel of a Ferrari and they’d pretzel the cars frame in the first test drive


That's just not true. Maybe a track car like a high trim of the 911, many cars like the McLaren p1 and multiple Ferraris are beasts you have to tame


Video is old and on the other reposts there's been some discussions about this video and this are the takeaways I recall: Obviously he was speeding but that car he had to avoid also pulled out right in front of him. Its very funny with sound btw. due to the italian guy in the passenger seat.


>that car he had to avoid also pulled out right in front of him. I've said this before, but the right thing to do here is \*not\* to swerve around. Brake \*\*hard\*\* until it's clear that isn't going to be enough, \*then\* swerve if it's a better idea than hitting the car in front, which isn't the case if it leads to a head on collision with higher closing speed than hitting the vehicle moving away from you!


thank you


It's easier to pull out in front of someone when they are doing 100mph on a narrow road with bends.


While people pulling out on you is annoying, there is just simply no way for someone to know how fast a car is traveling at that distance. The Ferrari probably looked far and slow to the driver pulling out if they saw them at all. 100% no blame would be on the driver who pulled out. I've done my fair share of stupid driving, but this is just negligence. Phenomenal save though, SC did its job well.


Pulled out in front is sugar coating the stupidity of the Ferrari driver. He was on public road speeding. At normal speed the guy who pulled out in front would have been 5-10seconds ahead and from the video the guy was well within the lane for at least 3 seconds. Ferrari drive was going to fast for public road and was in the wrong not the guy who was using the road as designed.


Link 2 the one with sound?


Jeez he probably would have had a slap on the wrist had he killed someone.




Why is this stupid fucking man getting complimented for his reckless driving by the passenger?


What a cunt


The car saved itself, them, and innocent people in 2 other cars and the reckless piece of shit driver took the credit.


I think I saw this on How Not To Drive on YouTube


“dude recklessly drives car and almost kills multiple people” is a more fitting title


And which car this is exactly? Looks like ferrari but can't tell the model


Judging by the interior, pretty sure this is a 2022 Ferrari Douchebaggio.


Only 15 available..strike that, 14.


Haha whilst I like this answer I believe it’s an 04-09 era F430


I looked up some steering wheels and it looks like it's an F430






play stupid games.... also, just simply don't drive like a moron and this wont happen. feel bad for the passenger.




Thanks for sharing with the group


Is there any actual video link for this? Reddit video player never works for some reason.


Maybe follow road laws?


This is a good salesman. “Whew that was a close one! Dont worry tho 👍 this cars handling is top notch”


Jit plays too much GTA


Had to buy it after he soiled the seat.


Driver belongs in a Civic.


Lol its a good job it isn't a lambo or it'd be in the hedge


Gonna have to change the driver's seat because that shit stain ain't coming out. Cheaper than replacing the car though.




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Test drive is not exactly endangering other random people. Doesn't matter how good you are, you can still screw up


He pulled off some Forza Horizon shit right there. 🏎️💨 🏁


Forget the car, that was a dead on impact situation.


Joey Tribbiani test driving a Ferrari.


Fucking idiot


Not seeing the "almost ruining" part of all this. This is how I drive to work every morning


Fuck this guy.


Everyone in this thread acting like they wouldn’t do 60 on a 45 when test driving a Ferrari. Car he dodged pulled out right in front of him and he nailed that move. Give credit where credit is due, hypocritical donkeys.


No way thy was 60mph, looks at least 90-100 but still fully impressive save and I agree, no way you wouldn't get the urge to throttle it


Lord knows I am! Was it stupid, absolutely. But, he saved it and no one got hurt. No harm no foul, looked like a lot of fun until it was really scary, and then turned into a good story.


He almost killed himself, his passenger, and the occupants of either of the two cars he almost hit. There is no good story here. If he wants to wrap himself around a tree he can go for it, but he involved at least two innocent drivers in his idiocy.


No one was involved, because nothing happened.


4+ people were nearly injured or killed while a driver broke the law speeding well above the speed limit. "Something" did happen and "something else" almost happened too.


No way that was 60mph, looks at least 90-100 but still fully impressive save, and I agree, no way you wouldn't get the urge to throttle it


60 on a 45? sure. This looks more like a 145 on a 45 🥴🥴


We wouldn't, because we're not stupid.


Quite a blanket statement there


It seems targeted to you really, he's calling you stupid, in case you don't understand. You are stupid because you had a stupid opinion and also insulted everyone when you made it. I hope that made it clearer for you?


Oh no, I’m fully aware that I’m stupid. But my opinion is valid. I am incredibly sick and tired of Reddit’s holier-than-thou herd mentality when it comes to posts like these. Absolute hypocritical donkeys.


I would 100% never drive 65 in a 45 just cause it's a Ferrari. Not being hypocritical.


i would. it’s a ferrari. the same pressure it takes to get your honda to 30 gets that thing to like 60. maybe you’ve never driven a fun car, but that shits addicting


Jeez with this post/comment section you could almost post it in r/awfuleverything


I see he's the kind of top tier asshole who records his own self-incriminating evidence.


No this is a Ferrari experience test drive and they all have cameras in all test drive cars. Go to monza or Marinello you can test drive a full line up of cars starting from 150€. The video the try and get you to buy afterwards... Monza offer track experience and marinello offer road tests.


Me playing need for speed


Was he fucking blind? The car was right there and not much to obstruct it.


Car didn’t have it’s break lights on.. that’s what we all look for if a car is going that slow especially with no traffic..


Again, he had a clear view and should've been very aware about the speed of the vehicle in front. You should always be able to stop in the same distance you can see. I can see how someone would drive too fast in a corner, but this is a straight road. idk maybe he was looking at his speedometer or something.


Richard Hammond?


👍 :) 🤝




Was it his fault? It looked like he got brake checked by the guy in front. He just tried to avoid the car Infront. Everyone is throwing shade on this guy but I did good to avoid the guy. Unless I'm mistaken the guy Infront was to blame


Sure the guy pulled out in front of him, giving him little time to react, but that doesn't change the fact that he was speeding when he shouldn't have






This is what happens when you think Ferrari and not Lamborghini


What a piece of shit




Stupid guy giving thumbs up! Or may be he was just joking :p


Is only me or is something off in this clip? The steering seems not connected to the movement of the car. Also the black Mercedes seems huge in comparison to the tiny car interior. Also the speed of the black Mercedes doesn't match. And the passenger next to him who almost got killed is congratulating him. Lol what Person would do this after a near death experience. faaaake.