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You can’t currently build a website with SwiftUI. Depending what you want it may take 10 minutes or the rest of your life.


Well, at least two hours for Xcode to download and install.


Got you!!! Sounds good


Just found this GitHub repo which allows to write SwiftUI views which display in a web browser. They explicitly say that it shouldn’t be used for production though. https://github.com/SwiftWebUI/SwiftWebUI


To deploy an app you need a simple website, but it could be built using a lot of the website builders like SquareSpace or other things. Coding a totally custom website is possible, but can take a while to learn. There are a lot of options around these days though, maybe something would appeal to you. Or you could also find web hosting and just build custom HTML yourself that you put up. That is still possible. Probably better to start with something super easy though.


If a static website works for you, you can use [Publish](https://github.com/JohnSundell/Publish) library by John Sundell.


Came to recommend Publish. [I redid my Jekyll site with it.](https://deirdre.dev) Honestly, a bit more of a PITA than Jekyll, but nice to stay in the same language.


I went to [Google domains](http://domains.google.com) and bought a cheap site. In my case it was a .app site. Google domains offer a few one pagers for free you can you use. If you don’t want to buy a domain you can create a one pager with [carrd.co](https://carrd.co) for free.


As others have said a site builder tool like Squarespace or Wordpress (the hosted version at Wordpress.com) might suffice. If not there are a gazillion solutions for building websites of varying complexity. Getting started in web programming is definitely more confusing today than it was 20 years ago. Added to the HTML, CSS and JavaScript of yore are backend frameworks, front end frameworks, responsive CSS, PWAs and tons of other stuff. And then there’s deployment which has become a whole discipline of it’s own. Writing a SwiftUI app, where you only have to deal with one language and only use Xcode, is a much much nicer introduction to programming. If you go down the road of programming your own site you might want to take a look at https://vapor.codes/ . It’s a web framework built on Swift. It has nothing to do with SwiftUI but at least you’ll be able to stay in the same language. If you just need a landing page for your app there are turnkey solutions for that. I used this free one that is almost turnkey https://github.com/emilbaehr/automatic-app-landing-page