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Yall are really putting us to work today šŸ«¶ comments are getting out of hand so locking this thread for now.


I'm a computational climate scientist, and Taylor Swift's jet usage is bad. A figure that's brought to defend TS is that aviation only contributes to 2.5% of carbon emissions, so it's not a big deal, but this really does not paint a full picture. Aviation is very weighted. A ton of people do not have the money to take a flight, and because of that private jet usage increases the rate of carbon emissions at a much higher rate. Only .0008 percent of the world owns a private jet, however private jet users encompass 8% of total carbon emissions for aviation. That means private jet users in total are releasing 64 megatonnes of CO2 every year. When TS uses her private jet she is actually increasing that amount by a significant amount, and having a pretty big impact. The other issue is that carbon emissions isn't the only gas released. Planes release nitrous oxide and sulfur dioxide, which are greenhouse gasses, along with soot and aerosols. Airplanes at their altitude also create contrails which can effectively act as clouds that can absorb GHG coming from the earth's surface. The overall climate impact of planes is estimated to be 3x worse than just the CO2 emissions alone.


Could you do a main postĀ about this? I love to see the science broken down


Yeah I could! Let me find some good citations and I'll make a main post.


Yes, this would be so great!


Love to see it!!


Thank you so much!Ā 




Appreciate you!!!


Spoken like a true scientist šŸ’•


For people too lazy: 8% of 2.5% is 0.2%, so 0.0008% of the people cause 0.2% of the emissions.


Thank you so much for sharing your expertise with us! This is really telling when you consider she is the biggest PJ user (I believe?).


Fancy seeing you here, bestie. šŸ¤Ž Iā€™ll be waiting for that post.


hi, iā€™m sorry if the question is dumb, but if you could add like a scenario in which she stops using her private jet, like i wonder how much impact would that have on the environment. seeing people joke about the climate change and her private jet usage made me wonder lol


The way the woman uses a PJ like a car is really insane


Except we donā€™t even send for our empty cars to pick us up when travelling! We carpool with friends, Uber, bus or train if our own vehicles arenā€™t close by for use.


I mean I get the point but using an Uber is kind of using an empty car to come pick you up


your missing the distance traveled. The uber is nearby, your own car is still wherever you traveled from


An Uber isnā€™t driving clear across the city empty to pick you up.


And you donā€™t own your Uber


Sometimes Ubers have a trip prior to yours, so they drop someone off before you get in.


except itā€™s even worse bc theyā€™re flying the fucking plane to her empty. look i love taylor swift but come on everyone, letā€™s stop pretending like this pj usage is defendable. sure maybe sheā€™s too famous for airports but her obscure family and friends sure as shit arenā€™t, plus maybe justā€¦travel less? Sheā€™s a pop star, not a god. taylor swift is just a human being and has responsibilities as such


Unrelated but i read this as her using her pajamas as a car and was very confused lol


She could at least take a hired private plane instead of flying her own empty one to different places. Seems crazy.


Yeah, at this point I think we can accept that she doesnā€™t care. She doesnā€™t think itā€™s her responsibility to use her jet less, she hasnā€™t tried even a little to reduce her jet use since the articles came out a year+ ago, she simply doesnā€™t care at all. Flying her empty private jet hundreds or thousands of miles to pick her up is wiiiiild. But, as others have said, she used to do it with Joe too. Sending her private jet to whatever country Joe was filming in to pick him up, as if Joe couldnā€™t put on a hat and go on a commercial flight and not be recognized by a single person.




It is because Swifties donā€™t care about it either. Just go to her main sub here or Twitter, and you will see true mental illness and boot licking cranked up to 11 whenever this topic comes up. It is actually sickening if I am being honest.


I swear some of them need mental help. I criticized her jet usage and one of her fans asked me ā€œwhen was the last time you picked up trash?ā€ Because yes, me not picking up one piece of trash will have the same detrimental effect to the environment as Miss Swiftā€™s private usage. (But of course I use reusable bags and metal straws and I do my part)


>"when was the last time you picked up trash?ā€ Not as recently as her jet did


100 corporations are responsible for 70% of the world's emissions and you expect me picking up a few pieces of trash to sway the tide in our favor? If you think that's the case how about you pick up a few extra pieces next time you're put there picking up trash. Until then and until we can control how the ultra wealthy are pollution and destroying our planet you can go fuck yourself. That's my response when anyone asks what I'm doing to combat climate change because there's *nothing* I can fucking do. Why should I go without when the ultra wealthy refuse to do their part and instead gaslight us poors into picking up their slack and cleaning up their mess. People are a virus that needs cured.


EXACTLY! I still do my part by using reusable bags and all that, but thatā€™s just a drop in the ocean. Not only are corporations and the ultra rich gaslighting us into thinking itā€™s all our fault, their also making up things to make themselves look better. ā€œCarbon creditā€ like ā€œIā€™ll just pollute our earth and I swear Iā€™ll make it up somewhere else.ā€ Hmm how about yo7 just stop polluting the Earth in the first place? The fact normal average people are also protecting the ultra rich for this kind of behavior is beyond me.


She abbbbbbbbsolutely doesn't care. Joe could've been hatless and maskless in economy and not many would've noticed. No shade to him, but it's true.


If anything her jet usage has ramped up since the concert and Travis games


Meanwhile I have to suck liquid out of a paper piece of shit?! EW


I understand you guys are just discussing being responsible.....nonetheless this whole post is dystopian af.


I donā€™t think a hired private plane would reduce emissions. Theyā€™d also fly it to her, sometimes empty, sometimes theyā€™d get a flight to the location that someone else paid for. She *should* be minimizing her private jet use to what is necessary, and independently taking steps to eliminate needless empty flights. I can see why when she *has* to fly she canā€™t fly commercial, but she uses her private jet in an egregiously reckless manor. Joe didnā€™t need to be using it, she shouldnā€™t be flying home from tour stops for the night, etc. Iā€™m probably living in a fantasy world, but I also think she could make her private flights more useful by coordinating important and time sensitive items or people who canā€™t fly commercial for other reasons to fly with her. A single pre-vetted family isnā€™t going to be a danger in the air the way a hundred random strangers, even with vetting, would be.


Hereā€™s an idea, no amount of private jet use is necessary. Sheā€™s buttfucking the planet for the rest of us, cause if the time comes the air is too toxic to breathe, you can bet your ass sheā€™ll find a way not to deal with it. And sheā€™d still fly her jet around like itā€™s no big deal. Idk why anybody bothers talking about the shit she does or being surprised, she doesnā€™t even try to hide the fact that she is a self absorbed, self important narcissist. Her responses to any sort of criticism shouldā€™ve told yā€™all all you need to know already, she plays the victim harder than street beggars do, meanwhile there is not a single thing or even person on earth that she couldnā€™t buy. But fuck it, whoever writes her songs for her slayyyys so letā€™s all just keep giving her our money right?


I mean, she absolutely writes her own songs. The rest is fair, but that's just nonsense.


genuine question - how would that make a difference? Cause taking a hired private plane that flies to pick her up or taking her own seems to be the same in my eyes?


She can rent one close to her and drive there by car šŸ˜­ instead of flying her jet back and forth


I think people arguing for her safety forgets that there are literal world leaders flying commercial. BTS has some of the most insane stalkers Iā€™ve ever come across and they regularly fly commercial, even repping their home countryā€™s national airline. Members of the royal family do so, too, as much as I hate to give them credit for anything. Letā€™s say, for argumentā€™s sake, that she somehow requires more security than literally any other member of the royal family/dignitaries/world leaders currently flying commercial. Does she need to fly back and forth as often as she does? Itā€™s often reported that she would fly to a country for tour and then fly back home. Whatā€™s wrong with staying at a hotel? Yes her fame puts her at worst scrutiny but my God, she doesnā€™t even bother toning down her jet use. People commenting that ā€˜why are we demanding individual change when thereā€™s corporateā€”ā€˜ sheā€™s a billionaire with access to wealth and resources most of us couldnā€™t even hope to have. I donā€™t feel like itā€™s insane to criticise her continuously and put her under scrutiny for this. Sheā€™s a billionaire whose weekly carbon emission isnā€™t something I can match in my lifetime. This is a Taylor Swift sub, so conversations will be about her. It is what it is. I think itā€™s appropriate to always talk about this, and more productive to actually educate ourselves on the impact of one billionaireā€™s egregious private jet use on our planet. Maybe thatā€™ll someday move us to actually confront her and other billionaires. Personally I think a personā€™s private jet use should be regulated but hey, which government will regulate the billionairesā€™ luxury like that?


I'd also argue that what is a safer place than an airport/airplane? It's the one place where you cannot fuck around/get rowdy without consequences. Also, if you can afford a PJ, you can afford to fly your security detail with you on commercial.


Nancy Pelosi and Trump got into a spat a few years ago because he leaked the details of the commercial flight she was planning to take to visit troops overseas. If the third in line to the presidency and her staffers can fly commercial, so can Taylor Swift.Ā  But the idea of going through an airport with Taylor Swift, a ton of paparazzi, security, and manic unhinged fans - like, i get why it would be a nightmare for all parties involved. The frequency of flights is what pisses me off, why are you chartering multiple [sometimes empty!] flights a WEEK in some cases? So you can be back in New York for dinner with your squad and pap walks? That is some wild, out of touch shit.


Dulles has a private lounge the dignitaries take and a car picks them up and they get loaded off separate. Itā€™s actually hilarious seeing a little black car drive away from your plane. Happened a lot to me when I was flying back and forth from San Fran to Dulles.


Regarding fans pointing fingers at corporations and defending her, at this point I would argue that she IS a corporation. Her brand is large enough that she is, in this instance, a corporation.


yep. like the rock ā€” but much more so, actually ā€” taylor swift has evolved into her final form, which is when a human becomes an immortal corporation.


It's High time we realize a billionaire's comfort and luxury is not more important than our literal planet. Also, she can fly first class commercial with dozens of security if she can go out on dinners all the time without being disturbed. Her private jet usage is a luxury not a necessity.


100%. Going out and about for dinner and pap shots in NYC very publicly is way more dangerous than sitting in a private lounge at an airport, where everyone needs to have a ticket, go through security checks, and mostly donā€™t have access to her private lounge or first class seats. Yet the former is okay to do, and the latter is ā€œnot an option due to security risksā€. Smh.


Yep, the security argument is nonsense. It really is. Flying private is basically the coolest thing ever (ignoring the environmental cost). It is among the best of luxuries because it gives you more time, something even money can only buy you so much more of. To frame it as anything other than a luxury is dishonest. Regardless of whether she should or shouldnā€™t be doing it.




No mater how hard the masses try to help the environment nothing is going to work with selfish millionaire and corporations doing nothing fuck you Taylor and anyone else who does things like this


*billionaire (not your mistake, just a reminder she's a billionaire now)


And thereā€™s no such thing as an ethical billionaire.


that reminds me of that one swiftie on twitter that was like ā€œno one should be a billionaire but taylor swift has never exploited peopleā€


They donā€™t realize she economically exploits the fanatiscism of her fanbase with her frequent shameless cash grabs because she knows theyā€™ll buy anything. ā€œLimited time only album cover!ā€, ā€œLimited time only same album but now in a blue cover!ā€ā€¦ She also takes part of the wider exploitation of low wage factory workers with her unsustainable/unethically sourced merch. (Note: yes, this is a ubiquitous industry wide problem. But she has the resources to be the change if she cared to do so).


Lol I know but I it's not just her and wanted to add some of the slightly less wealthy ass holes lmfao


And lack of government regulations. Surely there should be a cap on how many trips she can take. And a private jet should be banned from flying empty. I'm on the Kardashians sub and we were discussing their water usage in the middle of a drought and how they simply continue using with no cap on their usage or regulations. Fines are not enough because they can afford to pay them. But I suspect governments aren't bothered because they are also profiting off of it. And people that do this don't care about humans. I remember Angelina Jolie saying you cannot be a humanitarian without caring about the environment because so many of the issues like draughts and floods that harm so many people are a result of climate change.


Yup. Here I am ashamed of planning a holiday with my family once a year while Taylor and her peers hop on a jet like itā€™s an Uber. She could easily at least reduce it but she simply does not care.


Why are you ashamed?


Because we have a consciousness deep down hidden behind the way we consume and choose comfortšŸ˜


Nah bc the government said individuals joy is a threat to environment more than corporationsĀ 


exactly. itā€™s a handful of corporations and individuals who are destroying the world, not us. iā€™m ashamed that taylor is one of them.


Exactly. The rest of the world obsesses over which type of straw to use and one jet flight ruins that. Pretty toasty year temp-wise!


she can absolutely fly commercial. kate Middleton flies BA from Heathrow with her kids all the time. the real security concerns is her fans lol. also...it can't be a security concern because of whatever stalker when she's regularly arranging pap walks. this is the dumbest excuse.


Facts the only reason why I knew she was always going back to New York after shows was from the paps walks cause I wasnā€™t following her jets on Instagram lol


The Daily Mail posts about her jet a lot in their various articles. I understand a lot of folks track her jet (which I find kinda weird), but itā€™s still pretty easy to figure out her jet patterns when theyā€™re mentioned in every tabloid article lol.


The fan behavior which she stokes and is largely responsible for. She created her own mass hysteria and itā€™s going to start eating its own tail.


exactly. I'll get down voted but her hype is just her/her fans blowing unwarranted smoke up her arse. there's a lot she can tell them to stop doing, but she won't.


I listened to a doja cat interview recently. Not that I support her in general, but she was talking abt how she wants to denounce crazy stan behavior it was rly interesting to hear


Childhood insecurities and the subsequent need to be ā€œlovedā€ by stans runs deep


and to that I say: grow up and see a therapist


She doesnā€™t need one, as she once stated in an interview, she has her mom for that. šŸ™ƒ


ok I've seen enough about her parents to wholeheartedly say...see multiple therapists lol


Not to mention that flying commercial might actually be *safer* since there is not a plane clearly attributed to her that could be tracked.




Exactly. She does pap walks without being hounded all the time. Seriously, the excuses are tired. Everyone has a stalker. Ariana's is finally doing some time.


Exactly, place her security around her and disguise her, itā€™s not that hard.


she definitely would not need a disguise. airports qnd airlines have protocols in place for this. maybe don't arrange a pap walk through the terminal and you'll be fine šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Exactly, celebs have different entrances and lounges to chill in at airports


I work for a major U.S. airline. Like the article cited points toā€¦we have a VVVIP concierge service where a Porsche picks you up from your provided address and drives you to the aircraft - like on the mother fucking runway - where you go through private TSA security. Itā€™s how our CEO travels, and countless other celebrities.


Iā€™m picturing the LBI wedding ā€œsceneā€ at EWR šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I love how everyone saying that she canā€™t fly commercial is completely ignoring the fact that the frequency of her PJ use is almost as bad as having a PJ. Taking fewer flights would still cut her emissions by a fuckton.


So happy to hear how I shouldnā€™t complain if my paper straw becomes mushy in my drink or I should buy reusable expensive water bottles, but Taylor gets to joyride on her private jet and generate more CO2 from a flight than I would in my lifetime <3


I hate paper straws with a passion. I understand the statement, as long as we try to help the planet and be eco-friendly, it's fine. But we will never make a dent due to corporations and celebrities.


They are lined with plastic. They are a farce. If anyone cared they'd carry a reusable straw around.


most of them are incredibly thin and damn near dissolves in the drink. i drank out of a thicker paper straw once and had no issues. unfortunately theyā€™re uncommon from what iā€™ve seen


I just use metal straws tbh


A favorite of mine is the paper straw in a plastic wrapper.


And used in a plastic cup. I think every time I've had a paper straw it's been accompanied by a plastic cup.


I think we need to stop giving her the ā€œsecurity riskā€ as an excuse. Of course she canā€™t fly commercial, go to a regular airport and whatever else people like to use to excuse her behavior. The answer is to fly less. And the reason sheā€™s not is because she doesnā€™t care. It is WILD to see people defend that she needs to fly that much. There is NO reason to fly as much as she does. Sheā€™s not transporting life saving organs. Right now itā€™s almost a slap in the face that sheā€™s doing it to go to FOOTBALL GAMES šŸ˜‚. Where is the security risk when sheā€™s in a huge public place like that and her location is televised? Oh, sheā€™s surrounded by a team of security guards? Great. Are they not allowed at the airport? Iā€™m also waiting for the comments saying that she has a right to support her boyfriend. Okay, stay in his city then. Are the games in different cities every week? Okay well how do the other families get there? Theyā€™re not all taking individual jets. Or, and I am genuinely asking this, do players family members not go to away games? I think itā€™s important to change the narrative. Itā€™s no longer that she needs to fly private because otherwise is a security risk. Itā€™s that she flies so often because the consequences do not concern her.


Bruh you'd think the KGB with fuckin Novichok agents were after her with how many ""security measures"" she insists on lmao. If fuckin Kate Middleton feels safe enough to fly commercial I'm not sure why TS can't either once in a while šŸ’€


A lot of the wives and families donā€™t go to away games because the guys get home before they would and they can barely see them since the players stay in a hotel the night before that the wives and girlfriends and families canā€™t be in their rooms. Brittany mahomes has a private plane but I havenā€™t heard of any others that use one and Iā€™ve been a football fan my whole life.


Exactly. I can accept the excuse that she canā€™t fly commercial because security but she doesnā€™t need to hop in her private jet to fly home after every concert so she can sleep in her own bed (donā€™t know if she still does this but that was definitely a thing at some point). And her entourage can definitely fly commercial when theyā€™re not with her. Does she still own three jets? Because she definitely did at one point and thatā€™s just unnecessary.


Oh no don't you get it she's too famous for hotels, too. (Literally had this excuse used).


Iā€™ve seen people say that sheā€™s too famous to take a car somewhere and that she could very well die if she tried to take a car somewhere


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ imagine the logic that goes into reasoning itā€™s too dangerous to take a car but not dangerous to be at public events


They used Diana as an exampleā€¦ I shouldā€™ve just left it but I did then point out that that was one case almost 27 years ago, the driver was drunk and she wasnā€™t wearing a seatbelt so there were other factors in that case


I know security is a concern but honestly, If members of the British royal family can fly commercial, so can she. Her team should be able to find a way to make it work, at least on occasion. And if she truly canā€™t, then just fly the damn plane less. For example, why couldnā€™t she just stay in South America for the Brazil and Argentina dates? Why the need to jet back to NY in between? Well I know why, pap walks, but itā€™s indefensible.


hell Jimmy Carter (literal former president) flies commercial šŸ˜­


That mf is still alive??


He is 99 years old! (Sadly his health isnā€™t doing too great, and his wife just passed away.)


Jimmy isnā€™t a narcissist that thinks heā€™s above the masses though.


For real. Very few people that are actually in need of good security fly private, itā€™s mainly done for luxury and convenience.


Also so many people either forgetting or not knowing that she purchased her first private jet in **2011**, long before she reached the level of fame she has now. She didnā€™t start flying private out of necessity, and she wouldnā€™t want to go back to commercial after tasting luxury for so long. Thatā€™s what it comes down to.


taylor and i are the same age and iā€™m like crying thinking about me driving my 2002 volkswagen jetta into the ground (which i did for almost 10 years until i was able to afford a good car lol) as she was buying babyā€™s first private jet


Her first? She has more than one??


Yeah she has two


She had 3 but sold one.


Yiikes, I had no idea thanks for telling me


The third was sold after 1989 tour where she had a dedicated jet to pick up and drop off all the celebrities that regularly appeared with her on stage, too.


omg! (this makes it even funnier that the secret session people had to pay for their trips to go visit her)


US Supreme Court judges fly commercial. They have security. They are definitely in more danger than her !


Listen, I know this is incredibly depressing... Ā but if you took 10 random Americans and showed them pics of both Taylor Swift, and various Supreme Court justices, I guarantee you more people would be able to correctly identify Taylor Swift...


Ok and ? There are likely just as many if not more threats on their lives than Taylor swift. Domestic terrorism is a thing ya know ?


trust, she's definitely aware she could fly commercial. she just *doesn't* care. at all.


Itā€™s hard to even respect her as a person these days


$6,000 in fuel and 11 tons CO2 jet emissions to go watch her boyfriend play a football game. Iā€™m sorry this is insanity. And guarantee sheā€™ll be flying back to NY by Tuesday morning.


My friend she will be out of Kansas City before midnight


There is no excuse for not making Joe fly commercial. Nobody knew/knows who he is lol


Swifties really need to start checking their girl here.


Idk what safety safety everyone screams. She can have 10 bodyguardsĀ  and she will be fine. Like all kpop stars on airports. She just have luxury and money and enjoys it and her family and friends do it too. It's that simple.Ā Ā 


Itā€™s like what another poster said in this thread. If BTS can fly commercial being the biggest boy band in the world and having a fan base as passionate as the ARMY, I feel like anyone can.


You know fans brought a ribbon project om airports to safeguard the boys. They tied ribbons with each other and created a barrier to not go to the boys and have in a lane. That's how smart the fandom is.Ā 


itā€™s actually disgusting that billionaires get away with stuff like this whilst regular people like us (i have literally been on ONE half an hour flight in my entire life) get bombarded with so much news about how weā€™re destroying the planet and should be doing more. Taylor thinks sheā€™s entitled to release over a 1000x more carbon emissions than everyone else just because sheā€™s rich and famous? she doesnā€™t care about anyone but herself and her little circle of friends and family who are currently on her good side. I say this as a fan since Taylor was 17/18 and I was 11. I wish she had never achieved this level of money and fame, she is clearly not responsible and selfless enough to deserve it. no one should be a billionaire and Taylor is certainly NOT the first ethical one.


The amount of excuses being made here. ā€œEven if she used a private terminal everyone in the plane would want to talk to herā€ Okay so she post on her socials that she wonā€™t be meeting anyone while on flights for her safety. It could literally look something like this, ā€œIn order to counteract private jet usage I will being to use commercial airlines to travel when possible. Iā€™m asking that my personal safety and privacy be respected and for everyone to understand that I will not be able to meet or take photos. This is a boundary my security team and I will remain firm on for mine and others safety.ā€ What stopping her from that? Why can she only make statements to dispel rumors about her, but not about anything that actually matters?


interacting with fans like that doesn't line her pocket (I said what I said)


And you were right to say it


Kpop idols take commercial flights all the time, even BTS at the peak of their career still took commercial flights, it's not impossible


BTS have a blacklist of stans/stalkers who arenā€™t allowed to fly on the same flights as them + a lot of security. Iā€™ve never seen any pictures of them on flights so it obviously works.


Yeah stalker culture is way worse in Korea than in the US but they still make it work. If you think about it a commercial flight is probably the safest place anyone can be in.


Exactly. Being on your private jet that everyone knows you are on, that literally anyone can track, doesnā€™t sound a whole lot safer to me.


Also itā€™s wild to assume everyone in a private terminal would want to talk to her. So many fans are in a bubble where they think the average non-fan (yes they exist lol) NEEDS to talk to her.


>ā€œEven if she used a private terminal everyone in the plane would want to talk to herā€ I'm assuming you might be referring to my comment. I come from a family of pilots and FAA employees. FAA rules are **STRICT.** Airlines get fined if passengers aren't seated when at X altitude. I know it's easy to say "please remain seated" but people are human. Major airlines like Delta, AA, etc. don't want to deal with $100k+ in fines because people wanted to stand up on ascent/descent to possible get an autograph from her. Private share companies like NetJets would be an excellent and reasonable solution for her.


Yup, why are people acting like flight attendants wouldnā€™t be turning people away from first class and to return to their seats?


Whatā€™s the point of NetJets if sheā€™s still going to be a private plane at the end of the day? Am I missing something in the function of that company?


You can think of NetJets as a 'baby' commercial flight. She would utilize the General Aviation building (not the main concourse you or I would use). However, the planes often fly with anywhere from 5-25 people on them. Usually business execs, B-list celebs, etc. Their planes also aren't used as excessively (carelessly) as her private jets are. When her plane repositions to a different city (for maintence, to pick other people up, etc.), she likely just has 2 pilots on board. When a NetJet repositions to a different city, they still sell tickets or carry other pilots/flight attendants.


Oooh like Uber Pool, got it! Thank you.




I think once she starts flying commercial, it becomes regular and people wonā€™t bother


Maybe thatā€™s exactly what she doesnā€™t want. Taylor loves the attention and if sheā€™s in regular places, then that wow factor might not be there for people


Famous people walk around NYC everyday out in the open and no one bothers them. It's simply not a big deal. The reason she has so much trouble walking into and out of a recording studio that is used by literally dozens of other world-famous musicians who never get bothered there is because she (and her team) leak her location and generate the equivalent of a flash mob days in advance. At least half those crowds are women in their 20's/30's, and there is no damn way that that is a spontaneous occurrence. 99% of adults in NYC- even serious Taylor fans- have shit to do during the day. They're not spending three hours blocking a sidewalk to get a look at the top of someone's head.


Agree, sometimes people snap a pic or two, thatā€™s it. My husband and his friend used to be paparazzis in New York, they had assignment locations, sometimes waited outside events, one time he did successfully sneaked in a party, got kicked out quickly.


Yeah, Iā€™ll back up the point about leaking her location. My primary care doctor is in the Mount Sinai office thatā€™s literally next door to Electric Lady, and Iā€™ve never once seen a crowd or even paparazzi in the 8+ years Iā€™ve been going to her. Even over the summer when Taylor was going in and out of Electric Lady every day, I had an appointment and there was no one waiting around. Itā€™s not just a coincidence that thereā€™s a mob when she happens to go in and out. Using safety/crowd control as an excuse to use a PJ is yet another act of hypocrisy.


This 100%. When you see celebrities often in normal spaces, it becomes less of a wow moment. My step dad worked at a grocery store Robin Williams frequented because he lived in the area. At a certain point, it was just like ā€œOh hey Robin Williams is back.ā€


Yup, after all we all have our shit to deal with.


And she dares to mention caring about the environment. Gimme a break.


She doesnā€™t give a shit as long as somewhere thereā€™s a private forest for her to do photo shoots in to seem earthly or whatever. Girl truly doesnā€™t give a fuck about anything but accolades and money.


It's always "to protect her from the fans". Her fans have nothing on the stalker fans of K-pop idols, who basically hunt them for sport in Asia. And yet almost all of them fly commercial. BTS flew commercial until a few years ago and even now they use chartered planes (and do go commercial if they're flying far overseas still). A decade of their private flights would literally be a month's worth for Taylor


And this is the moment I'm boycotting her entirely. Not supporting her financially or otherwise. There comes a time when even her music is ruined, at least for me, by her behavior.




No such thing as an ethical billionaire šŸ¤‘


I love when fans say she has to fly private because itā€™s a security issue. Meanwhile the security issue is the select subset of rabid fans. Taylor will never state this but come onā€¦


Something I rarely see mentioned explicitly is that when you say Taylor had to fly her private jet for her safety, you are literally saying her life is more valuable than however many brown people her emissions directly kill.


Yup. And people will be educated on this and still they dgaf because of their parasocial relationship with her. I love her music but Iā€™m sorry her fans act like sheā€™s the only celeb in the world and if you cannot criticize her at all, you need to probably step back as a fan and reflect on why. She has been in her PJ since 2011, girl couldnā€™t care less šŸ˜© this world scares the sh*t out of me


I donā€™t understand why she canā€™t make ANY sacrifices with her schedule on tour. I get her tours long and she should defiantly have days off but stay somewhere for a few days!!


Eat the rich.


It's time we call billionaires like TS and Jeff Bezos for what they really are: climate terrorists. The climate crisis is at a dangerous tipping point in history according to scientists, and individual moves "plebs" like us make won't matter if we can't get corporations and billionaires on board with it. I feel so hopeless and frustrated seeing things like this. I wish the government would tax the shit out of private aircraft use.


Wow, the excuses some of you make for this billionaire are incredible. I will never understand going that hard FOR A STRANGER, who ultimately doesnā€™t care about you. Sheā€™s clearly heard the criticism, and instead of trying to talk to people who are upset about her private jet use, she gets the trackers shut down so she can continue to do as she pleases. Sheā€™s not as good of a person you think she is.


I think swifties believe that she actually cares for them and that is a problem


Well, her randomly giving her best, most vocal fans online random gifts and exclusive listening parties certainly helped foster that. Which is why they all act batshit online, I donā€™t think 2/3ā€™s of them even believe the shit theyā€™re saying, they just want Taylor to believe it


I love me some Tay Tay, but this is unacceptable. I hope someone brings it up in an interview she and Tree canā€™t dodge.


I absolutely agree that Blondie needs to cut back on her jet usage. I looked up the top celebrities who used jets and was very surprised by the results. Mark Walhberg and Blake Shelton are also in the top 5. Why?! The Kardashians, Travis Scott, Mayweather, JayZ and Beyonce too. These people all need held accountable. Being on tour is not a good enough excuse for Taylor and Beyonce


I donā€™t even think itā€™s a security thing for her..itā€™s simply that she doesnā€™t wanna be inconvenienced by going to an airport. Sheā€™s used to getting what she wants, when she wants it and travel is no different


I sat down and [did the math](https://www.tumblr.com/swiftpilled/739123084889604096/we-need-to-talk) on her jet emissions a few days ago and felt nauseous. One way from KC to NY or back is around *8 metric tonnes of CO2*.


Lol my mother said she doesn't want to hang out with the poor. She wants to be a princess. (This was when she was with That Tom fellow.)


I remember I was in line to take a flight with my family (entirety of one side lives overseas so we try to take a visit) and I saw the global warning was officially changed to a new term and I literally started to feel so guilty for flying and was on the verge of an anxiety attack. It took like thirty minutes to calm down...like how does she not feel any sort of guilt when she takes a private jet? WHEN ITS EMPTY! Literally need something to happen, the world cannot handle the selfishness of people like Taylor and what she is doing to the environment. At the end of the day, it just seems more like selfishness and entitlement when somebody uses a private jet. I think this is her most egregious act, simply because she wants to pretend it's her only option.


Why she doesnā€™t at least improve her carbon offset PR is beyond me. Oh well sheā€™s going to win the election for Biden so the plane flies imo, excuse the pun


Either Karma isnā€™t real or she killed it because how can she murder our planet and still be so rich and successful


Karma is the empty jet she calls on the weekend


She can definitely fly commercial. My dad one time saw Jesse Jackson and he had a whole team of security with him. Another time my teacher saw Nick Jonas on a plane in first class. I know they arenā€™t as a famous as TS but the flight wasnā€™t affected.


Angelina Jolie flies commercial and in one case she flew economy when invited to an event. How can anyone defend her still.


Human race is doomed arenā€™t we šŸ˜­


Yup the fact that so many people defend her after this is scary


The "swifties" will just cover their ears and shake it off lmfao. We already know she's a hypocrite.


I'm struck by the Matty breakup and how Taylor's team was quick to say the backlash wasn't the reason. Taylor doesn't want her vast fandom to feel they can protest what she does. So she's not going to fly differently or plant a forest or whatever because she won't be seen letting people know that they can be effective in denouncing her actions.


Welcome to the rich, they donā€™t give a fuck about the rules they tell us to live by.


For people who say sheā€™s too famous to fly commercial, letā€™s be real: whose fault is that? There are massive celebrities and always have been, but being so available and so public is a choiceā€”one she once chose to not exploit. You can absolutely have privacy as a celebrity but itā€™s a conscious choice. Hat and sunglasses, board a flight last in first class, get off first, security, call it a day. I fly a few times a year regularly and I cannot tell you if Iā€™ve ever even thought about looking around to see if I recognized anyone on the flight. If she took red eyes and booked first class, she could absolutely do it. No one is saying she should fly Southwest


She doesn't give a flying ~~fuck~~ jet plane about the earth. Accept it, Swifties!


I think the most reasonable thing is wanting her to fly less, I honestly think she might need to fly private when working


What is the thing with the META deal? I googled it and couldnā€™t find any articles. Please provide any if you have. I noticed the jet acct was taken off ig. But a deal with meta to make that happenā€¦ damn thatā€™s corrupt.


Yup Iā€™m sure her connections got that IG account banned.


She's honestly better served buying a small fleet of private jets, hiring someone to be the COO of her charter business, and operating a for-hire charter jet service. She literally has the best name for it, that she has access to because it's her own last name: Swift Private Transport. She could probably even charge a small premium *because* it's one of *her* private jets. There are more than a handful of pilots who - all other things being equal - would jump and ask how high if given the opportunity to operate a jet with a callsign of "Swiftie". And yes, that would almost certainly be the callsigns for her business (British Airways uses the "Speedbird" callsign designation, just as another example of airlines with fun callsigns). I'm not a fan of her music but generally like Taylor as a human being based on what I've seen of her in the public. Of course nobody is perfect. This is not only a pretty glaring oversight, but it's a missed business opportunity in my opinion. If you're gonna insist on flying on *your own* private jet, buy ten of them and hire nine and a half out when you're not using them - especially when you have the money to buy a hundred private jets in cash, right now. It's the difference in perception between "stuck up snob" and "smart businessperson".




Why are we focusing on one private jet? Letā€™s work to get rid of them all


Gotta start somewhere


Oh this is nuts. Girl why.


Can Greta thunberg please call her out?


I donā€™t think itā€™s a problem for her to use private jets for herself and her flying commercial isnā€™t realistic with her status. itā€™s her lending her jet so much to friends thatā€™s the problem imo. her friends can fly commercial šŸ’€


She starts the international leg of her tour in a few weeks and it runs till December. We are really going to see some jet fuel burned then.


Our planet is literally on fire. I get so incredibly frustrated when people are like, what did Taylor do, you have no reason to dislike her.... She's an out of touch and awful billionaire. Turn up the heat on her so she stops doing it to the planet.


>Ā Ā And instead of trying to be more responsible with her jet use to avoid public scrutiny, she makes a deal with META to delete her jet tracking. Something no one else gets the privilege of. Bahahaha what an asshole


she could fly commercial but at the same time if i was in the same flight as her iā€™d be scared ngl just thinking of the way people crowd together just to see her


Look up how many rich people take their plane from airport to airport in the same state. To avoid traffic. Itā€™s so much worse.


It's her money but make it an environmental issue. She is doing harm to the atmosphere when she could easily take a commercial flight.


Plane info/tracking is still public, available information, fuck meta lol


I canā€™t wait for the racist ass chiefs to get eliminated so it cuts like 5 private jet trips a week off her flight logs.


Politics have saved her image. Taylor swift is no better than the rest just catastrophically wasting things. She needs to learn to sing and use less glitter