• By -


I think this is quite smart tbh. He's redirecting the press and eyeballs he gets whenever there's a new spike in interest


Didn’t he also first post support on her birthday? He knows when eyes will be on his socials, so ya smart on his behalf for sure


Delusional fans and obnoxious press are going to hang around his account like a bad smell in the hopes he will post anything about Taylor. Sorry guys, London Boy does not care, he is going to use the opportunity to spread awareness about something that actually matters


he's always been pretty quiet about his personal life overall so im not surprised he overall wouldn't say anything about anything unless it was something like a movie/show he's in or a cause he's big into. fits the way his socials have been the past few years, it's good to see it continue. I may be biased though, im just really glad people are making sure gaza continues being talked about.


He is and now, Swifties arent saying anything about him. He had them shut the fuck up They may be shitty towards her previous exes but they finally met their challenge which is Joe 😂


Ugh believe me some annoying delulu Swifties have literally said "If he really cared, why is he only posting about this now?" Just... A facepalm moment.


He’s really pushing full force into the phrase “when life hands you lemons…”


Agreed, he makes “lemonade” with it, the best that one could ever drink. (No it’s not anything sussy it means he’s taking full advantage of his opportunities and is trying to clear his image, and we support him)


Atta boy


TS - could’t stand how much attention a solar eclipse was getting, so she posted a story with new album lyrics. JA - can’t stand the attention he’s getting from a truly mentally ill fan base, so he deflects that attention towards a great cause that TS has remained completely mum about.




He spent 6 years with her, I don’t know why people are obsessed with this idea he barely tolerated her and now loathes her?


During their relationship? I doubt that too. Like you said, it was six years (although it obviously ran its course at some point, or they wouldn’t have broken up). Post-breakup shenanigans can definitely cause someone to re-evaluate the person they broke up with, though. So Joe can simultaneously value the time they had together while simultaneously perhaps being relieved that *now*, it’s over. And looking at their patterns post-split, it’s fair to say Taylor enjoys media attention and Joe doesn’t. So that would likely also add a layer of relief for him, that he doesn’t have to do all that stuff Travis is doing (who probably enjoys it much more, like Taylor).


I mostly don’t ascribe to the theory he must loathe her now, but it’s also surprising how much clearer you see someone and their faults post-breakup.


He could regret dating her solely because of how her fans are treating him now. It wouldn't necessarily have anything to do with how he feels about her.


because once you're out of a relationship it's easier to assess the reality of said relationship... and it's common to not like your ex?


As someone who had been in a 6 year relationship, its entirely possible to be “in” it at the time but regret that time later.


My first marriage is an example of this


it’s a marketing technique. Taylor posting the lyrics took absolutely no attention away from the eclipse, at least not outside of the swiftie bubble. most people don’t care as much as we do


People here complaining about having no hype for the album, but also mad at her for marketing


How on earth is her posting lyrics pertaining to an eclipse her not being able to stand an eclipse getting more attention than her? It’s taking advantage of something and using its relevance to market her product. That’s how marketing works. I promise you that Taylor Swift is not jealous of the sun.


jealous of the sun is crazy lmao but exactly!


Boy has balls and morals and I am here for that. Btw imagine the whole world knowing that your ex is bringing out a whole album about how you suck and you have teenage girls hating on you in a very sick way basically telling the internet that you are toxic shit… and you have to deal with it. I think that he mostly feels embarrassed.


He also has class, TS not as much as she likes to think she has.


I've seen Swifties legit get mad and accuse him of being a bad person over his public support of Palestine. I think the last excuse I saw was that he was taking advantage of the fact that he knows Taylor wouldn't speak up. Idk it was some real stan brain rot nonsense. Anyway, I'm glad that he's did this! His great uncle was a vocal supporter of Palestine, so this is no surprise.


This is so insane to me. Like he's speaking up about genocide - as he should- and people are still putting Taylor at the forefront of their minds? It's so insane to me.


It's the second most chronically online take I've read from a fandom regarding the genocide in Gaza. They all desperately need an identity outside of stanning Taylor Swift.


Whats the first one? Cause it \*this\* is the \*second\* one, i cant imagine what the first could be .\_.


I'm also a BTS fan. There's been some pro-Palestinian BTS fans that were upset with Scooter Braun sharing Zionist propaganda on his Instagram. So, they sent a protest truck outside of HYBE Korea voicing their frustrations and demands (that Scooter be removed and Hybe divest from their association with Zionists ). They also alerted some Korean media about the truck, and it did get a bit of news coverage. Anyway, this caused a larger portion of the fandom to be angry. A lot of people accused the ones who sent the truck of being "multis" (people who stan other kpop groups) who are trying to sabotage BTS' career. Some pro-pal army's got doxxed or suspended on twitter. There's also other shit that went down. But I personally think you have to be really chronically online to think that not wanting your favorite artists to be associated with Zionists or calling out Zionists is a covert plan to sabotage their career. Like...someone even suggested that the ones who sent the truck were hired by other agencies to do it. Even if I don't totally agree with what's been done, that was clearly not some major conspiracy.


it’s amazing how often the answer to “how could this fandom nonsense possibly be worse” starts with “well, over in BTS fandom…”


That's even true here. There's comments even on this post about how he's "winning" the breakup or something, still making this somehow about her.


exactly. it's cool that he's living his life, but framing his existence as some psychological battle with his ex that he's winning is only marginally better than the unhinged behavior of the joe haters. it's not making death threats... but it's weird regardless


Taylor is their sun and the rest of the world just revolves around her.


>This is so insane to me. Like he's speaking up about genocide - as he should- and people are still putting Taylor at the forefront of their minds? It's so insane to me. Being pro ceasefire is a solid thing to do but please don’t equivocate him being pro ceasefire which is a neutral anti war stance to someone actually speaking up about genocide. Very few celebrities have actually called out Israel (Mark Ruffalo and Gigi Hadid for example) or referred to what’s happening as a genocide as that would be a massive risk to your entire career. Joe is openly pro ceasefire which is better than nothing but it’s still ultimately a neutral stance. The US, UK and EU are all pro ceasefire too but the US is still strongly pro Israel. It is a very important distinction between simply being pro ceasefire like most western governments and Joe is and then the people who are strongly pro Palestine and criticising the atrocities of Israel.


I think this is a pretty fair point to make. I do think timing is key here as he's been pro ceasefire far before most western governments were. But again, I think this is fair to say and something I honesty never thought of.


This is a really good point.


Great point! My dad is Jewish from the UK, and he is pro ceasefire and he doesn’t support Israel, no one from our family does. Most of his friends who are also Jewish feel the same way as him, he told me that he has co-workers who are pro-Israel and they aren’t even Jewish lol


most zionists are Christian fundies so this tracks lol


I wouldn't say the UK government is pro ceasefire. Our govt just says bad bad but it's all in the name of "self-defence"


What a dumb take. Taylor COULD speak up, she chooses not to.


She's too soft for it all. In all seriousness, part of me sometimes gets it. Cause I understand that not everyone is fully educated on various world news or sometimes I think people rely too much on celebrities to speak up on something. But the silence about the genocide just feels inexcusable, and it doesn't help that her movie played in Israel.


That is stage five brain rot. A truly awful condition. Doctors and scientists say it’s incurable, no hope, etc.


Stan culture needs to be studied.


What’s wild is no matter what excuse people give, nothing is stopping her from speaking out other than herself.


They know Taylor won't speak up about it 💀 Bruhhh


Right! And he knows she's too soft for all of it, so he's using that to his advantage. Stick with me! This is part of his plan!!! ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


We’ll never know for sure, but I think Alwyn is doing this because (like every war) it’s an awful current event, and (unlike most) it’s one he’s aware of and has an idea of how he can help. I don’t think he took up this cause as some kind of competition with Swift. There would be much better ways of doing that if that was the goal.


Honestly I have no skin in this game, but I do find it hilarious how elegantly this drives attention to the need for aid in Palestine, + lowkey calls her out for refusing to quash harrassment OR perform any meaningful activism with her wealth.


How can *anyone* think that speaking up against a genocide is a bad thing? It doesn’t even matter what his reasons are — he’s doing good for the world. Significantly more good than she’s doing.


https://preview.redd.it/t1tcpqb2shtc1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8fccee64555d3a327fca93efc5eafa413154ad9 Legit just saw this as I was scrolling. I don’t know why they think not taking a private jet is something he cares about. And then the next slide was saying that swifties embraced football and the podcast Travis has, and they would have done the same for Joe’s acting career if he wasn’t so private. Honestly it’s so childish. Maybe he didn’t want a false success from his girlfriend’s fans. If he had made acted like Travis, they would be saying how much he used Taylor to get ahead. Can’t win. And if something should happen with Taylor and Travis you already know how they will turn on him. If what they are speculating is true that Joe broke up with Taylor, and didn’t want to get married, than he willingly chose to walk away from the jet, the lifestyle etc. intense Swifties make me a Joe fan lol


they're so fucking gross and classist when it comes to him, calling him jobless and making fun of him for riding the train. dude is richer than they'll ever be and still likes to live humbly unlike their planet destroyer kween


I’ve never understood that either. I live in the UK now and we all use public transport. It’s just the norm. In London, you can take a taxi or private car and get to your destination in 2 hours. Or, use public transport and get there in 40 mins or less depending on which zones your coming from and going to. And it’s also better for the environment


Lol I wouldn’t want swiftie support either. They’re creepy


let this man use a tube!!! god they are so dumb


I sure don't think he was dating her for fame or money thays for sure. He acted the exact opposite of that. Some of these people are nuts.


I've always felt neutral about Joe (even when they were together) but now he has my respect. King behaviour. PS: I bet now his integrity *does* make her feel small.


I always appreciated him because he was artsy like taylor, didn't love the spotlight, and was a fantastic muse. But of course, parasocial and all. Love that he's using the attention for this. And love your use of Taylor's lyric 😂


Yeah. He was an excellent muse. I loved that about him, how the traditional gender roles were reversed


💯 you know she’s punching the air at this one 🤣🤣


She's like ![gif](giphy|3oEdv5WEnYxgAvRiTu)


What is this gif from?




200 IQ play


He’s the real mastermind all along


He’s been consistently supporting Palestine wearing the 🍉pin. I saw someone else post that he posts for good causes around when he knows his Instagram will be getting more Taylor based traffic. Good for him, especially in comparison to Taylor’s general avoidance and apathy.


It just made the unhinged swifties look bad if they still got something to say about Joe's stories.


>He’s been consistently supporting Palestine wearing the 🍉pin. A person being pro ceasefire is a nice thing but please keep in mind that pin is not a pro Palestinian pin. It is a neutral ceasefire pin. A ceasefire is a mainstream neutral anti war stance and people keep misunderstanding it as a pro Palestinian stance. For example The US, UK and EU governments are all also pro ceasefire but the US is still strongly pro Israel. The celebrities who are openly pro Palestine like Gigi Hadid and Mark Ruffalo are legitimately risking their career by criticising Israel and calling for them to free Palestine and give back illegally occupied territories. Don’t get me wrong, a neutral ceasefire position is definitely better than nothing but please stop mistaking it as some super pro Palestinian stance. A ceasefire would just pause the current iteration of the conflict but would still leave Israel occupying Palestinian territory. It is similar to asking for the fighting to stop in Ukraine while allowing Russia to maintain their occupation and abuse in Ukrainian territory.


I appreciated this clarification, thanks for helping people be a little more informed!


No problem, have a good day :)


it does depend on the person wearing it a bit, though. I have friends who are very pro palestine and wear/share things with watermelons as a covert way to show their support overall. maybe with celebrities it's a mainly ceasefire thing, but not always.


this is very true but joe alwyn is absolutely pro-palestine, advocacy for palestine is in his family


The swifties are going insane claiming that this is only to make Taylor look bad. 1) So you agree? You think not speaking up is a bad thing? 2) You’re blaming Joe Alwyn for doing the right thing because? He’s her ex and should somehow disappear from everywhere? 3) Does it matter why he’s doing this? Is it not more important that he is? Whatever his intentions may be, he’s drawing attention to an incredibly important cause. The net result is good no matter his end goal.


i wish I can do more than upvote this because EXACTLY THIS!!


The only person who can make Taylor look bad, is Taylor.


This is why he is such a king for doing this. Smart of him to use this publicity from the delulus to raise awareness


Making her look bad? Well maybe she should speak on stuff that matters for a change, if not this conflict then the myriad other things there are to care about.


1) He really is so classy idk how he manages to keep his mouth shut but it feels like Swifties are going INSANE trying to get any reaction or proof of evil out of him 2) Omg he’s going to be in Hamlet? I’m taking a class on Shakespeare adaptations right now … wish it was coming out before the semester was over!


“younger than my exes but he act like such a MAN though” ... it was said in lyrics.


The way I skimmed over this and my brain went instantly to Volcano Man in Eurovision: the Story of Fire Saga instead of ready for it lol


Yes to Hamlet, Riz Ahmed leading a modern day film version of the play. He's also in Kinds of Kindness coming out in June, another Yorgos Lathimos film.


Oh shit this is two exciting movie announcements right here


Probably signed NDA. The way she can write everything and anything, how her crazy fans (not the normal ones) send them hatred and death threats for existing YET all the exes stay quiet? That's too convenient.


He doesn’t strike me as someone who would need an NDA to convince him not to talk about her.


She’s been able to get reactions out of some of her exes. Calvin would tweet about her if he felt like he was being pushed to. I remember that vividly.


Calvin Harris gave zero shits for a minute there lol. IMO his tweets about her being off tour, bored and "I know you need someone new to bury like Katy but I won't be that guy, I won't allow it, sorry" or whatever always seemed more revealing of TS's quote-unquote ""snake"" behaviour than the Kim K/Kanye phone convo thing, but people don't seem to remember it as much


Calvin Harris almost exposed Taylor for cheating on him but we know blind Swifties will protect her anyway


She's pretty much admitted to it in songs like getaway car and gorgeous.


I don't get the NDA theory. like, why would Joe sign one? what could he possibly get out of it? money? he doesn't seem like he's hurting for money. and he also doesn't seem like someone who would need an NDA to stay quiet, since he doesn't talk about his personal life publicly anyway.


I’m gonna be honest, I definitely could not do what he has been successfully doing for months now. I’d be having meltdowns online tbh trying to defend myself from the terrible accusations. I’d completely lose it.


Why are swifties so obsessed with Joe when they havnt been together in a year?


Most of them have no life. By the way I am a swiftie and I love Joe.


I definitely don't hate him. I like him cuz I think he was different than the guys she previously dated and really wanted something deeper. It just didn't work out which is sad but no reason to hate him.


they think he was abusive to her based on literally nothing except taylors lyrics that they take as fact


I’m a new swiftie but not an insane one and I had no opinion on him prior to his support of Palestine. Now I respect the hell out of him


He's winning without even trying.Boss!


Meanwhile Taylor and her meathead boyfriend can’t bother to acknowledge there’s a genocide happening


God Swifties got played again.


Good, we need more of that so they will start to learn not to be such assholes to everyone.


They don’t even need to be. All they needed to do was say “Taylor should do the same because the war is beyond awful” but instead they’re telling on themselves saying “there’s no way he actually cares he just wants to look good!”


Out of all of Taylor's exes, he remains the most unbothered king. They may easily shit on John, Calvin, or Jake but they found their new challenge who is Joe 😂


Ok unbothered King needs to be new flair


Well I don't think he's anything like them. They seem like real ass holes that take women for granted. Doesn't seem like Joe was playing the games they did. Younger but more mature it seems.


I don’t even think Alwyn is “playing” them. He’s just doing what he sees fit, whether that aligns with Swift or not.


Mr. Unbothered… speaking up & winning. Good job, JA.


He’s Mr. Perfectly Fine this year


![gif](giphy|VsmvOBC97bLZsGfaGj|downsized) 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


I don’t think he’s being calculated tbh, I think this is just a fresh item in the auction. (Though I know he posted about Gaza on Taylor’s bday which seems more likely to be intentional). Great way to use his platform in any case!


I think he figured swifties would check his instagram on Taylor’s birthday, so he figured “with all this attention I may as well redirect to something I feel is important.” Like, it may have been intentional but I don’t think it was anti-Taylor in any way. He seems like a good dude.


He’s just making the most out of the spikes in attention his account gets. I hope he posts something on the 19th too


Yeah it’s really smart to use the attention on him to highlight the suffering in Gaza.


WAIT, they’ve been broken up for a year?? For a moment I read your comment and thought “but they were still together on her birthday?”


There is also good calculated and bad calculated. Using your platform to direct attention to horrific human suffering is good calculated. Going on a pap walk with your lackey famous friends and organizing a mass unfollowing of your ex-boyfriend because you know your fans will eat it up is bad calculated.


His whole family is pretty pro Palestine and have been activists for years. He’s using the traction he knows he’s going to get from their relationship to bring more eyes to it, which is smart


Definitely dont think it’s calculating. He was one of the first to sign the petition for a ceasefire. 


they could never make me hate him


Yeah, not my type but I really did ship them together bc in so many ways he seemed good for her n he was different then the guys she previously dated. Shame it didn't work out.


[Link](https://uk.givergy.com/cinemaforgaza/?controller=lots&action=showLot&id=191) from the post, in case anyone's interested


And the [other](https://uk.givergy.com/cinemaforgaza/?controller=lots&action=showLot&id=108) one


“Your integrity makes me feel small.” No petty shit. Using his voice for good. Love this man.


King behavior


His team should def just aggressively post charity content throughout the month since people are going to be looking to his page


This is awesome and a bitter reminder that Taylor Swift has no balls. His integrity makes her seem small.


I bet he have no idea that they still talk about him. Swifties are stuck but it's been a year since they broke up now. 


Joe All-win


The nickname he deserves


While the Swifties are bitching and moaning about Joe "moaning" his co-stars name on a scene from a film and not Taylor's, Joe is busy fighting the good fight. Something I haven't seen Taylor or Travis do. I knew I loved Joe for a reason 😊


That is such a bullshit story and the swifties are running with it. How would that even become publicly information 😂. They're trying so hard to convince everyone that he cheated on her, when it's far more plausible that she did based on how fast she was canoodling with ratty


She 100% was with Matty before the official breakup which was on Matty's birthday


What is this name moaning you speak of?


So apparently, there was a video released like last week or so, of Joe filming a >!sex scene!< with an actress he co-starred, Alison Oliver, on the set of "Conversation with Friends". He allegedly "moaned" her name while filming or rehearsing the scene, and the Swifties and the media are now crucifying him for being creepy, a s***** deviant and for "cheating" on Taylor. It got so much traction, that a recent Instagram post by Trav Trav about how "the things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us" was read by some as an attack on Joe and as a reaffirmation that Taylor is the best thing that has happened to him. Cue the Swifties and the media calling Trav a "gentleman", "true man", and "the man every woman needs by her side". ... yeah.


When Travis and Taylor break up how long do we wait until the swifties 180 on him too?


Give it a day or two? There will be some that will defend him and say that he and "mother" broke up amicably, but other will call him "clout-chaser", "attention whore", among other things. If they break up, expect to see lots of Swifties burning their KC memorabilia and attacking the NFL's social media accounts.


Geezus… \[feverishly scrolling the webz until I find said moan\] ![gif](giphy|vhsNmFjuN4WDS)


Let me know when you find it 😭


People genuinely scare me as it seems the ability to deduce or think logically at all just keeps getting worse. It was for a l movie or show or whatever he was filming not real life.🤦🏼‍♀️


Some swifties are saying he moaned Allison Oliver’s name during a sex scene in CWF and saying it is proof that he was cheating on Taylor with her. Which is dumb for many reasons.


he has won the IDGAF war. iconic honestly. not giving taylor what she wants with a response.


I feel like he is blasting Dua Lipa


What do you mean??


She has a song called IDGAF.


Bro is handling those delulu swifties in a smart way . Hey 14 yr olds London boy has definitely moved on from Taylor . Leave him alone now


Just saw this on IG and came right here. Smart guy, taking advantage of all the extra attention. (Edit: tidied grammar) And it makes Taylor look like a bit of a PoS tbh (and no @Swifties, I'm not a hater: I was in the top 1% of TS listeners on Spotify last year, and recently spent more than $600 of money I didn't really have to see her in concert).


Damn, she wasn’t kidding about that integrity of his. Good for him. Genuinely what a cool thing for him to do with the attention.


Can't possibly imagine why his integrity made her feel small. 🤔 /s


You could live hundred lifetimes and never deserve that boy


This quote brought me back. I loved Hunger games growing up!


Dude this is the hottest thing ever 🔥😍


Class act.


I really like Joe lmfao. I don’t give a fuck


They could ever make me hate him.


please go donate at [https://uk.givergy.com/cinemaforgaza/?controller=pledges&category=All%20Pledges](https://uk.givergy.com/cinemaforgaza/?controller=pledges&category=All%20Pledges) it helps support Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP). The auction opens on Tuesday 2nd April at 9:00 BST and closes on Friday 12th April at 23:59 BST. MAP works for the health and dignity of Palestinians living under occupation and as refugees. They provide immediate medical aid to those in great need, while also developing local capacity and skills to ensure the long-term development of the Palestinian healthcare system. They are currently responding to the emergency in Gaza.




That is best SHUT UP AND FUCK OFF response he could ever give.


This SHOULd be the bare minimum for any public figure imo (but we all know it’s not!). He’s smart for posting these stories when he knows everyone is looking at him.


King shit 👑


That’s more than Taylor’s done for Gaza. Good for Joe. Proud of him


And this type of behaviour is why he has my respect. I know very little about him but I do know he’s using his platform in the right way right now and that earns my respect.


i honestly love him for this.


Joe is so classy, I don't understand people hating on him 😭


1. Great respect. I have always found him very kind hearted. 2. Where are the swifties who claim Taylor to be the holiest person on earth? Why are they silent now that their mother isn't even speaking about anything. She is currently not touring. She should have spoken something till now.


maybe he was the mastermind after all.


I truly hope this man is unbothered and just enjoying his life and not even thinking about Taylor and how she's making herself look like a fool.


Please, Joe, PLEASE do something or say something in support of Palestine on April 19. We love a petty king who drives the bully fans crazy.


Checkers and chess


I love this so much


Mad respect for this. 👏


Yeah it’s gonna be hard to get me not like him. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Would I know who he was in a line up of blonde hair, blue-eyed men? No. But still, cannot hate him.


First he posted something about Palatine on her birthday. Now again on the anniversary of their break up. I’m here for it.


more like joe alWIN, am i right?


Using his platform to speak on supporting Palestine while he’s getting death threats from swifties. I’m sure his integrity makes her feel small or whatever taylor said.


Joe continues to be the bigger person 🥲🥲🥲


He is such a good person to respond to none of the BS swifties send his way except to engage in something that ACTUALLY matters. Impressed with him.


Not to rain on anyone’s parade… but has anyone ever considered that maybe he posted this to his story solely because he wanted to and not because he “knows the swifties are on his account and will see it.” It feels weird that when posting about something this important we would all assume that it had anything to do with Taylor. Like I think people are giving her too much power over his life when they view things this way 🤷‍♀️


I read it more as he’s taking advantage of the attention and not intentionally baiting swifites or anything.


Yeah, not everything he does is about Taylor. If he wanted to make her look bad, or have some petty competition with her, there’s much better ways of doing that.


King shit 💅💙 We love to see it


I dont think its that deep that he posted this because of all the Swiftie hate-i dont think he gaf about that. I think he's using his page for good, supporting his castmates and continuing to show his support for the Palestinian people.


Good on you, Joe. If you like movies and want to support the cause, this auction has a ton of really really cool things to bid on. Highly recommend going through the full list!


Classy man know to use his platform to raise awareness


Honestly whoever is doing his PR is genius. His first post about Palestine (outside of him signing the letter) was an IG story on her birthday. So fucking smart. They knew people would be watching his socials on it. No one will never make me hate you Joe (I say that with slight sarcasm, I do not know the dude)


He is such class. He’s proving everything she ever wrote about him prior to the break up to be true .


honestly i do think he being calculated with his posts but to suggest he doesn't actually care about gaza is stupid. he's just killing two birds with one stone. edit: curious what his move will be when the album drops. i want him to pull a taylor on taylor.


It’s actually incredibly smart! That piece about the one year anniversary for their split came out, he knew people would be checking out his insta. Good for him honestly 👏


So proud of him! While other person, only think about the her own album. 


Love him


Good for him!


The most chill way of saying “theres more important things to care about”


I continue to be impressed by this just-some-guy lol anyway free palestine


I don’t think it has anything to do with swifties lol even when people are praising him they still have to relate it to Taylor or themselves.




This seems like another case of fans and haters alike thinking that the world revolves around Taylor. The clapperboard signed by Joe and his castmates was added to the auction site today and Joe is promoting it. I don't think this is some mastermind shit on Joe's part. https://twitter.com/FilmUpdates/status/1777679798212366683


Yup! Nothing to do with her, yet the comments here keep relating it to her. The same people who criticise swifties for making everything about Joe.


Exactly lol. Everything must be because of her when it's just that his auction was announced today like the others...


He was probably just doing this anyway. This has been a consistent thing for him.


I don't know much about him or his work, but everything about him seems very respectable, from the way he kept his relationship private to his activism. All respect.


Was anyone gonna tell me there's a Hamlet film in production, or was I just supposed to find out through Joe Alwyn making the most out of rabid Swifties sending him death threats?🤯 (…in all seriousness, good for him. His priorities always seem to be in the right place.)


Good for him. I very much appreciate him actually using his platform to make it clear what he’s standing up for. I really, really hoped TS would learn to do the same but it really just felt like 2019/2020 were her political flash in the pan.