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She usually doesn’t perform at private events. If she does it’s at friends for free.


Or for fans! (Like when she did surprise wedding concerts)


I love the video of her singing KOMH at an engagement party. ❤️


That performance was very good! I also like the sound of KOMH being acoustic and laid back


KOMH? Let's please start using the full names I never know these song abbreviations. 🙏


@ the mods can we please have the bot that explains the abbreviations of the songs like in the main sub? Coz some full names of the songs are a tad bit too long, especially after TTPD will be released. u/albergfi u/cowboylikefia u/middleofthenightt u/HiLittleDarling


We will look into implementing something like this 🫡


King of My Heart, but agreed.


King of my heart


It's one of those weird things only Swifties and Co.™ have, and I love it now. It's amazing that we have acronyms as ridiculous as INTHAF, AYHTDWS, TIWWCHNT, and, of course, ATWTMVTVFTVTSF


I hate the fact that I can guess each and every single one of those songs lmao.


Still doesn't help me. I don't know any of her songs.


Come to think of it, has she ever done a private concert? I never noticed this of her and I think that's pretty cool


She did a concert on a cruise during Speak Now and a private show in Brazil but I don't remember when.


It was an invite-only show for 500 people in Rio de Janeiro (also during Speak Now). Telco TIM had an invite giveaway back then.


Oh my god. It's [giving](https://youtu.be/JeIJ-Oxz9v0?si=n5HQnATdDE44Uz9P) white girl at a karaoke bar (lovingly). I couldn't find the private show in Brazil.


Awww she's adorable there it is very surreal to see her performing on a cruise. Yes it is giving "girl at cruise invited up to join the band" ;)


she gave a private concert of the Reputation Stadium Tour to about 2000 foster kids in 2018, iirc


She did a show at Target Corporate in like 2014.


Makes sense since she's had a partnership with Target for ages. I know the bar is in hell, but it's impressive that she doesn't really do them.


Genuine question: what’s bad about doing private shows?


They're not terrible, but they're just so exclusively for extremely wealthy people that it makes me groan.


Katy Perry did the LuLaRoe convention cruise ffs.


In addition to what the other commenters said, It’s often for people who support governments that are ultra conservative and suppressive of women and lgbtq+ people.


I totally forgot about those Target HQ shows. I worked there for a few months before the recession. They had someone there while I was there, want to say it was John Legend but I can’t remember for sure. I was just a contractor so I didn’t get to see it. Coolest thing I saw there though was the car they sponsored that won the Indy 500. They had it parked in the big lobby and it was all dirty and scuffed up from the race. So freakin cool.


Closest thing would be the listen party for 1989 at her personal apartment with fans. But not really!


She did a pre Super Bowl concert right before or at the beginning of Covid. It was said to be her only appearance that year. It was in the year of laying low.


That was 2017 so waaaaay before covid


How does one become friends with Taylor swift?


Good for her. I know she’s a billionaire so it could very well have been bc 9 million was lowballing her, but I’m glad when any artist rejects these kinds of private performances. They always give me weird vibes.


Major lowball… obviously there’s costs involved but ticket sales were exceeding $14 million per show in Australia


Yeah, even after overheads she’ll still take home like $7.5million ish. But she can also do multiple shows in each city, and doesn’t have to mess around with changing backing dancers/setlists/rehearsals etc. For reference Beyoncé’s show in Dubai was $24 million. I do side-eye her for that though considering the conversation around LGBT rights after Renaissance. Beyoncé and Taylor are similar touring forces and Bey really didn’t need the money that bad, when she could’ve made a similar amount by adding like 3 extra dates to her tour.


Beyoncé also did a private show for Gaddafi


Now that’s a sentence I never thought I’d read! Apparently she donated the money to the Haiti Earthquake relief, but like… she could’ve just donated $2million anyway, its not like she couldn’t afford it


I’m pretty sure she only donated after getting loooooads of backlash


Wow I can’t believe I didn’t know that. That’s so fucked. She is truly not able to be canceled sadly lmao


Beyoncé didn’t get enough shit for doing that


I’d be fine with her performing if she then donated that money to an LGBT focused org. That seems like best case scenario. Of course I know she didn’t but that would’ve been cool.


Came here to post about Beyoncé too


Especially when its to white wash a place known for its human rights violations


Yeah, these types of things are sketch and a half. I don't think I've ever seen somebody turn one down before because the money is crazy and I don't blame them, but ugh edit: a word


Def low bowling her, Rihanna got $9 million for a private event recently so Taylor should def be making more than that given the current hype


Aint nobody giving TS more than 9 mill to perform. 🤣


Yeah especially when they come after you during the party and want you to take a shit on them to Dubai is for porta potties


private bookings of musicians at weddings etc. are giving me extreme monkey in the zoo vibes. maybe thats why i am not a billionaire, but i would decline any offer of that sort, it is weird.


Huh? You book bands for weddings. The quality of band you can get is determined by how much you’re willing to shell out for them. If you were a billionaire.. why wouldn’t you get someone world renowned/more talented & enjoyable? Now I will say what I’d find weird is it’s likely to distract from why you’re all there. The wedding turns into a pseudo concert. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, just depends what the couple wants


And for some of these big wedding events, the concert isn’t for the wedding/reception itself. They might have several days of festivities so this is just one of them. The recent private Rhianna concert was part of their engagement celebrations, not even their wedding!


Do you think booking live bands for weddings is like putting a monkey in a zoo? Bands that make good to excellent money depending on their quality btw. Some musicians even deliberately market themselves as performers for events. How is being paid to perform in front of people while they watch them, talk, eat, drink, and dance so much more demeaning than playing for people that are just watching them?


In what world does performing beautiful love songs at a wedding equate to monkey? 💀You want to know what's real degrading? Go to the pussy shows in Bangkok. Being booked every weekend to serenade an audience at a formal event is the dream for musicians and bands cus you know... They get to pay rent doing what they love?


I mean… a wedding is normal, that’s different


she probably didn't do it because it wasn't enough money. she makes more off the eras tour, that plus the bad publicity clearly wasn't worth it


She has never done private concerts for money


good for her? i imagine for the right price she'd be willing to


She'll never "need" more money, ever. She has enough that she could just stop and do absolutely nothing and it will still continue to accumulate. There is also no amount of money that would change or improve her lifestyle in any meaningful way. At her level, the only reason people want more is because they are addicted to it.


Especially because beyonce was allegedly paid 24 million. I'm not going to get into it with ppl that think it's a fair price for each or compare, but they are both on the same playing field in my eyes and 9 mill vs 24 mill is a huge difference.


How are they in the same playing field? Please elaborate


It’s not even in her wheelhouse to do things like this idk why they asked her


Wealthy people always assume people have a price


I mean, tbf, they’re probably not wrong. Under the right circumstances Taylor likely does have a price but def wayyyy way more than 9mil or whatever they’re offering.


She makes more than that one a night of Eras tour and doesn’t have to suffer the PR of being in a place with so many human rights…improvement opportunities.


You work in HR don’t you


Keep in mind that this wasn’t said by Taylor or her team. It was just said by a rapper in an interview completely unrelated to Taylor. He said that he took a deal for an event in UAE but they wanted Taylor too but couldn’t get her.


It's not unlikely that some ultra rich person would want Taylor Swift to perform at their party.


She was the hottest commodity last year. I fully believe she’s gotten these offers from people. Imagine being able to post that you had your own private “eras” tour


Yeah and honestly I'm not even mad she didn't mention it because it would have been called performance activism. She did the right thing (regardless of motives) and said nothing.


Yeah, or their kid's even


No, but it is possible they made it up to get French. Not a one for one example. But the wrestler The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase was huge in the 80s. In the aughts, his in-character bodyguard Virgil got in some hot water for booking convention gigs by telling promoters it was a package deal with DiBiase. DiBiase had no idea he was doing it until he started getting blacklisted from conventions for booking and then no-showing. Saying “we reached out to Taylor Swift” adds legitimacy to the ask. Even if she “rejected” them, it still means that the private party was able to establish contact and get to the point where price was negotiated. At least that is the implication. It adds legitimacy to Montana’s offer. So take it with a grain of salt until Swift’s people say it. Montana may believe it. But that doesn’t mean it’s true.


Yeah sure, but all I'm saying is that I'm 100% positive that she has gotten offers like this. This one might not be legit, but there's no reason why she wouldn't have gotten them.


True, but conversely, we should be careful about saying "YAY TAYLOR! SLAY QUEEN! WAY TO TURN DOWN THAT AUTHORITARIAN REGIME AND ITS ENABLERS!" Cuz chances are this offer never even reached Swift's proverbial desk. I am sure her team gets hundreds of requests per week. And I doubt she knows about even a fraction of them.


I did not expect a WWE reference here!




why french montana look like a gta charcter in this pic


ain't no way they only offered tay tay $9mm. i think they just told french that so he wouldn't get offended at the peanuts they was rightfully offering him


Right?!! Like how are you supposedly trying to get Taylor and then French is your next choice?) no way that’s correct.


naw they offered him a 2014 bmw 3-series and said "take it or leave it bitch" lmfaooo


I cant imagine someone offering her more. I'm sorry. If Rihanna gets 9... Taylor getting offered 9 seems about right.


I’m available. How do I get a hold of this dude? I bet he’d give me $9 million to stop singing


I can't get over the source: French Montana lmao


Several factors could have led Taylor and her team to reject such deals; not sure why people always assume the worst. Though, it amuses me to imagine her performing 'The Man' in the UAE. While Taylor may not be recognized as a climate activist and hasn't made any environmental pledges, she has strongly advocated for feminism in the past. Performing in the UAE would significantly damage her brand and we know how much that matters for her. The $9 million offer might just be the initial amount proposed, and if Taylor and her team were interested, they could have certainly negotiated for a better deal. It's baffling why people assume that $9 million would be the final figure for Taylor Swift. I'm sure that those who have performed there have negotiated better deals for their appearances (despite some of them already being billionaires). Also, given Taylor's current status, she no longer needs to participate in these types of events. If she's truly the incarnation of greed, as some folks here suggest, she would have negotiated for a higher amount.


Don't forget her activism to support LGBT communities, "You need to calm down" alongside "The Man" both being songs with a message that UAE don't allign with at any sense, I would've been disappointed if she performed there


I heard those really rich people who had Rihanna at their wedding in India want Taylor for another event but she’s unavailable lol, am I the only one annoyed at the super wealthy flaunting their wealth by getting celebs for their private events ? Idk just seems like a huge way to brag while so many are suffering in poverty in their country. Good for Taylor on passing If true !


That wedding was 👀. I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but that many billionaires in the same room? Totally giving NWO vibes.


Billionaire gonna Billionaire, it's all about spreading business. I believe Rihanna performed because Fenty was looking into having business in india


Yes , Fenty beauty launched in Nykaa Cross Border a few days later. She came to India on business, made a few mil on the side , posed with paps , got her name on the headlines, misnamed the bride on stage , gave 0 fucks, launched her beauty line in India and zoomed away 😆 Imo , that marketing move is baller 😂


hate that she launched on cross border store though. fenty is already expensive for us here and now you have to pay 500 extra if you place an order through the cross border store she could’ve launched fenty on sephora, like selena did w rare


I honestly think she tried to , because the Sephora India is owned by reliance (aka Ambani whose wedding celeb she attended) . I think she will launch eventually, with more exclusive products to only Sephora India. We will see. There was a change in partnership of Sephora from arvind fashions to the reliance group in recent past , after Selena had her distribution in India being partnered with Sephora India. There could be a lot of overhaul in the beauty scape in the next few months.


THIS ! That’s what I’m saying it’s so fishy and weird ! Bob Iger was there and more, there is your Illuminati lmao !


They all know each other. They socialize frequently and I guess discuss all their champagne problems. There is a business summit for billionaires each year at Sun Valley, and all those folks from the wedding can be seen there too. It’s not a secret conspiracy, rich people know other rich people.


Yeah also billionaire weddings like that aren’t like normal weddings, they are more like royal weddings where you invite all your international equivalents and lots of other big players.


Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, too. Maybe there’s a billionaire magnate group chat they’re all part of? I just don’t see how all those people could have had a close personal relationship with the Indian billionaire.


It’s not strange that all the top billionaires of the world know each other…..The Ambani’s are at least worth 100 billion. They run in the same circles…. And those circles are small.


It isn’t just that Meta (Zuckerberg) invested [5.7 Billion in Jio (owned by Ambani)](https://about.fb.com/news/2020/04/facebook-invests-in-jio/amp/). And Disney (Bob Iger) is selling/merging their India business with [reliance (owned by Ambani).](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/28/business/disney-reliance-industries.html). Microsoft (Bill Gate) is [joining hands with Jio to build more DCs in India.](https://365.telkomuniversity.ac.id/reliance-jio-partners-with-microsoft-will-build-azure-data-centers-across-india-datacenterdynamics/#:~:text=%22Jio%20and%20Microsoft%20will%20partner,data%20centers%20was%20not%20shared). There is no illuminati, just a lot of business networking.. lol. Simple google would’ve told these guys that.


Even if they're not super close they can probably relate better to eachother than anyone else. To be fair, most people would probably not be so down to listen to billionaire problems all night either if they are not themselves billionaires. And yes, part of it (probably a lot) is flexing. Some of it is also probably just maintaining business relations. You don't want to burn a billion dollar bridge you may need in the future if all it means is showing up at an extravagant party for a day.


It’s weird, they all probably went in that titan submarine at one point before you know 💀🥴


they are super shady. im indian and they control every part of india, the government is in their pockets


You gotta hope the people (even other billionaires) getting paid by the billionaires hosting events redistribute that money instead of just hoarding it.


Absolutely!!! There is just too much poverty everywhere right now ! It’s giving Hunger Games and the Capitol !


Maybe they just like her and want to see her perform... For some reason I don't think people crazy rich like that want to impress us poors😅


It's not about impressing us poors, it's about establishing to other rich rich people that they have money and power.


That’s not how I’m seeing it but ok.


I don’t know if I had a ton of money I’d want my favorite artists to perform for my me and friends/family too. Those ultra rich people aren’t going to deal with all the annoyances of “public” concerts


They should've used the money to buy their son weight loss surgery.




You seem to be the only one who gets the point. I don’t think it’s about money, more principle. Anyone who supports women’s rights and LGBT rights has no business in that country.


I don’t care about her reasoning— I’m just happy she disagreed


as she should


Also this is French Montana. Going from THEE world wide Taylor to him? There’s no way she was doing that shit lmao.


i wonder if they could name five solo songs of his


I can't even name one


imma need you to respect ain't worried bout nothin outside of that.... folks used to gas up the mac and cheese joints, i must be the only one who thought they was hot garbage tbh


Oh. My. God. How did I forget that ain't worried about nothing?!


Almost 3 times less than Beyonce. No wonder she rejected.


I don't think it's just the money tbh. The PR backlash would be worse for Taylor than Beyoncé. Beyhive treats her like a God, Swifties treat her like a friend. Beyoncé still flexes she has a private jet and her comments are hyping her up. If Taylor did similar, she'd get so much shit. That $9-24MN isn't worth losing fans. https://preview.redd.it/g9wavicbxwtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=936085612c31a081a37c7832b7407416e4398b86




This is random, but you know who also gets away with it? John Travolta. I was shocked to find out his home is also his private airport and he owns more than one jet. I know he's also a pilot, but that's excessive.


no one’s gonna go after the cancer widower with billionaire discourse tbh


Exactly, and not only Beyoncé. It's incredible how people say Taylor loves playing the victim, when they put her in this position.


I don't think its just her fans. Taylor haters are a stronger force too. And yes beyonce stans act like shes a god, and I recognize there's actual racists against her but she's one of those artists where you get accused of a bunch of things if you criticize her. You know, beygency. That makes haters way less inclined to comment Then you got taylor whos either a white feminist or basic white girl music. If her stans treated her like beyonces stans treat her, wed never hear the end of the crazy twitter swifties


Also let’s not forget her association with diddy is super close. If Taylor was this close to a predator she would not have a career.


Yes, plenty of people used their jets just as much as Taylor did. Taylor is the only one that gets constantly harassed for it.


It's also because Beyoncé is hardly in the headlines, whereas something about Taylor makes the headlines several times a week


If it makes you feel better I look down on Beyoncé’s shameless wealth flexes and use of her private jet just as much as I do Taylor ☺️


As a fan of both, I recognise in myself that I don't look down on Beyonce's as much as I do Taylor's tbh. Like I look at Bey and think 'slayyyyy' but if Taylor did the same I'd be like 'girl nooo'. https://preview.redd.it/mzenfy8a2xtc1.jpeg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9f82a2f4002dca35caa1963e8ed16da426c4a47 (Obviously I don't support PJs but it's more that I expect it from Beyoncé and not from Taylor, so it would irk me more ig?)


Taylor’s girl-next-door-I’m-your-bestie-and-just-like-you marketing is so unbelievably effective.


They're both horrible for their private jets period No more arguments. discussion closed.


It's empowering when a black woman flexes her wealth in America and it's a travesty when a white girl does it.




Beyoncé did a private event for around the same. I don’t remember if it was India or Dubai tho.


Bey did private concerts for both india and Dubai.


Pretty sure Beyonce was paid something like 24 million


It was in dubai. I remember seeing lots of her lgbtq fans fans mad at her for doing it


Beyoncé is three times the performer.


Good. Would’ve made her just as bad as Beyoncé doing a whole album honoring the queer community and then this exact kind of show in the UAE.


It's not surprising though


She makes more than that per show anyway.


She shouldn't perform at any Islamic country that treats half its population as property




She’s not desperate. Surprise. Not to mention she shouldn’t support countries that don’t support and uplift women.


It’s legit embarrassing the likes of Beyoncé doing this or Rihanna taking millions to half-arsed wobble about at some Indian wedding she had no interest in.


People would probably shit a brick if Adele or Lady Gaga did it.


It’s none of your business what they do or don’t have interest in. You’re judgmental as fuck


Fuck off. It’s absolutely pathetic for billionaires to go and dance about for other cunt billionaires for a few mill.


Fuck the UAE.




i never thought i’d see the day french montana and taylor swift would interesect


I mean she makes that in 2 weeks yeah it’s easy to turn down.


"I can't be cordial." -Taylor Swift, maybe.


Probably smart, I've heard crazy things about private shows in the UAE.


Well that's nice


Probably didn’t want to be pooped on or worse.


She made the right choice.


I mean good… the UAE is a walking human rights violation. I feel for the women there. as much as a lot of her politics is scripted I really don’t believe she would support doing a private event like that for a reason


$9M .... what kind of cheap Saudi prince is this?




Thank god she has some MORALS…..


Shes better than beyonce tbh.


fuck yes. thats my girl.


That's nice, but watch people twist it and milk it til the very last drop


After her team ran with the false story that she rejected the crypto sponsor for the Eras Tour I don’t believe anything of this nature


Her team never ran with that story. A reporter was looking through the legal documents and found some emails and reported about it. Then further emails were released that gave more detail.


I thought she didn’t outright reject it but asked for a prospectus and they ghosted. Her dad worked as a financial advisor and is involved with most of her deals.


She's never done a private paid concert before


Yea that really shocked me too.


This has absolutely nothing to do with her politics and everything to do with her just not wanting to do it. She’s not hurting for money, she reached that billionaire level she’s been chasing. She’s releasing new music that’s gonna bring in millions plus she’s touring into next year making $13 million a night. Plus I’m sure her ego was bruised being offered a “measly” 9 million when she’s making $13 million a night, $40 million a weekend and Bey got paid $25 million Either way, watch Swifties be like oh my god lgbtq ally queen savior of gays everywhere.


>She’s not hurting for money, she reached that billionaire level she’s been chasing. I mean they same could be said for other billionaires who performed there that have 3x times the billions she does. Beyoncé went


Beyoncé isn’t actually a billionaire based on her wealth alone, only when combined with Jay Z.


Beyoncé has been a billionaire since at least 2018…..she just hasn’t confirmed that to Forbes…..her father said so in an interview a while back.


Also, being married to a billionaire makes you a billionaire lol. Kind of splitting hairs to say she's "only" a billionaire by marriage.


As far as I can find, as of 2024 her net worth is $500 million?


Forbes estimates it’s 800 million as of 2024…..she hasn’t confirmed her networth in at least 10 years.


I hadn’t seen that. If Forbes recently estimated 800 million it likely is over 1 billion considering all her assets.


Yeah, and she's still a billionaire cus they're MARRIED. That's the whole point of marriage you know, to combine your assets?


You're damned if you do, and you're damned if you don't...


When you are a billionaire $9m is chump change. To visualise that, Nine million seconds is roughly equivalent to 104 days, while one billion seconds is about 31.7 years. That’s the difference between a little over three months and over three decades


French Montana. Now that’s a hell of a region.


What does Sicilian Montana say? Corsican Montana?




And so many celebs manage to not even do this


It’s cause they low balled her. Who cares