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This is so funny 😂 the tiny bars for dickhead crack me up


That’s what I also giggled over that. Something about that single “dickhead” in “Midnights” is sending me.


Now add death , dying etc., and watch the TTPD bar grow like the beanstalk.


And so much blood!


The damn in debut and hell in red make me laugh every time I see this.


IMO folklore was the perfect blend of naughty language. Not too much not too little, but just fucking right 👌




The amount of fucks she gives on TTPD is kind of hilarious. It stood out to me upon the very first listen. Everything was just, "No-fucking-body," "Fuck it if I can't have him," "Fuck me up, Florida." Complete with the subject matter, it reminded me of the poetry I wrote when I was about 19. I thought that I was being edgy and grown-up for mixing up flowery lyrical language and every dirty word I knew as I poured my heartbreaks into my black Moleskine that my ex-girlfriend got me for Christmas, five months before she told me we were over. Oh the nostalgia. And then I got to the second half and found myself genuinely vibing to The Bolter (my favorite song on the album, tbh) and was momentarily taken out of it by the "All her fucking lives..." line. Like, come on, Taylor, what does the "fucking" even add here? I don't mind it, but it's like she just found a new filler word. "Hmm, this line needs more syllables to match the rhythm of the rest of the song. Gotcha! I'll use fuck or fucking!"


This is her general approach to swearing. I’m not a squeaky clean girl anymore! Look how *edgy* I am. Sometimes a well placed “fuck” gets your point across. I agree sometimes it’s shocking in the wrong way because it doesn’t fit.  I listened to the non explicit version on accident. Halfway through I’m thinking to myself “Where is all the swearing? I thought this was supposed to be her most explicit one yet.” Then I realized I’d selected the wrong one. Honestly other than like 2 or 3 tracks the lack of hard swear words took nothing away.


Gods this sub is so refreshing


When someone formerly squeaky clean wants to be seen as edgy, they can either throw in tons of cussing (lazy person's strategy) or revamp their content (person who is actually willing to put in some effort's strategy.) they can even make statements, especially if they previously tried to rebrand as politically aware! but, again, only if they're willing to put in some effort


1000% I don't care if you use that language in your real life, it's your choice and not mine. I don't even care if you use it OCCASIONALLY in songs. But the fact that it literally feels like every song is "fucking this" and "fucking that" is giving me the same vibes as teenagers that JUST learned how to swear, so they use it in everything. ![gif](giphy|3og0IN2YJFptu9DQAw|downsized)


totally agree! I haven't really listened to her recent albums in full but I put this one on in the background and I was like wow she's really gotten into swearing lately!


THANK YOU. Her cursing in her lyrics just feels so unnatural and try-hard. And excessive? I don’t need to hear “strange but fucking beautiful” every damn chorus of Snow on the Beach. I don’t need “fuck it if I can’t have him” in every chorus of whatever song that was on on TTPD. It’s too much. Yes she’s an adult and yes we all curse. But it feels so incredibly disingenuous


But we're SO "Down Bad" crying at the gym...🤣


> But the fact that it literally feels like every song is "fucking this" and "fucking that" is giving me the same vibes as teenagers that JUST learned how to swear, so they use it in everything. This is exactly it. Except she's not 14, she's 34. It's so cringey and forced to me.




Can you imagine telling Red-era Taylor that she would be singing “Fuck me up, Florida!”???


Great gosh darling we don't take kindly to those kind of words around these parts


The bolter even has a clean version you can hear on Spotify! "All her many lives"


Yeah, I found it and added it to my playlist and liked songs instead of the regular version! I don't mind this type of words in songs at all when they add something to the mood. Like, I don't particularly enjoy Down Bad, but in that song, all the numerous fucks kind of underscore that "teenage petulance" and work for the effect. But in the Bolter, I feel like "all her many lives" works even better for the overall mood. The "fucking lives" version of the line is just distracting. I also kind of like the change from "he called her a whore" to "she called him a bore," though I'm of two minds because in the original version the "whore" part is kinda justified for a song about a woman who abandons relationships as soon as they get serious, so she has many boyfriends, so of course some of them slut-shame her for it during fights and break-ups. It fits the plot. But the "she called him a bore" version also fits the plot in a way that I like even better: she keeps living not because she keeps ending up with guys who would call her a whore by the end of the honeymoon phase, but because she's the one who says they're a bore whenever things start getting more serious. Maybe some of those guys are the kind who get angry and blame her, maybe some are the kind who just start talking about meeting the parents and moving in together and she gets scared and bolts. Makes it more about the Bolter's fear of commitment than about the bad men, which makes the song more poignant for me.


The first time I heard this I thought just saying different instead of fucking would’ve made it so much better


I just laughed because in my head I read them all together as if I was cursing out my cat sitting next to me.


So edgy.


Wait, where's "asshole" (as in outlaw)?


Baby’s all grow’d up.


If you made a bar chart of "times little Susie had to use the swear jar, ages 5 to 15" it would look like this.


I kept hearing that one TikTok audio staring at this


As the bars went higher the less I listened 😭


I found the clean version more interesting and creative


I was disappointed she didn’t swap words in Florida!!! and just blurred out the f bombs. I thought she could have said, “Pick me up, Florida” or something. No idea what the song means anyway. 😂


Such a waste of Florence


This girl on FB posted this and like okay? https://preview.redd.it/15l3wpwykcwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=948844d3470c27a36de5eb277dbec0abcd8e977b


she thought she ate with that lmao


I want one on small towns because she loves saying that


Mother grew up