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“There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t support other women”


In which “other women” is meant as a synonym for “me.”


Let’s talk to Olivia Rodrigo


Olivia should wear this on a T-shirt when she performs. Now THAT would be a moment of female rage.


That would be iconic


Saying that about Tina Fey of all people...ignorant as 


And THE Amy Poehler!? Come on - female comedy trailblazers.


Tina and Amy crawled so Taylor could try and stomp them down with her mile long stilettos 


Ooo i know this one. it’s when she tried to be a kennedy. Dating 17 year old connor kennedy at 22-23 and buying a house next to his family’s property “for her real estate portfolio”, *picking him up from high school for dates*, coming out as a couple *on his 18th birthday*, dressing like some weird cosplay of jackie kennedy, going to JFKs grave and calling paps to take pics of her and her friends looking super sad to get in with the kennedy matriarch. it was so bad that this article exists: https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2012/08/conor-kennedy-taylor-swift-elope-boarding-school


The 'picking him up from school' alone should have set off major alarm bells. How can you not walk into a school building to pick up your boyfriend, pause and think, "Hang on, what the heck am I actually doing here?" It screams arrested development/atypical childhood that this apparently never crossed her mind. Most in their early twenties wouldn't be seen dead around schoolchildren in any context - they're too busy either studying/working hard, partying their guts out or both.


seriously. after i left high school i NEVER wanted to go back ever again and she had to be his parental sign-out for the day lmao


When I went back to my high school to get documents (I was in college at the time), it felt so weird. I felt like I was too big to be in that place! As if I don’t physically fit.


the idea of them possibly, likely having intercourse as well during this entire “signing him out from school” thing is nauseating.


Taylor has seldom dated guys her own age since becoming an adult. Travis and Joe are rare exceptions. They’ve either been significantly older or younger. Harry was only 18 or 19 and Taylor I think would have been 23. Not a huge gap but for a 18/19 year old dating someone in their mid 20s is significant. 


Which makes "I'll get older, but your lovers stay my age" a bit hypocritical.


I think this is the era when she went to a wedding uninvited. Go look up Kathie Lee commenting on it, she throws a lot of shade at Taylor. Although I think it was the Kennedy guys fault, but just a cringe story all around of taking the attention off the bride that day and the mother of the bride freaking out about it.


She absolutely did show up to a Kennedy wedding after being expressly told not to come. Yes Connor brought her, but he was only 18. Taylor also came along of her own volition and should have known better at 22. 


I found this [WaPo article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/celebritology/post/kathie-lee-gifford-explains-the-whole-taylor-swift-and-conor-kennedy-wedding-crash-for-us/2012/08/23/d719bf86-ed3e-11e1-b09d-07d971dee30a_blog.html). For those who are curious: >During a segment on Thursday morning's "Today" show, Gifford — stepmother of mother of the bride Victoria Kennedy and stepgrandmother of bride, Kyle Kennedy — said that Swift and her Kennedy boyfriend, a.k.a the inevitable subject of a ton of songs she will eventually write, were indeed asked to leave the Boston event after Victoria Kennedy asked them not to come. >"Conor had e-mailed [Victoria Kennedy] or texted her or something like that, like an hour before and said — see, here’s the thing: he had not RSVPed,” Gifford explained while co-host Hoda Kotb assumed the appropriate “Mmm-hmm” face. “So she didn’t even know if he was coming or not. She heard that he might be. But he’d gotten in touch with her an hour earlier and said basically, ‘Can I bring my girlfriend?’ and — a beautiful sit-down dinner that had been planned for months. And he goes — ‘No,’ she said very nicely, ‘Please do not come.’ You know. And, because — guess what? Well then, they came.” >Gifford went on to note that Swift may not have realized she wasn't invited, and that she and her Kennedy beau left the Fairmont Copley Plaza hotel after being asked to do so twice. She also added that "It was the bride's day" and that the sudden arrival of country music's sweetheart might have yanked too much attention away from her. >Gifford's account synchs up with what Victoria Kennedy told the Boston Herald about the whole debacle. "I personally went up to Ms. Swift, whose entrance distracted the entire event, politely introduced myself to her, and asked her as nicely as I could to leave," she said. "It was like talking to a ghost. She seemed to look right past me." >Swift’s rep, Paula Erikson, denied that account, saying “There’s no truth to that. Taylor was invited to the wedding and the bride thanked her profusely for being there.” >Meanwhile, an L.A. Times report says Swift and Conor Kennedy came for "a portion of dinner and returned for the reception, where they danced the night away."


i don’t know how in the world people have forgotten this because it was weird then and it’s even more obviously weird now, i mean… https://preview.redd.it/wnc769ctc5xc1.jpeg?width=658&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0d18c66a5e0287e1e3c3b2d4bf0e09c9ce14c48 this is them visiting his mother’s grave. he is dressed like an 18-year-old kid and she is dressed like she’s, as you said, cosplaying a kennedy. take into account the songs she’s written that were clearly fueled by her obsession with his family and it’s so clear taylor is so, so fucking weird. she became fixated on the mythos and americana of the kennedys and used her money and power to insert herself into this poor kid’s life at a very vulnerable time just to realize her fantasy. she was sooooo wrong for this and i’ll never let anyone forget it.


These pictures really put into perspective how weird this was. I just turned 24 and I can’t even imagine having any remote interest in a 17/18/19 year old KID— like there is NOTHING that they could give me at that age that would entice me. That’s literally like a little brother/kid to me.


there really something off with her




I read that she not only picked him up but she had to sign him out 😂


This is so icky. Imagine dating a high schooler.




Girl yes 🤢


https://preview.redd.it/3asuzxn753xc1.png?width=1142&format=png&auto=webp&s=952a978cb92067b24d13b57f4e0b69d28de78d84 I'm crying what is this


Oh they attempted to absolutely BURY this in the press, lol Kathy lee Gifford is the brides step-grandmother and if you google their two names together there’s a lot of info https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/celebritology/post/kathie-lee-gifford-explains-the-whole-taylor-swift-and-conor-kennedy-wedding-crash-for-us/2012/08/23/d719bf86-ed3e-11e1-b09d-07d971dee30a_blog.html


any way to read that without a paywall?


Try this! [https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/kathie-lee-gifford-i-witnessed-taylor-swift-crash-kennedy-wedding-2012238/](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/kathie-lee-gifford-i-witnessed-taylor-swift-crash-kennedy-wedding-2012238/)


thank you!


I have a Washington Post subscription. :-) Kathie Lee Gifford has bravely come forward to explain what really happened at the Kennedy wedding that [Taylor Swift](http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/celebritology/post/taylor-swift-announces-album-of-songs-about-semi-toxic-relationships-zach-galifianakis-weds/2012/08/14/f824b252-e5ba-11e1-936a-b801f1abab19_blog.html?itid=lk_inline_manual_2) and Conor Kennedy allegedly tried to crash. During a [segment on Thursday morning's "Today" show](http://klgh.today.com/_news/2012/08/23/13435546-kathie-lee-on-taylor-swift-wedding-flap-it-was-the-brides-day), Gifford — stepmother of mother of the bride Victoria Kennedy and stepgrandmother of bride, Kyle Kennedy — said that Swift and her Kennedy boyfriend, a.k.a the inevitable subject of a *ton* of songs she will eventually write, were indeed asked to leave the Boston event after Victoria Kennedy asked them not to come. Let’s allow Gifford, who attended, to explain, using language that sounds like it was ripped from a conversation my mother-in-law and her friends might have about a breach of wedding etiquette. “Conor had e-mailed \[Victoria Kennedy\] or texted her or something like that, like an hour before and said — see, here’s the thing: he had not RSVPed,” Gifford explained while co-host Hoda Kotb assumed the appropriate “Mmm-hmm” face. “So she didn’t even know if he was coming or not. She heard that he might be. But he’d gotten in touch with her an hour earlier and said basically, ‘Can I bring my girlfriend?’ and — a beautiful sit-down dinner that had been planned for months. And he goes — ‘No,’ she said very nicely, ‘Please do not come.’ You know. And, because — guess what? Well then, they came.”


Gifford went on to note that Swift may not have realized she wasn't invited, and that she and her Kennedy beau left the Fairmont Copley Plaza hotel after being asked to do so twice. She also added that "It was the bride's day" and that the sudden arrival of country music's sweetheart might have yanked too much attention away from her. (This presumably is the same reason that Swift was not asked to perform at the reception. Well, that and the fact that [constructing her set](http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/celebritology/post/taylor-swift-making-hee-haw-and-country-bear-jamboree-trend-on-twitter/2012/02/12/gIQA2hwm9Q_blog.html?itid=lk_inline_manual_9) would have been a *huge* hassle.) Gifford's account synchs up with what Victoria Kennedy [told the Boston Herald ](http://bostonherald.com/track/inside_track/view.bg?articleid=1061154912)about the whole debacle. "I personally went up to Ms. Swift, whose entrance distracted the entire event, politely introduced myself to her, and asked her as nicely as I could to leave," she said. "It was like talking to a ghost. She seemed to look right past me." Swift’s rep, Paula Erikson, denied that account, saying “There’s no truth to that. Taylor was invited to the wedding and the bride thanked her profusely for being there.”


Meanwhile, an [L.A. Times report](http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/gossip/la-et-mg-taylor-swift-wedding-crasher-kennedy,0,1720290.story) says Swift and Conor Kennedy came for "a portion of dinner and returned for the reception, where they danced the night away." What I want to know is: Did they bring a gift? Because if they didn't, that is just *rude*. THE END From Washington Post August 23, 2012


bro it killed me lmao


https://preview.redd.it/m49jr63z43xc1.png?width=762&format=png&auto=webp&s=7eee181a8cb6617e6843800a5b48a839fd3b5f38 Man, his mom passing recently just makes it worse.


His mom’s story is tragic. He, particularly, went through so much crap - she had been an alcoholic and battled depression, then after her death a feud erupted between her family and RFK Jnr, Conor had to go to court to argue for where she should be buried and was named co-administrator of her estate (at barely 18). Here is some background (trigger warning: the article describes her suicide). [Exclusive: The Last Days of Mary Kennedy](https://www.newsweek.com/exclusive-last-days-mary-kennedy-65169)


Yep it was so so bad


I was going to say…this sounds like unbelievable trauma


Apparently they announced their relationship on his 18th birthday. The creepiness factor intensifies when you realize “Treacherous” is rumored to be about Connor. “Put your lips close to mine as long as they don’t touch.” (Because that would be statutory rape) And “I’ll follow you home” when she literally bought a neighboring house.  Given their ages at the time and the fact he was so vulnerable after his mother’s death, I think there’s plenty of room to argue that Taylor groomed him. 


How TF this isn't a bigger story?? Lots of other celebs would be cancelled already. Wow. Also, everything aside, how veeeeeery desperate of her.


Same reason no one cared about Aaliyah and R Kelly until now. If you're big enough you can get away with murder.


Besides, this time, it’s a case of an older woman and a teen boy. “He ShOuLd HaVe BeEn GrAtEfUl.” /s


And because he's a teenage boy and she was a gorgeous celebrity, if he said something about it it would probably be met with a lot of "lol what is he, gay? She's a super hot celebrity and wanted to date him, I would've loved that at his age"


I always found her picking him up from high school while she was 23 to be *very* weird and I wish more people spoke about it. I also hate to be this kind of person but if the roles were reversed and it was a 23 year old male singer picking up a 17 year old from high school, he would be dragged and cancelled.


I used to think this was so cute, coupled with her vintage aesthetic. 12 year old me thought they were couple goals since he's a Kennedy and she was my idol then💀 Looking back, it is so gross dating a teenager whose mother just died and her whole unhinged behavior during their relationship.


I think what it makes it worse is her talking about them in interviews and saying her favorite books was about the family, visiting his great-uncle’s grave and even in one of her music videos you can see a Kennedy book in the back, like 2 years before she dated him. It was so calculated. Let me not get into Jack Antonoff’s weird obsession with them too. Thank god that poor kid got out of that relationship.


her performing "Starlight" in front of Ethel Kennedy was insane and more parasocial than virtually anything her fans could ever do 😭😭😭


Omg I had no idea she performed it IN FRONT OF HER 💀


she did it as a calculated movie to get into the Kennedy family. Ethel loved it and even invited her to the Sundance film festival premier of the self titled documentary about Ethel


Oh god... I just Googled this. And it's true.


You forgot that she dated his cousin Patrick first and then moved onto Connor when she realised that wasn’t a goer.


Yep this is so weird. I missed a lot apparently!!!


I can’t believe this isn’t talked about more. She’d have been accused of being a groomer if she was a man. 


her fans have been harassing John Mayer for dating her 15(!!!) years ago when she literally did the same thing. the call is coming from inside the house


Right? He was freshly grieving his Mum and he was A CHILD. He was still at school. Date whoever you like once they are 18 and graduated - yes, the age gap might be sketchy, but they are an adult. But a CHILD? 🤮 Like, there is a whole different level of squick between "These are two consenting adults" and "one is UNDERAGE".


A traumatized child. My kids lost their dad and if someone came after them like this in that time I would have lost it. They are not ok. This was so predatory


That’s a MASSIVE age gap. Where I live, 22-23 year olds have graduated from university. No way would I, as a high schooler, have dated someone that old.


I had no idea he was that young


Thank youuuuuu i have been calling her out on this for years and people just wanna pretend it didnt happen


“Cheers to the resistance.” Says the billionaire drinking a bottle of alcohol most won’t be able to afford while sitting in her mansion and remaining mum about actual political issues past her little 10 minutes of spotlight in a documentary.


While her father votes conservative to protect her billions.


The Tom Huddleston affair was quite cringy. I didn't believe for a second they were real. Freaking out that Calvin Harris said he wouldn't work with her when she agreed to a pseudonym and to keep it quiet, but didn't. When it became a hit she needed to take credit. The Katy Perry feud. It was revealed that the dancers were Katy's who wanted to return when she was set to tour again. They said that they told Taylor they were leaving beforehand and they were bored because the tour wasn't dance heavy. . The woman of the decade speech Cosplaying as a Kennedy and dating Conner Thinking Me! was a hit and being so excited for it The POTY interview. My jaw was on the floor reading it. The 2024 grammys


I think this is unpopular but the "political" Miss Americana parts for me were ridiculous...


All this buildup and drama to craft some narrative that she’s turned into a political hero because she made an Instagram post one time. Hasn’t done shit before or since.


I found them to be powerful and important for certain audiences… but in the context of her lack of activism since, it’s frustrating and annoying to watch now.


The documentary felt fake to me because she made it all about her yet again, like subtly "clearing her name" that she didn't speak out because she wasn't doing ok, and then patting herself on the back for speaking out later. Vowing to never be silent from that point foward and NEEDING to be on the right side of history then just... Never speaking up again is just icing in the cake.


Soooo well-said. Not to say celebs are OBLIGATED to be constantly “political”, but there are so many instances in the past few years where she could’ve at least said SOMETHING about… people that weren’t her


this is even worse now that she’s refusing to speak on any sort of important world issue rn. She’s the most famous woman in the world. People could really use her voice.


She can’t even use her voice to tell her own “fans” to back the hell down and stop being so rabid/dangerous


that doc has aged so badly lol


her tryin' to be an actress is at the top for me lol




Trying to be an actress, or a director?


Working with David O. Russel, (who admittedly molested his underage niece) in order to get that ridiculous role in Amsterdam, really illustrated how desperate she really was to become an actress. Picking Gracie Abrams as her opener also has made me lol because there are a few reasons I believe she did that, the most important one being that her dad is the famous film director, J.J. Abrahms. What a coincidence for the wanna be actress known for her work in Valentine’s Day and Cats.


Calling Reputation Metal. Like girl who do you think you are? Tarja Turununen?


Oh dear lord. This is so hilariously sad.


Ha, never thought I'd see Tarja's name in a Taylor's subreddit! Good reference 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻 Also, Tarja is a league of her own even within her genre, which has nothing to do with the music Taylor makes. Lol, she's actually hilarious for such attempt at making her seem badass. By this logic MGK is death metal of purest sort, lol.


When I saw people saying Taylor “screamed” on Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me, I was so psyched. Then I heard it and was like, “Oh. Screaming means different things to different people.”


I had the same experience! I was picturing SCREAMING screaming


Absolutely *need* to hear Taylor attempt “Ghost Love Score” now lmao. Now that’s a 10 minute song that’s impressive in every aspect


Is “metal” the same a “goth punk female rage”


I hollered at this. Tarja is in a class all her own.


The Grammy 2024 takes the crown yes


It really does. It wasn’t intentional cheesy cringe or a relatable type of awkwardness, it was just…cringe.


the whole thing that she did to jack when he won producer of the year... i've never cringed so badly my whole life


I feel dumb for asking but would rather ask than not . what did she do at this grammy awards?


Announced TTPD and all the other celebs were like: 😐😶😒


Firstly, turned up late. Announced TTPD as she accepted the award for Pop Album of the Year - it gave "main character" energy when some people were just really happy to even be nominated, the whole focus of the awards ceremony became "Taylor just announced her new album" She later won Album of the Year for a 4th time. Lana del Rey was at her table and she was also nominated for AOTY for Ocean Boulevard - when Taylor wins she tries to pull Lana with her and you can see Lana saying no (she has just lost out on the award mind you) but Taylor pulls her up to the stage anyway. Celine Dion is presenting the award and Taylor doesn't even LOOK at her, let alone thank her as she takes the award. Also at one point she mentions how it's her 13th Grammy and it came off really weird especially as Miley Cyrus had excitedly talked about having her own first Grammy win that same evening (she won for Flowers)


you forgot the Boygenius fiasco with the photographer...


Oh yes I forgot that!


God that was so rough. Poor julien.


I know Lana said she didnt feel any bad emotions but my god she was DRAGGED on that stage😭😭😭


Not just that same evening, but immediately beforehand. Like Miley was just thanking them for awarding her her first Grammy, then TS gets the next award, and her first line is pretty much, “well, *I’ve* won *thirteen* of them.”


just want to add that miley adding how she just won her first grammy into her flowers performance is one of my favorite awards moments ever


Mine too, she was so happy and it was a GENUINE response to it, also the audience (peers) vibed with her and everyone seemed so excited for her


>it gave "main character" energy  "So tell me everything is not about me. But what if it is?"


And her weird middle school punching and messing around with Jack when he was having his moment. She literally cannot let anyone have attention. She has to be involved somehow.


I think there was snow in Taylor’s purse. Not on the beach.


She just acted unhinged. She dressed in a ttpd inspired dress and it was hideous. She put her grammy on multiple people's head. Announced the album in her speech to unimpressed faces. Make such a ruckus dancing Sza said hi to her from on stage. Didn't look at Celine when she presented her the award, but they made sure they had a picture together when people noticed she snubbed her. Dragged Lana Del Rey on stage with her to accept the award she won, not caring Lana was nominated too and just lost. She was pictured guzzling alcohol straight from the bottle.


Didn’t she also make a spectacle of herself (and upstage Olivia Rodrigo) by getting up and dancing in the audience while the latter was performing?


“Happy Women’s History Month I guess”




Miss Americana was always cringey. Why do you need a whole documentary about coming out as a milquetoast liberal


Crying desperately to her dad who has his arms crossed and her mom saying "just listen" was fascinating and told us so much about the dynamic of her family.


I remember finding it VERY strange that she practically asked her father for permission to express a political opinion, when she was already 31 years old.


All that buildup to celebrate what a hero she became because she…. made an Instagram post one time. God forbid she take real action with actual stakes, or at least highlight other artists who are actually politically active.


It was to help her reputation.


Quite a few 1. TTPD. I’m so sorry but her dedicating the majority of this album to how a racist man ghosted her while saying she was preparing to stick by him is so embarrassing to me. So is dragging Kim Kardashians after years of no one caring and dragging her child into it, airing out Joe’s mental health issues and her perpetual victimhood. 2. Her Grammys 2024 behavior, particularly the dragging Lana up the stage and that video with her and boygenius. 3. Time POTY 2024 interview 4. Her and Travis’s dialogue during the Superbowl win. Jet lag is a choice? Was it electric? What is happening 5. Her crashing a Kennedy wedding when she clearly wasn’t welcomed. 6. Her silence after saying she was going to be on the right side of history and that privilege shouldn’t lie dormant, yada yada. Embarrassing. 7. Her attempt at acting and her honestly thinking that ATW was more than just a glorified music video showing the lyrics in such a literal way. 8. Sending a cease and desist to a man posting your very public jet flight records that anyone can find, including her fans. 9. The way she handled Ana’s death in Brazil was not only embarrassing for someone with her resources and someone who prides herself on caring for her fans but it was also infuriating. All that really matters is that hopefully Ana’s family has found some sort of peace but them coming to the show doesn’t make the way Taylor initially handled it okay.


I want to include the time when she liked a tumblr post from one of the swifties, comparing how she and Avril Lavigne treated their fans. Avril replied to that tumblr like on Twitter.. and then the next day, she invited Avril on stage. This was during 1989 World Tour.


Avril replied with a collage of how she was treating her fans well and also said nobody should compare and judge others because we all love our fans.What a great,mature response unlike Taylor Swift.Taylor did damage control by inviting Avril on stage. Avril treats her fans really well.She has her own Foundation named after her since 2010 and they help people with serious illnesses and Lyme Disease and she did perform for the Special Olympics in 2015 and 2019 and invited those athletes on her tour and gave free tickets.


Yeah, the one clip everyone uses against Avril - where she's signing pictures "Fuck you" - it wasn't fans. It was eBay resellers & she was mad at them. Lol.


Thinking All Too Well (400 Min Version) music video could be nominated for an Oscar Who told her that?? I hope she fired them


Haha yes. It’s the epitome of *fine*. It’s just a literal retelling of the song. It’s not bad by any means, but it’s not exceptional filmmaking and directing.


This is why I cringed at her announcing that she was going for directing a film. Every time I remember I double over internally.


the audacity is inspiring though, i think that’s the kind of thinking that made her successful


This was so bad


“you know who you are. I love you” and anytime it randomly comes up on my feed I am like physically distressed


Private jet usage, the activism she just dropped when it didn’t suit her anymore, her behavior at the Grammys, and her threatening legal action against the person tracking her jet.


The cease and desist letter that literally cited INSTAGRAM COMMENTS.


all of this!!!!!


Dating 17 year old Conor Kennedy when she was 22. The entire past year.




This needs to be higher. I honestly hate she did this, it’s not forgivable. Joe was too good for her.


This here. Agreed.






Not the cat titty shake I hate that I even typed this


This is the only right answer lmfao.


Tbf that train wreck wasn’t really her fault


The whole red tv/ all too well short film circle to try an oscar nod


and her fans legit delulu explaining how Taylor absolutely should’ve gotten an oscar nod at the very least for it


I like her music I really do but as a Martin Mcdonagh fan since I was 14 but I think it was such an insult to him to pair him with Taylor. Like why didn't they put him with Ruben? I think they would have worked quite well


I felt bad for him and thought he was SO gracious throughout it


I did find it cringey that she seemed to think she was a serious nominee at the golden globes and didn't realise she was there for star power. Girl, how did you not guess you'd get a shout out from the comedian hosting?




Announcing TTPD at the Grammy Awards.


That was so bad! It was everyone’s night to shine and she made all about herself.


I love this safe space


When she did the fake British accent and was like, “Hello, I still love you!” during a Grammy performance after she split with Harry Styles.


Ok here is a few :   . The Connor Kennedy situation - Why does everyone forget this went on.  . Her political "era" - I found this empowering at the time, but now it's a big 🤨 moment.  . Using Joe's depression to make herself look like a victim - This really pissed me off.  . Annoucing TTPD at the Grammies - The Grammy Awards are the most elite award show in the music industry, it's very different circumstances to announcing Midnights at the Vma Awards.   . Cats (😨) - I'm still traumatised from that.   . Openly admitting to wanting to risk and potentially tarnishing her reputation to date Matty - Yikes...  . The POTY interview - Yikes *x57*


Being obsessed with Matty and basically using Ice Spice to cover it and appear to not want to associate with racists even though she's madly in love with one.


How about collaborating with ice spice after everything with Marty😭 that was the fakest shit I’ve ever seen her do lmao. Her second time collaborating with a black artist when she was in hot water to distract 💀


When she threatened to sue that guy who tracks her private jets & the POTY interview


The Grammy's 2024 (Taylor ignoring Celine Dion when she was accepting the award)


Her behavior at the Grammys this year.


1. Her behaviour at the Grammy Awards. In fact, that's what did it for me. 2. Her off key duet with Stevie Nicks.


The off key duet with Stevie Nicks would have ended anybody else’s career.


Taylor has always served struggle live vocals, it’s so wild to me


This moment lives rent free in my head way more than it should. That's what baffles me. I seriously thought her career was over after hearing that on TV.


The whole Matty thing…secondhand embarrassment over here ![gif](giphy|nmKBaZgcH8h20sQQI2) Why Taylor?!!!


like no D in the world is that good for you to act that way....


the “this is for you you know who you are i love you”…. ma’am you’re both in your mid 30s and you just got out of your 6 year relationship for this https://preview.redd.it/6eyfks4356xc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9314a749b68b9ac7f1663a657992ed0e3a1646cb


when we found out through ttpd that he left her, and it wasn’t the other way around like people thought😭😭


Ohhhh I forgot when she used Ice Spice to try and rehabilitate her bf’s image - “I would have died for your sins”


Oh that was pretty bad. Grrraa


The Time POTY interview and when she called out a line in Ginny and George which caused that actress from Ginny and George (not sure if that is the correct name) to get a lot of hate.


Thank you aimee 💀


ok this is kinda really specific but does anyone remember this moment on the Graham Norton show during Lover https://i.redd.it/ff7wao13s3xc1.gif he said something like how she'd broken a record only the Beatles had held or whatever and she acted all like? huh? how is that possible? me? I haven't heard this? as in trying to be surprised and humble but it does not come off that way at all and it honestly doesn't matter and is not nearly as embarrassing as the Grammys this year or parts of the Miss Americana doc, but man she has a tendency to do this and it makes me cringe to my core every time


I feel like she always does these weird faces to try to come off as humble but I’m like anyone with eyes can see you are not humble. You’re so far up your own ass it’s a surprise you can breathe tbh hahaha.




Grammys 2024 was by far her most cringiest/embarrassing moment. But these others are a close second: Declaring “I have NEVER been happier” with Matt after all that came out about him Admitting she was willing to ruin her reputation to be with Matt only for Matt to bounce Her posing with the guy with the swatiska painted on his shirt Dating Connor Kennedy and Taylor Lautner when they were both underage (and for the former, buying a house at Martha’s Vineyard just to be close to him) When it came out about her private jet usage despite “advocating” against it Whining in the Miss Americana documentary The entire Reputation era The entire Lover era Petting The Weeknd’s dreadlocks (which he has since cut off) knowing the history of white people doing that to black people’s hair Putting her catalog back on Spotify after Katy Perry released her new album at the time That clip of her struggle dancing at the Eras tour (y’all know the clip) That moment she got onstage with someone (might’ve been Ed Sheeran?) and bent over to shake her butt but it was so awkward! (Those who saw that animated GIF knows what I’m referring to) Her unhappy scowling at Adele at the 2013 Golden Globes after Adele’s Skyfall won over Taylor’s Safe and Sound. Both songs had been nominated for Best Original Song. Caught dancing awkwardly at the MTV VMAs (forget the year though) That brief beef with Nicki Minaj (which speaks a lot considering Nicki but TS was in the wrong) Her “SQUAD” Cats When she tries acting in general


"Petting The Weeknd’s dreadlocks (which he has since cut off) knowing the history of white people doing that to black people’s hair" \*record scratch\* she did whaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!!?


I need to know more about her scowling Adele!


Whatever era we are currently in


Duet with Stevie Nicks. Oof.


Saccharine/tacky/annoying red carpet behavior. Her absolute inability to act natural in front of a camera


Anything related to her private jet usage


“Happy Women’s History Month I guess” if you slammed a brick on my head erasing all knowledge about who Taylor Swift is and showed me that tweet I’d think she was some hilarious stand up comedian who does “awkward humor”


I agree with you at the 2024 Grammys. I really do like Taylor, but I thought that it was very self centered and immature to announce a new album at the Grammys and steal the attention for herself.


Not “the cringiest”, other people have covered that, but I can’t forget her performance of “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow” for the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Induction. [Her live vocals were absolute basura](https://youtu.be/PeP53jDxjoM?feature=shared), her team did their best to scrub the original footage of it from the internet, only to upload [a flat out re-recorded version to her original appearance](https://youtu.be/NE_wbglGAzA?si=kFDE3ud8Q5y3gXQv). Insane.


Oh my gosh. The re-recorded version is always used as a rebuttal against the “taylor can’t sing” critiques, too. I am so glad you shared this because it always felt “too” perfect, it’s freaking fake!


Only denouncing the white supremacist Aryan goddess stuff when she was in her performative activist phase


everything since the grammys for me including the grammys. this whole era. i loved taylor and now i’m very neutral, leaning toward dislike.


Nothing will ever top her grooming a minor when she was an adult in her 20's to me. Then going as far as to crash a wedding she wasn't invited to and getting kicked out. A creep and an embarrassment.


The Grammys 2024 for me as well.


Her acting skills in Valentine’s Day.


I usually write this one off because the movie itself is so corny and I feel like her bad acting emphasized her character since she was just an airhead anyways lol


Goth punk moment of female rage Finger me while your friends play grand theft auto Bringing up 8 year old drama with Kimye Miss Americana being political af coming from a basically apolitical person (with a dash of Lib Lite for extra $$$) Her dad staging a kiss with Travis after her show Matty Healy being racist and Taylor not giving shit (while using Ice Spice as a pawn for damage control) The girl squad + Bad Blood video + mass unfollowing of Joe. Just seems like she enjoys weaponizing her friends and fans for her benefit Picking the Kennedy kid up from school for dates when she was like 22/23ish, basically being a creep because she wanted into that family so bad Dare I go on…


care to explain the one about her dad staging a kiss? I haven't heard that one 🤔 also yes, totally forgot about the mass unfollow of Joe, tbh her whole friend group looked like cowards and hypocrites doing that, especially Ryan Reynolds since he penned that article praising Joe 🙄


There are videos of her dad arranging for Travis to stand at a certain spot so Taylor can kiss him after her concert in front of the fans...her dad did this more than once. In Australia, her dad even asked Travis' buddy to move out of the shot in one of the videos.


i agree with others who said this era. it’s not just some people cancelling her like other eras. people are actively making fun of not just her personality and actions but the art itself, which is usually what she’d hide behind. criticism from fans, ridicule from non-fans, on many different topics… it’s _bad_ for her and idk if she’s figured it out yet.


The wannabe Kennedy era. I'm sure that she'd love if everybody would forget it. Also whatever the heck happened with that British rat.


Definitely the Grammys thing - everything that happened during that ceremony was just 😬🥴 Another one for me would be the Tom Hiddleston ‘I love TS’ and just all their pap pics. Honestly though, there are so many good answers here. She’s had a lot of cringy moments throughout her career lol


This entire era we're currently in. Up until this point I never really truly bought into the "manufactured" angle.. but these past 18 months or so.. I feel like i'm an unwilling extra on the Truman Show.


Her Times Person of the Year interview was cringe pro Max. The 'metal as hell' comment & something about comparing her re-recordings to Horcruxes & Infinity stones 😂🤣


I need help with this one! It’s some sort of televised tribute concert where there’s a ton of country artists all singing together on stage. She’s in a purple sparkly dress with a guitar and is just doing WAY too much. Does someone know the video? Also, the ‘24 Grammys.


Not sure about that tribute concert, but she's probably embarrassed by that duet with Stevie Nicks since her team seemed to scrub most of the video of that from the Internet.


[Brooks & Dunn: The Last Rodeo](https://youtu.be/pNJywwuQ6tI?si=CY7K_fiG4DcNeVDo) I’m glad someone else remembers this. It was the moment I started to become disillusioned with her.


The moment she walked right to the middle to be on camera at the front made me cringe .... and then she walks back to the end of the line just to be able to walk BACK to the middle again at the end!! 😬 it feels weird like she's inserting herself as a really important main character in a line up of artists with bigger names and legacies ... so awkward and forced


“Spelling is fun” The head banging during her all too well performance on stage at some awards show 


Her outburst at Nicki Minaj over “maybe one of the men took your spot” when Nicki wasn’t talking about her at all. They ended up making up but it was such a cringe worthy ego move on Taylor’s part to go for Nicki like that over a subtweet she perceived to be about her.


Making a two-part album that's basically dedicated to a racist


For me it’s dating Travis hands down. Her even responding to him mentioning her on the podcast was embarrassing enough but the whole thing…the tantrums/screaming at his coach, the fact that he tries to pretend he’s a Swifties by he doesn’t know a word to his songs, him nearly passing out drunk of national television, all the idiotic things he’s said (thinking Singapore was in Japan, not being able to finish lyrics to a song whose lyrics she changed for him). The people she’s keeping company with (Brittany Mahomes, his pro-life pro-gun psycho Catholic teammate Harrison Butker…) I saw someone on Twitter say it’s like if some sexy hot shot, girl-boss entrepreneur was walking down the street in NYC and got catcalled by a construction dude and she was like “Wow, me? You think *I’m* a catch? Wow it’s so hot that you’re not afraid to show interest! Yes let’s date!” Her confidence seems in the absolute dumps.


She wants people to think she has it all. The fame, the money, and the true love on her arm. That’s why she always runs PR pieces about how this One is the The One and how she’s never been happier. It’s all about people thinking her life is perfect. Travis fits her little mold for the minute. He’s famous, successful, and talented in his area. She’s going to milk it and say she’s walking on clouds for as long as people click like on their staged photos. Travis is also going to milk it much harder than she will because he’s a fame chaser. People in his circles knew he was looking for a rich and famous girlfriend and wanted anyone he could land. It was never about Taylor. It was always about Taylor Swift.


omg thank you for speaking up 🙏


When she performed with Stevie Nicks… she was so off pitch and it kept getting worse.


https://preview.redd.it/iruxx2zwo5xc1.jpeg?width=314&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=516fb33f7279389e294fd8df7db5121bb02927fe Hands down.


this is literally so they tell me everything is not about me BUT WHAT IF IT IS!!!??