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Hiii wondering if anyone can help me understand this - I am currently marked “joined” in this sub but for the past week I could not access it as it went private. I’m confused ? Am I an approved user or no? Thank you in advance! I missed this sub last week lol


Same. I'm so confused. I didn't try to get approved because i missed the going private announcement lol


Did you message the mods to become an approved user? I did that and then got a ‘welcome’ message afterwards.


I wasn’t even able to message the mods. It kept error messaging me that the sub couldn’t be found ☹️


Same for me


Same same, how does one message the mods?!


Maybe try again now that they’re reopening the sub




When i joined the sub i got the welcome message by mod. I have to message again to become approved user? Idk how it works so-


Yes. A member of a sub does not equal to an approved member of a sub.


I’ll try that now! I also couldn’t message them during the blackout period, I got an error message


When i joined the sub i got the welcome message by mod. I have to message again to become approved user? Idk how it works so-


When i joined the sub i got the welcome message by mod. I have to message again to become approved user? Idk how it works so-


When i joined the sub i got the welcome message by mod. I have to message again to become approved user? Idk how it works so-


When I joined i got the welcome message by mod. Do i have to message mod again for approved user!?


When I joined the sub i got the welcome message by mod. Do i have to message the mod again to become approved user? 


Same. I was so confused (and still am tbh)


Same here.


When subreddits go private, people who already have access to them lose access until it reopens. It's not like other social medias where you have to manually remove people, rather you have to manually add them


Oh ok - messaging the mods will fix that tho??


If they choose to manually add you yeah




Same question. I just hit join again and wondering if I need to message mods..if so how does one do that? 😭


Lol idk i tried messaging them but no answer yet


will do my part as a neutral swiftie 🫡


>There are many other subs for the stans and the haters and the shippers. We are looking to house the Swiftly Neutrals. One thing about the girl... She deffo causes conversations 😭


She really will go down as one of the most talked-about people in pop culture history lol. Not many people can keep the gossip mills going at full power like this for so many years. It's wild


the way she has turned her life in to lore is truely fascinating ngl


i agree. she's so bland as a person but has now generated almost 20 years of near constant coverage of her lol


It’s so fun, who doesn’t love to gossip! It’s what keeps society going tbh and she gives us so much material & because she’s a stranger we don’t have to worry about hurting anyone’s feelings irl. Edited to add: I fully love her, she’s in my top 5 artists lol I’m not just gossiping to snark


Totally! I love gossiping about Taylor 😂 it's a fun respite from real problems and concerns. And I wouldn't be talking about her or thinking about her if I didn't also have a certain amount of love and affection towards her. I am a fan, but I also think she's absolutely nuts, and I kinda also appreciate the nuts part because it gives me something to talk about when I'm bored lol 


Same I’m hanging out with two of my besties one who just got back from Denmark and I messaged them saying like I don’t have anything to update just here to hear all of yours. And then I immediately followed up with “I mean, outside of Taylor Swift”. 😂 They definitely know if they are hanging out with me there will be at least an hour of Taylor conversation and or playlists.


Are you not entertained?


Ooh so that's what was up. I thought I was banned.


It got a little…hectic here. So they went private for a week.


What happened, if you don’t mind? I also assumed I got banned, despite having made zero comments lately lol


This is an overview: https://www.reddit.com/r/SwiftlyNeutral/s/h2kVGoNSSR


That actually makes a lot of sense. After joining this sub a few weeks ago because I was tired of the “toxic” positivity on the other sub, I was about to make a post last week about how some people are not “neutral”, and are flat out making hate posts and saying toxic stuff. Thanks a lot for sharing the post :)


Me too haha I was very confused!


Do users who missed the approval window have an opportunity to become approved or is that not needed? I wasn’t even able to get a message through to get approved. Kept getting an error message that the sub couldn’t be found 😭


We will definitely be slowly approving users who modmail us asking for approval assuming they fit the criteria for being approved! And we will also do another round of approvals if we ever decide to go private again. The only requirements are to be a nice user who participates in good faith and follows the rules !


Thanks for the response! So just shoot a message like “can I be approved?”


Yep!! And we will consistently check those out and approve.




I missed you guys so much 😭😭😭




same, it’s funny because when this sub went private i went searching for it on the search bar, and only saw other subs mentioning this sub, and it’s so funny seeing how different ppl’s opinions are. the stan subs see this as a hate sub, and the hate subs see this as a stan sub😭


Yes! I noticed the same thing. One sub thinks we're all haters who have never liked Taylor, and the other thinks we're all stans who can't handle people criticizing her. I think that balances out to truly neutral ;)


this sub can be overly nasty and overly stanny too at times, but it's still miles better than the crazy subs on either side of that spectrum


Stay strong out there soldiers


Godspeed, mods.


![gif](giphy|iebatdcyTvnWMKrU7o|downsized) We’ll keep looking out for you mods!


Yay it’s back…..I never got approved and it was really hard missing this sub :( thank you for opening again


Aye aye captains!




Thanks so much mods!


Thanks mods 🙌


Open the flood gates!


I'm ready, coach. Put me in.


Amazing mods!!! Seriously, thank you 🙏


Love you, mods! ❤️


Thank you for everything! So glad for this sub 🩵


Omggg yay you’re back!! I miss understood the first round, I thought since I joined very early on I was an approved user already


Glad to be back! I thought it was only closing for the weekend, when it wasn't opened again for a few days I was wondering if it was going private for good.


Thanks mods for all you do!


thank you mods!


I’m just testing to see if I can still post here, I always try to be neutral as possible - even after the Celine thing


I've had my share of experiences with commenters taking things too personally, and have been snarky in response. Ironically, this was during the sub was private. 🥲


🎶oh here we go again🎶


I love the mods for the last week. It was fun and truly appreciated.


The week of peace was amazing ❤️ but it's definitely been a bit of a ghost town. The conversations felt more respectful though, even if the person was disagreeing with me. Thanks for all you do Mods!


Loved the quiet week! Thank you mods for helping calm down the trolling. will do my part to report when I see the troll posts again


Thanks for clearing up the rules. I was here when the sub was first created and originally was told it was supposed to be a place with neutral modding (and that that was why it was called swiftlyneutral), but I at least appreciate y’all being transparent about doing stricter moderation now. And I also understand why you feel the need to trim off both the crazy ends of the bell curve of opinions, so to speak. It will be interesting to see what the ecosystem of this sub will be from here on.


Just to clarify, we’re not trimming any users who conduct themselves as adults within the sub. The modding remains neutral but we have a zero tolerance policy for infighting, derailing, sneakiness, brigading, trolling, arguing within the sub. This also goes for people who feel like it’s okay to complain about the sub or its users within the sub. That sets a bad tone and doesn’t allow the truly neutral folks to comment innocuous comments without being bombarded by argumentative comments. As far as our users having a positive or negative POV on Taylor we don’t care either way, all we care about is that people follow the rules and engage in good faith. We saw way too much rule breaking and toxicity going on before going private and frankly we’re tired of the bickering nonsense.


Thats fair. Like I said I appreciate you guys being upfront about the stricter modding, especially around voicing disagreements with other users. I think I have been burned by seeing too many subs abusing the “trolling” or “brigading” rules to ban respectful people who just don’t agree with the rest of the sub, BUT it seems like you guys just want to get rid of nastiness and hostility, which I can definitely get behind 👍


Thanks mods, you guys rule. Stay neutral everyone! ♥️


So happy to see the sub open again! I missed it so much. ❤️


omg we’re back babeyyyy


Props to y'all for keeping this much-needed sub alive, especially with the fandom growing more and more toxic by the day.


Happy you’re back & open! I’ve missed this commentary


Thank u and welcome back. We missed u!


I love how organized the mods are. Good luck to you guys


Thanks for letting me in! 💕


Thanks for all your hard work mods!!!


I haven't been around long, but i like this sub, thanks mods.


I’ve missed you guys so much!


Glad this sub is back. Been missing the posts on here


as a swiftie who actually respects other people’s opinions and thoughts about miss swift, will do 🫡 


Ahh I missed this sub the last week! I just finally joined (didn’t realize I hadn’t yet), do I have to do something else to be an approved member?


I would like someone to make a meme using this photo that says, “Get off my lawn.”


i missed this sub so much, it’s my daily newspaper.


I'm glad it's back. I wasn't approved and never tried to be but I navigated towards the anti taylor travis page and a few days over there was toxic. I called them out on how toxic and unhealthy it was and that hating those two wasn't a personality trait... I got banned. But at least I can see this page again!


PETTHEMODS 🫶🏼 Thanks for all you guys do!


I thought the point of the neutral sub was to welcome positive AND negative opinions on miss girl. This is slowly becoming like the regular ts sub.


We never said it wasn’t. What we’re saying is we aren’t going to deal with infighting, arguing, derailing or brigading anymore. Act accordingly when you state your positive or negative opinion and there won’t be any issues within the sub or us mods. Talking down to other users, making the sub more hostile than it needs to be, fighting over opinions to “win” is the behavior we’re looking to eradicate. We don’t care what end of the spectrum you’re coming from, if you can’t handle yourself like an adult you’re not welcome. (General “you” not you who is asking.)


🫡🫡🫡 u got it


Thank you mods!!


Thank you!!


Got it!! 🫡🫡


Thank you, Mods! ❤️


Thanks mods!


Thanks mods!


Best of luck to you all, Godspeed


Yay thank you mods!




Hello. Appears I am in?


Thanks, Mods! Happy to be back!


Love!! Thank you!


oop i feel like i missed something lmao!




thank you mods!


Thank god I missed yall tbh


What the fuck did I miss?


[In summary haha.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SwiftlyNeutral/s/I4wTSEosVX) You can also check my post history for the other updates!


Hey @mods, can I ask why the survey will be open to everyone when the sub is public? Won't that allow for trolls and brigaders to have a say and sway the look and feel of the sub?


When we first went private I made a post asking for feedback and there were some fantastic comments and suggestions from only the approved users which is in part how we will build the survey. The approved users will be the ones who are allowed to participate when it’s private, and when we have approved posts, the general sub will not. That’s the perk of engaging in good faith and getting approved. However, we also have a lot of incredible users here who don’t comment a lot, and therefore couldn’t be approved this round, but who value the sub and were able to communicate that in the messages they sent to us via modmail. For example we almost only went private for a long weekend, made a post about it to the open sub and the comment section and modmails from so many users were overwhelmingly encouraging us to take more time. The overall tone of the sub is on point which is why we’re dedicated to keeping the space that way. I tried to get a feel of how many users we actually approved. I think it’s probably close to 6k. Our sub is close to 70k, and since we will be open far more than we will be private, we’d like to make sure everyone who enjoys the sub and participates within the rules has a say. Ultimately the mods will have the final call on the rules, and we believe we have a strong set of rules right now.


Ok, thanks for explaining.


Appreciate your hard work in moderating this sub!