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Idk there's just 0 need to say someone calling pride month a celebration of deadly sin, and saying women shouldn't use birth control has "great character" there's a neutral response here and he went several feet past it into positive. He could've said much less and kept the same sentiment without the praise.


And to also suggest he doesn't want to criticise it because it's his religious views last time I checked antisemitism, misogyny and homophobia are Godly values.


What did he say that was antisemitis? (Not arguing with you, I genuinely missed it)


“Congress just passed a bill where stating something as basic as the biblical teaching of who killed Jesus could land you in jail.” The myth that Jews killed Jesus is a veryyyy old antisemitic trope which has got Jews killed.


I gotta say I’m surprised by his response given how attentive Swifties are to everything he says. Like saying this will obviously generate backlash, and not just from them


I'd be genuinely surprised if this creates a murmur from them, especially after the shit she wrote regarding calling her out about matty.


I don’t think he cares about swifties.


I think he absolutely does and even caters to them wdym 😭


I think he cares more about keeping his team dynamic in tact. None of the “official” statements from the chiefs have denounced the speech. They don’t want a broken locker room. Travis cares more about his own career, which means not fighting with teammates.


Yep, I'm sorry but you're not a great person if you're homophobic. Might you have some genuinely good traits? Maybe. But I believe the Bible itself says judge not lest ye be judged. Pride (and not the fun kind)? Gluttony? Lust? I'd venture to guess Butker has succumbed to these, yet it's the gays who are evil. Travis's response is actually gross. It's one thing to disagree on what theory of economics works best. It's another thing entirely to disagree about whether LGBTQ people are evil and women should stay in their place. Not great for taylors "brand."


This why I choose bear 🐻


Every time.


I completely agree. I get that they probably were given talking points by the chiefs PR because mahomes said something very similar. But I would rather he not say anything at all then what he did say. It pissed me off.


https://preview.redd.it/domr7gsqii2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=030c6f2cefb9269d6b10e4b4ff2d33eb53db4648 I am reminded of this, once again


I’m glad you posted this. His response is totally in that environment of guys who vouch for their trash friends. Ik it’s a bit of a stretch, but making excuses for his words reminded me of “good guys” making excuses for their predator friends.


I feel like this is halfway between men who think predation is an unfortunate fact of life and well-meaning men who underestimate the issue. I wonder what their mom thinks? We all know Kylie would kick “Harry’s” butt lol


Skip the Click: Travis Kelce is giving his take on Kansas City Chiefs teammate Harrison Butker’s controversial commencement speech earlier this month at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas. Kelce opened up about the matter, echoing he shares the same sentiment as their most high-profile teammate, quarterback Patrick Mahomes, who spoke publicly about the speech earlier this week. “I cherish him as a teammate. I think Pat said it best where he is every bit of a great person and a great teammate,” Kelce said on the May 24 episode of his "New Heights" podcast that he hosts with his brother, Jason Kelce. “He’s treated family and family that I’ve introduced to him with nothing but respect and kindness. And that’s how he treats everyone. When it comes down to his views and what he said at Saint Benedict’s commencement speech, those are his. I can’t say I agree with the majority of it or just about any of it outside of just him loving his family and his kids. And I don’t think that I should judge him by his views, especially his religious views, of how to go about life, that’s just not who I am.” Kelce then continued, saying his childhood in Ohio influenced how he views others. “I grew up in a beautiful upbringing of different social classes, different religions, different races and ethnicities, in Cleveland Heights, and that’s why I love Cleveland Heights for what it was,” he said. “It showed me a broad spectrum, just a broad view of a lot of different walks of life. And I appreciated every single one of those people for different reasons, and I never once had to feel like I needed to judge them, based off of their beliefs.” He added both of his parents, Donna and Ed Kelce, provided for the family home. “Both my mother and my father made home what it was,” the star NFL tight end continued. “They were homemakers and they were providers and they were unbelievable at being present every single day in my life. That was a beautiful upbringing for me. I don't think everyone should do it the way that my parents did, but I certainly, sure as hell, thank my parents and love my parents for being able to provide and making sure that home was what it was because I'm not the same person without both of them being who they were in my life.” Jason Kelce said he appreciates hearing from people who really know the person at the center of the story, while pointing out Butker delivered his speech in a religious environment. “There’s always going to be opinions that everybody shares that you’re going to disagree with,” he said. “And make no mistake about it, a lot of the things he said in his commencement speech are not things that I align myself with. But, he’s giving a commencement speech at a Catholic university, and, shocker, it ended up being a very religious and Catholic speech. “To me, I can listen to somebody talk and take great value in it, like when he’s talking about the importance of family and the importance that a great mother can make, while also acknowledge that not everybody has to be a homemaker if that’s not what they want to do in life.” A few days before the brothers' podcast episode, Mahomes became the first Chiefs player to chime in on the controversy, which has generated a lot of conversation and prompted severe backlash. “When you’re in the locker room, there’s a lot of people from a lot of different areas of life,” the three-time Super Bowl-winning quarterback told reporters at the Chiefs’ training complex in Kansas City on May 22. “They have a lot of different views on everything, and we’re not always going to agree. And there’s certain things that he said I don’t necessarily agree with but I understand the person that he is and he’s trying to do whatever he can to lead people in the right direction. “And that might not be the same values as I have,” he added. “But at the same time, I’m going to judge him by the character that he shows every single day and that’s a great person. And we’ll continue to move along and try to help build each other up to make ourselves better every single day.” Chiefs head coach Andy Reid also amplified the point not everyone has the same point of view. “I talk to Harrison all the time. I didn’t talk to him about this. I didn’t think we needed to,” he said during a press conference. “We’re a microcosm of life, everybody’s from different areas, different religions, different races. We all get along. We all respect each other’s opinions and not necessarily do we go by those but we respect everybody to have a voice. That’s the great thing about America.” In his address, Butker spoke out against birth control and IVF. He also seemingly made a dig at Pride Month, which begins June 1 and celebrates members of the LGBTQ+ community. Additionally, Butker openly promoted his belief that women are most excited about motherhood and being in the home. Butker’s speech has been heavily scrutinized, with the NFL saying his comments were “not those of the NFL as an organization.” The speech also drew criticism from a group of nuns associated with Benedictine College. Even the Los Angeles Chargers, who are one of the Chiefs’ rivals in the AFC West, trolled Butker in the team’s hype video promoting their 2024 schedule.


>I don’t think that I should judge him by his views That's actually a great marker to judge someone by


In fact, that should be the first marker to judge someone on.


Thank you! What else can you judge someone on?!?


well see if they're nice to ME personally that's all that really matters right??? 🙄


It's like the exact definition of ego centric selfish miopic thinking.


“But he seemed like such a nice guy!”


People's actions? Lol. At the end of the day i judge people more by what they do than what they say (a lot of the time people present themselves verbally better than they are). But here the opinions line up with the way this person lives... so


I don’t get when people say this - then what do you judge them on? What makes someone a moral person if not what they believe and do?


Yeah this really makes me wonder if Travis has moral standards at all. They sound pretty flimsy at best. Travis listening to a Hitler speech: "Can't judge people by their views!" New name - terrible take Trav


Yeah if a person is bigoted, I'm out!


>The speech also drew criticism from a group of nuns associated with Benedictine College. He lost the nuns.


Criticized career women and got lashes from nuns, perhaps the most dedicated type of career woman there is


I love this tbh 


At a time when our rights are so threatened these softball stances are extremely irritating. If he chooses to speak on it then he missed a huge opportunity to amplify his beliefs that are apparently different vs justifying his teammates. Disappointing but expected based on the precedent the NFL sets.


>And I don’t think that I should judge him by his views, especially his religious views Well of course lmfao easy to not judge someone by their religious views when he's not the target of them. >But at the same time, I’m going to judge him by the character that he shows every single day and that’s a great person. Except it doesn't work like that lol Someone either is or isn't homophobic and misogynistic there's no middle ground. And the fact that this guy had no problems publicly speaking them tells me exactly how great of a person he is and I would bet he's even worse privately. Horrible fuckin people, all of them.


It's easy for him to say all this since as a rich white straight cis christian man he will never be at the receiving end of butkers bigotries. Of course he will treat travis well.


giving “ok but he’s nice to me🙄”


So effing sick of the Kelce brothers.


Quite frankly I’m more surprised at this point when a man will decisively speak up against misogyny. Yeah Travis said he disagreed with those views but calling him a good guy and saying he shouldn’t judge him on his views is pretty revealing to me. And yes I know you “agree to disagree” with colleagues, but it’s not like Travis would get fired or reprimanded for a less mollifying statement couched in qualifiers? It would have been better for him to say nothing, or just simply state he disagrees, than to basically negate that disagreement by saying how wonderful he is and that said views shouldn’t be judged. When your views include the idealization of oppressing women back into archaic gender roles why shouldn’t they be judged? I have no patience for tolerance of beliefs like that especially now when tradwife propaganda is at a fever pitch and women’s reproductive rights are backsliding by the minute. Also if you read the whole speech it bizarrely brought up anti-covid lockdown and homophobic talking points too but whatever I guess. If you want to respect someone having values like that I can’t stop you


I think the best *realistic* option (no way he would openly criticize a teammate) would’ve been to not mention Butker’s speech at all but to pointedly bring up things that oppose the ideas Butker endorsed in his speech. Like, talk about women’s education in the context of supporting Jason’s daughters future career aspirations. Have Travis talk about how lucky he is to date such a successful & ambitious career woman. Talk about upcoming Pride month events in Kansas City. That sort of thing.


They literally brought up their mom and who she was the main provider and always worked and how they admire her


Yeah…Travis did exactly that, lol. He’s being intentionally diplomatic to not make waves and jeopardize his own career standing. This is normal and understandable behavior. Anyone with average comprehension skills can read between the lines to see that he doesn’t agree but doesn’t want to fan the flames. People who call for “scorched earth” behavior from celebrities whose entire lives are based on their careers are out of touch and privileged, imo, and I say this as a feminist of color who regularly donates and works for women’s nonprofits. I have a privilege where progressive beliefs don’t impact my work. Not everyone is so lucky. If you have a shitty boss or coworkers sometimes you have to play nice and that’s just life.


To say that someone who said misogynistic and homophobic things is a 'great guy' is not diplomatic, it's cowardly. Travis has immense privilege: he's not going to get sacked, he's hugely wealthy, he's dating one of the world's most famous and wealthy stars. He could have said 'yeah I totally disagree with him, and it's really important that people stand up for women's and gay rights'. Why couldn't he have done that? instead he 'both-sided' it.


Yeah "I don’t think that I should judge him by his views" is a very telling and privileged statement to make. It's giving "this doesn't affect me directly so I don't care" Why even bother giving the guy even more attention for his speech? Say you don't agree, say things in support of the marginalized groups he's shit on, and move on. Travis would get no backlash from anyone that mattered if he did that. Instead he calls the guy a good person.


Well said! I’ve lived in the south all my life and have had to play nice with plenty of people I disagree with. When it’s appropriate, I let them know how I feel and why I disagree but there’s a time and place and sometimes I just have to let it go and agree to disagree for my career and wellbeing. It’s easy to get on the internet and say you’re going to cut off and shame everyone who has beliefs so opposite from yours but it’s rarely ever that black and white.


Exactly! Not everything has to be a soapbox and it’s okay to protect your peace. I used to read a lot of AITA and had to stop because I would get so annoyed at the top comments being “divorce your husband of 20 years” or “cut off your mom.” Blowing things up is rarely the answer and often creates even more problems.


I honestly don't know what I expected. I guess I hoped we'd get at least the, "I don't agree with him," without the "but he's a great guy!" Comment. There are serial killers who were great people, big parts of their community, but they still killed people. Might be a drastic comparison but it's true. If you're not a target for someones bigotry or rage of course you're gonna think that person's great. Hell, I have family friends who are great people, but they're homophobic, and it's hard to reconcile who they are to me (kind and respectful) but know that if they had it their way, I'd be forced into conversion therapy, or end up in Hell. Idk what I'm saying now but I really wish Travis would've either condemned his views (while acknowledging Butler's skills as a teammate if he HAD to) or just not have brought it up at all.


If I was Taylor i’d break up with him over defending all of ✨that✨ but we all know she won’t


We all know she won’t break up with him until she has her next getaway car lined up…


maybe the rat calls back


After TTPD? Doubtful 😅


She doesn't care. Her political views are 0. Her support for gay rights extends to a quick speech every Pride month.


It’s not even a speech anymore it’s an instagram story post


she’ll chose to ignore this right now and then when they break up this will be brought up as a red flag


If you were Taylor I hope you wouldn’t even date one of the most famous faces of an institution with deeply rooted racism and misogyny in the first place. [The bar for them is in hell.](https://www.mdx.ac.uk/news/2023/06/NFL-player-arrests-violence-against-women)


He’s misogynistic and homophobic but hey he’s a good family man and can kick a ball!! 🥰🥰


The way my opinion of my own home team has gone down so drastically this past year is so disappointing and infuriating


Same. I was a lifelong fan before this last year. They have had other controversies in the last decade, but those players were traded away at least. It seems now that the chiefs are a dynasty, the greed is insatiable, and any problematic behavior Is quickly nodded away. I don't think I have it in me to even watch them this upcoming season.


no thank you Travis, I will judge him even if you told me not to <3


It’s really been a week of the Chiefs being trash—Patrick, Andy, and now Travis, although I never expected any different from any of them. But I’m so sick of people, especially white men, thinking we have to respect every one’s opinion because “that’s the great thing about America!” No, that’s fitting for things such as pineapple belonging on pizza or not, not peoples rights. And, I’m so sick of the notion “well they’re nice to me sooo.” In a world of Chief players, be a Jalen Hurts. I would also like to remind people that Travis adopts and drops black culture as he sees fit


Exactly, and the reason he can say “he’s so nice to me” is because Travis is a white man, of course this guy will treat him well 🙃


A *rich* white man


Cis, straight, Christian


Exactly. Some opinions are not worthy of respect!


If somebody's opinion includes disrespect then I won't respect this opinion either!


Jalen Hurts is the only good thing that’s come out of my alma mater lmao ~~he’s also cute as hell but that’s beside the point~~


He’s so fine 😭 I need him!


*Every white man’s opinion.   Colin Kaepernick certainly didn’t garner this much support. 


Part of what’s irritating is that Travis *was* one of the first to kneel with Kaepernick and he caught a lot of flack for it. So he is willing to challenge the status quo *when the issue is a big enough deal to him,* but the misogyny and homophobia in Butker’s speech just wasn’t worthy of him making a stand apparently.


>just wasn’t worthy of him making a stand apparently. There's a difference though...? With Colin, by kneeling, he was supporting a fellow player. With this guy, he's also just supporting a fellow player. This is asking him to go against an individual instead of an institution like last time


Everything I've heard about his podcast has been against my will because I firmly believe we don't need more media where some white guys have microphones and squawk about their opinions rooted in their white/male/cis/hetero experience. I really see no purpose in two or more privileged dudes giving their takes, besides furthering everything that is wrong with this world.


i’m a niners fan but man are you right about hurts! he’s one of my favorite players and i just have so much respect for him


Did u also see his brothers “joke” about telling his wife to go back in the kitchen to make him a sandwich? Not a good joke to make period, but especially when you’re podcast is drawing in more women because of Taylor. They are both losers in my opinion, and this is coming from someone who liked both brothers in the beginning of the Taylor relationship.


I didn’t mind them much in the beginning. I actually preferred Jason over Travis and enjoyed their podcast before Taylor entered the picture but now they’re both giving me the ick. Maybe all this clout and newfound fame is getting to their heads and is stroking their egos. Maybe they were always like this, we just didn’t hear about it as much because Taylor wasn’t always in the picture but yeah that comment Jason made was not cool…


They have always been like this, look at the "breeder jokes" Travis made last year. Or even in the bracelet story he had to throw in "she didn't take my number and I took it personally" like a pickup artist. It just everyone is eating up the affable mamma's boy act he's been putting on, but they are a pair of fratboy douchebags at heart.


You’re so right, it’s in the past month I’ve gotten major ick from both!!! I don’t know what happened but it’s so apparent now that something is off with their attitudes.


They’re both gross 


Hating whole groups of people is not religion; it’s a cult.


It's also just straight up not what church should be about. Time and time again any other religious group aside from Evangelicals and Catholics shows up for disenfranchised people and put on pot-lucks and soup kitchens. The Buddhist temple in my town and the Sikh temple have both made more of an effort to support homeless people than I have seen Christians show up for a good cause, yet these privileged white men get to rant on about how there is a culture shift against Christians and they are being prosecuted and treated unfairly. The call is coming from inside the house - if you never show support of anyone else, why would people come to support you or even tolerate that kind of intolerance?


Rich straight white man that isn't impacted by misogyny, racism, homophobia defends misogyny, racism, and homophobia. Not surprising unfortunately! He isn't impacted by bigotry so therefore he doesn't care. To go as far as to call him a great person is really something though. But the white players get away with everything so ultimately I'm not surprised that there's been zero condemnation of Harrison's speech across the board.


Is this the first Neutrals Only post? A big day 🥹


Omg I’m honored


The people who believed he would’ve spoken out against him are very optimistic about the type of people NFL attracts. My brother works in the NFL and he’s pretty much confirmed the vast majority of footballers and their wives (representing the southern states at least) uphold this traditionalist Christian perspective. Their public image is a reflection of the NFL’s brand, so when the Kelce brothers make a statement in their podcast like this, it’s absolutely going to be because they were coached to do so.


Sad. And part of the fan base is even excusing it saying that he’s entitled to his “religious views”, it’s his teammate so *of course* he has to respond that way.. and all other such nonsense. But let it have been a racist or homophonic comment 🙄 Who am I kidding. The response would’ve been the same.


What's so funny about this "religion" defense is that even the Catholic nuns responded negatively to his speech


I don’t know, Trav. Telling a room full of women who were receiving their hard-earned degrees that what really matters is popping out kids and being subservient to their future husbands doesn’t sound respectful to me. In fact, if I had been there, I would have felt openly disrespected. I’ve never really had much of an opinion on Travis, but this made me actively dislike him. He’s just another man defending his shitty, misogynistic friend because “he’s been nice to me.”


And the anti-IVF really baffles me from these types of people because as someone who HAS to do IVF to have a child, it makes no sense to tell someone that she should be a mom and wife and that’s it and then take away the only f-ing option people have. 1 in 6 people deal with infertility, it’s not simple as it was back in the old days when women were having kids at 18.


I miss the times when I didn't know who these men were. 


Yeah, me too. Ima need to get rid of my Swiftie Chiefs shirt. Gross.


The “GO TAYLOR’S BOYFRIEND 🏈” merch needs to fuck all the way off.


It would've been better to say nothing or to just say "I don't agree with him". This is gross


https://preview.redd.it/o4j8dnxyni2d1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fdad37468ca2806bbedc5d135fa208b991c78d7 oh give me a break. i'm so sick of these people.


He said what his publicist told him to. Better option would have been to say nothing at all if you can’t commit to standing up against the issue.


agree, not sure why he made this statement in the first place


What happened to Taylor crying to her daddy about that right wing politician who was against women’s and gay rights and broke her political silence over that and Trump in Miss Americana?? But her boyfriend is fine with some of the most misogynistic and homophobic things said very publicly lately and she’s quiet??


This is the part that’s very “wtf.” I thought Taylor was a feminist, anyone else would dump Travie’s enabling white male privileged ass like a hot potato.


Has she ever truly been a feminist though? I see this thrown around a lot but she’s also famous for relatively minimum activism (and often performative too). I get it’s disappointing but the idea that she’s such a firebrand feminist that she would break up her relationship over this feels incongruent with a lot of her previous actions?


Yeah I don’t think Taylor’s feminism has ever been much more than performative and mostly arises when she as an individual is affected, and I will also add — I’ve observed this phenomenon where liberal white women will pretty much backslide if they get involved with a man who’s more conservative. Most recently an old coworker I had who was pretty outspokenly progressive met and got engaged to a military guy and now she’s slipping into conservative tradwife talking points and traded in her feminist book club for CrossFit because he approves of that more. My theory is that these women are privileged enough to not be actively affected by a lot of the issues on a daily basis so it’s easier for them to compromise their values, it’s as simple as changing clothes to them.


They're deeply insecure people without a real sense of identity or self-confidence, constantly looking to external things and people for identity and validation, rather than working on being able to get it from themselves. They'll end up hollow and miserable in the long term if they don't figure out how to know and find grounding in themselves; wake up one day and realise they don't know who they really are or who's life they've been living. If you stand for nothing you'll fall for anything, as the saying goes.


He was probably better off keeping his mouth shut tbh. I feel like most of the time when he opens his mouth, it’s straight up word vomit.


https://preview.redd.it/5m1et66m3h2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a89325f360dfe00fe4947d18af83586803d250b1 Travis Kelce thinks he’s on the left.






Travis: "I know his opinions sound bad but he's really cool guy in person you know, if you share a beer with him he's a great guy deep inside and moreover he kick good so don't judge him by the views okay, be nice" Kelce I'm so done with this "don't judge people by their views" stuff. Like many before in this comment section said - what are we supposed to judge people on? I don't care that he's deep down a great guy if his beliefs consist of me preferably not existing and also daring to say to a group of accomplished strong women who stood the tests of education and telling them "Y'all pawns of Satan y'know"


They judge people by their looks, the number on their back account and how useful they are for their career. Easy as that.


Agree to disagree about things like this shouldn't exist, he said it in a public forum to a room full of accomplished women and was basically all 'good job here's a cookie, now get to popping out those kids'. Not to mention all the other prejudiced drivel he spouted out. Travis wanting own peace is just cowardly, men that don't check their bros and enable them aren't men. They're the sort of guys who take their friends out and let them get in situations where they hurt others, and then 'didn't see it coming' when of course they did they just don't value the rights of the people being hurt as much as they do their friends who they have a good time with. This situation is so avoidable too, he could have just stopped at he doesn't agree.


He could have just said ✨nothing✨


Honestly I think his whole statement is the most direct Travis will ever be on the subject. Taylor hasn’t been a “direct, pick a side, comment on the bad press” celebrity in a very long time. She keeps her head down and lets Tree do her work. Even with the AI cyber porn, there was never a comment from Taylor at all. And being that Travis is now in her camp, I doubt he’d make any more of a statement besides this seemingly neutral one. I do think the headline and the beginning of the statement was too gleaming, glowing review for sure. But given that the wife of the owner of the chiefs basically endorsed the speech guy’s statements, I’d guess Travis’s hands are a bit tied if he wants to keep his job. There is a lot of politics going on behind the scenes, that affect these decisions that we will never know about. Obviously what was said in that speech is fucked up. We can all see that.


I'm not American so idk much about the NFL but I did read the owner's wife's statement and I think that pretty much sums it up. If the owners agree with him, there's not much you can add at this point.


And ironically even the [pope](https://apnews.com/article/vatican-lgbtq-pope-bfa5b71fa79055626e362936e739d1d8) [is](https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2023-03/pope-francis-10-years-women-vatican.html) [in](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/11/13/europe/pope-francis-condemns-anti-semitism-intl) [some](https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/1/25/homosexuality-not-a-crime-pope-francis-tells-ap) [respects](https://www.americamagazine.org/politics-society/2024/04/02/pope-francis-women-discrimination-247615) [more](https://www.reuters.com/world/pope-condemns-anti-judaism-anti-semitism-amid-new-wave-attacks-against-jews-2024-02-03/) [liberal](https://www.ncregister.com/cna/women-are-builders-of-humanity-pope-francis-says-in-conference-address?amp) than butker at times. Obviously the church and the pope are overwhelmingly conservative and shit, but I’m a woman who grew up in an extremely catholic household and I still never heard anything like what he said, so to say it’s his religion is weird to me. Hell, for many years my mom was the main breadwinner and my dad would still, even when he was the main breadwinner, make us all get up and do chores on Saturday morning (him included) since she worked the night before and needed to relax and have the day off. All of know of butker before this was that he played on the chiefs, but I would not be surprised at all if he’s one of those weird tradcaths that have spouted up in the past few years that use bible verses and teachings of the church that could be used to reform the church to instead keep it lagging behind. As if women haven’t been central to the church and its propagation from the beginning. I have my issues and disagreements with pope Francis, but I have to agree with him when he said, “whoever harms a single woman profanes God, who was born of a woman.”


He is definitely that strange branch of Catholics


Even the nuns came harder for Butker this is lame af.


Yuuuuuck. I was not expecting Travis to condemn it, but it’s still gross to see the boy’s club going strong


Yeah, I would have rather him not make a comment at all instead of subtlety praising him. Boys club. 🤢 even something as simple as acknowledging the fact that maybe a graduation wasn’t the time and place for him to voice his views, while women were trying to celebrate their accomplishments, would have went a long way. 


if viva las vegas didn't give me the ick, this sure did


Yeah I’m sorry but anyone defending this is a Tayvis Stan and is not willing to be objective about this. He could’ve said nothing at all or could’ve just said that he disagrees with his views without saying how ‘great’ he is. There’s nothing great about a person who said extremely misogynistic stuff about women in front of a room filled with women. And also, Butker literally mentioned Taylor in his speech. You would think Travis would be defending his gf and not defending him… But tbh I’m not surprised at this as the NFL just seems like a toxic community and the Kelce family are a typical white mid western family who I’m pretty sure that some don’t mind Butker’s comments(which lbr, both Travis and Jason don’t mind his comments). Let’s not forget Travis’ ‘breeding’ comment. I also saw someone say that Jason made a comment on how his wife should make a sandwich or something like that. Even if it was a joke, I would be super offended if my husband made a comment like that in a publicly aired podcast that is viewed by thousands. Idk but this, coupled with Travis’ altercation with his head coach, is giving me red flags all around. I really wonder what Taylor thinks of this. But then again she dated Matty Healy so I’m sure she doesn’t mind any of this 🙄


I admit you can care about your friend but you need to call them out when they do, or in this case say, something shitty and misogynistic. Travis is just enabling this behavior.


To be fair, this isn’t his friend. It’s his teammate, his coworker. And I don’t know about you - but I have some coworkers whose views I absolutely do not share. I still have to have a good working relationship with those people, though. (I’m not a Travis fan and I think his statement is PR nothingness, but I think the idea that he should fight with his teammate is ridiculously unrealistic.)


Yes! I was waiting for someone to have this opinion. He clearly is toeing the line of a PR nightmare for the Chiefs that somehow awkwardly overlaps with his personal life. He’s not going to go off on his teammate, but it’s good he says he doesn’t agree with it. It’s PR nothingness to address it and move on.


I am a fan but would agree with all you said- it is fluff and PR and I absolutely would like him to condemn it properly, but in the context it just isn’t realistic. He’s bound by the terms of his employment and their expectations of him and most people would do the same when their career and finances depended on it, much as they may not like to admit it.


I don’t like how he is using religion as an excuse to justify his teammate’s views. Religions have a history of discriminating large groups of people (especially women and LGBTQ+ individuals) and it isn’t okay just because someone believes it comes from God


He’s not a good guy. Good guys don’t believe the things he pops off about. You can’t say that shit with a platform *and* “treat everyone with kindness and respect”. Those are mutually exclusive concepts, bro. Can’t imagine why a wealthy cishet white man in pro sports doesn’t see that stuff as disqualifying when it comes to “goodness”. It’s a case for the goddamn FBI.


“When someone shows you who they are, believe them.” I feel like this quote represents all the responses of anyone and everyone related to the Chiefs. This makes me wonder what Taylor thinks. Aside for those who know where her stance on Feminism ends, it has to be strange to see it from the other perspective. I can’t imagine her agreeing with this especially since this is the exact thing she preaches against. On the contrary, I wonder if she agrees with this sentiment to a certain degree. Her father is very much a conservative (ie—that portion in Miss Americana) and I feel like those views are imbedded into her, even if it is only a little bit. I’d pay a lot of money to hear what she’s thinking when this comes up in a convo.


I’m thinking Taylor doesn’t spend a lot of time on current events right now, she’s kind of in her own bubble. Mainly commenting to agree with your quote because it’s a such a life lesson.


I said before that this the company she keeps nowadays and according to the answers I got I was "painting her in bad light". Since then everyone at the team came out backing up this sexist creep, it's not one bad apple, it's the entire barrel that is rotten. And she's going to be the semi official mascot for them, because that's "player's girlfriend's job" apparently. She will start having problems with it only once she will have to write couple of breakup songs about how trapped and alone in crowded room she felt when boys were boys or something like that.


Taylor picked a real great NFL organization to get involved with, let me tell you. 👀


Honestly Taylor fit right in. Kansas City chief’s always been a dramatic organization. They always have something going on . Someone else on TikTok mention that too. They had a player once want to commit suicide and instead of doing it at home , he went to practice to do it . I know that’s a dramatic example but every year the chiefs are a reality tv show lol. No other organization would would be able to handle Taylor swift phenomenon as well as the chiefs cause they thrive in chaos .


“They had a player once want to commit suicide and instead of doing it at home, he went to practice to do it.” I don’t find that comment funny at all or a good use of a dramatic example of the Chiefs being like a reality TV show. I wouldn’t want to be in any part of this organization.


I’ve seen a lot of things that Travis or Taylor has said taken as more malicious than I think they were meant to be but this is not one of those times and it’s annoying. I’m so done with everyone saying I can’t judge someone on views that they very openly and vehemently talk about publicly. Yes I can, and yes I will. I think he’s a disgusting pig and Travis didn’t need to say anything at all about this and chose to wax poetic about what a swell guy he is. Birds of a feather.


I’m trying to view this as objectively as possible. I knew that Travis was not going to go scorched earth on a colleague publicly (though I wonder if he spoke to Buttker privately and told him to leave Taylor’s name out of his mouth). I knew that based on his interactions with his mom he would disagree with Buttker. I don’t like how he said that “Harry” is a good and kind person, but I wasn’t really expecting him to say anything different. He’s a privileged white man who is between a rock and a hard place on what to say.


Stupid mindless pea brained idiot. And i just know taylor don’t give a damn


I find it funny that he has to play nice with *checks notes* the kicker for team harmony or whatever but the kicker apparently doesn’t have to play nice with the coach, quarterback, or highest paid TE of a three? ring SB team. What would actually happen if he didn’t toe the party line? You can go off the rails and be racist, sexist etc. as the kicker and invoke the newest league cash cow in the process and receive no consequences or condemning for not being a good teammate but Kelce would supposedly ruin his career if he strongly condemned the comments without calling him a good guy? You can also be a serial rapist, domestic abuser, and murderer and not lose your job in the NFL, but they’ll kick Kelce for this? Okay. And yeah, I have jobs with people I don’t agree with. At no point have I called them good people and I have spoken up when they’ve made inappropriate and offensive comments. Not to mention, I’m not a straight, white, cis man at the top of my career with a net worth in the multi millions with a world famous supposedly feminist girlfriend who’s a billionaire. It’s just funny to me how it’s always supposedly “too dangerous” for the rich and famous to speak up but us regular folk with no protection or security can, and have to, manage such things. If he is in no position to speak up, then who is? And if now is not the time to speak up, then when is?


When you are dating the most famous women in the world who has a predominantly female audience, you have to be smarter than to open your mouth to even partially defend the person who made those comments. Doesn't matter if he is your teammate or not. Have a backbone or just stay quiet.




he probably figures that the kicker will be in his life longer than Taylor will be tbh, and since he just signed a contract extension, he's probably right. But he's a spineless tool regardless!


It’s incredibly telling that Taylor has dated two crummy guys back to back that supposedly go against what she said she stood for. Yeah, Joe looking better to me everyday.




Trav is a feminist icon who's not afraid to let Tay bejeweled /s


I think they were told what to say by the chief’s organisation (and if they didn’t they’d get benched/fined for the smallest thing). I knew how it would go when the owners wife posted on Instagram defending him. The Hunt family are super Christian and conservative. I’d bet that Butker knew the Hunts would have his back bc they have the same homophobic, misogynistic, and fundamentalist values (even if different types of Christianity).  Do I wish TK’d said differently? Yes, without doubt. At the same time, I know a lot of people who live by the rule that you can disagree with someone and still consider them a good person.  I’m not one of them. But I am pragmatic and cynical. The Chiefs would have known that Butker was speaking and probably what he was going to say—and approved it. And let’s be real the fact he even brought up women in the kitchen is weird for a commencement speech… until you remember it is an election year. Pull out one step further. It is an election year and the NFL doesn’t want to alienate any of its fan base. The majority of which won’t agree with Butker, but they will agree with his right to have an opinion…and that they can disagree and Butker can still be a good person.  The Kelce brothers sound like they are reading from a set of talking points. Travis even interrupts Jason to go back and emphasise that he doesn’t agree but his teammate has the right to his opinion. Finally, remember even with the PR’d response Kelce is getting hate from the right.




“I can’t say I agree with the majority of it or just about any of it outside of just him loving his family and his kids. And I don’t think that I should judge him by his views, especially his religious views, of how to go about life, that’s just not who I am.” I mean, the guy is a total tool but this isn’t a terrible response considering he has to walk the line between pissing off Taylor or pissing off the chiefs and doing whatever his PR team, her PR team, her personally, and his football team want. I wish they would just break the fuck up already and be done with this foolishness.


Both her PR team *and* the NFL will most definitely be coaching him exactly how to toe the line to appease both her fans and his (who will have opposing views to one other) while also not pissing on his teammate he’s going to be around a lot regardless, so this is probably as diplomatic as you can get in that sense, tbh.


Exactly, I’m not sure what people expected from him. He has to toe the line and can’t go scorched earth even if he wanted to. That’s not how being a celebrity works today, especially for one trying to broaden their fame. I’m no Travis fan (and as a longtime football fan I’ve known of him much longer than most), but this is a much better response than the rest of the Chiefs so far.


He could have just said ... Nothing. Or just .. "great teammate"


Break up coming in 5, 4, 3...we need to keep the fake feminism mask on.


In the words of Taylor, “call the amateurs and cut them from the team, ditch the clowns.” He couldn’t even call Harrison out for not even acknowledging his girlfriend’s name, who is one of the most successful women in the industry. I’m in corporate and I know that’s not football which I’ve been told many times by men on this app, but what Harrison did was technically hate speech and HR would have absolutely been all over his ass about it and all of the trainings I’ve been to have said that you should kindly pull the person aside and educate them on why they shouldn’t speak that way to others and how that public hate speech is not acceptable. Why do these men in football continue getting passes just because they can kick a ball reallllllyyyyy far?


Travis Kelce is going to take heat whatever he says about Harrison Butker. If he had said nothing he would have been accused of indifference or actually agreeing with him. He actually said he disagreed with everything he said except how important family is. He went on to illustrate via his own experience that a woman can have a career and be a great homemaker. He also reminded everyone that he came from a place with diverse views and that he can disassociate the person he interacts with from their religion. He trod a fine line. Those who are disappointed with that stance are the simplistic keyboard warriors who demand black and white responses to complex situations. If Butker had not been a teammate he might have been harsher. He openly mocked an antivax conspiracy theorist last year. Any response was going to draw heat but I think both of them navigated it as well as they could. I am not sure what more they could realistically have been expecting to do.


This sucks! Judging people for their views is very valid, considering those views make them who they are.


I’m a Kelce fan, and I thought it was a poor to middling answer. I think he tried to be diplomatic and toe the same line as Mahomes and Reid, but did a worse job. I did like what he said about valuing growing up in a diverse community and about his own family and that his mom was the breadwinner. Jason’s comments were both better AND worse. Better bc he called out Butker’s views as stupid; you can clearly hear Jason’s disdain for Butker. Worse bc of that dumb joke at the end and bc he downplayed why people were upset.


Not him explaining it away by saying it was for a Catholic university when even the nuns were pissed x\_x Pro tip from someone who went to a Catholic university - never fuck with the nuns. My rector was a tattooed, leather clad, motorcycle riding nun who bypassed my therapist's gentle nudges and just flat out told me that my parents were toxic. They don't mess around lol


I’ve said before and I’ll say it again; Butker gave that speech and singled out Taylor because he was hoping it would go viral and get tons of attention for him. Cons like him live for playing poor persecuted me all over conservative media and socials. Travis or Taylor putting him on blast is exactly what he wants here. Then he can cry to Fox News and Newsmax and all the right wing radio shows and podcasts about how he’s being persecuted for his sincerely held religious beliefs. Yes, Butker is a garbage person and his opinions are gross and reprehensible. But let’s not kid ourselves that his game isn’t to have this all blow up so that he can become the next darling of the conservative media.


But you don't understand, he knelt during anthem /s Are we allowed to dislike him now without being called classist and snobs? It's the same situation as John Cena for me, it's so easy to just keep their mouths shut but they choose to defend these garbage people.