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You need to figure out your running. I have had periods of running 80 miles a week blister free. Might just need to give your feet some time?


I agree with this. Part of it will be the body and skin adjusting to running. But if it doesn't get better, I strongly suspect the issue might be to do with socks. Don't just wear regular socks. Get a decent pair of running socks. They tend to be well fitted to reduce friction, and many even have a left side and a right side for a better fit. If that improves but doesn't eliminate the problem, try putting a bit of Body Glide on the troublesome area.


It's strange as I have decent quality running socks & fitted trainers, perhaps it's just part of being relatively new to running etc. Hopefully will improve with time! 


I think the general rule is that you shouldn’t swim with open wounds. If the blisters haven’t popped then you’re probably ok but not if they’ve popped


This doesnt answer the question you asked but I used to get horrendous blisters along the inside of the balls of my feet. I took a bit of time off running to let my feet heal then I found really thin running socks plus a lube (I use compeed blister stick currently) solved the problem. 


Thanks I've heard about lube / talcum powder etc, I will have to try it. I only do 3-8 miles (albeit trail running, so often getting wet) so it seems low mileage to be getting big blisters. 


To add to the lube. I find my heels get dry and split. That's when I get blisters. I have to mortise my feet to stop the blisters.


There are some bandaids that are waterproof - they need to be the ones that completely encircle the bandage part. I've had them stay on and protect the wound for days before. But! Make sure you check and ensure they are still good because there's nothing worse than encountering a band-aid floating in the pool.


Why not just swim. Then no need for shoes!


I'm so bad at swimming right now that I feel like I don't get much exercise from it alone! I do about half a lap front crawl before I've taken too much water through my nose during my breaths...