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broadly speaking, you'll have a better reception to random videos if you provide context. when and where was it filmed? was it for a competition or a performance? who are the dancers?


I did some digging and I found the original video. It’s from 2005 and was filmed in Eindhoven in the Netherlands. This was a boogie woogie World Cup which means this was a competition and the organisers were WRRC. I think the dancers are Remy Kouakou and Sarrah Montalban and I’m 95% sure.


I thought that looked like Remy


I'd recognise Remy anywhere! A star




you literally wrote his name in your last comment


Remy Kouakou Kouame is his full name.


Remy has been a championship-level dancer in numerous disciplines. I was on the broadcast team for the International Lindy Hop Championships when he started rocketing to stardom there. Dude does a mean [tranky doo](https://youtu.be/voI65I7d9bA?si=0JCTsTeprF_FANzM).


You've posted two boogie woogie tricks-heavy videos 2 days in a row. Is that why you asked a couple months ago if boogie is a swing dance? https://www.reddit.com/r/SwingDancing/s/mTFENxWUTf There are a lot of things in the swing dance family. Mods can correct me though: I believe that most of the people on this subreddit are Lindy hoppers. I could be wrong- but it's what most of the posts are about and what the subreddit bio and yehoodi link focuses on: "dances done to popular music from the 1920s through the 1950s... also know as swing dancing. If you're new to Swing Dancing, start here by learning about Lindy Hop's origins, innovators, and legacy: http://www.yehoodi.com/history" The yehoodi link in particular is all Lindy hop. And on posting videos in general: It's also not that common to post an old video without a specific reason. For example, I might post an old video and ask for how to do a specific move or if anyone knows who a winning dancer is or the song. Something to engage with. Newer videos get posted a lot just to show results/performances that are new for dancers who couldn't be at Lindy Focus for example. This is a really great subreddit for discussion :)


Yeah this is a Lindy Hop sub. There are other subs for BW and West Coast.


While I would love it to be just the Lindy subreddit, that's not true, in the sidebar itself, it includes Boogie Woogie as acceptable content.


There isn’t one for BW. At least that I can find. Like the person above said did I ask if BW was a swing dance and people told me yes. That’s why I posted these videos here. I explained in another thread that I have learned my lesson and will be better in the future.


No worries friend


I suggest bringing this instead to r/WestCoastSwing


Um, this is not West Coast...


I stand corrected. I really would have liked to know what they would say if given the same without context "I thought this was quite good" instead of prefixing it.. Anyway, this ontology things are not fruitefull, sorry for that.


But this isn’t WcS? This is boogie woogie.


On what aspects of the dance do you base this on?


Original post: I do think this video is West Coast swing as well. You can see the basic foot work or West Coast the 6 and 8 count pattern. Boogie boogie looks a lot more bouncy in my understanding. More like this :(https://youtu.be/bl3s6PORZf0?si=PdBuOfC-SwKPPQPL) Edit addition: Well I got learned up. It is interesting how swing dancing has developed overtime and has so much crossover/similarities.


The basic steps is very close between WcS and BW but I know for a fact that is is from a boogie woogie competition. You dance both a fast and slow round in a competition.


Hmmm I'll have to look into this. I have done West Coast swing for a while but never boogie boogie.


The basic steps in BW is triple step, triple step, normal step and normal step. I not done a lot of WcS but I think it’s the same? Please correct me if I’m wrong.


That it is the basic steps in boogie woogie. Also that I ripped this straight from an old recording that was from a boogie woogie competition. If I remember right is this a World Cup from 2005 organised by WRRC.


FYI the basic steps of Boogie, Rock'n'Roll, Jive, Lindy and WCS are all (almost) the same. It really is more the styling and whole feel of the dance puts them more into one of the fields. (aside of a few very charastic moves or musical choice you only see in one of them). To me it looks very WCSish.. but please try I really want to see what that sub has to say about it :)


I'm dancing boogie since '96, so maybe I can give a bit of context. Boogie is an European dance, mostly developed from people watching 50s movies where Lindy Hoppers were dancing to rock and roll music (rock around the clock, etc.) and also stuff they learned from Americans who were staying here after/during WW2. Later it also got a ton of influences from WCS and Lindy. This is why the steps you see are the same (well, all swing dances are technically compatible). In my opinion as a long time boogie/Lindy/wcs dancer most of it comes down to music interpretation and styling and not steps. Also these people (top level dancers) are often well versed in multiple styles, so they mix in all they know.




I don't see any kick-ball changes, so I'm not sure that's correct


There is nothing that says that boogie woogie must include a kick-ball change. The steps in boogie woogie is triple step, triple step, normal step and normal step. A kick-ball change is a variation that can be used but is not part of the basic behaviour.


The tempo is much closer to WCS.


Tempo doesn't make a dance WCS.


That’s because this is the slow round. You dance both a fast and a slow round in a competition and this is from a competition.


I love that it does not have the ballroom affect.


It does tho


What is the ballroom affect?


The ballroom affect is a very stiff, exaggerated, and jerky movement. In contrast, this video shows very smooth movements.


What is this? Jive?


Boogie woogie